Redneck Romeo [Completed]

By BoOk_DrEaMeR

301K 6.3K 933

(Excerpt) I looked up into his gorgeous, honey-colored eyes and felt my heart begin to thrum with the love t... More

Redneck Romeo
*Chapter 1*
*Chapter 2*
*Chapter 3*
*Chapter 4*
*Chapter 5*
*Chapter 6*
*Chapter 7*
*Chapter 8*
*Chapter 9*
*Chapter 10*
*Chapter 11*
*Chapter 12*
*Chapter 13*
*Chapter 14*
*Chapter 15*
*Chapter 17*
*Chapter 18*
*Chapter 19*
*Chapter 20*
*Chapter 21*
*Chapter 22*
*Chapter 23*
*Chapter 24*
*Chapter 25*

*Chapter 16*

7.5K 218 17
By BoOk_DrEaMeR

Like Wednesday, that weekend came much too quickly. I spent the rest of the weekend wondering how I was going to tell Luke. I mean, I can't just walk up to him and be all like 'Hey. I know you love me and I just broke it off with my boyfriend so do you want to go get coffee sometime?'

Though that seemed like the easy way, I didn't want to seem too forward. Even though it's Luke, the guy that I dated forever, it's been almost two years since we really talked. People can change in two years. Like majorly change. I'm scared that if we do end up together, it won't be the same. 

I took a deep breath, smoothing down my black t-shirt. For tonight's events, I had decided to go edgy, yet casual. I was currently wearing a black tee, grey vest, dark skinny jeans, and black cowboy boots. My breath hitched when there was a knock on the door. Not too long after, I heard my mom open it and great the Andersons.

One more deep breath and I was ready to go. I opened up my bedroom door and walked swiftly and quietly down the stairs. I was greeted by the smell of food cooking in the kitchen, and Mrs. Anderson's unique perfume. Even after two years, I haven't forgotten the lavender and vanilla mix.

 Everyone had already exited the entry foyer by the time I got down, so I headed to the living room. There is where I found everybody. My dad, Luke, and Mr. Anderson where all situated on the couch, yelling at some college football game. I rolled my eyes at their typical behavior and made my way to the kitchen, which is where the women had congregated.

"Hey Lucy!"I greeted Mrs. Anderson with a hug.

She hugged me back before bringing me to arms length and letting her eyes roam over me,"Oh, Isabelle! You have grown so much! You are such a beautiful young lady."

I blushed,"Thank you. You haven't seemed to have aged a bit!"And she really hadn't. Luke's mom still had the same eyes as Luke without any wrinkles around them. Her face, despite the lack of product, looked refreshed and vibrant with energy. Her body still maintained its petite figure and her hair was still honey blonde with a few gray streaks.

"Thank you,"she smiled and turned back to my mother,"Now, where do you want me to put this pie?"

I took that as my cue to leave and made it back into the living room where the station had taken a commercial break. I sat down on the love seat diagonal from the couch.

"Hi Isabelle,"Mr. Anderson greeted with a warm smile.

"Hi Evan,"I returned the smile. That was our usual greeting. There was no need for any more conversation, because the words had an underlying meaning. It said 'How have you been?', 'Okay', 'It's good to see you', and 'I've missed you'. I loved Evan like my own father. We had grown close during Luke and I's relationship and even after two years it hasn't faded.

I turned to Luke,"Hey Luke."

"Hey Isabelle,"he gave a slight smile before returning his attention to the TV. 

This made Evan smack him on the back of the head,"Is that all you have to say to the girl you love?"

If I had been drinking something, I would have spit it out. But, I wasn't, so instead I began choking on my own spit. I finally calmed myself down to see that Luke had blushed an adorable scarlet and Evan was looking between us suspiciously.

"I was just joking,"Evan finally said, breaking the silence.

I just rolled my eyes and settled back in my seat, trying to calm my flaming cheeks.

After about ten minutes of awkward silence, except the occasional shout at the TV, my mom announced that dinner was ready. We all made our way to the dinner table, John and Sarah now downstairs, too. My mom and dad sat at the heads of the table. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson sat beside each other on my dad's side, John sat next to Evan. Sarah sat next to mom, while I sat in the middle with Luke sitting next do my dad on my other side. How I ended up beside Luke, I will never know. I would have happily sat in John's spot.

We all held hands and said prayer. However, I couldn't concentrate because tingles were shooting up and down my arms from Luke's touch. Finally, we were told to dig in.

"So,"Luke started, a menacing smirk on his face,"Broken any innocent girls' hearts lately?"

The parents all stared at him baffled, while they younger ones had different reactions. Luke's face rearranged itself into an expression of horror. Sarah acted as if nothing happened and continued to dig into her mashed potatoes like there was no tomorrow. I, however, just groaned and dropped my head into my hands.

My brother continued to look at Luke expectantly, waiting for an answer until finally, Luke spoke,"No, sir."

John leaned back in surprise, secretly amazed at his manners,"I'm not usually called 'sir'.

"Well,"Luke started,"I like to think of my self as a guy who respects his elders."

All of the parents and John nod their heads in approval, as if they've only just met Luke. I roll my eyes at their stupidity and go back to eating. My peace, however, does not last long because soon Luke's mom directs a question at me,"Any boyfriends?"

I blush red and shake my head,"No."

She looks surprised, along with the rest of the table, until my mom says,"What about Clark? You hung out with him just last weekend."

I shook my head and looked down at my plate,"We broke up on Wednesday."

Luke looks at me in complete and utter confusion. He gave me a questioning look but I just ignored it.

Then John, with an angry look on his face, said,"Do I need to go kick his ass?"

My mom gasped and yelped,"Language!"

I just shook my head, making sure to keep my face expressionless,"I broke up with him. We're on a break..."I looked at Luke,"For now."

"So this isn't permanent?"Luke asked.

"It depends,"I shrugged, avoiding his gaze.

The table became silent and the only noises made were those of silverware. I quickly finished everything on my plate before picking up Sarah's and taking them both to the sink. Once everyone was done, my mother and I told everyone to go enjoy themselves while we cleaned up the kitchen. I just went along with it and followed her to the kitchen, turning on the tap and rinsing off a plate.

We worked silently for a while before she tip-toed over to the door and peaked out. Then, she slowly closed it, making sure not to make any noise. The, she rushed over to me with a curious expression.

"So, does your break with Clark have anything to do with a certain ex?"she smirked.

"You know,"I started,"Curiousity killed the cat."

"Good thing it has nine lives. Now answer the question!"she whisper yelled.

"Yes. It does. Are you happy now?"I huffed.

"Smitten as a kitten!"she smiled and went back to the dishes.

"What did you just say?"I half-laughed.

"Oh hush it Izzy and get over here and help me finish up!"she waved me over to the counter where I began to dry up the clean dishes.

When we were done, my mom and I headed to the door. When we shut it behind us, every head turned our way, including Luke's. While my mom went to the couches, I headed to the stairs, where I waved Luke over. I just had the chance to see him getting up before I jogged up the steps and headed to my room. I plopped down on my bed, knowing that he would remember where my room was.

Sure enough, he xame to stand in the doorway not a minute later. We just looked at each other and he made no motion to move, so I said,"Are you gonna shut the door and sit down or what?"

He rolled his eyes and hesitantly made his way to sit down on the bed with me, making sure to leave about a foot of space inbetween us. 

"So, what have you been dying to say?"I asked, giving him a side glance.

He looked at me like I was crazy,"The kiss."

"What about it?"

He huffed,"How did it make you feel?"

"Good,"I answered vaguely.

"Why did you break up with Clark?"

I shrugged,"Because it wasn't fair to drag him along when I wasn't sure how I felt."

"How do you feel?"

"So many questions!"I looked at him teasingly,"I feel like I love him. But, I love you too. And I feel like, even though you are a douche, I should give you a second chance. If it doesn't work out, then I can love Clark whole-heartedly, without any distractions."

He nodded,"I'll wait for you. That day when I came over, I lied. I thought that it was what you wanted, but then I saw that hurt look on your face and it made me regret it. And then Jessica came over and told me that you wanted me to fight for you and I felt like a complete idiot."

"I should have known that Jessica would come to see you. So, my turn to ask a question now. Did you ever make a move on the Libby chick? I thought you were going to ask her out."

"I was,"he said,"But then Jess came over and I decided that I probably shouldn't."

I nodded and we just sat in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. It felt good to get all of that off of my chest and to have this situation halfway worked out. Now, all I have to do is decide.

"Can I ask kiss you?"Luke asked out of nowhere.

I turned my head to look at him, an unvoluntary grin creaping up on my face. He seemed to take this as an answer becuase he leaned in and captured my lips with his. They moved in sync, just like they used to. It felt good to be able to kiss him again. All these weeks I've had to stare at his extremely kissable lips, knowing that I couldn't kss them. And now, here I am, kissing the guy that I love.

Unlike when I kiss Clark and Luke is in the back of my mind, there was no lingering trace of a thought about Clark. It was like he was completely erased from my mind. We pulled apart and let our noses touch. I kept my eyes closed, just trying to even my breath and take in the perfection of the moment.

As perfect as the moment was, I can't help but feel like it would all end soon. Like, it wasn't meet to be permanent. Before I could doubt anymore, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his lips back to mine. 

As the kiss deepened, I found myself straddling him. He pulled back and teasingly wagged his finger before flipping us over, so that he was hovered over top of me, making sure to not put his full weight down. He brought his hand up to pin my arms above me before using the other hand to attack my sides with tickles. I burst into laughter, wiggling in an attempt to get free. But, apparently, little Luke liked this a little to much.

Luke blushed a bright red, but before he could get too embarassed and try to get back up, I pulled him back down into another kiss. He completely forgot about being embarassed as our lips melted into one. I don't know how long we layed there,so completely wrapped up in each other.

Soon, however, there was a knock on the door before it swung open to reveal John. It just happened to be that at that moment, Luke was laying on me with one hand in my shirt, lightly carressing my flat stomach. And my arms were wrapped tightly around his neck, holding him to me.

The worst part was that I didn't even realize that he was there, but Luke did. He tried to pull away, but my arms were in a vice like grip around his neck. By the time he was able to get up and compose himself, John had situated an angry glare on his face.

"Why were you on top of my sister with your hand up her shirt?"he asked impatiently, clearly wanting to see what our excuse was going to be. 

However, before I could come up with one, Luke was already talking,"We were kissing and I guess things just got a little heated."

Any other brother would still be pissed off, but my brother isn't normal. He valued honesty so much that Luke's answer actually made his menacing glare soften into an expressionless mask.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that your parents are leaving so you should say goodbye and go,"Then he shut the door and left.

Luke turned to me with a sheepish grin,"Goodbye,"Then he got up.

"What?"I asked,"No goodbye kiss?"

He smirked and leaned over me, capturing my lips in a light, quick kiss,"There, now can I leave?"

I rolled my eyes,"Well, if you are so impatient, then go."

He made it to the door before stopping and turning around,"What are we?"

I thought over it,"Really friendly friends."

"Do really friendly friends take their really friendly friends on dates?"

I chuckled,"Ofcourse."

He gave a big smile,"Okay. I'll tell you what I have decided at school on Monday."

I nodded and watched as he headed out the door. I heard his heavy footsteps on the stairs and then the front door shut and he was gone. I fell backwards onto my bed, kicking off my shoes. I yawned before standing back up and changing into a tee shirt and girl boxers. Then I brushed my teeth and buried my head into my pillow while covering my body with my comforter.

It didn't take long for me to drift off into a dreamless sleep.


AHHH! They are going on a date! Are you excited?

Since ya'll hit the goal for the last chapter so quickly, I'm bumping it up this time ;) 

Goal for the chapter: 6 votes and 3 comments

Dedicated to ammimarie96 for her awesome support!

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