Just Traveling!

By PatchWorkAngel

9.3K 593 65

Meet two friends Shakirie, a smart laid back blond, and Rayne a creative odd hyper Latin. They were just trav... More

Just Traveling!
Chapter 1: JUMP SCARE!
Chapter 2: We're Where?!
Chapter 3: What is THIS?
Chapter 4: Discoveries and Traveling!
Chapter 5: Figuring Stuff Out
Chapter 6: Red
Chapter 8: New Partner and Mission
Chapter 10: First Solo Mission
Chapter 11: Ghosty!
Chapter 12: A Voice and a Temporary Home
Chapter 13: The Traveling Begins!
Chapter 14: Learning and Meeting
Chapter 15: A New Village?
Chapter 16: Who are you?
Chapter 17: From One Place to Another
Chapter 18: Learning
Chapter 19: Healing
Chapter 20: Trapped
Chapter 21: Strange Day
Chapter 22: How I Became
Chapter 23: How I Came to Be
Chapter 24: Getting to Know You
Chapter 25: Turn for the Worst
Chapter 26: Siblings Fight
Chapter 27: Hello?
Chapter 28: Choices
Chapter 29: Deadly Destination
Chapter 30: Healing Hours
Chapter 31: Into the World
Chapter 33: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 33 ~Rage On~
Chapter 34: Rumors Equals Annoyance
Chapter 35: Date Night
Chapter 36: Last Dinner
Chapter 37: Paradise
Chapter 38: Tension Builds
Chapter 39: Finding Life
Chapter 40: Death's Offer
Chapter 41: Brought to the World
Chapter 42: Chosen Path
Chapter 43: Striving Forward to End All!
Chapter 44: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 45: War
Chapter 46: Out of Control
Chapter 47: Eye Opener
Chapter 48: A Grand Entrance
Chapter 49: Everything Changes
Chapter 50: A Rise of Power
Chapter 51: The Stubbornness of a Ninja
Chapter 52: The Scale Falls Apart
Chapter 53: Seal Broken
Chapter 54: Life and Death vs. A Goddess
Chapter 55: Restoring Balance

Chapter 7: Traveling Alone... sort of...

361 20 1
By PatchWorkAngel

Rayne was simply happy beyond anything she had ever imagined, she had walked back to the Sand Village and tackle, hug, the ninja who she had first licked, before she walked back to the Kazekage. Though Kakashi, Naruto, and Sakura all tense for his reaction, he simply patted her head before heading to his office with Rayne following like a little puppy. Even in the office she had the gall to sit on his desk, scooting some papers aside and waited patiently as Gaara smiled and thank Naruto and his team. He even let Rayne looked at how her mission paper would be written and even added some of the suggestions, such as room and board in top hotels instead of camping outside.

“How are you even paying for it?” asked Naruto.

Rayne smiled and motion him and his team closer while pressing herself closer to Gaara. With her hands she cups them together and moved them both as if she was cupping some water. However instead of something clear something round and shiny appeared on her palms…gold. Since her element is earth she figured that she could easily transform some of her skin into earth and create gold. To replenish she just need to roll on the sand outside to replace the skin, which she would later on do.

Naruto had a gaping look on his face as she passed on the gold to Gaara who later on gave her yen. “That is how, now this is our little secret and only Gaara can ask for gold…but you can ask any time you want,” she stated to Naruto gracing him with a wink and getting a blush for a reply.

Kakashi looked at Gaara, “If anyone discovered her ability she could be widely targeted.”

“Yes…that is why I am hiring your team to keep close to her throughout her journey until she reaches her final destination, which would be Konohagakure.”

“So we get to guard this super awesome girl, get top class in all hotels we pass by, until we go home…That sound awesome!” shouted Naruto, a gleeful look on his face.

Rayne giggled and patted his yellow hair. Blinking she continued to touch it and touched her own hair, “Why is yours so much softer than mine?”

Sakura blinked for a bit and copied her as well, gasping she asked the same thing, causing Naruto to blush a thousand different shades of red. “Uh…”

“Maa, maa, leave Naruto-kun alone and let’s head out,” Stated Kakashi, with a sort of jealous look on his face.

Rayne frowned a bit and nodded, going around Gaara’s desk, she hugged the Kazekage and whispered, “Thank you, and take care.” Though he shouldn’t have expected anything less she licked his cheek and quickly ran out of the door, laughing throughout the way.

Kakashi seemed to stare, and stare…and stare before he shook himself and looked back at the Kazekage, “Is…she always like that?”

“I have no idea; however during her stay with her friend she seemed to find herself into…difficult situations due to her…odd greetings.”

“M hmm…Oh, then we should stand right next to her shouldn’t we…?”

They were quiet for a second before Naruto and Sakura rushed out of the door, Naruto waving at Gaara who had a smile on his face, “See ya later Gaara!”

Rayne had walked, or more like ran, out of Gaara’s office when she found the ninja she licked earlier. He seemed to freeze before he ran away with amazing speed. “Wait, comeback here I just want ta hug ya!” She ran after him, some citizens and ninja’s moving to the side to allow her passage to her victim. She had easily cornered him in an alley way when she appeared in front of him. He had braced himself when he felt arms wrapped around him. Opening his eyes he looked down to see the Latin nut hug him tightly before releasing him, “Thanks for enduring my randomness and see ya later!” She, instead of licking him, kissed him on the cheek before she ran out of the alley way. He touched his cheek and blushed brightly before walking out of the alleyway and running to another direction.

Rayne was looking around the market when she felt someone pat her shoulders. Looking back she found Sakura there with Naruto and Kakashi with her, “Ready to go.”

“One moment,” moving to the middle of the market she took a deep breath and shouted, “THANK YOU FOR LASTING THIS LONG AGAINST ME AND MY RANDOMNESS, HOPE TO SEE ALL OF YOU LATER!” The crowd stared at her, some with smiles, and others with relief. Walking back to the group she had her hands on her hip, and bag on her back, “Now I’m ready.”

Kakashi nodded and began to walk out of the market area and towards the large gates. Rayne stood beside him while the other two were behind. The ninjas guarding the gates gave them a wide berth as Rayne ran through the canyon until she reached the mouth of the village. Instantly she began to roll on the sand before she got up and ran through the desert. Naruto and the others were not too far behind, letting her waste her energy until she got tired. Naruto even joined her in her randomness. However she suddenly stopped and looked back at Kakashi,

“Do you have any sheets?” He blinked a bit and nodded, “Good, gimmie,” she demanded, her hands opened widely. Taking the cloth she threw it to Naruto, who took it, “Since you guys are my favorite so far, I will allow you to see how awesome I am!” Naruto huffed and gave her a look of disbelief. She dramatically pointed to him, “You dare doubt me, well watch this here!” Clapping her hands together she concentrated at the image she had in her head and felt the earth beneath them shake.

She felt someone wrap their arms around her waist and pull her away, but she did not stop until she felt that everything was alright. Opening her eyes she found a wooden sand sailor boat in the middle of the desert. It was a simple design she had in her mind from the show she had watched, but it was stylish. She looked up to see that Naruto had grabbed her and gapped at the boat,

“So ready to go through some of my randomness?” she asked as she pried herself off of Naruto, who had a remarkable grip around her. Attaching the cloth, that was probably for a tent or something, she waited patiently by the helm. Though the ninjas looked apprehensive about boarding the makeshift boat, they each got on and she waited when they took their seat on the floor. Nodding she tapped the wood with her right foot and form the seats around them, as if they were getting on a plane. “Ready for takeoff in five…four…three…two…ONE!” clapping her hand in front of the sail a massive gust of wind blew and she found herself floating high in the sky, right above the sand by at least a three or four stories above ground. She still didn’t have a good grip with her wind element.

Those who say ninjas are brave clearly haven’t placed them in a plane. Naruto was the first to scream followed by Sakura, who broke the arms of the chair in fear. Kakashi had gripped the arms as well, but he refused to scream, but his revealed eye sure did grow in size.  It took a couple of minutes to gather enough wind underneath them as well as push the sail forward before she created a barrier of leaves around them, to prevent sand from reaching them.

Tapping her left foot she released the shinobis and walked to the front, “Welcome ladies and gentleman to Rayne’s private plane, where we can have all your catering needs.” Touching the ground she formed a small coconut tree and took three before dismissing the plant. With the wind she cut the top in half and passes them to each of the ninja, who were still staring at her while she formed ice out of thin air and placed them inside the coconut, she even created wooden straws for them, and passed it to them.

Tapping her right foot to the floor she formed a chair and watches them watch her, “So any questions?”

Naruto, of course, was the first to point out that she created the trees and control the wind and water while Sakura continued to gape at her. Kakashi though stared at her before he placed a hand over his leaf head band. Seeing what he was about to do she focused more on Naruto and ignored Kakashi, “Yep I can control water and earth, which I can create any plant I want, if I know what it is and what it can do. Wind on the other hand is incredibly hard for me to control. So far my plane can only hover for three or four stories, not any higher. I’m only limited by my imagination.”

Naruto, bless his heart, seemed to jump and smile like he was the sun itself, “You are the coolest person I have ever met, it’s like you can do anything.”

Giggling she crossed her legs, “Nope, can’t create animal or human life, nor fire or lightning, so I’m defiantly not god or a goddess. Just some random person blessed with awesomeness.”

“But you have no chakra…not a single drop…” muttered Kakashi.

Though she knew she shouldn’t have done it, she looked anyway. Turning her attention away from the blond she faced Kakashi and saw his single red eye. She felt something try to probe her mind but she glared and gave him a threatening growl, “Try to go through my mind…I dare you.”

Kakashi seemed startled, “I am sorry, but I have never heard of someone, a living person, survive without chakra.”

She blinked before she looked at her hand, “Well…maybe I am sort of dead, not really sure.”

Naruto paled, “A-Are you a g-ghost?”

Not wanting to waste the opportunity she began to hover and sway left and right, “YES NARUTO…I AM A GHOST…SINCE YOU HAVE DISCOVERED MY TRUE IDENTITIY I SHALL NOW EAT YOU HEART OUT!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!”

Poor Naruto screamed and tried to bust out of the plane only to hear Rayne laugh and make her way to the helm, “You my friend are gullible…I like you now, not much Sakura since she’s been boring throughout the trip and Kakashi was being a perv and reading my mind and body and stuff.” Sakura huffed while Kakashi blushed and pull out his book.

Taking out her map, she began to figure things out before she chuckled weakly, “Heh, which way is to Takumi Village?”

After a few confusing minutes, it was decided that Kakashi would control the ship while Rayne placed the wind around the ship, guiding them to where ever they need to be. Night had just appeared and Rayne was starting to nod off, causing the ship to titter and totter for a couple of minutes before Kakashi stated that they would land and sleep for the night. Gently landing the ship, Rayne simply fell backwards and fell asleep, hovering in midair.

Kakashi stared at the young woman before he addressed his students, who were setting up camp inside the ship. “I will take first watch and set up some traps, Sakura will be next and then Naruto.” Both of his students nodded and went to sleep in their sleeping bags. Kakashi opened one of the leaves panels and prepared his traps around the air craft before he took shift on top of the thing.

Throughout his ninja career he has never met someone as powerful as Rayne, excluding the Fourth Hokage. Even his fellow ANBU, Yamato, could not create such mastery as this. Touching the leaves with his fingertips he felt the very fiber that created the leaf, but with his Sharingan eyes, he could see that they had chakra in them, so why didn’t Rayne have it. Lifting his headband his red eye focus all around him and he felt the chakra all around him…but her. “Hmm, maybe when we go to Konohagakure, I will ask Lady Tsunade to check her.”

Though he heard everyone breathing slowly, he did not count Rayne to be awake at the moment. The Latin was sitting up straight and up to the ceiling of the tarp above them. She frowned at his comment and began to check her pulse and noted that she was indeed alive and kicking. Why didn’t she have chakra...Then it clicked, she and Shakirie are from a whole other world! They weren’t born with chakra, but she knows for a fact that it is only her and her friend that made it over; shrugging her arms she leaned back in her wind mattress and fell right back to sleep.

The next morning she felt someone shake her shoulders, which caused her to bolt up and punch whatever touched her, too bad it was Naruto who she punched and knocked out. Blinking a couple of times she began to freak out and shake the blonds shoulder until he began to regain conscious.

Naruto shook his head a bit, gripping it with his left hand, “Wow, for someone who’s not a ninja, you sure do know how to throw a punch.”

Rayne blinked a few times before giggling, “Yeah, well I actually took short classes on self-defense, it’s not much but it helps in tight situations.”

The blond idiot kept his smile and patted her shoulder, “If you lived in our land you would have made a great ninja.”

“Pff, Haha!” Rayne began to laugh, “There’s no way I could be a ninja, for one reason I wouldn’t be able to hurt a fly unless it calls for it, nor could I purposely hurt someone!”

“What?” Naruto tilted his head in confusion and she elaborate,

“Well for one thing, I can’t stand to be near any blood, it makes me worry nonstop for the person, whether they’re good or bad.”

Kakashi, while handling the map, looked over at her, “So you would willingly help our or any nation’s enemies?”

Rayne stared at him, and narrowed her eyes a bit, choosing her words wisely she replied with, “It all depends on the person and if they are threatening those who I love.”

“What would happen if they do, though at a later date.”

This time her glare was noticed, “They wouldn’t unless they have a perfectly logical reason, even then I will still try to throw them off the path or show them a better one than the bloody one.”

Feeling satisfied with her answer he returned to the helm and began to turn the ship to another direction, “We will be near the border to the Land of Rivers, I suggest that we get rid of the boat while no one sees us.”

“Fine,” Clapping her hand everything around her began to break apart. However, she forgot that they were hovering several stories and soon began to fall. “Ops…” Scooping the air around her she began, or tried to cushion their fall before they landed on the hot sand, while Rayne unceremoniously fell on her back, twigs and leaves falling around her. “Why do I keep doing that?”

Hours passed and they were deep in the Land of Rivers, so far nothing bad has happened, heck, they even found some travelers and began to follow them for a while…before Kakashi suggested going to another road leaving them hopelessly lost. Rayne was grumbling beside Naruto, who was equally agitated. Right now they were lost in a massive area near a large river, so far only one boat had passed and all three ninjas refused to ask directions from them, stupid ninja pride and whatever. Tired of walking she decided to hover for a bit to let her legs rest while the other three continued to walk for a couple of more hours before the sun began to set. Agitated beyond belief, Rayne stop and hovered on the spot.

“I’m tired,” she stated.

Kakashi looked back, “We can’t rest here, and we need to find a safer place to spend the night.”


“No?” he mimics.

All four looked at the girl who continued to hover. They watched her clap her hand and focus. The ground quake and soon wooden walls sprouted around them as a small cottage formed around them as well as four beds with soft looking moth as bedding. Yawning, she jumps to her bed and went straight to sleep, while the others looked at her before they set their traps up and went to sleep.

Back with Shakirie, who was now staring at the most boring thing in the entire world… paperwork. For the past three hours she has been going through nonstop paper work for her missions, in case she dies, how she would probably die (By either Deidara or Itachi) she put down, and a whole other sorts of mess. She grumbled underneath her breath as another pile of papers was dumped where the last stack was.

“Te urăsc atât de mult acum Rayne.” I hate you so much right now Rayne.

A sneeze woke Rayne up as she looked to the window to see the morning sun shine on her face. “Someone must be talking about me…” Then she blinked, “Oh yeah…” Ignoring the possible hateful glares for an unimaginable distance, she stood straight up and headed to the door. However something out of the ordinary caught her leg as she was suddenly catapulted high up and strung. Right brow twitching excessively, she snapped her fingers which caused the plant to release her. Grumbling more to herself, she wiped the dirt off her shirt before the sounds of pounding feet made her look back to see Sakura running, kunai in hand.

“What happened? I heard one of the traps released!”

Blinking she laughed at the pink kunoichi, “That was me! I fell right into it!”

 She gave a sigh before giving her a light glare, “Be more careful, you don’t know what types of traps we lay out.”

 Shrugging her shoulders she looked to the sun, “Time to move!” With a stomp to her feet the building began to collapse to reveal a sleeping Naruto and Kakashi. “Up and Adam boys, I want to stuff my bag full of art junk before I go to the Hidden Leaf Village!”

With a groan, but males decided to listened to her and began to pack up their things, “You…are quite the bossy young woman.” Muttered Kakashi as he rolled up his bed and set everything inside of his bag.

“Yep,” then she pointed at a random direction, “Now let’s get more lost than we already are!” Without even a backwards glance, she began to bolt deeper into the forest without any hesitation. She thought she heard someone shout her name, only to ignore it and continue running. Ten minutes passed before she heard something rushing towards her and she immediately jumps high into the air with as much wind as she was allowed. Looking down she glared at her surroundings only to find a small pug of a dog with an open shirt with a strange face on it…or she think it was a face or something.

A wide smile appeared on her face as she landed right in front of him, and grabbed him, “DOGGY!”

The poor dog was stuffed against her chest, though he wasn’t making that big of a fuss, but he had to breath, “Will you please let go of me.”

That made her paused, she knew who it was, Pakun…a boy dog! Screaming, she tossed him aside while shouting, “Nemernic pervertit!” YOU PERVERTED LITTLE BASTARD!

The sound of her scream drew in the others and Naruto automatically reached for the pouch that had his kunai, “What is it what happened! “

“Am uitat că câinele pervertit aparțin Sperietoarea de ciori! Și că el ar putea vorbi!” I forgot that perverted dog belong to Kakashi! And that he could talk!

The gang blinked before they all tilted their heads and said, “Nani?”

"Stai ... Vreau să merg la satul de artizani!" "Wait...I want to go to the Village of Artisans!" She suddenly turned around and looked high into the air. Bending her knees she jumped.

“NANI?!” she heard from below.

She couldn’t fly yet, but she could hover in high altitude for at least ten to thirty seconds before she fell back to the ground. Looking around she narrowed her eyes at every direction. However one place stood out and she immediately pointed to it “Takumi Village” Knowing that she was out of seconds she began to fall straight back to the ground.

Waving her arms around she began to form a small round bubble of water, which she splashed into. Stepping out of the water she shook herself like a dog, getting rid of all the water, before she looked back, “It’s this way!”

Before they could even figure out what she was talking about, the insane Latin ran away with the wind, literally, and began to head straight to the village. Kakashi was the first to appear next to her while Naruto and Sakura actually appeared behind her as she slid through all obstacles without a problem. Dodging a low trunk she began to hover upside down, running on the trunks of the trees. Naruto continued to gape at her before Sakura punched him upside the head and focused ahead.

Within minutes she stops dead and looked up at the sign, “FINALLY!”  All around her she could see the different shops of crafts, to the right of the first buildings she could see paints and chalk as well as pastels and to the left she could see different tools that had for carving and molding. In the distance she could even see back smiths for crafting weapons. Like a child in a candy store she bolted through the gates and began to look through all the shops.

First stop for her was the paints and pastels. Running into the stores she began to look through all the brushes and different tools when Naruto finally appeared right next to her looking through as well, “What’s with all these stuff for anyway?”

With an excited smile she picked up a think sturdy brush, “Okay you see this one, if you want a dramatic look to the paintings, like you add blood, you pull pack on the bristles and it splatters.” Seeing his eyes widen she giggled as she placed it back and pulled a wide brush, “I love using this one, I usually use it to create unique looking leaves, but I’ve also seen a few people use it for wide area like the sky.” Finally she pulled out a fine brush, “This is for details, I love this, and this is my friend.”

“You really know your brushes,” Naruto muttered.

“Sure do; now go get me a cart!”

For the last three hours it was nothing but art supplies, she had purchased three different bags specifically for this. In the first bag were different shapes of brushes, sharpeners and tools. In the second bag was nothing but pastels and paints, the bag had two pouches in them so she was able to separate them. Finally in the third bag were professional color pencils, markers, and regular pencils. She even replaced her simple carry bag into a large back bag that had different pockets.

Humming a happy tune she began to make her way towards the smith area, so far other shops had called out to her since apparently they figured out that she was spending a large amount of cash. One even approached her and began to show her different beads and jewelry. She was a nice woman with her light brown hair tied into a tight bun, brown eyes smiling as she began to show her wares. Smiling at the woman she nodded and smiled even wider when the merchant’s smile grew bright as she led her to her shop. The shop was actually close to the smith’s area and she began to browse through, a small building with beautiful stones and strings.

Right now she was going through the different rubber strings and crystals when a shout caught her attention. Looking out of the isle she found a man staring down at the nice merchant lady, his hand outstretched, “Your rent.”

The poor woman lowered her head and began to go through her apron and pulled out a few coins. The man snatched it and began to walk away and approached other buildings as well. Puffing out her chest Rayne marched towards the woman and placed her hands on her hips, “What was that about?”

“H-He’s the landlord of this building…” she muttered.

Frowning she began to search around and a sly smiled appeared on her face, “I’m about to pull an Ed.”

Running to the man she pulled his sleeve and finally took a good look at him. He had a grouchy looking face, eye brows folded over and his tiny eyes tried to glare at her. He was a tall man with muscles, a bad combination in her opinion. With a smile she looked around the buildings with him. Seeing and monitoring all the buildings she began to back track to the store to find team seven and the kind woman waiting outside.

“I wanna stay for a couple of days here, let’s go find a hotel, you to lady!” she added.

“W-What?” she stuttered.

Smiling she wrapped her arm around the merchant, “You seem like you need a break, so you and I will be off to the most expensive hotel we’re everyone will relax!” she shouted, catching the man in the distance who she ignored.

Kakashi sighed loudly whispered, “That wasn’t a smart idea.”

“Da!” Yep!

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