The Misunderstood Life of Ech...

By PrinceThespian

62.8K 1.9K 609

Echo Lestrange, the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange, just got expelled from Beauxbatons. Now she is entering... More

Prologue: Expelled and Transfered
Perks of Being the New Girl
Confusion! Confundus!
Rumors or Lies
How Can I Describe This?
Before the Worst
The Perks of Being a Death Eater
Not So Tough Found Out
Yes, My Lord

For The Nerves

5.2K 247 146
By PrinceThespian

Echo PoV

"Hey, Echo," Blaise said as I entered the compartment of the train back to Hogwarts. 

"Oh, hi, Blaise," I answered, sitting on the opposite side of him. I looked around and saw that we were the only ones in the compartment. "Had a good holiday?"

"Yeah, it was alright. But I'm sure you had a blast teaching those Blood Traitors a lesson!" Blaise said, laughing.

I looked at him. "How do you know about that?"

He immediately stopped laughing and looked at me. "It's all over the newspaper." He gave me the Dailey Profit that was next to him and gave it to me. It said:

Attack at the Burrow.

Greyback, Bellatrix Lestrange and a third, not confirmed Death Eater, attacked the Weasley's at the Weasley Burrow at Christmas. Witnesses, Harry Potter, Ginevra Weasley, Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks were not hurt.

"It was horrific and disgusting on what they did to our children and home!" Tonks explained. "We were just going back to our home when Bellatrix Lestrange set the yard on fire. Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley ran after her, trying to stop her. We tried to run after the two kids but the fire was too strong for us to go across."

Lupin explained the fight. He told us that when they chased after Potter and G.Weasley, the three Death Eaters were attacking the two children. Luckily Lupin, Tonks and Arthur Weasley arrived with neither of the children injured in anyway. 

"There was this moment of eerie silence..." A.Weasley told us. "At the same time, the three of them used Stupefy (hitting only A.Weasley) and they Apparated away. As they were flying away from us, they set fire to our home, burning our son, Fred, on the arm."

The Burrow has been restored back to it's normal state and everyone is safe. Students at Hogwarts are to take extra caution since the third is assumed to be a Hogwarts student.

"Oh, god," I mumbled, throwing the paper towards the clear door. Why didn't they use my name? Clearly they knew I was there. "How do you know that's me?"

"It was easy enough to assume," Blaise said. "Hey, hey. I thought it was pretty amusing," He put his arm around me.  "At least you taught those Blood Traitors a lesson."

I chuckled and nodded. "Yeah. That's true. I just don't like the fact that I have to be watched all the time... They won't give us time alone." I ran my fingers through his small and rough hair. 

Blaise smirked and leaned to me and pressed his lips roughly on mine. I froze for a while and smiled through the kiss. I wrapped my hands around him, tilted my head to deepen the kiss. I laid down on the compartment seat and let him crawl on top of me. 

"Don't get any ideas now, Blaise," I said flirty.

"Not right now, anyways," He said in his deep voice. I winked at him and went in for another kiss. 

Harry PoV

"HARRY!" Hermione cried as she finished the newspaper article about the Burrow. "You're bloody lucky you didn't get killed!" 

We had just arrived in Hogwarts, about to go to the common rooms. I rolled my eyes at her and groaned. "Hermione, I'm fine. Look at me! I'm all in one piece! I'm fine!"

Hermione was about to say something again but Lavender's high, obnoxious voice boomed through the corridor. "Oh! Won-Won! Look what I got you for Christmas!" I paused to look at the pathetic couple. Ron looked annoyed and had a fake smile on his face. Hermione huffed and watched from a distance.

Lavender showed him a necklace with a lavender-colored heart with a bronze arrow going though it. "You're going to wear it, right?!"

"Oh. Er. Of course I'll wear it," Ron said flatly.  Lavender hugged him, snogged him enthusiastically and put the necklace around him. After that, she hugged him and giggled.

"Excuse me while I go and vomit. I'll meet you in the common room," Hermione said annoyed.

"Uh, yeah, alright.." I said with a nod. 

Ron looked at me and mouthed, "Help me!"

I shrugged and said, "I have some stuff to do. Have fun." I smirked and walked to the Gryffindor common room. As I was approaching the room, I saw Echo and Blaise walking around, laughing and holding hands. Part of me wanted to use the Killing Curse on Zabini and the other part wanted to use that on Echo. But another part of me just wanted to be where Zabini was, holding her and making jokes with her. I stared at her, hoping that she'll lock eyes with me, but she ignored me like we were strangers.

Sighing, I told the Fat Lady the password and entered the common room. Ginny was by the fireplace, reading a Muggle book. She looked at me and smiled lightly. I returned the smile but I walked to the empty desk. From the corner of my eye I saw Ginny close her book and walk up to me.

"Hi, Harry..." She said cautiously.

I stared at the flickering candle and said, "Hello, Ginny."

"Tell me how you feel about me."

I looked at her, shocked. "What are you talking about?"

"Do you like me...?"

I tilted my head to the side slightly and answered, "Of course I like you Ginny."

She groaned. "You know what I mean."

"Uhm... Well, yeah, I do actually," I answered, my heart speeding.

Ginny sat on the armchair. "So do I, Harry. But what are we going to do about this?"

"Be together." 

"What about Ron?" Ginny whispered, leaning to me.

"Who cares?" I chuckled and pressed my lips softly to her lips.

"Harry!" Seamus said, tapping my shoulder. I groaned, broke apart from Ginny and glared at Seamus.

"This better be bloody important. What do you want?" I asked.

"Professor Dumbledore gave me this to give it to you." Seamus handed me a piece of parchment.

"Oh, alright. Thanks, Seamus." He nodded and walked back to wherever he was. I looked at Ginny apologetically. "I have to go."

"Alright... Goodbye, Harry," Ginny said, smiling.

When I went to Professor Dumbledore's office, he showed me another memory about Tom Riddle and how this one was meddled with by Professor Slughorn himself.

"This time, Harry, I need you to give me the true memory.You must not fail, Harry. If you fail... We lead our world to only chance," Dumbledore said, looking me right in the eye.

"I'll try my best, sir," I answered.

After that meeting, I've been trying to get Professor Slughorn to give me that exact same memory, but now it seemed like he's been... avoiding me. I've been trying for three weeks. One day, I tried to talk to Professor again but he just got infuriated and so did I. I got more annoyed that I couldn't get this damn memory! And Dumbledore is counting on me.

I sighed and entered the common room. This time, Neville came up to me and said, "It's Ron... He's been acting strange."

"I'll go take a look. Thanks, Neville," I answered. I walked to the dorm and saw Ron staring dazedly at the full moon. "Ron? You alright?"

"It's beautiful isn't it?" He sighed, smiling goofily. "The moon."

"Er... Devine," I answered, looking around the dorm. I saw pieces of candy wrappers on the floor, bed and just everywhere. "Had ourself a midnight snack?"

"I saw the box of sweets on your bed. I may have just picked a couple." He quirked to me and looked at me sighing, still smiling.

"Or twenty," I chuckled.

"I can't stop thinking about her Harry!"

"Honestly, I reckoned she started to annoy you," I answered, thinking he was talking about Lavender. I climbed to my bed and chuckled. Suddenly, Ron climbed to my bed and was a couple of inches away from me.

"She could never annoy me!" He snapped but then smiled again. "I think I love her."

"Er..." Feeling uncomfortable, I scooted to the floor to pick up the mess that Ron made. "Uhm... Brilliant, I guess." 

"Do you think she knows I exist?" 

"I really do hope so. She's been snogging you for three months."

"Snogging...?" He looked at me dumbfounded. "Who are you talking about?"

By this point, I knew he wasn't talking about Lavender. "Who are you talking about?"

"Ramilda, of course. Ramilda Vane."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Alright, very funny." I used Accio to pick up the rubbish on the floor when Ron hit me with the heart-shaped box of chocolate. "OW! Ron, what was that for?" I asked, turning to his direction.

"It's not a joke! I'M IN LOVE WITH HER!" He cried.

"Alright, fine, you're in love with her!" I snapped. "Have you even met her?"

He looked down, sad. "No." Instantly, his face lit up. "Could you introduce me?!"

I looked at him weirdly but he ignored me. He walked to the window and began to stare at the moon again. Maybe... I grabbed the box of chocolate on the floor and opened the box. In it, was a letter from Romilda Vane.

Dear Harry,

These boxes of chocolate are for you. I hope you like them. Come see me when you finished it.

xoxox R.V. 

Then it had a picture of her, blowing a kiss. I knew it. A love potion. Hermione did warn me about her trying to give me a love potion. This could be my chance to speak to Slughorn again.

I walked to Ron, patted his back and said, "Alright, Ron. I'm gonna introduce you to Romilda Vane."

He looked me at, excitement and infatuation in his eyes. I helped him and and walked towards the dungeon's where the potions classroom was. I knocked on the door and Slughorn opened the small peephole. When he saw that it was me, he mumbled and was about to close it.

"Sir! I wouldn't go to you if it were absolutely essential!" I said, quickly.

"Where's Romilda?" Ron asked, looking inside the peephole.

Slughorn looked at me, confused. "What happened to Wallenby?"

I whispered, "Very strong love potion..."

Slughorn looked at Ron then back at me and sighed. "Alright then."

"Get in here, Ron. Ramilda will be here in a second or two," I said, opening the door. 

Ron's face lightened up and entered the potions classroom happily. After a long while of waiting for the antidote for the love potion, the professor gave the drink to Ron.

"What's this?" Ron asked.

"Tonic," Slughorn lied. "For the nerves."

When Ron drank the antidote, his dazed faced turned into that of confusion and paranoia. "What's happened to me?"

"Love potion. A strong one," I said with a chuckle.

Slughorn walked away and came back with a bottle of sparkling cider. "I was saving this for someone else but giving the circumstances, it'll be alright." Slughorn handed each of us a goblet filled with the cider.

Ron didn't thank him or wait and began to drink the cider. Suddenly, Ron dropped to the floor and his body started to shake uncontrollably. 

"Ron! Ron!" I dropped the goblet and ran to him, trying to stop him. "Don't die!"


I was in the hospital with Hermione, Ginny, all the professor and I, watching over the unconscious Ron. This was just after Lavender entered the hospital with Ron said Hermione's name. That was hilarious and I'm happy for Hermione. 

As I was walking back, I saw Malfoy walking up the stairs to the seventh floor with Echo following him behind, looking back and around them constantly. I waited for them to go a little further before I followed them. The Invisibility Cloak would be convenient right now... 

When Echo looked back again, I hid behind a second year Hufflepuff who was reading. She looked at me weirdly but continued to read. I held my breath.

"What happened, Echo?" Malfoy asked.

She kept on looking at the second year girl and said, "Nothing. Let's go up. This bloody bird is not liking my grip." Giving a last glance at the girl, she continued up the stairs with soft chirps coming from her palm.

"Why would she need a bird?" I asked myself. The second year looked at me and shrugged. I ruffled her hair and followed them again. This time, Malfoy was the one looking back. I knew he saw me in the eyes so they pushed Echo lightly and whispered, "Hurry."

The two of them sprinted up the stairs and stopped on the seventh floor. As I quickly followed them, I turned at the corner and didn't see them anymore. It's like they just disappeared. But then it hit me, they're in the Room of Requirements.

Echo PoV

"Draco? Are you sure it works one hundred percent?" I asked, handing him the white bird.

"We'll see," Draco said, looking more distressed then usual. He opened the Vanishing Cabinet and placed the bird inside. She tweeted and chirped confused when she bounced around. 

I sunk down to the floor and watched him do his thing. "You do remember the spell, right?"

"Of course I do!" Draco snapped.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Just checking." 

As he murmured the spell, I couldn't help to think that Harry was in our tail just as we were walking up here. I'm pretty sure he knows where we are but he doesn't know what we're doing. But I can't tell him. Hell, he hates me now for blowing up the Burrow. But I didn't have a choice... I had to do it... to please Mother. 

My thoughts were interrupted by Draco's small tears dripping in my forehead. I quirked up to my feet and opened the door of the Cabinet all the way and saw the white bird motionless on the platform. Sighing, I hugged my cousin.

"It's going to be okay, Draco.... We can still mend it. We have loads of time. Don't worry," I answered, swallowing hard, trying hard not to cry with him.

Suddenly, Draco pushed me away from him hard with made me land on my arse. "WHAT DO YOU KNOW, HUH?! AT LEAST HE THINKS YOU'RE FINE! IF I DON'T SUCCEED, HE'LL KILL ME!" He glared at me and ran away from the Room of Requirements, trying hard not to sob.

I sighed and got myself up. A couple of tears went down and I don't know why.


"I have to go," I whispered to Blaise's ear. It's been a couple of weeks since I've seen either Draco or Harry. I had to see Draco because I think I know why that bird died... I just hope I'm right.

"Where?" He asked, getting up from a seat in the Three Broomsticks. 

"Draco and I have some family stuff to do and it get's kind of annoying. It usually takes about two hours." 

"Oh, alright. I'll meet you in the common room after, then?"

"Sure," I answered, kissing him on the cheek. "Bye."

When I walked towards the Great Hall, I saw Katie Bell walking along with her Quidditch friends. Oh, crap... Avoiding her eye, I looked around for Draco, who was looking distressed and confused. I could swear, that I saw his eyes watering.

"What happened, Draco?" I asked, worried.

"Nothing!" He snapped. "Just... Just meet me there! I'll be there in ten minutes!" He glared at me. "Well?! What are you waiting for? Go!"

I stared at him, got up from the Slytherin table and walked to the Room of Requirements. 

Harry PoV

Hermione, Ron and I were eating lunch in the Great Hall the day after Ron was released from the hospital wing. I constantly looked back at Lavender to see her glaring at Hermione and Ron, who were sitting next to each other. After a while of talking and actually laughing for the first in a while, Hermione quirked up, looked around and looked at me.

"Harry," She whispered. "That's Katie. That's Katie Bell. She just got released from St. Mungo's yesterday afternoon."

I looked up and saw her with her usual Quidditch-loving friends. Getting up and running to her, I stopped in front of her and said, "Hi, Katie. How are you?"

"I know you're going to ask Harry about who cursed me but I just can't remember," Katie answered, smiling weakly. "I try to but I just... can't." 

Sighing, I thanked her and looked towards the Great Hall entrance. I saw Malfoy staring at Katie then back at me. In that moment, I knew that for sure he cursed her. As Malfoy ran out of the Great Hall, I followed him, not caring if I bumped into anyone hard. I just needed to hurt him. There's no way someone can curse my friend and not get away with it. I took a sharp turn and saw he entered the girls lavatory, the one with Moaning Myrtle. 

What is he doing in the girl's lavatory?

As I cautiously entered the lavatory, I heard slight sobs coming out of Draco. For a split second, I felt bad for him but then I immediately thought of Katie and the bad that Malfoy did. 

"I KNOW WHAT YOU DID MALFOY!" I yelled. Moaning Myrtle swooped up in front of me and floated away, yelling for help.

Echo PoV

As I tried numerous repairing spells on the Cabinet, nothing seemed to be fixing. This was so stupid and a waste of time... 

"ECHO LESTRANGE!" I heard a screeching voice call out to me.

I froze and tried to figure out who it could be. Oh god. Please not a student or a teacher. I looked back and saw a young looking ghost in front of me, looking scared and worried.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Moaning Myrtle but your cousin! He's getting attacked!" She yelled.

"By who?!" I asked, getting up.

"No time to explain! HURRY! Or things might get bloody!" 

I ran out of the Room of Requirements and didn't stop until I bumped into Professor Snape. Groaning, I quickly apologized. "Miss Lestrange," He said in his deep voice. "What's the rush?"

"It's Draco, sir!" The ghost said, almost crying. "He's getting attacked!"

Without another word, Snape, and I followed to ghost the to lavatory. While we were almost there, I heard cries of spells and yells of pain from two familiar voices.

"Sectumsempra!" I heard Harry yell.

Snape suddenly froze which led me into bumping into him. "Oh... I'm sorry, sir. You suddenly stopped."

"Miss Lestrange," Snape said.

"Yes, sir?" I asked, anxious.

"When I'm done with Potter and Malfoy, take Draco to the Hospital Wing immediately."

"What?! What happened?" I asked, not waiting for an answer. I ran into the lavatory and saw Draco on the floor with blood stained all over his white shirt. "Oh, my, god..." I looked around and saw Harry backing up. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I asked, urging back tears.

"I.. I don't know," Harry murmured, looking horrorstruck.

"MURDERER!" Moaning Myrtle yelled. 

"Step back!" Snape demanded. 


I did what I was told and stayed by the door. I watched Snape as he cured Draco mumbling a spell I couldn't hear very well. As for Harry, I saw him backing up until he made a quick run out of the lavatory.

"POTTER!" I yelled.

"Don't," Snape snapped. "I'll deal with him. Just take Draco to the Hospital Wing... NOW!"

I did a double-take then went to Draco. He was murmuring in pain as I put his arm around me. I whispered comforting thoughts as I walked him slowly to the Hospital Wing. When I was almost there, I saw Harry staring at me with terror written all over his eyes.

"I hate you," I sneered.  

Harry licked his lips to say something but remained silent. As I was about to say something to him again, Madam Pomfrey ran to me asking me questions about Draco. When I answered all her questions and finished staying by Draco's side for a while, I walked back to the common room.

"Echo," I heard Harry whisper.

"I have nothing to say to you," I snapped, not looking at him. I continued to walk to the Slytherin Common Rooms.

"What?! Like you attacking the Burrow wasn't bad?" 

"At least I didn't almost kill someone!" I snapped, stopping and facing him.

"But I didn't."

"You heartless little shit!" I snapped, slapping him across the face. "Go have fun with that stupid Weasley girl."

I glared at him and ran to the common rooms, tears streaming down my eyes. 


Done. Finally, right?! It's been a while since the last upload. I know most of it was sort of like the book/movie but I just needed to add these small details. Hopefully you didn't mind. The next chapter will be 100% better and more action packed and stuff! Thanks for reading/voting/and commenting! Ya'll are the best! :D Bless your face. If you sneezed during the reading of this chapter, bless you. Michelle out, peace off! 


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