Trying to get to you <3

By ItsBabyJJ

435 7 13

story about a girl called jess who runs away from home to go and look for her boyfriend but as she arrives in... More

Trying to get to you <3
the sound of thunder
Jess all alone in L.A
Jess all alone in L.A
new start
getting to know u
getting to know u ( part 2)
getting to know u (part 3)
starting collage
messing wiv the head
Jess starts collage!!!
Kyle makes his move
Jess's old friend?
Jess about to be in trouble
What's up?
it's a crazy life
Tessy is here
Jess's present
to my baby
i need to go!
crystal's birthday ( part 2#)
Chris starts to find Jess
Chris starts to find jess ( part 2)
Crystal party
happy birthday baby girl
I'm missing him already
Back to LA
Just the way it used to be
The Babies { last chapter}
Yila's baby

crystal's birthday

11 0 0
By ItsBabyJJ

Jess P.O.V: Today was crystal's birthday . I cant believe my baby girl is turning one i'm so excited. Kyle was still asleep after it took at least two hours for her to go back to sleep. I wanted to dip dye my hair blonde well so i did . I needed to find a place were we could spend crystal's birthday but i dont think its safe because chris is actually looking for me right now he could be anywhere 

Kyle: Y u up so early * rubs his eyes*

Jess: its because i need to dip dye my hair and get crystal birthday done by 3 hours

Kyle: hold up... its crystal birthday?

Jess: yh it is and i wanted to plan something for her but chris can be anywhere

Kyle: maybe we could do something fun in here just the 3 of use 

Jess: really?

Kyle: yh babe trust me

Kyle gave me a peck and headed to the shower and i just carried on dying my hair . I looked at crystal thinking how she would be when she grows up she not gonna go back with her dad if me and kyle end up together forever i would say kyle is her dad i know its bad but her dad isnt really the man she needs in her life 

Crystal woke up but she just laid there like she was thinking about stuff but i think she's too young to think but i love her cuteness anyway

sorry this chapter was short 

plzz like and comment # xx

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