His lost mate - Nano 2015

By maxd01

11.6K 1.1K 288

Gael lost his mate shortly after she had delivered their baby. He was forced to leave his pack since he didn... More

Chapter 1 - I need a job Ma'am
Chapter 2 - Alpha may I stay in your territory?
Chapter 3 - Painful letters home
Chapter 4 - Oh Damn it, why?
Chapter 5 - Who is going to take care of Bridget?
Chapter 6 - Where's my baby!
Chapter 7 - May we join the pack Alpha?
Epilogue - Starting to recover

Prologue - I have to leave

1.7K 137 20
By maxd01

This is my 2015 nano.  The other just didn't work out.  I have finished this barely before the end of the month and I hope you enjoy it.  It is relatively unedited and need some work.  I will be working on this in the next few weeks.

Gael rolled out of bed and it was dark out. By now it was after midnight and most everyone was asleep. He walked over to the window and looked out into the darkness. His eyes easily penetrated the darkness and with a grim smile he noticed the grounds were finally clear of close in observers. Once he was sure of that he went over to his closet and started pulling out some clothing. Most of it was normal clothing which he could work in. In this case most of it was jeans, shirts, and a few other items.

The last thing he did was to pull out the hidden safe and empty it of cash and some other items. Most of it was cash but there were some jewelry and a small photo album. Once he had those packed away he moved to the other room and checked on his baby. She was sleeping comfortably and had only been fed a short time ago. Her diaper bag was always packed but he pulled another bag out and added more diapers, formula, and clothing. Even though it was the beginning of summer he packed some warmer clothing as well.

Once he had everything he needed he gathered her and her bags up before walking to his room. The other bag was added to the two for the baby. Once he had everything he walked over to the doors to the balcony and walked out. He glanced around again and then hopped over the balcony. Since he was only on the second floor the landing was relatively gentle and the baby didn't wake. He hadn't expected her to since she was a heavy sleeper most of the time.

Now that he was out of his room he stood there for a moment and looked around. He still couldn't sense anyone close. Once he was sure he was alone he moved towards the garage and once there he paused again and checked to see if anyone was there. Again once he was sure there wasn't anyone he moved over to his Bronco. It was one which he had spent many a month's restoring and was in mint condition. Well the interior and drive train was. The exterior was a rattle can black which he preferred. What was so amusing was that it was professionally done.

After carefully securing his daughter into the baby seat he tossed the bags in the back. Since he didn't want to wake everyone up with the exhaust he fired her up while the doors were closed. Once the exhaust had warmed up and quieted down he opened the garage and slowly pulled out. After pulling out he very slowly moved towards the gate and finally left the property.

Once they hit the open road he opened the engine up and easily hit 65 mph which was the limit. For now, he was going to obey all the road rules. Till he was outside the territory he wasn't going to do anything which drew attention to him. That was the last thing he needed. The one thing he really hoped was that their baby didn't start crying till he was outside the territory. If he had to stop before then it might become tight.

As hard as he tried not to his mind wandered back to that morning. "Hey love, I have a little surprise for you." Aislinn wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a very deep kiss. "I just came back from the doctor and... We are going to have a baby." She had been so happy when she informed him.

Gael could only gape at her for several minutes till his brain caught up. When it did he wrapped his arms around her and whirled her around in a circle. "Oh man, I am so happy." He had pulled her close and tucked her head under his. God he was so pleased with the news. After several weeks of discussion, they had settled on the names of Bridget for a girl and Bastian if a boy.

He shook his head and drove the memories away. He needed to concentrate on the drive. Over the last two months he had made a point of going to sleep early just to get people used to it. That and though there were a number of female's who had offered to help with his baby he had ignored them as much as possible. He had made a point of doing everything he could for her and that was how he had wanted it.

When they reached the border he barely managed not to stop. Gael had accelerated since it was going to be hard to leave and it was going to hurt. When he passed the boarder of the property it was a wrench but he managed to keep going. Now that he was a way from town he accelerated to a better speed. Granted he wasn't going a great deal more than the speed limit but it would get him clear sooner. Gael knew that it would be noticed that he was leaving and he really didn't want them interfering with his leaving.

It took another hour and a half before his little girl started fussing before he had to pull over. Thankfully there was a rest stop nearby and he pulled into it before she became really fussy. Once he had stopped he moved around to the door to her car seat and pulled her and the diaper bag out. He headed towards a bathroom since he could smell her. She was going to be hungry and she was most definitely stinky. Once he had her changed he filled a bottle and settled down on a bench and fed her.

He did his best not to hurry her since that would only make her even fussier. She was finally full and after a good burp or two she was asleep on his shoulder. "Hush little one and sleep. We have to keep going." Gael walked over to his Bronco and tucked her in. He was going to keep going as long as he could before he had to stop due to tiredness. Hopefully he would be able to get a good six or more hours. If he could do that chances were good that he was going to be relatively free for the time being.

Gael knew that Damian was going to know he had left and would search for him. What he hoped was that it would take time before he was able to figure out where he was. Right now he needed time away from everyone he had grown up with and where so many memories were. His wife hadn't been from the town he was but they had been married for several years before she had become pregnant. As he walked down the halls and into various rooms he could almost feel her ghost. It was slowly driving him crazy and he needed out.

As the miles rolled past he finally turned the radio on and found a station which worked for him. He had turned off his phone and the Bronco never had anything which could track it. He would have to check at some point but for now he was going to keep going.


Damian woke as soon as Gael crossed the property line and he rolled out of bed and lowered his head. He had been hoping that Gael had come to terms with what had happened but from the feel of it he hadn't. It hadn't been Gaels fault but he knew that the loss of his wife had been hard on him. "Damn you boy, if you would have simply talked to me or my wife we could have helped." His wife rolled over and ran a hand down his back.

"What is going on Damian?" She had also felt the bonds break but wanted her husband's opinion. She sat up and wrapped her arms around him.

Damian sighed and leaned into the embrace. "That damn young gun left with his little girl. Damn it I wished he had finally come to you or me." He rolled out of bed and pulled on some shorts. "Go back to sleep and I will let you know what I find later." She had also delivered recently though their baby was two months older.

Someone had already checked the rooms and found that he had packed a number of items. Gael had left with everything he needed but nothing else. His Bronco was gone as well and the gate showed his code leaving. "Damn it, why couldn't you come to us? We would have helped you as much as possible." Damian headed towards his office to make some calls.


Gael had finally been forced to find a place to pull off for some sleep and get some food. It was a little place off the main road which was what he wanted. Once he had the room he took his little girl in there and fed and changed her again before he bothered finding food for himself. Their little girl was most important to him. Once she was asleep again he tucked her into a chest pack and went to find somewhere to eat.

At the front counter he approached the lady at the desk. "Morning and I need to find something to eat for me." He looked down at his daughter and smiled. It was somewhat of a tight smile but smile none the least. "She has been feed and it is now my turn."

The lady couldn't help but smile at him. "She is a cutie and the best place is across the street. Let them know that Agnes sent you. For her they will give you a discount." She reached across the desk and touched her cheek and smiled. "She is a darling little lady. Congrats on that."

Gael couldn't help but blush. "She is and a wonderful baby. Thank you Ma'am." He left the office before he succumbed to the tears. Once he was out of there he forced his emotions back and strolled across the street. Once in the diner he ordered something to eat and started eating. Once he was done he headed back to the room and after setting the alarm he passed out.


This pattern continued on over several days till he felt safe enough to stop for at least a short time. His daughter was starting to get fussy with the driving even though she was so young. When they had finally arrived at a small town it was several states away. They were many miles from where they had started as well before he stopped. Now he needed to look for some work. The best would be something remote like a ranch or farm. That was something he could do.

After eating breakfast, he headed towards the local store and looked for the ad board. As he was looking he almost had to smile. Smiles had been rare in the last couple of months since his wife had died. Gael reached over and pulled the phone number off the ad board and walked back to his room. It was for a ranch hand job. Once he was in there he pulled out his phone. For the moment he hadn't replaced it but for a short call he should be okay.

He had to pause for a moment before turning his phone back on. Before he called he realized the room had a phone and turned his phone back off. He quickly dialed the number and waited for it to be answered. When it was a female voice answered and he almost hung up. "Hello, how may I help you? I assume you are calling about the job?"

He forced an answer out. "I am ma'am. I am looking for work." He didn't mention having a little girl he needed to support. Gael had some money from the safe but he wanted to save it in case he had to leave again. "I am familiar with most ranch operations including dealing with both hay and cattle not to mention mucking stalls for purebred horses. May I come over and talk?" He was almost praying she would at least listen.

She was almost desperate though she did her best. Her father had recently had a stroke and they need the help badly. "Well I will talk but you didn't mention your name. Come to my place and if you have the number you know where that is. I will talk to you here and we will go from there." Her voice was almost southern though she really wasn't.

He blushed at that. "It might sound odd but my name is Gael. I do have the address ma'am and I can be there in a half hour or maybe a bit over. I will talk to you shortly." He hung up and was thankful the phone call was local and he walked out. After paying the bill took his stuff to his vehicle before tucking his little girl into her car seat. "Sleep little one please." He pulled out of the small hotel parking lot and headed toward the address on the slip. All he could do was hope that she would let him stay for even a short time.

The drive did take somewhat over a half hour and when he pulled up to the ranch he had to smile. Thank goodness for GPS. The house was in decent shape though it was older. There was several barns of which one appeared be for hay, another for cattle and maybe one for horses. The rest of the property looked in reasonable shape though old as well.

When he climbed out of the Bronco he turned to the back and pulled out his little girl since he wouldn't leave her in the vehicle. That and he wasn't going to lie about having a baby. Once he had her out he settled her into the chest harness and after making sure he had the diaper bag he walked to the house and knocked.

When the door was opened it was a younger woman, maybe 25 or so who answered. She gave him a smile and then realized he had a baby. "Can I help you?" She wanted to smile but at the moment she had to resist.

"Ma'am I called a short time ago. I do need a job though I know it is going to be hard since I do have a baby." Gael looked down for a very brief moment before looking up. "She is a really good baby but I need some work so I can take care of her. I am a hard worker and can do a good day's work." He tried to keep his expression as upbeat as possible.

She sighed and didn't bother trying to hide it. "I will be honest I need someone who can focus on the work. I can feel what you are saying but I just don't know." She had to smile at the baby and reached over and stroked a cheek. "I will not turn you away if you need a day or two before moving on. My father would haunt me if I did."

Gael lowered his head and his face tensed. "Ma'am even if you allow me to stay for a few days I will work as hard as I can even with Bridget with me. I will work for even a few days if you don't mind." Damn it he wasn't going to beg though it was getting close.

She nodded. "I would never turn someone away who needed help. What do you know about horses and cattle?" That was the important part.

Gael smiled at her though it was tight. "My name is Gael as I had mentioned and this is Bridget. I am familiar with both horses and cattle. I have been working with both for many years and I am a hard worker and I can prove that. I have to take care of my little girl but if you don't mind please watch and I will show you that I can do my part." It was barely better than begging but for his little girl he would.

Annabelle couldn't help but feel warmth in her chest as he talked. It was obvious the baby meant the world to him. She almost asked what happened to the mother but managed not to. "Gael I will give you a week and if you can prove yourself to me I will keep you on. Do that while taking care of your baby and all will be good." Oh damn she wanted to offer to help with the little girl but for the moment she couldn't.

Gael nodded at her politely. "I will do my best ma'am and thank you for even considering me. I know having a baby makes for some hard decisions. Do you have somewhere I can toss my bags?" He didn't want to try and live in town since there were problems with that. If he had to sign his name to anything eventually his Alpha would find out.

"I do and if you follow me I can show you." She moved out of the house and headed towards one of the few cabins. They were for the more senior hands or those who had a wife. In his case she wouldn't force him to try and live in the barracks. "There is hot water, a small kitchen, a small room that might work as a baby room, and a twin bed. I hope that works for you."

He was doing his best to keep listening to what she said but frankly he was beat. "That will work ma'am. All I need is a place for my little girl and me." Well for a few days. Beyond that he would move on if needed. "I don't care if I end up on the floor as long as my baby has somewhere to sleep. Do you want me to start working today?"

She gave him a good look. "If you don't mind we have load or two of hay coming in. If you can help with that you will cover the cabin and get a decent meal out of it. The meal would be at my house." Frankly she needed all the help she could get.

After some consideration he slowly nodded. "I hate to ask but if you could keep a general eye on her I can do the work." He looked down and struggled with his honor. "I want this position ma'am and I am both a good worker and a strong worker. I need help though. My wife passed away shortly after Bridget was born." As in she was killed in a wreck on her way to an appointment.

Annabelle moved towards him and gave him a light hug. "If you can give me the formula I can take care of her." How he worked would determine if she hired him.


At the end of the day all of the heavy bales of hay were neatly stacked. Gael was looking at the barn with the hay and it had been a good day. Back where he had come from they had almost acted like he was fragile. No he hadn't been all there but for his little girl he was going to do what he needed. After catching a good shower, he headed to the house.

The hay had been a mix of both hay and alfalfa and it had been a long day. Both trucks were semi's and from what he could see there were only a few other hands around. To unload the bales there had been only him and one other person. Since each bale weighed between 50 to 75 pounds depending on what they contained it was a lot of work. Being brutally honest it felt rather good to actually be allowed to really work and use his muscles. He loved horses and was good with cattle once they were used to him.

When he knocked and walked in he had to smile briefly. His daughter was in a porta-crib and was asleep. "Hey little lady it looks like you had a decent day." He picked her up and tucked her close to his chest. As he was squatting down he composed his face which was hard. Letting her be checked by someone else had been so hard. *Little one I love you and your mother loves you as well.*

Annabelle couldn't help but give the two of them a slight smile. It was so obvious that he loved the little girl. What bothered her was what had happened to the mother. If she was letting some kidnapper stay there it wouldn't be good. She knew what he had said but was it the truth? It appeared to be but how would she really know? "The other hands will be here shortly. I have a bottle warming for her and the food will be ready soon."

When they walked into the dining area there were three other hands. Once of which Gael had met though they hadn't said much. "Hello and my names Gael and this is my daughter Bridget." He sat down at a chair which was empty. He had briefly mentioned he had a child with the one man but the other two stared at him. He decided to ignore the other two for the moment. On the table was a large casserole and some mixed veggies and some corn on the cob.

Once Annabelle had settled down he gave her a good nod and waited for her to start eating. She did say grace though since it wasn't his beliefs he settled for lowering his head and waited for her to finish. Since all he could do currently was curse at his higher power he settled for just waiting. Once she was done he started spooning food on his plate. Back at his cabin was more food which he would eat later. Through the day he had been nibbling and munching on the food he had previously purchased.

As he was starting to eat Bridget started to wake up and he could hear her sniffing. "Not happening little one that is my food. I will make you another nice warm bottle of the yummy formula once I am done." There were bare traces of amusement as he spoke and when he looked up he could see one of the workers shaking his head. Gael had to lift and eyebrow at him in question.

The worker was an older man and he shook his head. "Son you shouldn't lie to her like that. I tasted formula once and there wasn't anything yummy about it." He couldn't help but grin as he was talking.

Annabelle couldn't help but wrinkle her nose at the two. "I think he is right Gael, though I am sure she thinks it is good but give me a nice steak any day." The little girl had been fairly good most of the day and slept a great deal. "She is darling though."

He gave Annabelle a shy smile. "Thank you ma'am. She is a good baby." He quickly finished eating before standing. "If you don't mind I am going to go and feed her. I will see you in the morning ma'am." He nodded at the men and carried her out of the house. He had been forced to leave the house since he was close to crying again. "Oh Bridget, what am I going to do?" He could still feel the pain of the loss of his mate and it was going to be with him for the rest of his life.

Back at the small place he had been shown to Gael fixed a bottle and settled down on a chair and started feeding her. Even now it still hurt so much. *Why Luna why? I want my mate back so our baby can know her mother.* He sent that thought to the moon and the sky.


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