Who Will I Be?

By xosugarcookiexo

36.9K 570 139

Lizzie Jonas is part of McKinley High's New Directions. She has a blast, even though her two older brothers N... More

Who Will I Be?
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen- Part 1
Chapter Sixteen- Part 2
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen- Part 1
Chapter Eighteen- Part 2

Chapter Four

1.9K 33 10
By xosugarcookiexo

Hey!!! Nothing much to say but...ENJOY!!! :D

-------------------------------------------------------------Chapter Four-------------------------------------------------------

Lizzie P.O.V.

I kept the hood of my red WMHS hoodie up as I walked through the corridors of McKinley High the next morning. No way was I going to get slushied this morning! I smiled to myself as I went over to my locker and put in the combination, I could hear students snickering and joking about my hooded face. Pssh, they're just mad that they're not getting any 'entertainment' this morning. I just took out my folder of songs that I found online from my messenger bag when Joe and his posse' came by. Great.  

Joe strutted in front with Karosfky on his left and Nick on his right. Other football players followed behind the trio but broke off from the group as they walked to their other friends and girlfriends. Maybe, if I keep quiet, Joe won't notice me and just carry on with his day. I looked over at him only to see him whispering to Karosfky, who smirked. I ignored them as they came closer...it worked until Joe knocked my folder out of my hands and onto the ground.  

"Thought that hood would protect you, huh?" Joe snickered as he took the hood off me.  

I ignored him as I started to pick up the sheet music that was now all over the floor near my locker. Joe, Nick, and Karosfky walked off whispering things such as 'She's so stupid'. The usual. Sighing, I continued to pick up the music when suddenly someone bent down in front of me. I look towards the person to see Finn, he gave me a sympathetic smile.    

"You okay?" He asked, holding some music in his hands.  

 I nodded, "Yeah, I'm used to it." I gave him a little smile.  

"No offense, but your brothers are serious jerks." He growled through his teeth, looking in the direction of the boys.  

I giggled, "No offense taken, trust me, I know."  

"Why do they-"Hate me?" I asked, interrupting him.  

Finn nodded and I sighed. He didn't want to hear my sob story, he's FINN HUDSON. He has bigger problems to worry about than his duet partner's. I collected the last of the music and we both stood up.  

"It's a long story." I said, brushing off my jeans with my one hand.  

Finn handed me his share of the music, "I have some time."  

I looked up from my folder to see a smiling Finn. Wow, he really does care. I put the folder in my locker as he continued to talk.  

"Wanna meet at the Lima Bean after school? We can look over the music and you can tell me your 'Long Story'." He said in a persuasive tone.  

That offer made me almost drop my Chemistry book. Finn wants to get coffee...with ME? I had to play it cool. I put a strain of hair behind my ear and was about to accept when I remembered one key factor...Joe. He would go NUTS if he found out I was going to be spending time with Finn. He'll most likely kill me then dance on top of my grave...well, more like jump since he can't dance. BURN-right, wrong place to do that.  

"Finn, I would love to but..Joe-"Doesn't like me very much, he makes that very clear." Finn finished, with a knowing smile on his face.  

My eyes widened, "Wow, you're good."  

He chuckled, "It's a talent. Hmm, how about you tell Joe you're going to hang out with Quinn but instead I'll take you?" He smiled.  

Hmm. Joe loves Quinn, the two actually had a short fling during Quinn's freshman year before she met Finn. Actually, she's the only one in the Glee Club that he likes...sure, he still slushies her but he doesn't say anything when I tell him that I'm going shopping with her. It just might work! I smiled and nodded at Finn, whose smile grew wider.  

 "It's a deal, Hudson." We jokingly shook hands.  

We laughed, but we didn't stop holding each other's hands. Finn's hand felt....comforting in mine. It was as if he was supposed to be close to me like this. Like a- WHOA. Stop yourself right there Lizzie Jonas. You're not getting feelings for Finn Hudson, Joe would kill you. Plus, the boy has a girlfriend that would also kill you. We let go of each other hands and gave each other friendly smiles, trying to break the tension.  

"Well, I better get to gym. See ya, Jonas!" He jokingly said as he walked off.  

I giggled and waved at the boy as he walked away. Finn found Rachel in the crowd and the two shared a peck on the lips, I couldn't help but feel a bit sad as the two held onto each others hands. I pushed the thought of Finn out of my head and closed my locker door.  


"Kurt, it's nothing!"   I reassured Kurt for the billionth time. We walked side-by-side with our lunch trays in hand as I told him about Finn taking me to the Lima Bean this afternoon.

Of course, being Kurt, he flipped out. Kurt always got a little too excited when I mentioned a boy, for some reason he really wants me to get a boyfriend...but I've never seen him THIS excited. The boy looked like he was about to explode.  

"You know what this means?!" Kurt asked, stepping in front of me as he walked backwards.  

I rolled my eyes, "That we're going to be talking about songs?"  

 "No! You're going to be my sister-in-law...sort of." He smiled widely, coming back to my side.  

I couldn't help but laugh. Kurt's father, Burt, and Finn's mother, Carole, are actually a couple. The two started dating last year and actually live together in the Hummel household. We set our trays down at our regular table next to each other. Mercedes was chatting up Tina while Artie and Brittany talked- I was surprised to see Brittany here...she always sits with the Cheerios and Jocks, even though she is part of the club. I shrugged it off and shot the blonde a smile as I took my seat next to Kurt.  

"Kurt, you and I both know Finn is dating Rachel." Kurt rolled his eyes at the name, "Plus, we're just going to the Bean to look over song selections and talk. It's nothing."  

Artie looked over, "What's nothing?"  

 "Lizzie and Finn are going to the Lima Bean to 'talk'." Kurt said before I could answer.  

"Ooh, kinky." Artie joked.  

The table laughed as I playfully rolled my eyes and threw a napkin at Artie. Leave it to him to make an inapporiate comment, but that's why we love him. Everyone went back to their conversations when Mercedes talked to Kurt.  

"So, how's your Sam-venture going?" She asked, picking up an apple.

Kurt's face dropped, "It didn't. He's too occupied with Quinn."  

"Aw, I'm sorry." I said, giving him a little hug, "Who are you going to duet with?"    

Kurt couldn't help but smile.  

"You'll see, on Friday."  


"Do I love you my oh my yeah/ River deep, mountain high yeha yeah yeah

If I lost you would I cry/ Oh how I love you baby

baby, baby, baby.."  

Mercedes and Santana finished their rendition of 'River Deep, Mountain High' as they struck into final poses. Kurt and I were the first to burst into appaulase as the rest of the club joined in with their own hoots. The two girls shared a high five as Mr. Shue walked to the front of the room and put a comforting arms around the two girls.  

"That was great guys!" He smiled.  

 Santana nodded, "It should be 'cause we be going to breadstix!"  

Mr. Shue laughed as the two girls went back to their seats. Finn and I shared knowing glances, trust me, we knew we were going to Breadstix...even if we didn't have a song picked out yet. Rachel looked between the two of us then shot an ice cold look at me, not wanting to cause any trouble I just gave her a faint smile. She just rolled her eyes and turned back to Mr. Shue, well, I guess any chance of avoiding a feud with Rachel is now out the window.  

"Is anyone else ready to perform?" Mr. Shue asked, hands clasped together.  

Rachel raised her hand, "Mr. Shue, Puck and I are."  

"Alright, show us what you got."  

Rachel hopped down from the higher platform as Puck went over to the instruments and grabbed a guitar. The two broke out into the hit song 'Need You Now'. I have to say, it was REALLY good! Their voices fit so smoothly with each other, it's like musical soulmates. Kurt, Mercedes, and I swayed in our chairs as Puck finished up the song with a mini guitar solo. Everyone broke out into appaulse but it was cut short when the bell rang, indicating that it was now time to pass onto the last period of the day. Puck put the guitar away as everyone got their stuff together.  

"So, Quinn and Sam will start us off tomorrow. Have a great day!" Mr. Shue announced.  

Quinn and Sam gave each other knowing smiles as the two left the choir room. Everyone else followed suit as Finn came up to my seat, which I was still standing by while getting my stuff together.  

"Hey, did you tell your brothers about your 'shopping date with Quinn'?" Finn comically winked.  

 I giggled, "Not yet. My next class is with Nick so I'll tell him then he'll pass the news on to Joe."  

"Awesome. Oh, by the way, I talked to Quinn and she said she'll cover for you-"Finn!"  

We both turned to see Rachel standing by the piano, tapping her foot impatiently. Jeez, she acted like she owned the poor boy. Finn nodded to his girlfriend and turned back to me which made her turn even more annoyed.  

"I'll meet you by my truck, bye!" He smiled.  

He took Rachel's hand as the two made their way out of the choir room. Ugh, my stomach did those flip flops again. I picked up my messenger bag and put it on my shoulder, walking out of the room.  

"Darn it, Finn."  

XXX   "


I ran up to my brother's desk right after the bell rang. The period past by slowly, whether it be from the fact that I hated History or my fear of talking to Nick about this. Would he buy it? Nick's probably the smartest guy on the football team (no offense to Finn) and could always spot a lie a mile away. When we were in sixth grade, he called me out on lying about my D in math, but he kept it a secret until I brought it up to that C minus. Of course, that was the old Nick, this is the new Jerk-Nick.  

"Yeah?" He asked, looking down at his iPhone.  

I took a deep breath, "I'm going shopping with Quinn, so I won't be riding with you guys."  

"Okay. When will you be home?" He asked, putting his back pack on.   I

 followed him out of the room with a raised eyebrow.  

"Why do you care?"  

Nick quickly answered with a worried expression on his face, "I don't! It's j-just...Mom will want to know."  

"Alright..." I said in a confused tone, "I should be home by five, before dinner."  

 Nick nodded and scurried away before I could say anything else. Wow...that was different. I made my way to the back doors and out to the parking lot where I saw Finn by his truck, talking to Rachel. Well, more like angerily talking back to her. Uh oh, trouble in paradise it looked like. Not wanting to get caught up in the madness, I went back to the doors and sat on one of the planters near it.  


No P.O.V.  

"Rachel, it's NOTHING!" Finn said in an annoyed tone.  

Rachel crossed her arms to her chest and scoffed at her boyfriend. Nothing? Please! He was taking her out for coffee, that seemed like something to her.  Rachel saw they way he looked at her in the hall when the two were talking. She should've picked someone else for Finn to sing with, someone who Finn didn't stare blankly at during group numbers. How could she have been so stupid? No. She's not going to blame herself, this is Finn's and that Jonas girl's doing. Rachel is just an innocent bystander in the attack.  

"Finn. I said SING with her, not take her out on a date!" She pointed out.  

The boy rolled his eyes, "It's COFFEE! Jeez, You don't see me getting mad at you for being all goo-goo eyes over Puck during your performance!"  

"'Goo-goo eyes'? I did no-"Rachel. You were pratically undressing him with your eyes!"    

Rachel stayed quiet, he noticed that? She shook her head and put her hands up in the air.     "I'm done. Have fun on your 'date'."   With that, Rachel Berry made her famous storm away.

I don't hate Rachel, she's one of my faves, but she's going to be a little...ugh...in this story haha 

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