A Different Darkiplier. A Mar...

By merchmerch

16.5K 593 195

This is a different take on darkiplier. He's not the one you think you know. Mark is an intimidating guy but... More

Party |Ch.1|
Thoughts |Ch.2|
Lock your door |Ch.3|
What a date |Ch.4|
Why me |Ch.5|
Stay away |Ch.6|
(A/N) rip vine
Stay with me |Ch.7|
New feelings |Ch.9|
Forever |Ch.10|
Sorry |Ch.11|
Oh no |Ch.12|
Perfect |Ch.13|
Make it up to you |Ch.14|
What an Angel |Ch.15|
New People |Ch.16|
What Rules? |Ch.17|
My New World |Ch.18|
Protecting You |Ch.19|
Complicated |Ch.20|
Lovliest Person |Ch.21|
Keep Her |Ch.22|
As It Should Be |Ch.23|
He knows |Ch. 24|
Uhhhh...hey yall
Please read if you're still loyal

Home |Ch.8|

700 32 13
By merchmerch

I was shocked at the words that had just escaped Marks mouth. He's never said anything like that. Sure he's said nice things but this was... different. It was so soft and gentle. So unlike him. He stared at my face, looking for an answer. Honestly, I didn't know what to say. I stood there feeling paralyzed by the words.

Somewhat hunched over from reaching for me, Mark straightened out his back and let his head fall slightly. I looked back between him and the door for a few moments, thinking over in my head. I barely knew Mark. I mean I know him enough to know how he acts and what not. But I don't know what made him become so, I don't know, aggressive. I don't know why he's so protective over what he classifies as his. Further more, I don't know why he wants me to be his. He has yet to really explain.

I stood there contemplating the whole thing. I looked up to look at Mark for a moment but he wasn't standing in front of me anymore. I spun around to look for him and I saw him now sitting on the couch, leaning over with his head down. I've never seen him like this. I haven't even said no but even my hesitation has him desolate. I walk over to where he is sitting and I stand on the opposite side of the coffee table that is in front of his couch.

"I'll...take the couch" I said fiddling with my hands. He looks up at my face disappointed.

"Cara, if you're gonna stay, you're not going to sleep on the couch" he said sternly while getting up.

"Mark it's not a big deal, I'll be fine" I said throwing my hands up.

"Yea and you'll be fine sleeping in my bed too, I'll take the couch" he said touching my cheek and running his thumb over it. He's so stubborn. I don't want to fight with him over this because I know he would win. I roll my eyes at him and he just smirks. He starts to head to his room, I'm assuming to get some blankets for himself.

"M-Mark" i say uncertain if I should ask.

He spins around to look at me.

"Um I uh I need to uh.. well I was just wondering if I could" dammit just get the words out its not a big deal! "I really would like to shower" I say looking down at my feet which became very interesting. I can't remember when I last showered and I feel gross.

He laughs a little and motions for me to come towards him. He leads me to where the bathroom is and grabs me a towel and a washcloth. He goes to his room real quick and grabs me a dark grey shirt and some of his underwear and hands them to me. I blush bright red and I immediately drop my head hoping he wouldn't see. I heard a light laugh escape from his mouth. Dammit.

I start to close the door when Mark stops it with his foot. I look up at him slightly annoyed and confused.

He looks at me with a smirk "you don't want me to join you?" He said lifting his eyebrows. I roll my eyes at the comment and raise my hand to his chest and try to push him away but he doesn't budge. "Mark" I say sternly. He laughed lightly before stepping back. "Call me if you change your mind" he said winking at me. I close the door and lock it just incase. I turn on the hot water and wait for it to heat up.

I finally got out of the shower and dried off. I dried my hair off with the towel as much as I could. I put on the clothes Mark gave me and headed out to the living room. I walked really quiet. I didn't know where he went. I didn't see him in the living room. Okaaayyy where did he go? All of a sudden I feel hands grab at my waist from behind and I couldn't help but scream a little from being scared. "AHH!" I spun around "stop that you little shit!" I said hitting him in the chest. He just stood there laughing.
I started to walk off but he caught my wrist and spun me around to face him. He pulled me towards him. He slowly leaned down to my ear "you look really good in my clothes"
He says as he starts to kiss my neck and when he bit at my skin a little I couldn't help but let out a little moan. My eyes fluttered. He smiled against my skin. Before this could go too far, I had to speak up "M-Mark I'm tired" I said while trying to pull away. He backed away and looked at me "fine" he said a bit pouty.

He started to head towards the couch to go lay down. I can't let him do this. "no" I said running in front of him "Im sleeping on the couch. I really can't take your bed knowing you're in here".

"Cara we already went over this" he said sternly.

He nudged me out of the way to walk to the couch. I'm taking the couch whether he likes it or not. I tried to think of something I could do and- I got it.

"If you don't let me sleep on the couch, I'll leave" I said blatantly. He spun around and gave me an annoyed look. He knows I would actually try to leave. He stood there for a minute rubbing his hands over his face. "Fine. Fine." He said backing up from the couch. He walked towards me "but if you want to join me you can" he said getting close to my face, running his hand up my thigh. I swatted it away and rolled my eyes. He laughed lightly and walked off to his room.
"Goodnight Cara" he said winking at me before he closed the door.
This might be a long night.

~time skipped~

Uuugghhh. I can not go to sleep. I've been tossing and turning all night but Mark keeps it freezing in his place and the leather on the couch isn't really helping. I keep sliding everywhere. I picked up my phone from the coffee table to look at the time. 2:30. Okay, I can't take this anymore. I sat straight up trying to think of what I could do. Maybe I could lay on the floor? Oh who am I kidding? That would be worse than sleeping on the couch.

Maybe I could....yea. I get up slowly not to make any noise and start to head for Marks room. I turn the knob as quietly as I could and step into the room and close the door back. I tip toe towards the bed. Marks back is facing the door so he couldn't have been woken up by the kitchen light. I cross over to the other side of the bed and climb in as lightly as I could. Don't get me wrong, Mark still scares the shit out of me sometimes but I was so uncomfortable and so tired. You don't know what I'll do for sleep. I'm just going to sleep as far away as possible from him. I climbed in on the very edge of the bed to have as much distance as possible between us. I started to close my eyes when they sprung open as I felt an arm wrap around me. Dammit I thought I didn't wake him up! He pulled me towards his chest and nuzzled his head against the back of my neck. Why is he being so...I don't even know. I know it's late but still.

Marks POV

I couldn't sleep for some reason. The thought of Cara being so close yet so far away kept floating around in my mind, spinning even, almost making me feel dizzy. She's...I don't know, different than the girls that I've been with in the past. Cliché, I know, but it's true. I want her to be mine so badly. And I know I scare her but maybe she can look past that. I start to try and fall asleep when I hear the door knob turn a bit. I'm assuming it's Cara probably wanting another blanket so I just keep my eyes closed and pretend I'm sleeping.

But then I feel my bed move. I open my eyes slightly and see her long brown hair strewn about the pillow next to me. I smile a bit. She laid down at the very edge of the bed and it looked like she was about to fall off so I grab her waist and pulled her towards me. I nestle my head behind her neck. Even though I say I only wrapped my arm around her to keep her from falling off, I really just want her close to me. She makes me feel like, like I'm home.

Ayyyee update. Dear lord APUSH got me messed up. Too much work and it's a no for me. Just kidding I do all my work cuz good student. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

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