Kiss Cam

By xxblagitxx

4.9M 177K 141K

To Riley, boys like Asher don't fall for girls like her. She's the average girl, with nothing that makes her... More

Ch. 1 - Lakers
Ch. 2 - Oh Dear
Ch. 3 - Towel
Ch. 4 - Creepy Manikin
Ch. 5 - Pity Cake
Ch. 6 - Coprophobia
Ch. 7 - Scrubs
Ch. 8 - Bugs Life
Ch. 9 - Out of the Blue
Ch. 10 - Girl Stuff
Ch. 11 - Coffee Makers
Ch. 12 - Romeo and Juliet
Ch. 13 - Inertia
Ch. 14 - Ultimate Cook Book
Ch. 15 - Birthday Boy
Ch. 16 - Go Green
Ch. 17 - One Of Those Days
Ch. 18 - Permanent
Ch. 19 - Little Tattling Butthead
Ch. 20 - You Can't Sit With Us
Ch. 21 - White Picket Fence
Ch. 22 - Our Thing
Ch. 23 - Rebounds and Pasta Sauce
Ch. 24 - Potato On the Couch
Ch. 25 - Anti-Vegan Party
Ch. 26 - Princess Diaries
Ch. 27 - Rebel With a Cause
Ch. 28 - Apology Cookies
Ch. 29 - Flaming Peacocks
Ch. 30 - Secret Santa
Ch. 32 - Popped Balloon
Ch. 33 - Her Face Photoshopped On My Body
Ch. 34 - Totes Hot
Ch. 35 - Total Eclipse of the Jedi
Ch. 36 - Hit Me, Baby, One More Time
Ch. 37 - You Have Shotgun on the Figuratively Heart Broken Train
Ch. 38 - Preppy Boy
Ch. 39 - Good Replacement
Ch. 40 - The Ladies Room
Ch. 41 - Peace Out
Ch. 42 - So Great
Ch. 43 - Tragedy and Prom
Ch. 44- Love Shack

Ch. 31 - You Want Me

81.9K 3.1K 3.8K
By xxblagitxx

"Wouldn't you rather be spending your New Year's Eve with your boyfriend?"

"What?" I drop my jaw for dramatics. "There's no place I'd rather be than to be here with my best friends!"

Sam and Zander give me this look of theirs, the one when they don't believe anything that's coming out of my mouth.

I sigh. "Okay, maybe Asher already had plans."

"Surprise," Sam mutters.

"No, I'm glad he has plans. The three of us always spend New Years together and this could be the last year. Let's make it count."

"That's putting a lot of pressure on us," Zander says. "I mean, all we had planned for tonight was watching Ryan Seacrest's New Year's Party."

"Don't sell us short, honey. We were also thinking about going to the store and frosting cupcakes," Sam adds.

"I love Ryan Seacrest and cupcakes," I say proudly. "And I also love my best friends."

Sam nods, hiding her smile. "Fine. I guess it won't hurt for you to stay. But Zander and I will share our first New Year's kiss no matter what."

"I wouldn't dare intervene!"

So, our night begins just like always. It feels nice doing something I'm comfortable with. After everything that has changed this year, having a night like this is something I needed.

"Are you still pissed with Asher?" Sam asks as we sit on Zander's basement floor in front of the TV.

"What? Over the bracelet?" I ask. "No, I totally overreacted."

"I don't know," she comments. "It seemed a little suspicious to me. Like, how did Sara know the bracelet was from Asher and not Wren?"

"And why did Asher switch with Tucker in the first place? It wouldn't have been that hard for Tucker to get her a gift. Sara could've received a Playboy magazine too."

"Guys, are you trying to make me question my relationship? I trust Asher. His explanation made sense."

Sam sighs. "We're just looking out for you. He broke your heart once."

"That was before he was ready for a real commitment," I argue. "You told me I should forgive him."

"And I'm not taking that back. It's good for you to try with the relationship again, but I just think you should take more time before declaring your love for him."

"We know each other this time." I let out a heavy sigh. "I'm falling in love with him for real. And as scary as that is, I'm happy."

"And I'm happy for you," Sam assures. "Really, I am. I just don't want you to forget that this is just a high school relationship."

I nod. "Just like your relationship with Zander?"

She raises her eyebrows, a little taken aback by my sassy comment. "Yeah, like my relationship with Zander."

I hint the sadness in her voice. "Sam, what's wrong?"

"I don't know, Ry," she whispers, glancing at the staircase to see if Zander is coming down. "I'm moving to Nebraska and...and I don't know if we can still be a couple."

"You're going to breakup with Zander?" I ask a bit too loud.

Sam slaps her hand over my mouth to silence me. "No! No, that's not that I'm going to do! I'm just worried that we'll distance each other and end up splitting."

"Oh, Sam.." I wrap my arms around my friend, who looks close to tears. "Don't worry. He loves you so much."

"I know. That's just it! What if..what if I'm the one who moves on? What if I'm the reason I lose him?"

"You can't be scared of that," I say. "What ifs are stupid."

"Riley," Zander announces as he walks into the basement with popcorn, "I don't know how he found out you were here, but Tucker's waiting for you outside."

I raise an eyebrow. "Tucker?"

"Phillips. He's standing on my front porch."

Standing up from the floor, I follow Zander out of the basement to the front door. Sure enough, Tucker Phillips is standing on my friend's front porch with a creepy smile.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, stepping outside and shutting the door behind me. "Mrs. Harris gets scared of solicitors."

He laughs. "Like mother, like son. Kid kept peering through the window trying to be sly when I could clearly see him."

"Why are you here?"

"Right. Uh, your boyfriend, my best friend, is in jail."

I widen my eyes. "Excuse me?"

"Asher got arrested tonight," he says. "I'd bail him out, but I'm sort of broke. Lainey and Ari are on some weird-ass mission trip. Jed is drunk somewhere in another town. I panicked and went to your house and your brother said you were at Zander's."

"Did you call his parents?" I ask, going back inside to grab my purse off the floor.

"Is everything alright?" Zander asks, Sam now by his side.

"No. Asher got arrested." Their eyes widen in horror. "It'll be fine. You guys just stay here and have the best first New Years as a couple."

Sam gives me a quick hug before I leave and walk with Tucker to his car. My stomach is in knots thinking about what could've happened to Asher.

"I tried calling his dad, but your dad and Mr. Westfield are on a damn boat with no cell service!" he cries.

"What about his mom?" I ask.

"See, that's the thing. She's the reason Asher got arrested," he informs. "It's a long story and I'm not quite sure what happened."

"Well, start trying to explain."

He starts the engine and lets out a long, exaggerated sigh. "I guess she was drinking a lot today, more than usual. Makes sense since it's her anniversary, but her husband's on a yacht with your dad." He gives me a glare.

"I don't control that man," I defend.

"Anyway, Asher had been worried about her being alone today for awhile, so that's why he cancelled all his plans and even gave Laurence the day off. I don't really know what happened next, but Asher said his mom was really angry with him for not letting her drink anymore and I guess she called the police with this crazy story about Asher hurting her or something. The police took him into the station for questioning and now he's stuck in holding."

I cover my mouth with my hand, feeling the urge to throw up. "They don't believe her, right? I mean, she was obviously intoxicated and-"

"Look, I don't know what's going on, but I know we have to be there for Asher. There's a small possibility that her story is true, but even so we have to be on his side."

"Of course. Asher would never do anything to hurt his mother. He loves her," I say. "It's not fair."

"Ugh, that bitch makes me so damn mad," he mutters. "She's such a freaking pain in the ass."

I place my hand on his shoulder. "I know a guy just like that."

He rolls his eyes and parks the car at the station. "After everything we've been through this past month, I would've expected more respect from you, Riley."

I just smile and unbuckle my seatbelt, leaving the car to walk to the entrance. Tucker sprints to catch up with me, out of breath when we reach the door.

"Hello. We're here to see Asher Westfield," I say to the man at the front desk.

He nods and waves his hand in the direction we are to follow him. We walk through the station to the temporary holding cells. Sure enough, my boyfriend is behind bars.

"Riley!" he says in surprise when he sees me. "Dammit, Tuck, I told you not to call her."

"Who else was I supposed to call? Wren's girlfriend?"

Asher ignores Tucker and looks to me with a sad face. "I didn't want you to worry. Everything's fine."

"Everything is not fine, Ash," I say. "Look at you. You're in a jail cell. Out of all of us, it was supposed to be Tucker behind bars."

"I won't even deny that," Tucker mumbles.

"Where's your mom?"

"The hospital," he answers weakly. "She's pretty banged up."

I touch his hand from the other side of the bars, sensing his pain. "I'm going to pay the bail and get you out of there. We can go visit her."

"Hell no. Riley, the bail is way too high. I'll just spend the night here until my dad comes home. No big deal."

I cross my arms over my chest in annoyance. "You can't stay in a jail cell all night."

"I thought you said I could do anything," he jokes.

"Asher, this isn't a time for joking around. You wait here, and I'm going to pay the bail."

I turn on my heel and walk back to the front. There's only a slight problem. I don't have enough many to pay for the bail. In fact, I don't have half enough money. Tucker only has a piece of gum.

Ultimately, we're screwed.

"Hey, go home. You can spend the rest of your night with Zander and Sam like you planned. I'll be fine," Asher assures.

I pout my lip. "I don't want to leave you here."

Asher reaches for my hand to hold it through the bars. "I love you, Riley. Go home."

I sigh and pucker my lips, pressing them against Asher. "Hm, kissing my boyfriend through jail bars.. Now, there's something I can cross off my bucket list."

Asher laughs and pecks my lips one more time. "Goodbye. See you tomorrow?"


"Peace out, bro," Tucker says and slaps Asher's cheek.

As much as I don't want to leave Asher here, I know there's nothing I can do. Tucker suggests that we go see Mrs. Westfield ourselves tomorrow morning before Asher is bailed out, and for once I agree with his idea. I mean, I'd like to hear what the sober lady would have to say for herself.

"You know, I think this is a really great end to the year," Tucker comments as we're driving back to Zander's. "It's best for all the shitty things to happen so the new year can be a fresh start."

I shake my head, disagreeing with that completely. "I think I'd rather just not have any shitty things happen at all."

"That's not how life works, genius."

I stick out my tongue and look out the window. There's a few fireworks in the distance, even though it's only eleven. Sighing, I start to think about Asher again.

"Why doesn't Asher's dad care about his mom?"

"I don't know, Riley. My parents stopped caring about each other before I was even born."

I nod. Sometimes I forget that I have it so nice with my parents. They're still in love, acting like two teenagers every time they go on a date. That's not the case for a lot of families, and it's hard for me to understand that. I should, but the romantic in me wants to believe marriages work out, you know?

"It sucks."

"Love sucks," Tucker comments with a laugh.

"Have you ever been in love?" I ask out of pure curiosity.

Tucker raises an eyebrow. "Odd question, but I'll answer because I think you're kind of alright, Riley."


"No, I have not," he answers. "I'm a little confused about love as of right now."

"What do you mean by that?"

He shrugs. "Not something I like to share with people."

"Not even someone who is kind of alright?" I joke. "Come on, tell me. We're kind of friends."

He laughs shortly. "Right."

"Fine, don't tell me. I don't even want to know."

"I think you want to know."

"I think you want me to want to know," I shoot back sassily."

He smirks. "I think you want me to want you to want to know."

"I think you want me to want you to want me to-"

As we stop at the red light, Tucker abruptly leans his head in towards mine and kisses me by surprise.

I want to scream out of surprise, horror, confusion, etcetera. Instead of having a civilized reaction, I slap him harshly against the cheek.

"What the hell?" I gasp out.

He looks at me with wide eyes, his eyes dropping to his lap momentarily. "I-I.. Well, I..I-I don't know! I'm just.. Shit! I think I'm gay!"

My jaw falls to the floor of the car when he drops this bombshell on me. "You're gay?"

"I-I think I am!" he screams in horror.

I can't find the words, my mouth hanging wide open. The light turns green, but Tucker is too stunned to move until the car behind us honks excessively. Tucker starts driving again.

"Why-why did you kiss me then?"

"To see if I felt anything," he says. "I didn't. Thanks a lot."

"You're welcome?"

"Look, Riley, you can't tell Asher or anybody else about this. I just.. I'm not ready. I'm not quite positive I'm gay."

I nod, a little too shocked to say anything on the matter. "Do you..uh.. do you have any other plot twists to throw my way?"

"Uh..well..there's also the fact I think I might be in love with your boyfriend."

Well, isn't this just the perfect way to end the year!



aha! who saw that one coming?? I did. I don't know about you though.

hey y'all how you doin I hope your good that's good you deserve to be doin good I'm doin good

so many exciting things coming up! Christmas break starts tomorrow, my birthday (four days!), Christmas, more break (more updates..!), and then school comes back and my life is over once again

but on the bright side...

I saw Joe Jonas in concert (and others even Nick but Joe has been a main love since the early 2000's so.. I may have cried)


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