Military's Girl (editing)(1-7...

By KenZ_Dizzy95

6.8M 108K 18.5K

I pushed away from the dinner table and stood up really fast, then bolted for the door. I couldn't just stay... More

Cover Contest Winner!
Chater 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
One-shot contest finalist!
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Now out!
Contest results!!!:D
Cover Contest Voting Time!

Chapter 14.

203K 3.2K 650
By KenZ_Dizzy95

For their funny and awesome comments, I am giving Props to-

KatTHECheshire: OH MY PIKACHU! Can you a more perfect man than Tyler?! Cuz if so DIBS!! And i'll go al Hunger Games on anyone who comes near my man. I got ninja skills and i'm not afriad to use them!
I want a tyler... *serious real life pouty face*
Im going o start crying in public more. maybe a Tyler will come and sweep me off of my feet and wipe my tears away with his awesomeness! Ah... a girl could only hope...


XDreamsCanComeT...: OK THAT'S IT
someone please tell me where i can get a TY from
I WANT A TY!!!!!!!!


ThyBatman: I'm absolutely and utterly in love with this story. nothing can compare to this I swear. Dakota and Ty are complete cuties. I'd eat them up becasue of their adorable relationship. I want a mini Tylere with me. I looooove your story more than my secret stash of poptarts and skittles. shh dont tell anyone about my stash. i'll stop my rant :)


and now! back to the book!!!:D


- Week 43- day 4, 2300 hours.

Being deployed with the team, don't know where just yet though. I got Kota's Letter, feeling me how she is and everyone. But something seemed off, or maybe it was just me. I miss her like crazy, I can't believe it hasn't even been a year yet.

-Week 44- day 1, 200 hours.

It's hot, that's about all I can say right now. We rescued a little girl and her baby brother today, they were trapped in fallen debris from a previous attack. The way she looked when we found her, reminded me of when I found Kota years ago....

-Week 44- day 3, 1800 hours.

Back at home base. First thing done is a field day and passed with flying colors, but I can't say the same for the Boot. He had Quarterdecking as punishment, poor boy.

-Week 45-day 6, 2200 hours.

Got promoted today to- private first class. Sir said he's proud, and now that I moved up in ranks, staff sergeant is my first commanding officer. But sir said he will still be keeping an eye on me to make sure I stay in line.

-Week 46- day 4, 2000 hours.

Talked to mom yesterday, she told me something about Kota having met someone. She didn't say much, but I told my guys and they made jokes about it, or him. Kept calling him a Jody, and I couldn't agree more.

-Week 47- day 2, 400 hours.

I was able to call Kota today, she told me how everything was. How everyone was doing. I didn't realize just how much I missed her until I heard her voice, and I almost told her. But I couldn't do that, I couldn't do that to her.

-Week 49- Day 5, 2300 hours.

I can't believe it's almost been a year. I got an early package from my patents, it had cards from the guys back home and a birthday present. I can't believe it's the first birthday I have to spend without anyone... Without Kota.

-Week 51- day 1, 800 hours.

Got a call from Kota, it was a special call aloud since it was my birthday. Apparently she set it up with staff sergeant and he aloud it since I completed the PFT with a perfect 300. It was so good to hear her voice, and it made my whole week.


I had a smile on my face while reading the notes in between the letters he sent me, though I had already read them, I re-read them to see if I missed anything. But I found nothing new, at least not yet. I was getting pretty close to the date when I started to date Jason, by no though I had met him 4 months ago. He was pretty persistent on becoming my friend at first, and then he asked me out.

I said no the first 4 times, then I finally gave in and went on one. He was sweet and charming then. I don't know what snapped in him, because he suddenly started having problems with his temper.

I saw it coming to an end already, but he snapped and just pushed it over.

*flash back*

"So can we have a movie night?" Jason asked, as he kissed my neck, pulling me into his chest.

"No, I'm sorry Jason." I sighed. "I already promised the twins that I could go to a sleep over with them"

"Your always spending time with them" he scowled.

"Well, yeah. They are my friends" I said a little irritated. Lately he's been upset with me spending time with my friends, and we somehow argue every time I tell him we can't hang out because I already made plans.

"But I'm your boyfriend, you should be spending time with me" he growled.

"I'm spending time with you right now, but if you're going to be like this then just leave" I said pushing away from him and getting up off the couch.

"Your always doing this!" He shouted, standing up from the couch.

"Because your always complaining about me hanging out with my friends! I want to spend time with them too you know!" I scowled at him.

"I'm not saying you can't!" He shouted "I just want to you and me time, and it seems we hardly ever get that" he sighed and walked closer to me. "Is that so much to ask?" He asked as he grabbed me by my waist and pushed me up against the wall.

"Jason..." I sighed.

"Hm" he mumbled as leaned his head down, and pressed his lips on mine. I didn't kiss him back though, I was tired of fighting with him and tried pushing him back but he didn't budge, instead he pushed closer to me while one of his hands moved to my face and he started kissing down my neck. I moved my hands up to reach his chest, and tried pushing him off me, but I wasn't able to move him.

"Ja-" I tried, but he pressed his mouth back down on mine, muffling my protest.


His hand on my waist started working its way under my shirt, I shifted uncomfortably and tried to push him away again but he didn't budge. He started kissing across my jaw and down my neck again, while I tried to squirm out if his hold.


"Jason" I said frustrated. "Jason, stop" but then he tried to force his mouth back on mine, I tried to turn my head, but his hand on my cheek held me in place. "Jason!" I tired saying even though his mouth was against mine, but he used that to his advantage and deepened the kiss. Fed up with him, I clamped my teeth down on his tongue. He hissed and jumped back, clamping a hand over his mouth.


"What the hell, Dakota!?" He asked angrily.

"I should be asking you that!" I raised my voice slightly. "What is with you lately?"

"What's with me? What's with you!"

"Jason, seriously!" I groaned. "Your always getting mad at me over every little thing lately. If I want to spend time with my friends, you get all possessive. Or if I spend one day without you, you think I'm doing something behind your back."

"Maybe it's because I have a good reason! You're hardly spending time with me, and every thing you do is suspicious. You give me reason to think that!" He said, his hand slamming on the wall by my head, causing me to jump.

"Jason, calm down." I said in a soft voice, my eyes a little wide from his out burst.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" He shouted. "Do you know what its like, to think your girlfriend is cheating on you? To know that she would rather spend all of her time with her friends than you?!"


"No! You don't get to speak right now" he silenced me. "You have no idea what its like for me! You're always getting these letters from some guy I don't even know. and you're going around and-"


"I said shut up!" He yelled, then back handed me across my face. I cried out in shock and then held my face, looking at him in astonishment.

"I'm sorry, I- I didn't mean" he stuttered, reaching his hand towards my face. But I just shrunk back into the wall. "Dakota, please... I'm-I'm sorry" he pleaded, but I shook my head.

"Jason leave"I whispered.

"Dakota- I'm... "

"Jason, just leave." I whispered. "D-Don't come back"

"What are you saying?" He asked, stepping closer to me, his voice hurt and angry.

"... We're through" I whispered. " just leave, Jason"

"You're breaking up with me?"

"Yes, Jason... Just leave!" I said in a little bit louder voice.

"No! No, you're not breaking up with me! We can sort this out, we can get through this." He insisted. "We. Are. Not. Breaking up." He said slowly.

"Jason, I can't stay with you" I shook my head.

"You're not leaving me!" He yelled, banging his hand against wall again. My eyes widened and I pushed back into the wall further. "You're not leaving me"he chuckled humorlessly. " say you're not leaving me"he pleaded.

"Jason... I can't, I'm sorry" I whispered, right before anger flared up in his eyes and he slapped me again.

"No! You're not leaving me!"he screamed. He put his hand down on my shoulder and then shoved me to the ground.

He kept saying over and over that I won't leave him, he beat it into me. Slapping me and kicking me, making me scream out in pain until I told him I wouldn't leave him. That was the first time he had ever laid a hand on me, and the first time I had to lie to the twins. It only got worse from there.


**End of Flashback**

I shuddered, shaking off the memory. I was about to pick the book back up when I heard a knock on my bedroom door, and then Ty entered my room. I smiled when he came in and plopped down on the foot of my bed.

"What you got there?" He asked, plucking the journal out of my hands. His eyes searched the pages, and a smile lit up his face. "So far into it already?" He teased.

"Yeah, so far I've read all of the letters up to here, so I have been reading your notes." I shrugged.

"So you have read all the letters up to here?"he asked.

"That I know of, but that next letter doesn't seem familiar." He nodded and looked back in the journal, turning to face me.

"Hey Baby Girl," he started off.

"What are you doing?" I chuckled at him.

"I'm going to read the next letter to you, you said you haven't read it yet... so here we go" he smiled brightly.

"Your something else" I mumbled, shaking my head at him with a smile on my face.

"I heard that" he raised an eyebrow at me, but didn't look up from the journal. Then he cleared his throat and started again.  

"Hey Baby Girl,


It' been a year, actually over a year since we have last seen each other. I miss you like crazy. How are you doing? How's senior year so far?

I got some good news! I've been promoted to PRIVATE-FIRST CLASS. Which means more phone privileges... but it also means more deployment. I'm with the SEARCH AND RESQUE TEAM also, so that's another step up.

So I have been telling my friends about you and the stuff we used to do together, they haven't even met you but they like you already. They are actually standing over my shoulder right now as I write this, demanding that I mention them, and that they want to meet you someday.

And now they hit me over the back of my head for writing that.

But anyway, I just wanted to update you, and see how you are doing. I miss you like Crazy, and I cant wait for the day that I get to see you again.

Love you, baby girl

(your most best-est best friend ever!) -Ty"

"I always thought it was cute how you would sign each letter" I smiled at him, coming out of my daze from listening to his voice. It was a lot better having him read them to me, than reading them myself.

"Hey now, cute... is not the word I would describe it with. Cute is just a mean thing to say" he playfully scowled at me.

"Then what would you say?" I rolled my eye's at him.

"Awesome" he said grinning widely.

"Your right, it's Aweome-ly cute" I said with a smirk, he sat up and gave me a playful glare, pointing his finger at me.

"You take that back" he threatened. But I just shook my head. "or else" he warned, leaning up and onto his knee's.

"Or. Else. What?" I crossed my arms.

"Or else... this!" he jumped towards me and started tickling my sides.

"Ah!" I squealed as his fingers dug into my sides, making me squirm and wiggle. Trying to get out of his hold. "T-Ty...No m-more!" I said between laughs.

"Not until you say it's awesome, and in no form 'cute' " he said as he kept tickling me.

"N-never!" I forced out while laughing.

"Alright, you asked for it." He sounded amused. He suddenly he's not leaning over me any more, and is straddling me. A leg on each side of my waist, pinning me down so I had no way to get out. Then he starts digging at my sides again, and anywhere else he can think of that I'm ticklish, which is almost everywhere.

"C-can't- B-breath!" I gasped out while laughing.

"then you better say it if you want me to stop" he sung, grinning like the cheshire cat.

"F-fine!" I gasped out. "It's awesome and in no form 'cute'!" I say, and he stops tickling me, making him put his hands on the side of me with him hovering over me.

"I win!"  he winked at me, making me roll my eye's. then suddenly i notice his close proximity, and the fact that he's on top of me. i swallow and try not to blush at the recognition, but i can still feel the heat working it's way up my cheeks. he's smiling down at me, just looking into my eye's, and I'm not even aware of him getting closer to me until something swings in front of my face. i look to see what it is, trying to distract myself from mine and Ty's closness.

"What's that?" I asked, bringing up one of my hands and grasping the swinging object.

"that... is my dog tag" he said, looking at the object in my hand. i nod and flip it to read it- 

Tyler  A.  

"Have you been wearing this the whole time you have been back?" I murmured, still memorized with the necklace in my hand.

"yeah... its kind of just habit to wear it now" he shrugged. i looked back up at him and noticed his hair for the first time, it was growing out, no longer the high and tight. i unconsciously let go of the necklace and reached my hand up, running my fingers through his hair. but once i realized what i was doing, i pulled my hand back and looked at Ty's face, only to see his eye's closed with a look on his face that i couldn't decipher. then suddenly, Ty rolls over, bringing me with him. i squeal and hold onto him, only to realize that i was now sitting on top of him.

"Ty, how did you do that?" I asked skeptically, as I realized our leg positions are reversed and I'm not only sitting on top of him, but straddling his waist like he was me.

"A magician never reveals his secrets" Ty whispered, popping one eye open.

"Whatever" I roll my eye's at him and try to get up, but he traps me on him, his hands on my waist. "Ty" I say slowly.

"hm?" he mumbles, both eye's still closed. 

"Can you let go?" I asked slowly.

"But this is comfy" he whined, still keeping his eyes closed. I roll my eye's and try to wiggle out of his grasp, but he just hold me tighter.

"Ty!" I whine, still trying to get free. I suddenly I fall sideways, landing beside Ty on the bed. "you did that on purpose" I pout, feeling Ty's silent laughter shake the bed, and vibrate against my leg that is still across him from me falling. "it's not that funny!" I said, trying to giggle.

"It was" he says simply, looking over at me with humor in his eye's.

"Whatever" i huffed.

"Does someone need to be tickled again?" Ty threatened, wigging his fingers at me.

"No! No, I'm good!" I said quickly.

"Alright" he laughed. after that we just laid there on my bed for a god few silent minutes, then suddenly my stomach rumbles. "well, someone's hungry" Ty laughed, while I just grinned embarrassed. "come on, let's go fix something to eat" he said, getting up. then before I could get up, he grasped me round my waist carefully and hoist me over his shoulder.

"Ty!" I complain.

"what? i'm being careful" he said. i couldn't see his face, but I knew there was an amused smile on it. but I couldn't do anything in my position so I just rolled my eye's. but then suddenly Ty slaps my Butt, causing me to gasp "don't roll your eye's at  me" 

"What? How- ?" I stuttered.

"Kota, i've know you your whole life... I know you, more than you know yourself" he said amused. I was about to argue when he set me down on the counter in my kitchen, so I just settled for crossing my arms and huffing. "Alright.." Ty wiggles his eyebrows at me. "let's get cookin!"


"I am not cleaning this up!" I declared, whipping Flower and egg off of my face while laughing. Ty had decided that it was a breakfast for dinner type of day, so he decided that we should make pancakes. Least to say, now my kitchen is covered in flour and eggs... and so are Me and TY.

"Well if you not going to clean it up, then who is? The Cleaning Fairy?" he asked sarcastically, walking towards me with his hands behind his back.

"I wish…" I rolled my eyes at him, then eye'ed him suspiciously. "Ty... what do you have behind your back?" I asked slowly, backing up away from him.

"Who me? Nothing" he shrugged his shoulder, still walking closer with a mischievous smile on his face.

"I don't believe that for a minute" 

"Yeah, well..." he was still coming closer, even though I just got trapped between him and the counter top. "you know me to well" he smiled, then his hand crunched something on my hair.

I gasped as I a felt cold slimy substance, running through my hair and across my head, then started trickling down my face. I looked up at Ty who was biting his lip to keep from laughing. I felt behind my back for anything and grasped whatever was behind my back.

"Oh, you are so going to pay for that" I smirked, pulling the bowl of batter closer to me.

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it?" he taunted.

"This" I said, and dumped the bowl of pancake batter on his head. "there" I said, shaking the last of the batter out onto Ty, his face shocked. "now were even" I smiled.

"Oh-ho-ho-ho, no we're not" he chuckled darkly, then grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into him, a squeal leaving my lips. Then he starts rubbing his head all over me, while I just stood there frozen. "now we're even" he smirks, looking at my shocked face.

"I cant believe you just did that" I muttered.

"Well believe it" he laughed, and then pulled me close again and rubbed his head against me again. "there, I missed a spot" he smiles widely.

Only a few seconds later do I realize that I'm trapped up against the counter, with Ty in front of me and his hands still on my waist. I look up from his hands and notice his eye's looking into mine, suddenly I'm aware of everywhere our bodies' are touching. It feels really warm in here, despite it being cold in the house and that i'm covered in egg and flour. I notice him leaning closer, and found myself doing the same. My heart racing so fast and loud, that i'm afraid he can hear it, and my breath getting caught in my throat.

We lean a little closer, and my hands feel like their starting to get really warm, even against the cold counter top. We get about 3 inches from each other, close enough to feel his breath fanning my face. When suddenly we get pulled out of whatever trance by a loud ring.

Our eye's go wide for a second, but we don't really move away. Then the loud ring sounds again and we jump apart, my breath coming out uneven as I reach for the phone.  Running my hand through my hair at what just happened, or almost happened. But then my face turned up in disgust as I looked at the slimy egg on my hand.

"ugh... hello?" I asked, shaking the egg off my hand.

"Hey Girl! You wanna go to the movies? There's a new Channing Tatum movie out!"I hear Jamie and Carrie squeal through the phone.

"Um... yeah, I guess." I said, butt then glanced down at my attire. "we can meet y'all in an hour or so, what time does the movie start?" I asked as I looked over at Ty. 

"9, so you have and hour to get here... wait, did you say we?" Carrie asked, I started to nod my head but then realized that I was talking on the phone and she couldn't see me.

"yeah, Ty's here. we were just hanging out"

"Oh.... Okay, well see you guys in an hour then!"  she chirped and then hung up.

"Yep" I mumbled shaking my head, then hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Ty asked, wiping his face clean of pancake batter.

"That was the twins... you feel up to seeing a movie?" I asked smiling.

"Sure!" Ty answered happily. "you go ahead and get cleaned up, Ill just tidy up down here" he offered.

"No, I couldn't let you do all this work, besides, you still have to get cleaned-" I protested but he cut me off.

"Nonsense, I can clean this up. don't worry about it" he insisted.

"You sure?" I asked hesitantly.

"Do I have to drag you all he way up to the shower, and give you one myself?" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Fine! I'm going!" I called as I turned for the stairs.

"Thats what I thought!" he called chuckling. I rolled my eye's at him, a smile still on my face as I hurried up and hopped in the shower. 



-nikki_cola: Kota, was there anything you wanted to say or do before Tyler left? and not skydive or jump off a cliff.

-Dakota: I wanted to tell him not to go... but I couldn't do that, it would have been selfish.


-IluvNiall1993: Dakota, what was the worst part about not seeing Tyler for 4 years?

-Dakota: Probably the fact that I felt like something was missing, it was like there was this hole in me and I couldn't do anything to fix it.


-HotShotREADER: Tyler, do you regret leaving Kota? why?

-Tyler: Yes, I regret it.   I regret it because I wasn't there to protect her, that I wasn't there for her.


-Cenaxx15: Kota, would you get jealous if Ty started Dating?

-Dakota: me? jealous? psh... yeah right.. well, maybe? i might...


-Keyke_352: Ty, were you really bringing back Kota's stuff when you caught her ex beating her?and do you regret leaving Kota? why, besides that you couldnt help her when she was getting beat by her ex? Dakota, what is the worst part about not seeing Ty for the four years? Ty?

-Tyler: yes, I really was bringing back her stuff. And do I regret leaving Kota? Absolutely. I wouldn't have done it if I didn't need to, but that doesn't mean I don't regret it... she needed me, just like I need her. Not because she had and abusive ex, but because we are each others strength, as well as weakness.
-Dakota: worst part? I would say, not having him there. We used to spend almost every waking moment that we could together, but what he left... it was hard.
-Tyler: definitely not being able to spend time with her. And only getting maybe a phone call, or two a month was not enough.


-liliwolflova: Jason, why did you start hitting Kota? and where did you get the idea for this book?

-Jason: I don't really know, I didn't really do it on purpose, it just happened....

-KenZ_Dizzy95: I was just thinking one day about something I think I would like to read, and then I just kinda put stuff together. Then bam! This book happened:) 


-alya05: okay so I have a question for everyone to answer!(besides the secret love birds) what's it like seeing how obvious Kota and Tyler love each other and not just push them together?

-Damien: Its kind of funny. I mean i've know the dude since forever, and I'm pretty sure he liked Dakota even before he left.
-Carrie: It's frustrating, because I so bad want to do something! But I want them to figure it out on their own.
-Jamie: same here, It would be a whole lot better for everyone if they just figured it out on their own.
-Matthew: wait, since when!? How come I did not know this!?!


-Alexa89: Tyler, how did you feel when you saw Kota lyin on the floor when you barged in on j hitting her? And Dakota, were you really gonna lie to Ty about your bruises  how would you have hid that fact j almost beat you to death?

-Tyler: I was furious. I wanted nothing more than to tear that guy limb from limb right then and there.
-Dakota: no, I don't think I would have even been able to lie about it, or would have wanted to at that point. I probably would have ended up in the hospital or dead if Ty didn't come.


Yay!! another chapter!! let me know what you think!!!:D

Got any more questions? Just asked them in the comment box!!

What do you guys think of this chapter? 


Spoiler alert!! Next chapter will be the New Year's Eve party!! How do y'all think that will go? What will happen?

Thanks for reading! don't forget to vote!!



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