Finally Matured

By AnimeFanatic1000-7

173K 4.4K 1.7K

After the return of Naruto into the village and the successful retrieval of the bells from Kakashi, Sakura de... More

A New Interest with New Age
Let's see how a mission goes
Simple Escort
Heading out of Town
The Talk
She's Just Not That Into Boys
Arriving at the Springs
A Night of Stress Relief
And Then She was Gone
Where does the Time go?
Just to Hold you in my Arms Again
Making up for Lost Time
To Finally See Home Again
The Morning After
The Hard Worker
The Hokage's Orders
It's Finally Here
When Will She Come Back
Life Goes On
A Family United

A New Home

5.7K 153 91
By AnimeFanatic1000-7

After Tsunade left Kakashi helped Sakura up off the ground making sure that she was alright after falling to her knees. He walked her over to the bed where they decided it would be best if she laid down for a little while. In doing this though Kakashi kept his hand on her stomach the entire time. Never moving it. She tried to get some sleep, but how could she when Kakashi just kept his hand there staring at her stomach. She pretended to sleep for an hour or two when they finally had a knock on the door. Thank God she thought to herself. Now Sakura could stop the fake sleeping act.

She sat up in bed letting Kakashi retract his hand so they still held the teacher-student relationship look. Sakura looked him over as he got up from the chair beside the bed and went to sit on the window ledge taking out his book. Sakura saw him reach position and cleared her throat.

"Come in." She said only to have the flood of all of her comrades come through the slightly damaged door. It looked like they were having a mini party there were so many people in the room. Each of her friends had also brought her something telling her how much they missed her. Ino especially missed the girl. She actually got a little teary eyed after giving her flowers and a hug. While they were rivals in every aspect of their life, they were also close childhood friends. Naruto was of course in the group of people and had to bring up yesterday of her throwing up. The entire room went silent and looks of worried plastered their faces as they thought there could still be something wrong with her.

She stood there like a deer in headlights unsure of what to do, but Kakashi came to her rescue. He told the group that it was some bad food that they had gotten while they were on the road home. Supporting his story he also told the group that he had thrown up this morning the remnants of the food. Everyone in the room cringed as Sakura laughed to ease the tension. What would I do without him she thought to herself smiling at him before facing everyone. Kakashi then excused himself saying that he had errands to run then jumped out the window leaving Sakura in the care of the gang. She looked longingly out the window until the people in the room demanded her attention.

The people stayed most of the day in the room trying to catch Sakura up on the events that had happened since she was gone and the town gossip which was mainly Ino's job. Overall they did not leave until the sun set. When they left Ino and Naruto both hugged her goodbye and the rest all waved as they exited saying they would see her around town. Naruto left saying he could not wait until they could go on missions again giving her a huge signature smile before walking out the door. Little did they know of the events that would be taking place over the next few days and the fact that Sakura would not being going on missions for a while longer.

Sakura got out of bed going into the bathroom to take a quick shower then changing into a black top with white bottoms that the hospital provided. She looked herself in the mirror now that she was alone for the first time in she can't remember and it hit her. She was pregnant. She had a living being inside of her that was growing and making her puke. This was too surreal. Also she never really had a plan for her future accept to become a shinobi on Naruto and Sasuke's level, but she guessed that she had wanted a family. Also being a mother at such a young age was also concerning, but it didn't bother her.

She was certain about one thing though. She was still going to be a shinobi. Never in her life did she see herself settling down just to be a mom. Of course she was still going to her duties to her house and child, but her career was also going to hold very important to her. She nodded her head walking out of the bathroom and laying down in the bed. She closed her eyes thinking of what tomorrow was going to bring. Telling her parents she was moving out was something she was not looking forward to.


The next morning Sakura woke up to feel an arm wrapped around her waist. She knew who it was immediately and snuggled into his arms under the covers. She heard the man next to her stir a little as arm tightened the embrace pulling her closer to him. She felt his grip loosen a little enough for her to turn around and face him. She was met with the onyx colored eyes of Kakashi just peaking open to see her face.

"Good morning Sakura." He said smiling at her before closing his eyes once more stretching out in the bed next to her.

"Good morning Kakashi. Might I comment how impressed I am that you fit into this tiny bed with me." Sakura said this then kissed him on the cheek.

"No there is plenty of room as long as you don't mind being close." He said this running his hand down from her back over her butt to her leg where he brought it up so she had it around him. He then started stoking her thigh to her butt and back. Sakura moaned in content. She let her hands make their way to the edge of his mask and pull it down revealing his face which she took in for a second. The sight only she would see. No one got this privilege. She placed her lips over his brushing up against them lightly. She still remained close to his face as they kissed again only this time deeper than before. He brought his hand up pushing her face against his allowing him to deepen the kiss entering her mouth. She let him in smiling as they explored each other. She tightened her leg around him kissing running her hand down his back. They pulled apart and Kakashi looked her over seeing a blush cover her entire face with a little bit of his salvia still on her lips. He smiled at the girl pushing her hair behind her ear leaning closer to her face once more. Sakura Thinking that another kiss was coming closed her eyes in anticipation.

"I bought a house." Was all she heard as she heard and her eyes flew open looking at Kakashi who was smiling at her.

"You did what?" She said covering her mouth. Now way. Tsunade said find an apartment. An apartment would be fine, but a house?!

"Yep after looking at all the listings yesterday I thought it would be pointless to rent when it might be too small for a child to grow up in. Then they suggested a house and I saw the one." He rolled on his back pulling Sakura on his chest. She went along with the motion resting her chin on his chest.

"Tell me about it. I want to know every detail." She looked up at him waiting to hear about their future home.

"No." He stated bluntly. Sakura's eyes widened with hurt she really wanted to know.

"Why not? I'll be living there too you know." She pouted looking away from him.

"I want it to be a surprise. So let's go see it." He sat up in the letting Sakura slide down his torso so her head rested in his lap. "Let's go to our home." He stroked her head looking down at the woman he loved.

Sakura closed her eyes nodding her head eagerly sitting up in the bed wrapping her arms around his neck hugging him tightly.


After checking out of the hospital she was in the clothes that she had come into town in two days ago. Walking down the streets of the town Sakura stood next to Kakashi a he guided them through the market place of the town to where it faded into the suburban side of town with houses popping up with small families from the village living in them. Sakura watched in wonder as kids played in the front yard. She herself had grown up in an apartment style home as an only child. And seeing families roam around with different children everywhere in the yard she thought of another dream she might like to fulfill. She looked back at Kakashi wondering what he thought about having a family. She decided to ask him when they got to their new home.

Walking down streets and street Kakashi finally stopped turning to a house. Sakura bumped into him lightly since he stopped so abruptly. He looked down at her smiling.

"This is it." Kakashi motioned his hand towards a light green two story house that had a front pouch on with potted plants hanging from the top of it. It was very angular and had a gray roofing with a blue front door. The front yard was rather large leading into the walkway of the street, but a small white gate could be seen from the front surrounding the backyard. Sakura couldn't believe he had bought this huge house.

What in the hell were two people wait soon to be three people do with all of this space? Sakura was lost staring at the house thinking of all the memories that they were going to be able to make there. Kakashi moved to hug her from behind squeezing her waist in order to bring her back reality.

"Do you want to see inside?" He asked placing his head on her shoulder. Sakura nodded in response and Kakashi held out a key in front of her face.

Sakura snatched it from his hand breaking their embrace taking off toward their home laughing as she ran. Kakashi slowly strolled after his excited girlfriend as she went to explore their new house. Opening the front door she could see it was an open floor plan on the first floor with the door way opening straight into a huge living room with furniture already in it coordinating well with the room colors which were a light blue to match to front door. She walked over to the sliding glass doors that opened up the backyard that had a garden with already with different vegetables growing in it. She smiled at this thinking of the different medical herbs she and her child could grow together.

She turned around seeing the dining room with a square family table with four seats to it. The kitchen also looked very top of the line and on the other side of the kitchen stood the stairs for the second floor. Running up the stairs she saw there were three room with one bathroom visible between two decent sized rooms. One of them set up as an office and the other was set up as a guest bedroom. Sakura paused in there for a second decided that this would most likely be the nursery.

Closing the door for the room Sakura opened the door to what she guessed would be their bedroom seeing a huge king sized bed in the middle of the room with a night stand on either side. Across the room there were two dressers with a door between them leading to their bathroom that had a walk in closet before even getting into the bathroom. Their bathroom had a huge tub in it that could fit probably Sakura, Kakashi, and a whole other person. There was also his and her sinks with a large mirror on the wall above them. Walking out of the bathroom Sakura flopped down in the middle of the bed looking up at the ceiling. She was in love with this house. She was in love with him. Placing her hand on her stomach she already loved their baby.

If she hadn't said it once she would say it again. She couldn't believe that this was her life now. Living with him and soon raising a child together. How could she be this lucky? Closing her eyes she took in a deep breath. She knew this wasn't a dream and feeling someone lay next to her on the bed she knew that this was definitely real. A larger hand was placed over hers. She felt his mask holding back his lips brush against her cheek.

"How do you like it?" He whispered into her ear.

"I think I almost love this house as much as you." They both giggled at this.

"I'm glad I still hold first place." He smiled down at the pink goddess below him.

"Soon you'll share it with someone though." She opened her eyes smiling sweetly at him. She rolled on her side facing him kissing him on the cheek too. Standing up from the bed she walked over to the door way deciding it was time for the worst part of the day.

"Come on we need to get the not so fun part of the day out of the way. Then we can come back here and properly settle into the house." She said this walking out the door with Kakashi soon by her side. He eased her hand into his and could see her blush a little at this. He hoped he could make her react this way for the rest of their lives.


Knocking on Sakura's family door they had let go of each other's hand. But when they went out in the town Sakura tried to let go of Kakashi's hand, but he held on firmly showing no motion of letting go. Sakura looked up at him seeing him only look ahead smiling while squeezing her hand lightly. She could feel her cheeks get pink as she looked ahead guessing that he was not going to pretend that they weren't a couple in public. As they walked through the town some people did do double takes since a former student and sensei were holding hands. They only saw one person that they really knew. Ino, who waved smiling when she saw Sakura, but when she saw who was holding hands with Sakura her eyes widened and jaw dropped. Sakura only smiled back waving with Kakashi. Ino recovered by the time they had walked away, but still close enough to hear Ino yell after them.

"Nice catch billboard brow!"

Sakura after hearing this clenched her other hand into a fist from her unfortunate nickname. Kakashi laughed at her action knowing their friendship was as strong as ever.

But now they were about to see her parents who she hadn't seen in over a month and announce that they she was moving out. Her mom yelling coming from inside her home. Opening the door she saw Sakura next to her teacher and ran at her daughter hugging her tightly. Tears started to run down her mom's face into Sakura's hair. Her father hearing the commotion came to the door as well to see his daughter. He instantly grabbed both of the women bringing them into his arms. Kakashi stood back letting the family have their moment of reunion.

"We thought we would never see you again Sakura. We love you so much!" her mom said through tears with her father nodding I agreement. After a couple minute like this they finally released each other from the embrace. Sakura's mother still held onto her daughter's hand smiling at her as she wiped her face of the now drying tears.

"Come in. Kakashi you too." Sakura's father commanded. Kakashi nodded in response.

Sakura and her mother went into the kitchen to make tea as Kakashi and her father sat down across from each other in the living room. He smiled listening to his wife and daughter laugh and talk in the kitchen. Looking up at Kakashi he stood up and walked over to him.

"Thanks to you we were able to get our daughter back. We are forever indebted to you. Thank you for saving our precious daughter." He placed his hand out at Kakashi showing his respect to him. Kakashi took his hand shaking it. He knew this next conversation topic was going to be a tough one for them since they had to announce that he was taking her away from them once again. Though it was only a mile or so away. Sakura came in with her mother after as her father sat back into his seat. Sakura sat the tea down on the table and handed a cup to her father, then Kakashi, and her mother before taking her seat with her own.

"So Sakura does this mean you can stay at home now? You were checked out be the hospital staff right?" Her father questioned.

"I'm all good. Tsunade even checked me out herself. I'm also going to see her today for another check-up just in case. About moving in back home I have something to tell you." Sakura looked over at Kakashi meeting his eyes. His eyes widened its like her could hear her screaming for help.

"Well when Sakura was taken by the Akatsuki and I finally caught up to them they promised us something." Kakashi laced his fingers together looking seriously at the parent's in front of him, "They promised me that they would come back for her and would succeed in their original plan. I don't know what their plan was, but we were promised that it would not be as nice as this time. We are not certain when they will be coming for her or for what reason, but the Hokage has made a decision for Sakura's safety." Looking over at Sakura she nodded her head to give him a little encouragement.

"Sakura has been ordered to live with me in a secure location for the foreseeable future in order to ensure her safety 24/7. This is the Hokage's order due to my request to ensure her safety." Kakashi gave this information to her parents waiting for their reaction.

They both held stern faces as they analyzed the information. The first to make a motion was Sakura's father who stood up walking over to Kakashi trying to punch him directly in the face. Before his fist could make contact though Kakashi caught his fist with an automatic reflex. They stood there looking at each other as her father's fist stayed there in his hand struggling to push against it. Finally giving up her father brought down his fist going back to his seat.

"You have my approval. I'm an old man now and there isn't much I can do to protect my daughter. But you were able to save her from the Akatsuki and I have faith you could do it again. I think it is the best choice." He nodded his head with his final decision.

"Sakura has to come visit me every day." Her mother said crossing her arms. "I also want her for a family dinner once a week. Kakashi has to come too." Sakura was taken back at the inclusion of Kakashi in family meals, but smiled nodding at her mother's requirements.

"Thank you for understanding. I'll be living a little over a mile away in a house. I'll show it to you in a couple of weeks after we have settled in." She smiled to Kakashi knowing that their plan was now a success. Though her only thing that she couldn't do was start making the nursery because she figured it had to look like she was living separately from him for a couple more months.

After a little while of catching up on what her parents lives were like since she was gone they decided they would allow the two to leave. Getting up and hugging her parents one more time they waved goodbye to her parents again before walking down into the town. Once in the street Kakashi took Sakura's hand once again. The new couple smiled at each other knowing that this was what they would do for the rest of their lives. Visit people in town and go home together, to their home.

Upstairs where her old home was they couldn't see, but both of her parents were watching her walk around town twirling as Kakashi still held onto the girls hand. They stared down at her smiling at their daughter's new found happiness. She definitely deserved a life time of that happiness.

"You owe me twenty bucks." Sakura's mom said laughing. "I told you they were already together."

"I'm just happy it was someone respectable. He is quite the ninja. To think our daughter is dating the famous copy ninja. Hm. I approve." He said sitting back down in the living room.

"Yea I bet you won't say that when they finally tell us."

"Well no then I'll get to punch him. A good old punch and he can't block that time. It would be disrespectful." They both laughed together as their daughter went into the sunset with Kakashi.


I'm so sorry that I have not updated in forever, but I have been killed by chemistry these past few weeks. I'm starting winter break on Wednesday so expect at least weekly updates from now on! Thank you do much for reading you all are amazing and I'm so happy you like the story. Also don't worry there is still more to come in this story.


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