Open Arms (ON HOLD)

By DipDyedPrincess

196 9 0

Moving to a new town in a new state is hard for every teenager. But according to 18 year old Shaylee Dawson... More

Chapter 1 ~Moving In and Meeting the Neighbors~
Chapter 2 ~Boy Talk and Introductions~
Chapter 4 ~Roomies and Soccer~
Chapter 5 ~Clay Pots and New Friends~
Chapter 6 ~Homeroom and Chemistry Equations~
Chapter 7 ~Rivalry and Spanish Tutoring~
Chapter 8 ~Quesadillas and Eyes~

Chapter 3 ~Farewells and Arrivals~

19 1 0
By DipDyedPrincess

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I slammed down my hand on my alarm clock and I glanced at the blurry red numbers on the clock.

6:30 a.m.


I sat up on my messy bed and blinked a couple of times.

Today is gonna be Colette and my first day at Orewood Academy. I stood up from my bed and grabbed the first shirt I saw in my dresser. I took off my tank top and put on the shirt. I then stripped down my sweatpants and put on my favorite ripped jeans. I hurried to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. Colette comes in all dressed and starts brushing her hair.

"Ready for today?" she asks me with a singing voice.

"No." I replied and spit in the sink. I sipped some water from the cup and rinsed out my mouth.

"That's disgusting, Shay." she says.

"Your face is disgusting." I said.

Colette just scowls and then shrugs it off.

After I washed my face, brushed my hair and put eyeliner on my eyes, I headed downstairs for breakfast. As I walked into the kitchen, I glanced at Colette and my suitcases lined up at the front door.

I sat down at the kitchen table where breakfast was in front of me.

Donuts, bagel sandwiches, and coffee.

"Sorry about breakfast, Shay. We don't have anything for breakfast today so I told dad to go buy something from Dunkin' Donuts." says mom.

"That's fine. As long as it's food." I said, taking a bite out of the bagel sandwich with bacon and scrambled eggs in it.

"Good morning! Guess who's ready for first day at Orewood! I know I am!" I heard Colette shout out, happily. She walks into the kitchen and sits next to me.

"No waffles?" she asks mom.

"No waffles." says mom.

"Awww, oh well. I love donuts." says Colette and takes a bite out of the French Cruller.

"When does school start?" I asked mom.

"Well, class starts at 7:35 and everybody needs to be in their rooms before it's that time. You two are going to have to meet up with your guidance counselors about your schedules and get your assigned rooms." she replies.

"Oh my god! We're getting our own room and roommates!" shouts out Jacey, happily.

"Wow, gee, I didn't know that!" I said, sarcastically.

"Your father and I will really miss you two. Remember to call us, email us, anything to stay in touch." says mom.

"We will, don't worry." I said.

"Do you guys have everything?" I heard dad ask from the front door.

"Yup!" Colette and I both say at the same time.

"Okay, I'm gonna go put your stuff in the car!" he says.

"Are you guys excited?" asks mom, smiling.

"No." I said at the same time when Colette said, "Yes."

"Oh Shay, you'll have fun. I just know it! You'll make tons of new friends." says mom.

"You said the same thing when it was my first day in 1st grade." I said.

"Well, you did make friends." she says.

"Mom, that was in 1st grade. Everyone was friends with each other in 1st grade. I'm a senior in high school, making friends these days are hard." I said.

"Stop being such a Debbie Downer, Shay. It's gonna be great!" says Colette.

"Your sister is excited. Pep up, Shay." says mom.

"Maybe later..." I said, tiredly.

"Okay, girls. Ready to go now?" dad shouts from the front foor.

"Yup! We sure are!" Colette shouts back happily. We both got our bags and hugged mom goodbye.

"Bye, girls. Have fun, alright?" she says.

"We'll try..." I said.

We let go of eachother and walked out the front door, giving mom one last smile.

Colette, dad and I got into the car and dad turns on the engines. I sighed deeply and took out my iPhone. I went to my address book and texted my best friends, all the way from Albany: Savannah and Mia.

Me - Well, im off to my new boardingschool

Savannah - good luck

Me - Thanks! Wheres Mia?

Savannah - idk, i bet she forgot that ur leaving today for that fancy schmancy boarding school

Mia - I heard that!

Savannah - Well technically u saw that since its a text

Mia - Smartass

Savannah - You know u love me :)

Mia - No

Savannah - D:

Mia - Jk, Savannah!

Me - Haha, u guys r great

Mia - Hope youll have fun! Remember me?

Me - Thanks and I will

Savannah - dont forget me too!

Me - And you too Savannah

Savannah - Hooray!

Me - Im gonna miss u guys

Mia - Me too

Savannah - I second that

"Saying your goodbyes to your best friends?" asks dad as he drives out of the street.

"Yeah. I'm gonna miss them." I said, sadly.

"I'm gonna miss my besties. I'm still sad that we had to move here." says Colette.

"Don't worry girls, you two will be fine. It's Massachusetts, you two will definately have fun here." he says.

"You're right, dad." agrees Colette.

"So, whenever break's coming up like Thanksgiving's or Winter, be sure to visit us." he says.

"We will!" she says, happily.

"The house will sure be quiet when you guys are gone." he says, softly.

"We'll make sure we're gonna call you guys. We promise, right Shay?" she says.

"Yeah, I promise too." I said.


Well, we have finally arrived at Orewood Academy.

Today better be a good day, or at least a decent day.

As dad parks in front of the main entrance of the academy, Colette and I unbuckled out seatbelts and looked outside.

Orewood Academy: Ginormous, new-looking, fancy looking too.

The people who I see walking around: Stereotyped probably. I see jocks walking with cheerleaders (surprise, surprise), smart looking nerds with binders in their arms, emo like goths walking around in black and showing no emotion on their faces, and others. This school is like a normal high school. Except, Colette and I have to spend nights here.

Dad gets out of the car and opens up the car's trunk. Colette and I hopped off of the car and looked at the campus.

"Here are your luggages, girls." I heard my dad say.

"Errgghhh." he grunts as he pulls out my suitcase, "Shay, what do you have in there?"

"My life." I joked.

"I bet she carries useless stuff in there like the books she reads." says Colette.

"Excuse me? Are you calling my stuff useless?" I asked.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." she replies.

"You know what? I wanna--"

"Girls, there's no time to fight." stops my dad.

"Right, I forgot that we were in public." I said.

He closes the trunk and opens his arms wide open, "Hugs and kisses for your dad?"

"Sure, why not." I said, smiling. Colette and I hugged dad for a couple of minutes and finally let go.

"I'm gonna miss you two." he says with his heart warming smile.

"Me too." I said.

"Same." says Colette.

"You two better get going." he says.

He gets back into the car and starts the engines. He opens the window and says, "Bye girls! Have fun!"

"Bye dad!" Colette and I said in unison.

Dad closes the window and drives out of the campus. I watched until the car was no where in sight.

I sighed sadly and looked at Colette who was...gone. I looked around and saw her, walking towards the door entrance.

"Ugh, Colette!" I groaned. I grabbed my stuff and struggled to catch up to her.

I finally caught up to Colette and we both walked into the massive building. We headed towards the main office which was right there in front of us and walked in.

"You two must be Colette and Shaylee Dawson." I heard a friendly woman's voice. A woman, around mid 30's, came in the office, smiling at Colette and I.

"Hi." I greeted, shyly.

"Welcome to Orewood Academy. I'm Mrs. Forlin, you two's guidance counselors. It's a pleasure to meet you two." she says.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too." I said, shaking her hand.

"I have your schedules right here, along with your room numbers. And here are your room keys." she says. She hands us our schedules and our room keys.

"Thank you." I said.

"You're very welcome." she says, "If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to visit me in the main office."

"Okay." says Colette.

"As you can see on your schedules, first period starts at 7:35. All students must be in their rooms by 7:25. Your room numbers are on top of the paper so whenever you forget where your room is, be sure to check on here. You guys still have 30 minutes so I'm sure you'll have time to unpack a little, meet your roommates, all those fun stuff. Whenever you're stuck on something, you can ask any of the staff or your roommate, alright?" says Mrs. Forlin.

"Okay, I got it!" I said, smiling.

"Great." she says, "Wait here for a sec."

She disappears in another room and a couple of minutes later, she returns back with two luggage carts. The ones that the hotel uses.

"Here's the luggage cart. Carrying all those stuff must be tiring so use these to help you. When you get to your room and you're done with the carts, just leave them outside at your door. The custodian will pick them up and bring them back here." she says.

"Okay, thank you." I said.

"Have a great day, girls!" she says.

Colette and I put our bags onto the luggage carts and walked out of the main office, pushing the carts with us.

I glanced at my schedule and then looked for my room number.

Room #116. 2nd floor.

Awww, it's the second floor?!

I then looked at Colette who was smiling.

"Where's your room?" I asked her.

"Room #95. 1st floor." she replies.

"Lucky. Yours is on the 1st floor. I have to go all the way up to the 2nd floor." I said.

"Haha, that sucks." she says, "So, I guess see you later?"

"I guess. Good luck, Colette." I said.

"You too, sistah." she says and then walks towards a hallway, dragging her luggage cart with her.

I took a deep breath in and headed towards the elevator.

Good luck me.


Chapter 3 is up! :)

So the story will finally begin now that Shay and Colette are in the boarding school. Chapter 4 will be uploaded tomorrow :)



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