The Power Couple (Cake; Cara...

By livingwithfun

86.1K 2.1K 362

In this cruel world where surviving is a struggle, Kendall and Cara have been lucky enough to find true love... More

Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Reality Rocks
Chapter 3 - Surprises
Chapter 5 - Heated Competition
Chapter 6 - #FixedUp... or not
Chapter 7 - It Was Annie
Chapter 8 - What Happened In Paris...
Chapter 9 - What Heppened in Paris II
Chapter 10 - How It All Began
Chapter 11 - The First Time 'It' Happened..
Chapter 12 - How We Fell
Chapter 13 - I need you...
Chapter 14 - Final Chapter.You. Me. Us.

Chapter 4 - Annie Clark

6.7K 151 34
By livingwithfun

Annie Clark

She is a talented American singer/songwriter known by the stage name St Vincent for a long time. Her debute album 'Marry Me' was first released in 2007, which for many people, was the beginning of her rise to success and fame.

She has several number one hits like 'Digital Witness' or 'Bright in Reverse' in her very successful career. She is a musician who proved her talent to all haters when she won the Grammy award.

For music fans, she might be a legend. But for me, she's just an ugly bitch who happens to be my girlfriend's ex.

It's not like we had many unpleasant encounters with one another, Annie and I.
All we exchanged were common conversations that flow every single day among people. A simple greeting... 'Nice to see you' that deep inside screamed 'screw you bitch'.

We hate each other because she's been a major burden on Cara's shoulders and a massive obstacle as well against us getting together. Now, I have no idea on earth what she's doing here.

Last time we saw each other was a few months ago at Versace's when Cara and her were still together. And as much as I hate to admit this... So was I.


"I see you're here baby." She calls with her usual blank tone. I sometimes feel like this woman bears no emotions within her heart.

Cara looks at me intently before asking 'you ready to leave?' with her gaze, completely ignoring Annie's uneasy lingering presence. I nod my head once and stand up at the same time she does. Cara rubs my back softly while I grab my purse to leave.

"You used to love it when I called you baby." Annie snaps at Cara. She seems to not be able to care less about her. She grabs my hand and gives it a tight squeeze.
"Come on, babe." Cara smiles as she pulls my hand, encouraging me to follow her. We start walking toward the door.
"Get out of the way, Annie." She dryly responds when Annie stands blocking our way out.

"You..." She points her finger at me."It's all your fault." Annie spits the words out bitterly. "We would still be together if it wasn't for you!" She turns her attention back to Cara. Surprisingly, her eyes begin to water. "But you know it, right? We're meant to be together!" Cara shakes her head in frustration and tries to leave. Annie grabs her by the arm.

I feel a gut feeling go heavy on my chest. It's not exactly the best feeling to be referred to the way Annie called me.

"Don't you dare walk past me again!" Annie yells only to be ignored as Cara walks past her confidently. "We will get back together baby!" She shouts as we exit the dining room.

Cara gives my temple a sweet kiss before we walk out to all the paparazzi. "Never mind what she says, baby." Her hand never leaves my waist. "I love you. Only you. No one else but you!" She stares in my eyes and mutters. I grin at her playfulness. "I love you too."


I walked inside through the red carpet finally freeing myself from the papz. "Kendall!" Gigi's familiar hands bumped my shoulders and gave me a semi heart attack. "Holy... Gosh! What's your issue!?!" I asked Gigi with fake offesnse as she giggled.

"I have to admit you got me good." I confessed. "When do I not!?" Gigi took her tongue out to me playfully. I pouted slightly as everyone around, glared at us.

We giggled softly trying to maintain our cool aura. "I swear if Karl saw this, we could say goodbye to our modeling careers." I joked making Gigi giggle a bit more. "Wheew! I don't even want to think about that possibility!" She frowned making a sore face.

"Would you like a drink?" She asks me. "Yeah I definitely wouldn't mind having one right now." I smiled. "Alright." Gigi walked over to the bar.

I looked around the huge room to scan everyone and their outfits. 'I think I'm going to make it to the best dressed list'

"Here bae!" Gigi's voice called for me. "Here are..." Just when I turned around, a figure bumped into me and made me fall on Gigi and spill the drinks all over myself. "Sorry!" The person said in a mocking tone.

"Look where you're going next time!" I told her. "What's your problem I said sorry!" She protested with her British accent. "That didn't sound empathetic at all." I dryly replied. "I didn't mean for that to be empathetic at all." She used the same tone. I was slightly taken aback by the response but kept my cool anyways.

"Just another indication of how bitchy your behavior can be." Gigi watched us with her mouth wide open and her eyes popping out her head.

"How is 'my' behavior bitchy when you're the one causing all the damn drama here?" She asked as I swiped my dress. "You could have apologized and left." I sighed in annoyance. "I already did that, duh!" She protested. "You just kind of told me you did not mean it."

I swiped my dress with the new napkin Gigi handed me. "I still say that." She replid confidently. "Your bitchiness level is just beyond normal. See a doctor for that." I was getting slightly frustrated by her childish and bitchy aura.

"You just have to talk, don't you?" She asked dramatically. "Can't you just apologize and leave already?" I asked. I didn't want her around anymore. "No." I looked at her with my poker face. "Then I'll make you." She laughed bitterly and nodded head. "Good luck with that." She finally walked away.

"Kenka this was.. An epic twilight zone episode." Gigi giggled. "She was an epic bitch!" I commented. "Kendall! Do you Even know who she was?" Gigi asked. "Some model... She's familiar... Caroline..." I struggled. "That was Cara Delevingne." "Yes... That!" I smiled.

"She will personally apologize to me." I mused. "Just let go already!" Gigi shrugged as we watched her kiss someone on the lips. A woman, î might add. "She challenged me!" I turned to Gigi. "I'll teach this girl that she's messing with the wrong bitch." Gigi giggled as we watched her talk with the group she was there with.

End of flashback

"Baby?" Cara asks me sweetly as I play with her fingers in my hand. "Yes?" I turn my head to face her. "What were you thinking about?" She smiles and focuses back on the road. "Nothing." She rubs her thumb over my hand. "It's not nothing. I can clearly see that something's bothering you and I'm not even wearing my glasses!"

I chuckle and look back down at her hand. "It's nothing." She gives me that 'we both know you're lying' look. "What is it? I hate seeing you like this!" She sighs. "Like what?" I look at her determined face again.

"Bothered... Uneasy.. Tense." She moves our intertwined hands toward her mouth and plants a soft kiss on mine. "Just know that I'm here no matter what and I'd never judge anything, so..." She looks at me with pleading eyes and plants another kiss on my hand. "Tell me..?" I giggle at her pout and poppy dog expression.

"Annie's words.. They..." I begin only to be cut off by Cara. "Don't think about them, Kendall." She says sternly. "I can't help but feel so guilty about all of this." I can feel my eyes tearing up. "No... Nonono..." Cara slows down and parks the car in the highway. (Respecting the rules much?)

"I feel responsible for all that's happening!" I close my eyes and sigh. "You must not!" Cara softly strokes my cheek. "She does have a point, Cara. If it wasn't for me..." She doesn't let me finish. "I'd never be happy in my life." She ends the sentence for me sweetly.

"If it wasn't for you I'd never know what love means. You have given me the best thing anyone can ever get from someone! Guilt must be the last thing on your mind." She explains. "I'll be honest I did have this feeling a while ago but..." She grabs my hand. "Do you feel guilty for this?" She nods at our hands.

Do I feel guilty fot this? Do I feel guilty for being happy and content with someone as amazing as cara? Do I feel guilty for holding her hand wherever I go? Do I feel guilty for being in love with her? No.

I shake my head. "Exactly." She softly whispers and leans forward to kiss my lips.

"I'd do anything for you. It almost scares me." She kisses my tears away and smiles.

I grab her hand in mine as she starts the car. "Oh shit!" She playfully laughs. "What?" I look around to see what her source of amusement is. "Look over there." She points at a traffic offenses camera right next to our car. "Oh well." I blush. "The pictures are going to go viral." She comments and speeds up.

"You just got filmed parking in the highway!" I warn. "Like it's my first time." She shrugs. "You're going off limit again!" She nods her head. "We're late." "Not an excuse!" She makes a fake offended face. "Can you imagine being late to Kylie's first lunch since engagement?" She bites her lip and shakes her head as if it's the worst crime one can imagine.

"This is... I mean I don't know." I really do not know how to feel right now. Annie suddenly appears out of the blue. My 18 year old sister gets engaged and my girlfriend and I manage to get filmed kissing in an area with zero paparazzi.

"Kylie doesn't have her priorities straight." I have known this for quite some time, actually. But I honestly never imagined her going this far... Marrying Tyga. Like really?!?

"Honey 'not having one's priorities straight' is another definition of a teenage." Cara smiles. "I'm only a year older!" I protest sweetly. "You're a lot older in mind." Cara admits. "Wait are you calling me a grandma now?" I ask in fake annoyance.

"Aren't you a grandma already? I thought you were The Uncle Grandpa!" She plays along with my joke.

"I can't believe you watch that cartoon." Cara giggles. "Never missed an episode." She puts her hand up in 'v' form to declare victory as she makes a funny face. "Okay Sponge Bob that's enough!" I giggle. "Will you be my Daisy?" She asks sweetly. "I already am." I smile.

My phone brings me out of our little world.

"Hey mom." I say after checking the caller ID. "Bloody... Hell we're late." Cara panics adorably and starts speeding up again.

"Kendall where the hell are you? Everyone's here for lord's sake!" Mom's frustrated voice comes loudly. "I'm coming!" I decide to keep Cara's being here a secret for now to surprise everyone. "Kendall if you don't make it in 10 minutes garnish yourself!" Khloe's voice comes from the background. "Whaaaa?" I hear the phone being switched and Khloe's voice comes in clear.

"I said garnish yourself Kendall cause I want to try mom's new barbecue! Hell I could eat you alive I'm starving!" Her loud voice emphasizes on that indeed. "I'll be there real quick." "Good!" She hangs up.


"Jeez Khloe's going to kill me." I mutter as we walk toward mom's mansion. "Can't blame her." Cara says in fake sternness. I playfully punch her shoulder and she giggles before kissing my lips sweetly. "I missed you so bad." She smiles. "Me too."

She softly runs her hand over my cheek. I wrap my arms around her neck and melt into her kiss. "We..." I say when we part for a second. "Should.." Another kiss. "Go inside." She rests her forehead against mine and closes her eyes as she nods her head.

"I don't want to go in." She protests. I laugh softly and kiss her once more. "But we should. You'll get your treat tonight..." I walk toward the house. I can literally feel her eyes' sprakle.

"Hope this'll go smoothly." I smile and open the door with my spare key. However I know it won't immediately after I open the door as I see my sister's fiance sitting awkwardly in our family lunch.



So this was the chapter!

I want to thank all of you for all the votes and comments. And sorry it took me a while to update. I really didn't know what to write:-)

Your comments certainly do help me a lot and affect the way I write, plus, I could use some help in ideas right now so please, do leave them. Thank you all

Oh and what would you like Kendall to do?

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