Double Trouble

By oXMoonBeamXo

56K 1.8K 291

Awakening in the world she thought she knew, Naruko quickly finds that everyone she knew was different and ev... More

Waking up
A crowd
Getting used to it
The trip
All grown up
One hell of a walk
Its a secret?!
Quite the saunter
I am here
Getting it done
Strong arms
Trial # 2
on our way
Down the rabbit hole
Suprise its a girl
Taking me
Kiss me not
Yet again
For you
A small moment
A moment of silence
A great father
A lesson of sorts
Auther's note
Here we go
The reason we love
Authers note
Planet naruko
The last
A Special; Mizuki Hatake


1.2K 41 2
By oXMoonBeamXo

As we ran we got quiet listening to the whooshing air that battled against our bodies. I didn't mind seeing how it was what normal ninja did, you need to listen and hear your enemies. It's hard to do that while talking. But I was thinking... The bridge maker... I remembered him... Well her in my old world... I hadn't thought about that world in a long time...

"Naru... Are you alright?" Kakashi asked me from in front of me.

I looked up, caught off guard and laughed a little, "yeah I'm fine, I was just thinking." I said it as we leapt from tree to tree.

He stared at me like I was stupid, " I'll bug you about it later, we are almost there. You must be tired." He said it, giving me a scary face(smile) before turning back around.

I looked at him nervous, following silently... He can be scary. I was starting to get tired but I couldn't believe that we had reached it already... I had taken a lot longer when I was in the other world. I shrugged though and landed down onto the bridge that led to the village hidden in the mist. Just like it said there was thick fog covering it. I walked up next to kakashi... It was kinda creepy...

"You look scared..." Kakashi, raising a brow.

I glared at him, "Well I get creeped out easily... It's the dumb things that get me.." I said it shyly.

He chuckled and started to walk into the fog. What? I chased after him grabbing hold of his arm. "Don't leave me! " I blurted, then after a moment I jumped back. "Uh... I mean wait up..." I said it coolly.

He chuckled, "you are a ninja... You have to kill people or have them try to kill you... That doesn't faze you but spooky mist does? " he patted my head and then kept going slowly.

I walked beside him silently. It wasn't my fault... It was the one thing that was wrong with me...

"Ah! There you are!"

I yelped and jumped behind Kakashi like a scared cat.

"Uh.... Is that naruto?" The voice asked. It sounded like an old man.

Kakashi chuckled, "no... This is Naruko, his sister. They are twins but are quite different." Kakashi said it trying to grab me. I kept dodging. "You're fine Naru, it's just the bridge builder."

I froze, "oh..." I unhid myself and stood next to kakashi. "Sorry the fog is making me jumpy." I said it rubbing my neck. I bowed then, "please to meet you." Then I straightened up.

He raised a brow at me, "you don't say... I have to say you're better looking than that knucklehead." He said it rubbing his chin as he looked me up and down.

The color drained from my face and Kakashi sighed. "Truthfully... I have to say they look like two different people." He said it looking at me. He gave me a smile that made the color return to my face at full blast.

The old man cleared his throat, "alright let's get to my house you can rest up before tomorrow. My daughter should just about be done with dinner." With that we were of to his house. After wandering the dim street we reached a house on the outskirts. "It's just my and my daughter right now. Little one is visiting family in the town over." He said it as we walked in.

We all pulled our shoes off and followed him into the kitchen/dining area. His daughter was putting the food on the table at the moment. She looked up and smiled. " so nice to have you back." She waved us over.

I sat down with Kakashi and we all dug in. Dinner was short and sweet. It was good and we chatted but they most likely knew we needed to rest. So soon after we headed to bed.

"Sadly... I hope you don't mind sharing a room... We didn't think it would be Naruko. Sorry, the house is getting worked on." After saying that we got left in a room with simple two mats, a desk and that's about it.

I looked at Kakashi half confused and tired. "Ok... " Then I went to my mat and rolled it out. I set up my bed then went and changed in the bathroom. I was wearing a big t-shirt. I yawned falling into the bed. I had forgotten my pj shorts but frankly I didn't give a damn. I was out in seconds...

---that night----

Lightning and thunder clashed and I gasped sitting up in bed. The room was dark and only when the lightning struck did the room light up. I took deep breaths trying to calm down... That had really startled me... Reminded me of the creepy fog. I looked around nervously but kept trying to relax.

After a while I knew I wasn't getting to sleep anytime soon. I got up and headed out onto the porch. I might as well watch it.... It wasn't raining just yet. My feet padded softly on the floor as I made my way to the front door. I sat down under the roof but at the edge of the porch. I sighed looking up at the sky...

"Couldn't sleep either?" A voice came from above.

I looked up to see Kakashi hanging off the roof.... "Storm woke me up... What the hell are you doing?" I was confused. I mean... Why not just sit down here? I shook my head as he jumped down standing next to me. It made me feel shorter than usual.

He sat down next to me and patted my head, "I was sitting on the roof." He said it in defense.

I just smiled and looked up at the storm... It was beautiful but also scary in a way. I remembered a storm like this when I was little... I was scared and there was no one. But I am here now...

"That look again... What's wrong?" Kakashi asked it softly, leaning down to look me in the eyes. One brown and one red.

I sighed, " the storm reminded me of a storm when I was younger in the other world. I didn't really have anyone then... But I do now." I said, giving him a weak smile.

He nodded, "ah... So earlier?" He recognized the look on my face now as the one from earlier.

I nodded, "I was thinking of the last time I was here... Which was in the other world. I hadn't thought about it in a while." I said it just as thunder crashed and rain started to fall across the land. It was like a race across the land...

Kakashi watched it too, his eyes seemed to follow each drop as it went. He looked at me with cold eyes... Those eyes from the first time I met him... "Do you still want to go back?" He asked it with so much more emotion in his voice than his eyes.

I sighed with a smile, I stayed silent for a minute. He looked away as if he had an answer from that. I shook my head and reached over, taking his hand in mine. I put it to my face and it cooled my skin. I closed my eyes and just focused on his touch. "No..." I said it simply... Then I opened my eyes, staring into his. He has emotion back in them... It lightened my heart. I dropped my hands but he let his stay, then he put his other hand up.

He rubbed his thumbs over my cheek bones. I closed my eyes and reached out hugging him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me there. I listened to his breathing and the rain until I fell asleep in his arms.

---the next morning---

I was shaken, "wake up, Naru." Someone whispered into my ear.

I yawned as I sat up in bed. I rubbed my eyes, it was morning already? I looked at who woke me up. It was Kakashi of course. He gave me a smile before leaving the room. I got dressed tossing my pjs into my bag and cleaning up my mess from sleeping.

I headed into the dinning room and sat down across from Kakashi. I yawned again before waving at him. "Goodmorning." I said it smiling.

He chuckled as he slid me a bowl, "eat up then we are heading out." He said it as he lifted up one of his books to read it.

I smirked but ate the food, which was of course great. Then I got up and did the dishes for them. I mean it was a guest in their house so it's the least I could do.

"Ok, ok! Let's get going little, Miss.housewife." Kakashi said it as he grabbed me and ran from the house.

I blinked in confusion, "I was just being polite?" I said it as he put me down at the bottom of the hill handing me my bag.

He shrugged and started walking. I rolled my eyes and walked with him. "So I talked to the bridge builder this morning, and it seems there is a gang in the middle of the town. This is a B rank mission... We have to take out the gang. I will take out the boss and you will do the others alright? I will sneak in and while I'm doing that start thinning the ranks. After I take the boss out I will work my way out. " he said quietly looking around.

I nodded and scanned the streets. "What do they look like? And should I kill or just knock out?" I asked it as we took to the roofs. He handed me a paper with a drawing of a symbol on it. I looked it over as we landed on the edge of a building overlooking a busy street.

He pointed out a man with the same symbol on his bandana. "They will be wearing that symbol. Kill who you must... We don't need a blood bath but we don't need it starting up again." He said it with a nod. I nodded and stood up getting yanked back down. "Hey! They are looking for ninjas!" He said it quietly.

I sighed, "that's something you should have said... Or did you just want to hold me?" I said it with a smirk as I felt his arms around me.

He instantly let me go, "sorry... Now get to work... You're such a distraction." He said it with a chuckle, handing me an ear piece before jumping away.

I smiled after him... Ya? I'm a distraction...?


I twirled the kunai in my hand unsure how much more I had so I dug into my side pouch and checked. 10, after killing most of the men I still had ten. I sighed looking down at my remaining targets. It was obvious that they knew I was coming, they had rigid bodies. Their faces coated in a thick layer of sweat. God only knows how they got word of me since I killed the men? After all, how could a dead man speak? Maybe it was that they had been expecting a response from them and expected the worst. Which would mean they had no clue where, who or in fact what I was.

I shook my head and laughed lightly. I could always test it and see.... Though it would be slightly dangerous. I bit at the inside of my mouth as I decided.

Suddenly there was a crash from the center of town and smoke which was darker than the fog rose. Kakashi... I sighed and jumped down into the street. Guess I have to since I know I have to get them distracted and then kill them. There were 4 men, not very strong looking. They had turned to the sound of the crash and looked ready to run to 'help'.

I looked at it, anxiety building up in my chest, I decided to act while the men had turned away. I shot down knocking out the first two with ease.

I jumped back as the other two swung around, they looked at me then the two knocked out me. I could tell that they couldn't believe that someone like me had done it. Maybe Kakashi was right, there was a benefit to being so short. I went forward flashing behind them and smacked each man in the back of the head. They dropped to the ground with the others.

I shook my head at them, did they have any brains?.... They could have run or fought. Instead they just stood there, like idiots. They were gangsters? This gang must have got the short end of the deal.

I looked up at the smoke and headed into it. I wanted to make sure Kakashi was at least okay. I covered my mouth as I ran through the smoke. I was on the roof and it was still thick. I had to pause and pull a mask on to help with the smoke. I heard fighting then and followed the noise.

I had to duck out of the way of a random flying kunai. I jumped to the next roof and looked down at the fight. I made out four figures and one was kakashi. I could tell by his hair, his gravity fighting hair. I couldn't see too well... I went and jumped to a closer building until I could see them roughly. They were talking.

"Look, all the men will be here in a matter of seconds alright?" An annoyed short fellow said it out of breath as he wiped off his blacked face. They all were covered in black stuff. Most likely from ash or the explosion.

The bigger guy grunted in pain, " yeah this guy can't fight a whole village full of gangsters." He snapped then shifted off his right leg. He must be injured so does he even count?

"Boys, boys.... Calm yourselves, leave it to me this guy doesn't know who he is dealing with. As soon as the men arrive we take off.... I'll make sure they keep him alive just so we can kill him ourselves." A bald older man with a cane said it calmly.

I raised an eyebrow, what a bunch of fools I glanced at Kakashi who was holding his right arm. I stiffened when I saw Kakashi was injured. Although I know that I killed\knocked out every one I saw, I guess a few could have made it? Plus we also didn't know these guy's levels. If they had been fighting then they had to be on some good level. I rubbed my chin and thought, the best thing would be to swiftly take out all the men here. Even if the 'other men' show up... If their boss is dead they might not fight.

I let out a breath and nodded. The older man unsheathed his cane which was now a sword. Without a second thought I jumped off the roof and shot at the other two slitting their throats with kunai. I spun around and darted to the oddly fast old man. I held my sword to his throat before he could get to Kakashi. "I wouldn't do that if I was you." I whispered it to the old man.

He straightened up in fright causing him to drop his sword. I kicked it away from him toward the dead men. He glanced their way and looked heartbroken. "My boys..." He cried out. " you stupid whore! You wait! My men-"

I sighed, and was about to say something when Kakashi spoke first. "you might not want to call the person who just killed every single one of your men a whore." He said it sharply. He apparently didn't like that I was being called a whore... Which was strangely relieving.

I shrugged, "okay..." I spun around the man til I had him in front of me. Then after making sure I had him under control I smiled at him. Which made him flinch back, I laughed. " you know what.... I should kill you right here for all the pain you have caused." I stated it coldly. He thought there was hope of him living. "But tell me something pleasing and I just might let you live." I said it sweetly.

He nodded and seemed to panic through his thoughts. I didn't take my eyes off him for even a second. If he was going to lie he would look it.... He suddenly remembered something, " I have another group just outside of town, they won't come unless I call. They have all the slaves and whores- I mean woman." He said it in a rush.

I was slightly surprised, " Wow... You sold your own people out." I hit him over the head and he fell to the ground with a thud. I let out a loud and long sigh looking around. The smoke was thinning... I turned to kakashi. He had made his way over to me while I questioned the old man.

He smiled, "you didn't kill him... Good." He said it crouched down and went through the man's pockets. He found nothing and turned to me. " We have to kill him now." He said it in a dreadful voice and reached down, snapping his neck.

I raised a brow, "why?" I asked and started to look kakashi over. He was covered in blood and blackness. I had no idea who's blood... His or someone else's?

He held up the mission scroll from the bridge builder and tossed it to me. It said to terminate all gang members in the village. "Oh I see." I nodded in understanding and tossed it back to him. I heard a scream in the distance and looked at kakashi. "Time to go..." I said it softly and headed to the roofs. We finished up any of the men I had simply knocked out making sure no one saw us as we did.

Kakashi was next to me then, "let's go report to the bridge builder then go after that outpost camp." He told me in a low voice. I nodded in agreement and followed after him.

We reached the 'offices' in no time. The old man was already outside and he looked anxious when he saw us. "So?" He said a bit pushy.

Kakashi waved him inside and we all entered the building. We went into a back room and sat at a table. Kakashi let out a breath before starting, " mission is complete. But there is an outpost we need to finish off then it is all resolved." He informed him of the details.

The bridge builder nodded and looked relieved, " alright, here is your pay and I shall send the rest to Lady Hokage." He gave Kakashi and I pouches of money.

After that we decided to leave right away, even though kakashi looked a mess. He wanted to just finish the job completely. As we walked out of town he explained, "it's mostly that I could just end up getting all messed up again. What would be the point of all that? Plus I think I will spook the gangsters." He said it with a chuckle.

I smiled and laughed a little myself, "you're a bit twisted Kakashi... Alright well then let's get it done. Old man said the post would probably be through the south exit of the village." I said it as we reached a hill and could oversee some of the land. I pointed at the glowing fire and rising smoke. "That had to be it... Its to big to just be a traveler." I called out and then started down the hill.

Kakashi smirked from the look in his eyes, "you have a good eye." He teased and raced ahead. We observed the camp from a distance, and we talked about what we would do. We decided to rush them, catching them off guard and swiftly taking care of the few men. I looked around and saw the slaves and women. I pointed at it and Kakashi nodded. We could wrap this up in no time.

The rest surrendered, I thought for a moment to let them go. Kakashi shook his head no and shot forward, killing them. Right... we had to kill all the members.. I helped him finish it up fast.

We unlocked the women and others, guiding them to the village before heading back to the camp to clean up a little. Soon it was just me and him again.

" Glad to finally see little Naru in action." Kakashi teased me again as he walked over to me. He patted my head , " why don't we just stay at this camp, no point wasting a perfectly good fire." He suggested looking at the fire.

I stretched, "yeah sounds good there is a river here also. I can fish and you can clean up." I got up and went over to him.

He gave me a closed eyed smile, " pervert."

I looked at him confused, "what?" Why would he say that?

He chuckled, " you just told me to bathe in front of you." He said it with an amused face.

My face lit up and I huffed, " That's not what I said!" I said it turning on my heel marching toward the river to fish. This damn man...

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