Bloodshot; A Michael Clifford...

By uncool5SOS

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Michael wasn't always like this. He wasn't always in such a horrible state, and his eyes weren't always blood... More

Chapter 1; Meet and Greet
Chapter 2; Chelsea
Chapter 3; Party Time
Chapter 4; She's Making It Hard To Leave
Chapter 5; Beaten
Chapter 6; Confrontation
Chapter 7; Rebuild
Chapter 8; Unwanted Truth
Chapter 10; Fun Friday Movie Night
Chapter 11; First Date
Chapter 12; Interruption
Chapter 13; Keeping Secrets
Chapter 14; Assistance
Chapter 15; Deep Part 1
Chapter 15; Deep Part 2
Chapter 16; Our Own Thoughts
Chapter 17; One Last Thing
Wonderful Morning, Horrible Night; Chapter 18
Chapter 19; All Gone
Chapter 20; Not Even a Goodbye
Chapter 21; Together
Chapter 22; It's All Over Now

Chapter 9; A Pile Of Lies

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By uncool5SOS


I woke up to the soft snoring of Michael. I flutter my eyes open and come face to face with his chest. I take a deep breath and smell his scent; I've always liked it. His arms are wrapped around me loosely, so I try to wriggle out of them without waking him. From our past sleep overs together as kids, I know he's a heavy sleeper.

I finally break free of his grasp, not waking him. All he does is roll on his back and moan in the process. I try to hold in my giggle as I grab my phone and sit on the desk chair. Luke texted me last night.

From: Luke<3

Did you tell Michael?

I text back quickly.

To; Luke<3

Yeah... I told him what you wanted me to. Why can't I just tell him the truth?

I sigh and stand up from my seat. I walk lazily over to the bathroom. After I finish and wash my hands, I walk back over to my desk where I left my phone an see that Luke texted me back.

From: Luke<3

You know why.

Tears form in my eyes. I hated lying to Michael. He was probably my best friend out of all four of the guys. But I have no choice but to lie.


I wake up to the sunshine shining in my eyes through the blinds. I stretch and take a deep breath. I turn my head and look around the room to see if I can find Chelsea anywhere. I roll out of her bed and walk down stairs. I come to find Calum passed out on the couch.

I chuckle to myself as I walk over to him and shake him awake.

"Dude, wake up." I say.

"Hmm?" He hums rather loudly as his eyebrows lift.

I laugh even more. "It's like 9:30. Get up."

"Who the fuck wakes up that early?" He grumbles.

Well someone's grumpy.

"Uh, every normal person?" I laugh.

"Unless you're a child. Or an adult who has no job." He lists to me as his eyes are still close and he turns to cuddle with the blanket he was using.

I roll my eyes and leave him alone. I find Chelsea at the dining table, staring blankly ahead with a frown on her face.

"Good morning." I smile. "Penny for your thoughts?" I ask as I turn my back towards her to open the fridge and get milk.

"Nah." Is all she answers.

I hear her stand up and walk over to where I set the milk on the counter. She grabs cereal from the pantry and she grabs a bowl and slightly slams it-or drops it-on the counter.

I look over at her with my eyebrow raised.

"Nah? Seems like you're upset. Unless that's your RBF." I laugh.

"RBF?" She asks.

"Resting Bitch Face? You've never heard of it?" I ask with another loud chuckle.

"Oh... Yeah I have..." She says with obviously low interest.

I just watch her as she sits down and eats her cereal. I put the milk back in the fridge and sit across from her. I keep my eyes on her for a little bit, then they finally drop to the cereal and I eat slowly.

Why is she upset? I know she is. Like seriously we've been friends since I could remember...

"Um... I'm gonna go talk to Luke again. I want to tell him that I talked to you about everything. Hopefully he'll forgive me now." I laugh lightly.

Her eyes widen slightly as she snaps her head up.

"Uh." She laughs nervously. "You don't need to do that." She fumbles with her hair. She does that when she's nervous.

I raise an eyebrow. "Why not? He's my best friend. I think I soul-"

"No, no, no." She interrupts. "I already told him for you! He forgives you." She smiles slightly like she was pleased with the bullshit she was giving me.

I look at her and glare slightly.

"Chelsea. What the fuck is going on?" I ask sternly.

She sighs in defeat.

"Okay I..." She pauses. "I didn't really tell him. I just don't know if he's actually forgiven you yet and I don't want you guys to fight." She rambles.

"Well friends fight, Chels. This is something him and I need to overcome so we can be friends again." I explain.

"Yeah, but-"

"No." I put my hand up. "I don't wanna hear it. I'm talking to him." I say sternly.

Why is she acting so weird about this? She told me everything so there's no reason as to why I should go talk to him.

I finish my cereal and stand up from the table. I rinse my bowl and put it in the sink. I walk up stairs to grab my phone and wallet; I had left it on Chelsea's desk. I walk back down stairs and stand where the living room and kitchen meet.

"Calum, I'm leaving. Bye, Chelsea." I say.

I walk out the door and get in my car. Moments later, Calum walks out of Chelsea's house. He approaches my window and points his finger down, indicating to me to roll my window down.

"I'm gonna head home. Let me know how things go between you and Luke." Calum says as he ducks down a little so his head is in front of my window.

"Alright." I nod and start to push the button to roll my window back up.

"And Michael-" Calum says before I can roll the window up even half way. "Don't cause any more drama. We usually don't have any, so just try to keep it civil, alright? I miss the way it used to be..." He finishes with a sad frown.

I slightly frown as well. I look at him and nod slowly.

I can't let Chelsea get in the way of Luke and I's friendship.


I arrive at Luke's house a few minutes after driving. I slowly step out of my car and approach the front door. I knock loudly and wait for an answer. I usually just knock and walk in yelling 'I'm here!' So it's heard throughout the house. But I have a feeling that wouldn't be the best thing to do in this situation.

After a few minutes of waiting, Luke opens the door quickly.

"Hey, sorry I was on the phone with someone." He say as he opens the door wider for me to enter.

I walk in quickly and turn round to face him.

"So I just wanted to start off saying I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the way I freaked out on you; I don't know what's wrong with me." I rambled. "Chelsea told me what you guys actually did and I felt even worse after she said you guys only made out." I say. Although I did cringe on the inside.

Luke just stares at me with no expression.

"I forgive you." He says.

"You do? Really?" I ask with shock evident in my voice.

"Yeah." He nods and shrugs his shoulders. "Chelsea told me by the way." He added.

"Told you what?" I ask with my eye brow raised.

"That you like her." He smirks and winks at me.

"Oh I thought you guys knew?"

At least Calum knew

"Nah. You're good at hiding your feelings." He smiles.

Not really...

"Oh.. Well... Yeah. I do." I laugh slightly.

"Alright well I'll back off... Not that I was on her in the first place... But now I just won't get any ideas." He joked.

I fake laugh at his risky joke.

"So ah, are we friends again?" I ask as I rub the back of my neck.

"We never weren't friends." He says simply. "We were just having a fight. Friends have those. Now we're past it." He smiles.

"Oh okay cool." I smile with real happiness.

I walk over to his counter and lean on it. Luke suddenly snaps his head down to his phone. He looks back up at me and holds up a finger as he says, "hold on, I gotta take this."

I nod letting him know I heard. He walks up stairs to his room and shuts the door. I pull out my phone and text Calum;

To: Calum

Hey, man. The talk when great, we're all good now. I'll tell you all about it later if you really wanna know; although it wasn't exciting.

I wander over to the couch that's in front of Luke's rather large TV. I hear mumbling from Luke's room, meaning he's still on the phone.

Then my phone buzzes.

From: Calum

That's great! Wanna have a movie night? All us boys and Chels? :)

I wasn't really feeling up to a movie tonight, but I haven't hung out with the boys in so long.

To: Calum

Yeah, let's do it at Luke's place :)

Yeah I invite myself to places often.

From: Calum

Alright, I'll spread the news :D LOVE YOU SEE YOU IN A BIT <33333

I roll my eyes and laugh at Calum's gayness.

"Hey sorry about that." I hear Luke say as he comes down the stairs behind me.

"Oh it's alright." I say. "By the way, we're having a movie night."

"Where?" Luke asks as he flops himself on his other couch and lies on it.

"Here." I say as I scroll through my phone.

Luke laughs loudly, "alright. Who's all coming?"

"Us boys and Chels." I answer.

I see him nod slowly in my peripheral vision.

"Okie dokie" he mumbles.


I sigh loudly and toss my phone onto my bed. Luke is so pushy. He's making me lie to Michael so much, I hate it. He's using me just to get revenge on him. They're best friends, why can't he just get over what happened? I mean I could totally just not do what Luke is telling me to do, but I don't want to lose him. But I don't want to lose Michael either.

My phone buzzes lightly against my bed. I groan as I roll over to check who texted me.

"I swear if it's Luke bugging me..." I mutter to myself.

From: Calum:)

Hey Chels! The boys and I are having a movie night tonight at Luke's. Wanna come? :D


To: Calum:)

Yeah of course! I'll be right over :) xx

From: Calum:)

Sweet, see ya in a bit :) <3 xx

I sigh as I fall back down onto my bed. I stare at the ceiling. I really don't want to go. And I really don't want to have to chose between Luke and Michael.


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COMMENT what you think is happening or what you think is going to happen or even give me your thoughts on Chelsea, etc!HOLY BALLS I'M FLACKING EXCITED!'


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