My birthday cop is my teacher?

By secret_dont_tell_Xx

385K 5.9K 930

Ariel, AKA Jasper is dyslexic. She stays behind in high school while her twin sister Aquata goes of to collag... More

Two :)
Three :)
Four :)
Five :)
Six :)
Seven :)
Eight :)
Nine :)
Ten :)
Eleven :)
Twelve :)
Thirteen :)
Fourteen :)
Fifteen :)
Sixteen :)
Seventeen :)
Eighteen :)
Nineteen :)
Twenty :)
Twenty-One :) [And Authors Note]
Twenty-Two :)
HUGE apology

One :)

71.1K 614 68
By secret_dont_tell_Xx

Okay so this is my second studnet teacher ;)

And my 3rd story on wattpad :)

 It will be short my lovelys its a taster... if i get 7?

yer 7 votes and i will post more ;)

 or 7 comments :)


"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Jasper! Happy birthday to you!"

I laughed as confetti got thrown round me. I'm at my best friend Chrissie’s house and we are having a party for my 19th birthday.

"Okay now for the big event!" I grinned as she clapped her hands and in walked a police man. He was very sexy and beautiful. I may have been a little  bit tipsy.

“I hear you’ve been a very bad girl Jasper. I think I need to take you down town, to teach you some manners.” His voice sounded as sexy as he hooked his fake handcuffs round his index finger, swinging it in circles. I bit my lip, holding back a moan as he handcuffed my arms round the back of the chair. I vaguely saw and heard what the girls were saying about how hot he was and what they wanted to do to him in bed. Yes, we they were all very tipsy, post defiantly drunk.

He stepped back and dropped the key down his boxers.

“You want out? Come get the key.” All of the girls hooted as he started taking of his bullet proof jacket and hat, sitting the hat on my head. Sweat by Snoop Dogg and David Guetta blasted through Chrissie’s  speakers as he started stripping. I love this song… I like it even more now!


Walking into Chrissie’s kitchen my head pounded as I made myself a mug of coffee.

“Mmm, make me one while you at it.” Kaya mumbled getting some clean glasses out the cupboard and aspirin.

“Ow. Why does Chrissie always make us party so hard?” I half-heartedly complained as we both downed the water and aspirin.

“That’s not what you were saying last night when you and Mr Aaron went to your room.” She smirked but then changed her mind as she cringed.

“Yeah well, I don’t even know if he’s still here. I think he was in the shower when I woke up.” She mumbled a response as heavy footsteps sounded into the kitchen and in came Mr-Police-Man-Aaron and his 2 “back up” Wess and Mitch.

Yes as a birthday present my best friends got me strippers. At the time I loved it. And then last night I loved it. But now… not so much, because I need to talk to them… as a normal human. Yay.

“Well this aint’ awkward…” Aaron trailed off scratching his neck. He was the hottest one, out of the three. He had short brown hair and light stubble and a well-defined 6 pack. His arms were decorated in a few tattoo’s. And I forgot one small deat’. All three of these hot guys were standing shirtless in my best friends kitchen.


“Well… er… as you know I’m er… Jasper… this is Kaya and erm Chrissie, Jessica and Em are still asleep.” Aaron ran a hand through his hair, flexing his tummy and arm muscles. Wess was half smirking half grinning at Kaya… Ohhh she’s the one he slept with last night… And Mitch was absentmindedly scratching his… *cough* “Oh do you guys want coffee?!”

“Please.” Aaron grinned.

“Milk? Sugar?” I questioned as I filled 3 more mugs with the steaming hot coffee.

“Can I have 4 sugar’s, no milk, please.” Aaron requested as he used a crooked grin.

“Erm, milk and 2 sugar’s please.” Wess asked still staring at Kaya, who was blushing deeply under his intense stare.

"Just milk for me, ta." My head was pounding! Stupid aspirin, so much for 'instant pain relief!' Instant pain relief my ass! Smacking the sugar on the counter i tried to loosen it, but the noise just hurt my head more. A hand grabbed my wrist, stopping me from hitting it against the counter again. Small glitters of electricity danced up my wrist from where Aaron had grabbed it.

After I finished making the coffee’s everyone was awake and getting food in the kitchen. But we were all trying our best not to make a noise. That was until Wess decided Kaya needed a tickle. And we all know how ticklish Kaya is.

“No! No! No! Stop!” She screeched running away. Because we are girls with hangovers and don’t take nicely to noise, Kaya and Wess end up being pelted with food and spoons.

“Erm, guys we best be off…” Aaron trailed off looking at his watch then at me. I felt sad that he was leaving. Why?! You have no reason to be! He’s just a stripper that came to give you a birthday strip. And I bet he does it to loads of girls every week… and even the odd dude! Why was I jealous that he stripped for other girls?! Because you like him! Duh! And you’ve seen him naked and you know what his “package” feels like… if you get my drift.

“I will show you the door.” I said sliding off the stool I was sat on, with my coffee in hand. Walking to the door, we both kept sneaking looks at each other.

“So… can I get your number?” I choked on the sip I was having. After having a coughing fit with him patting my back I was able to ask why. “Well, because your pretty and down to earth and stuff. I like you. Is that a crime?” I stifled a laugh at the irony of what he just said.

“I know but, your 22, I’m 19! Age difference!”

“Yeah but that doesn’t matter. My mum and dad are 6 years apart. 3 years is nothing!” He exclaimed throwing his hands up.

“Wait, why are we acting like we’ve known each other for like ever? And were getting married?” I laughed, taking his phone and putting my number in it. Saving it under Jazper* I used a ‘z’ instead of an ‘s’ because it looks cooler. And the star just looks awesome! He chuckled.

“I will text you tomorrow?” Biting my lip I nodded. “Right.. erm.. Bye.”

“See ya!” I called as he climbed in his car.

“So I guess we’ll be seeing more of you Jazz!” Wess called as he skipped into the back seat of the car. He literally skipped.

“See you soon Jasper.” Mitch said as we followed them to the car.

“Mmm, those boys are too hot for their own good.” Chrissie ‘tutted’ as she leaned against the opposite door frame.

“Yeah.” Jess sighed as she sat on the stairs.

“I third that.” Emma mumbled sitting on a step lower.

“And I forth it.” Kaya exclaimed leaning on the banister. We all waved as they pulled off the curb and drove off down the road.

“They are hot I guess…” I trailed off looking at the floor. Chrissie patted my shoulder.

“Yeah and you have a date with Mr-Oh-So-Hot-Ness.” She mocked as she closed the door and walked into the living room with us following.

“So remind me when your parents are ganna be back, again?” I asked already knowing the answer and knowing that they are meant to be back in an hour.

“Shoot!” She grumbled as she started to tidy.

“Ya that’s what I thought!” I laughed. “Well, I’ve got work in 2 hours so, I’ll leave you to it. After all it was my party, I shouldn’t have to clean!” I hollered as I ran up the stairs and into the bathroom.

After my relaxing 20 minute shower I wrapped a towel round myself and walked back to my room. Yes it may be my best friends’ house, but she lives on the richer side of town. And because we are BFF’s I have my own room for when I come stay. Her mum and dad are like second parents to me. Well…Her mum is, her dad is pretty much my dad as well.

My dad took off when I was about 3 leaving my mum alone with me and my twin sister. Her name is Aquata and we were born on the 27th of October 1992. I was born 16 minutes earlier making me the oldest. I maybe the oldest but because I have dyslexia i'm still on my last year of high school while she is away at collage.

When we were born my mum was in love with The Little Mermaid, that's why my first name is Ariel and her name is Aquata. I hate the name Ariel tough, it's to girly, so i go my middle name, Jasper. I don't care if it's a boy's name, it just sounds awesome for me. Aquata's middle name is Alex and she hates it.

 After i got dressed i stood in front of the mirror and checked my self. My blonde hair fell nicely past my shoulders in little waves and went really well with the black hat i had on. I was wearing a simple white crop top, showing ma tummy, a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans and black open toed high heels. I was averige height and had a great body. Well what i though was a great body. I tried never to openly diss my body.

"I thought you said you had work?" I spun around and looked at Jessica.

"Yeah, I start in..." I trailed of looking at my watch. "30 minutes... So i need to leave now." She laghed and we walked down the stairs where i grabbed my bag and said my good byes, hopping into my red convertible.

***at work***

"Hey Hanna! Will i be able to have tomorrow off?!" i shouted out to my bose as she chased a dog in the back. I work in a pet shop and i have for 2 years. I  love working here, it's calming to be round the animals and it pays great.

"Sure honey!" Hanna is an elderly woman in her 60's but everyone in town knows and loves her. Shes the bee's knee's.

My phone beeped in my pocket.

Well how about i pic you up at noon tomorrow and we go for a picnic?
Aaron xxx

Awww he want's to take me out for a picnic! Smiling i replied.

Sure, sounds awesome ;) Can't wait Xx

I can't remember the last time i went on a picnic.

**Flash back**

"Mummy! Come fly the kite with us!" Aquata called out to her from where she sat on a bench.

"Okay honey, but make sure your sister gets a go!" She shouted back. I didn't want to play with the kite. I wanted to play on the monkey bars with the boys.

"Mummy, do i have to play with the kite!?" I whined like the little 12 year old i was.

"No, but i want you playing with your sister." She ordered as she came over to us.

**End of flash back**

That was when we started doing different things and not being together.

Now i regret it.

We hardly talk with her being away at collage.

After that insident we were never close again, unless family were around.

I kind of miss her.

Manning up, i picked up the phone and phoned a number i hadn't thought of in a while. She picked up on the 5th ring.




"Hey, i've not talked to you in ages!"

"Oh my god, how are you!?"

"Good good. Hey, when are you next coming over?"

"Next week, me and Mark are staying for the week, why?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to have some, Twin bonding time?"

"Yeah, that would be cool. Look i've got to go now, class starts in a sec."

"Okay, see you next week. Bye!"

"See you then!"

I breathed as i put the phone down. Wow, did i really just do that?!

For the rest of the day i had a goofy smile on my face that only got bigger at night when i got a text of Aaron.

Sleep tight Xx Can't wait to see you tomorrow Xx

Aaron xxx



So how was that?!

Like i said at the beginning,

om not sure i will continue this book,

but if you want me to,


and vote?

And check out my other storys....

Sure i'll marry you..... NOT!!!

Who Knew Love Lies In History


Keeping Kasper (<<newest!!)

Vote and Comment if you want more <3

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