A Love Like Ours

By xxlove2writexx

86.9K 2.8K 305

Amelia Tompkins is a 29 year old who's life is falling apart. She's pretty sure her husband of 8 years is hav... More

Chapter 1 (revised)
Chapter 2 (revised)
Chapter 3 (revised)
Chapter 4 (revised)
Chapter 5 (revised)
Chapter 6 (revised)
Chapter 7 (revised)
Chapter 8 (revised)
Chapter 9 (revised)
Chapter 10 (revised)
Chapter 11 (revised)
Author's Note
Chapter 12 (revised)
Chapter 13 (revised)
Chapter 14 (revised)
Chapter 15 (revised)
Chapter 16 (revised)
Chapter 17 (revised)
Author's Note
Chapter 18: Part 1(revised)
Chapter 18: Part 2
Chapter 19
Author's Note
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Possible Sequel!

Prologue (Revised)

12K 213 26
By xxlove2writexx

"Amelia wait!" Looking up I see my boss, the CEO of Harding Industries, walking towards me.

"Mr. Harding, what can I do for you sir?" I say as I wait for the elevator. I know he doesn't like when I call him Mr. Harding or sir, so I do it just to aggravate him.

"Amelia, you know I don't like when you call me that. You've worked for me going on five years now and I thought we were friends." He says sticking his bottom lip out like a kid.

"You know, for a big important businessman, you sure do act like a kid sometimes."  I laugh at him.

The elevator finally arrives and we both step in ready to escape this place. I have to admit Austin really is a handsome man. He's 6' with dark blonde hair, perfectly sculpted body and a great personality, he really is the perfect man. Whomever catches his eye will be one lucky girl. Looking up to his face I see him smirking at me and I know he thinks I was checking him out.

"Before you even start, no I was not checking you out, I was merely lost in thought."

"If you say so sweetheart." He states with a smirk on his face.

"Oh shut up and just tell me what you want so that I can get home. I do have a life outside this place."

"I was wondering if you will be attending my party tonight?"

"Why did you even ask that?" I ask confused. "You know I wouldn't miss it for anything."

"I'm glad, because you deserve a night to let loose and have fun. Have you spoken to Joshua since the day you kicked him out?"

"Nope." I say popping th p. "I've tired to contact him several times, even left voicemails and sent texts, but he refuses to answer any of them."

"I'm sorry he is putting you through all of this sweetheart. It breaks my heart to know that you are so unhappy with him yet he won't sign the papers for you to go on with your life. Especially since you have fallen for some one else."

"Can we please not talk about him right now?" I ask as I look down to the floor.

"Okay but just know that he does care about you in his own way and that I'm here for you no matter what you decide."

"Please not now, I just can't." I say trying my hardest not to cry.

The elevator finally stop on the bottom floor and I step out saying a good bye to Austin and then head home. Once home, I cook supper and then decide to take a long, hot bath. Once done I start to get ready for the party. As I'm slipping on my dress, I hear the front door open and close then hear Joshua call out to me. He hasn't been here but once since I kicked him out, so what could he possible want?

"I'm in the bedroom." is all I can manage to say. After the conversation with Austin I can't seem to get Tyler out of my head.

"I came to get the rest of my stuff." He states walking to the bedroom.

"It's about time. Get it and get out! We're getting a divorce Joshua wether you like it or not, and the sooner you realise that the better off you'll be."

"Whatever Amelia! Where are you going dressed like that?" He scoffs.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I'm heading to the Christmas party that Austin throws every year." I say looking him in his eyes. "What does it matter anyway? We're getting a divorce, and I'm not you're concern anymore."

"That's where you're wrong Amelia. You might want a divorce but until I sign those papers I have a right to know where you're going and who you are with.  Another thing, don't you think you need to change that!" Hey says pointing to my dress.

"Joshua I'm not going to fight with you tonight so don't start. Plus there is nothing wrong with what I'm wearing, so no I'm not changing."

"Except for the fact you look like a slut. You know what, just leave already. I swear I don't know why I even married you sometime." He says as he storms off to the living room.

"The feelings mutual sweetheart! By the time I get back home tonight, you and all your things had better be gone. I'm done fighting with you over all this. You can either get your things peacefully and leave or I can call the police and have you escorted out of my house." I say as I walk out of the door.

What did I ever see in that man? I shake those thoughts away determined not to let him ruining my night. I head towards Austin's house excited to see what the night holds. When I pull into the driveway there are cars parked everywhere. This is going to be one crazy, fun night. Maybe this will be the start to a new and better life from here on out.

As I walk into the house I spot Austin from across the room, with his back to me. He is talking to some men that I have seen in meeting with him and some ladies I am assuming are their significant others. Without thinking about it, I walk up to him, throw my arms around his neck, and whisper in his ear.

"Hello handsome." I hear him inhale deeply before he turns around and catches me off guard by wrapping his arms around me, lifting me off the floor."Austin put me down you dipstick. Everyone is watching."

"I don't care let them watch. " He says with his face in my neck before setting me back on my feet and looking me over, head to toe. "Don't you look lovely tonight."

"Why thank you kind sir! You don't look to bad yourself, quite dashing if I may say so."

"Alright, enough with the flattery, it gets you nowhere with me." He says as he looks me over once more. "Laying all jokes aside, you really do look very beautiful tonight."

"Thank you Austin."

"Let's get something to drink shall we?" Austin says grabbing onto my hand, placing it on his arm, and leading me towards the bar area he's had set up.

An hour or two later the party is in full swing when I hear a commotion coming from the direction of the front door. I look up to see Austin walking towards me with a look on his face that I've only seen when he's really mad. As he stops right in front of me I can tell something is definitely wrong.

"Austin what's wrong?"

"Amelia, I am so sorry. I swear I didn't know he was going to do this. I promise I won't leave your side all night if that's what you want."

"Please calm down and tell me what's going on?"

As soon as I finish my sentence I see exactly what it is he is talking about. I grab onto Austin's arm to steady myself so that I don't fall. I look to his face and it is full of so much sympathy. He mutters an I'm sorry and tries to place an arm around my shoulder but I hold him in front of me while I will myself not the cry. The tears are threatening to fall but I won't let them, not tonight. By now the commotion has made its way over to us and is now standing right in front of Austin and I.

"Amelia." Tyler speaks.

I am looking into the eyes of the man I care for deeply and he has a leggy blonde hanging off his arm. I feel Austin's arm go around my waist and I lean into him for comfort. When Tyler sees this the look on his face turns from smug to ice cold in an instant.

"Tyler, how are you?" I finally speak. I don't know if I'm trying to convince him or myself that I'm fine.

"I'm doing great actually. I'd like for y'all to formally meet my girlfriend, Roslyn Roark."

When he says this I feel Austin tighten his grip on my waist and I hear him snort "How old is she twelve. I bet she hasn't even graduated yet". I snicker but try to cover it up with a cough.

"If you must know Austin, she is nineteen. She graduated last year and with honors at that." Tyler snaps.

I am determined not to let Tyler see how much this is affecting me so I extent my arm to shake her hand. If he only knew how much this is actually hurting me I don't think he would be doing this to me. Would he?

"It's really nice to meet you Roslyn. I'm Amelia and this is Austin my date for the night, since my husband couldn't make." I say looking right at Tyler. Even though Joshua and I aren't together, I said that wanting Tyler to feel exactly how he is making me feel.

By now I can tell Tyler is mad at me, one for being this close to Austin and two for mentioning Joshua. He looks me dead in the eyes and pulls Roslyn right up next to him, wrapping her in his arms. Tyler knows all about Joshua and how he treated me and yet he still pulls a stunt like this.

"It really was nice to meet you Roslyn, but if you'll excuse us there are some things I need to discuss with Amelia."

He then turns to Tyler giving him a nod before dragging me off to his office. Once we're inside he turns to me and starts to speak but I hold up my hand stopping him.

"Don't please! If you start I won't be able to hold the tears back and I will not give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. Not tonight!"

"Okay, but we will discuss this later."


We walk out of the office to head back to the party and see Tyler standing alone by the door waiting on us. We stop in our track both wondering what he could possibly want. I look up to his face and I immediately know that he is fuming, the selfish jerk.

"Amelia, can I speak to you for a moment."

"No" I say shortly. "Go back to your girlfriend before she comes looking for you."

With that I grab Austin's arm and begin to walk off into the party only to be stopped by Tyler grabbing my arm. When I look up to him all I can see is sorrow in his eyes. I look away not want to see that on his face, I can't take it, not right now. Austin sees I'm fighting to hold it together and steps in between the two of us to smooth things over.

"Tyler let her go! She has already said she doesn't want to talk to you. Maybe if you'll wait until tomorrow or the next day and let things cool off, then you two can have this conversation. Don't do it here in front of all these people."

Tyler just walks off not giving me another look. I can feel the anger radiating off of him as he brushes past me. Again Austin tries to speak and I stop him, knowing this time I really can't take much more without breaking.

"Let's just go" I say grabbing onto his hand. Austin nods his head and we go back to the party.

We walk back to the bar and both decide to get something a little stronger than champagne, it just won't cut it tonight. After several drinks I am a little tipsy and Austin seems absolutely fine. We are standing in a group of colleagues when I see Tyler and Roslyn dancing. I try to look away but I can't move. Roslyn has her back to his front and she is grinding on him. The look on his face let's me know that he is enjoying himself. Again I try to look away but it is like I am frozen in time. Tyler finally looks up and his eyes meet mine. He give me a smirk and I am overwhelmed by what he does next. Without taking his eyes off of me he turns her around and kisses her like she is the best tasting thing on earth. I gasp causing Austin to look up and he sees what is happening before my eyes. He reaches for me but I pull away my eyes never leaving Tyler's. He deepens the kiss with her and that is when I feel the tears pooling in my eyes. I finally look away and face Austin whom is raging with anger.

"I have to go." I whisper, tears falling down my face. I will not play these games with him any longer. I am going to be happy wether he's in my life or not.

"Amelia, are you okay to make it home?" He asks his voice laced with concern.

"Trust me Austin, after that show I am completely sober. I'll call you tomorrow." I say turning to walk away.

As I reach the front door I see Tyler walking towards me. Austin tries to stop him but he slips past and continues walking in my direction. I close the door to the house and try my best to get to my car before he reaches me, but fate isn't on my side. As I reach for the car door I feel myself being pulled to a stop by the one man I want absolutely nothing to do with. I shrug his hand off me never looking up to his face. I don't want to be doing this now, or for him to see me like this again.

"Amelia please look at me." He says but I keep my back to him.

I feel him step closer to me and I turn to face him pushing him away. I don't want him touching me after everything that has happened tonight. I feel like I am suffocating in the closeness and I just need him to give me some space.

"Don't touch me."

"I'm so sorry Amelia, please don't hate me. I don't know why I acted that way. I just saw you and Austin together, with his arms around you and I lost it."

Tyler takes a step closer and I am trapped between him and my car door. Just him being this close to me is causing things to happen in me that at this moment I don't like. I hate the way he can still affect me even after everything he has done.

"Baby please say you forgive me."

"Don't baby me Tyler! You brought that girl here without even giving a thought as to how it would make me feel. On top of that you introduced her as your girlfriend. The only reason Austin had his arm around me is to keep me from falling over when I saw the two of you together. You know he is just a friend, how many times must I tell you that. For goodness sake, he's your best friend. Do you really think that lowly of him and me for that matter?" By now tears are rolling down my face again and I can't seem to stop them no matter how hard I try.

"Amelia....." Tyler reaches to wipe my tears away, but I turn my face away.

"Just stop!" I try pushing him away. "I'm tired of all the back and forth with you and all your excuses. I mean you've had so many here lately."

"Baby please."  He pleads as I open my car door.

I step to where the door is between and look to him one last time. Standing before me is what looks like a broken man. I know he is hurting but so am I and he needs to know that it is not okay to treat me this way. At this moment I don't know if I can ever forgive him for all he's done.

"Tyler you know how I feel about you, but right now I don't even want to look at you. When I come back to work in a week, I would appreciate it if you would keep your distance. I don't know how long it will take me to forgive you or if I even can this time, so please respect my wishes. You have to understand I just can't be near you right now. Not after all that's happened between us."

"If that's what you want, I will respect your wishes, but know that I will never give up on us."

That's the last thing I hear before he turns and walks off leaving me standing alone. Pulling myself together I climb into my car and head to the one place I have grown to hate more than any other place.



Hoped your like this first look into Amelia's life. Indeed her life is complicated and things only get worse from from here. I would love to hear all of your thoughts on everything that happened in this chapter. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy. If you like the story please share it with your friends!

Kisses M.

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