The Other Gilbert (The Vampir...

By DeanCasLove

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Mystic Falls. A place where the dead are living, and the living are just as good as dead. Love for the small... More

Chapter 1: Nothing Bad Ever Happens In Mystic Falls
Chapter 2: Night of the Comet
Chapter 3: Pre-Game Chills
Chapter 5: Founder's Party
Chapter 6: She Knows
Chapter 7: Death by Dark
Chapter 8: Halloween
Chapter 9: In My Mind
Chapter 10: Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 11: Welcome to Georgia
Chapter 12: The Decade Dance
Chapter 13: Team Roxanne
Chapter 14: The Tomb
Chapter 15: Founder Fundraiser
Chapter 16: The Truth
Chapter 17: The Blood Comes Out
Chapter 18: Under Control
Chapter 19: Miss Mystic Falls
Chapter 20: Brotherhood
Chapter 21: Isobel and Charlotte
Chapter 22: Founder's Day

Chapter 4: Friday Night Bites

14K 279 89
By DeanCasLove

The Other Gilbert

Chapter 4: Friday Night Bites

Dear Diary,

Tonight's the first football game of the season. Elena's quit the cheer team and Stefan made the football team easily. Tyler tried humiliating him while we were talking by throwing a football at him. But Stefan turned around just in time to catch the football. During the week Elena invited Bonnie and Stefan over for dinner since Bonnie thinks there's something off about Stefan. It's just something a witch or whatever can figure out. Bonnie's getting there with Stefan. Unexpectedly Damon showed up with Caroline. Stefan and I tried stopping Elena from inviting him in but she did it any way. So Damon's officially been invited in. I'm learning to sleep with my eyes open just in case he attacks me in the middle of the night. So now I'm just waiting for Elena so we can go to The Grill before the game. Stefan's finally giving the vervain necklace to her. Thank God! I don't think any of us can take one more minute of Damon...

I shut my diary and stood up from my bed. Elena had just left to run an errand for Aunt Jenna. It gave me time to change before heading to The Grill. I changed into light blue skinny jeans, a sky blue tribal tank top, black gladiator sandals, and some black and blue bracelets. I've kept on the vervain necklace at all times. I grabbed my white purse and some pink rimmed sunglasses in case I'd need them. I looked at myself in my mirror, my hair was perfectly curled and resting on my shoulders. I looked good enough for tonight. I checked outside the window to see Stefan walking up our driveway. I walked downstairs and opened the door exactly when Stefan was about to knock. He was in his maroon colored jersey, blue jeans, and sneakers. His hair was perfectly spiked up as normal. I invited him inside and we walked into the kitchen.

"Are you here to pick up Elena?" I asked wondering why he'd be here and not The Grill with everyone else.

"Actually it's about Damon." He replied making me spit out the water I had in my mouth after taking a sip from my glass.

"I don't want anything to do with Damon." I replied calmly. "He's an idiot and deserves all the pain that comes to him."

"I'm trying to prove that he's got his humanity back. I just need your help." He sighed. "He's been acting strange.."

"He tried to kill me Stefan, there's nothing human about him.." I replied angrily. "He can do anything now, he's been invited in."

"But we double crossed him, I'd probably try and kill him if I could... He's just.." Stefan paused to think.

"Damon?" I answered with a sigh.

"You should really learn to lock your doors, you never know who or what could get in." Damon's voice came from the open door. "Like I don't know.... Me?"

"Why are you here Damon?" I asked annoyed. "Elena's going to be back and I don't want to explain why your here."

"You know, scoping the neighbor hood, drinking some blood, getting ready for my baby bros football game." He smiled that famous killer curvy smile.

"Let's be honest Damon, you don't care about anybody but yourself. Now seriously, what do you want from us?" I asked.

"Now that Stefan knows, we're going to play this my way. I need a witch, and it's kind of hard when nobody want to help get Katherine back. So now since I have nothing to loose, I need you to get the Bennett witch to cooperate." Damon replied.

"You really think I'm going to help you after everything you've done? Your sadly mistaken Damon. I will never help you." I growled.

"Did I not make myself clear? I have nothing to loose any more and a billion people I could kill. Maybe I'll go for Tyler next.." He smiled deviously.

"Fine I'll talk to Bonnie!" I caved. I couldn't let Damon hurt Tyler, even if something could happen to Bonnie.

"Now that wasn't so bad was it?" He smiled tauntingly. "I look foreword to seeing you play Stef."

"You don't look foreword to anything Damon." Stefan groaned. "Now leave before I ruin all chances of getting Katherine back."

"I'll be seeing you again Roxanne." He grabbed my hand and placed a light kiss on it before leaving.

"Yup he's lost his marbles." I nodded when he was gone. "Stefan you need to give Elena that necklace."

"I'm on it." He nodded just as Elena walked inside with some grocery bags.

"Hey Stefan, I thought we were meeting at The Grill." Elena said setting down the bags on the counter.

"Change of plans." I cut in quickly with a smile. "Stefan wanted to pick you up."

"I.. Yeah. What she said." Stefan nodded in response. "Why don't we go right now."

"What about Roxanne?" Elena asked looking at me with concern. "We can't just make her go by herself."

"I'll be fine Elena, I've got Tyler.. Or even Bonnie." I nodded. "You guys go I'm right behind you."

"We'll see you at the game then." Elena smiled giving me a hug before grabbing her purse to leave.

"Thanks Rox." Stefan whispered after Elena was a few feet away.

"Don't forget the necklace." I pointed and gave him a hug. "I'll talk to you later."

"Bye." He waved catching back up with Elena.

The door firmly shut and I texted Tyler to see if he'd pick me up. He didn't respond so I tried Bonnie who was already at The Grill with everyone else. That's when I had to result to the one person I did not want to. I texted Damon and asked him to come pick me up. He replied with a you owe me big time. I rolled my eyes and set my phone down to wait for him. I put away the grocery's Elena had brought home and did some of the dishes. I heard a honk at the front of the house. Damon was finally there. I grabbed my purse and walked out to his car. It was a nice baby blue convertible with the top down at the moment. It was such a Damon car. I walked down to the car and got in the passenger side not saying anything or looking at him.

"What? No thank you so much Damon you're a life saver I'd do anything for you?" He asked putting the car into reverse.

"I'm sorry am I suppose to be grateful? You tried to kill me Damon!" I growled.

"I'm going to teach you a little thing, it's called let it go. It's where you forget about what someone has done no matter how bad it is." He smiled.

"If Stefan wasn't there you'd probably of killed me already... But now I think it's because you need me." I responded.

"You caught me! I surrender." He said covering his face with one of his hands. "Please, like I really need you alive."

"You flipped the switch didn't you? Or was your humanity never off?" I asked angrily.

"A humanity switch doesn't control me. This is all Damon, wait till you get a glimpse of no humanity Stefan." He replied simply.

"Oh look, we're here." I said quickly as we pulled up to The Grill. "I don't know if I should say thank you, so... Bye."

"Roxanne." He called as I opened the door to get out of his car and I luckily turned around. "Give Stefan my best."

"Go to hell Damon." I growled slamming the door behind me and walked inside The Grill.

"Roxy!" Caroline called from a table everyone was sitting at. "Where've you been?"

"I had to get a ride from Damon." I groaned walking up to the table to sit in between Tyler and Stefan.

"Damon actually gave you something?" Caroline laughed. I knew she liked him she was just hiding it.

"Well he was my only other way of getting here, since it looks like everyone's here." I shrugged looking at Stefan.

"At least she's alive.... Right?" Tyler inquired taking my hand in his.

"Damon couldn't hurt a fly even if he tried." Caroline smiled brightly. I guess they were an "item" now.

"Care, for the millionth time, you shouldn't be seeing a Salvatore. No offense Stefan." Bonnie spoke up. "He's dangerous."

"By dangerous you mean so my type." Caroline smiled all flustered. "He's such a bad boy."

"Damon Salvatore is the least of our concern." I sighed getting up from my seat to go talk to Matt at the bar.

"I'll talk to her." I heard Stefan say to Elena and he was right on my trail following me to the bar.

"Rox, you wanna talk about it?" Stefan asked grabbing my shoulder to look at me.

"I never wanted this Stefan. Damon is a part of my life now, and I can't stand people talking about him 24/7! Damon this, Damon that. Can't we just forget about the dumb ass, no humanity vampire?" I cried angrily.

"Damon doesn't have to be a part of your life Roxanne. Damon may seem like that, but maybe he's doing it because he has an interest in you." He shrugged.

"You have a point... Except... I HATE Damon Salvatore." I practically yelled,

so all my friends might have heard me.

"Ouch. That hurt Roxanne." Damon's sarcastic voice came from behind Stefan and I.

"Damon..." I said shocked and feeling really stupid. "I didn't know.."

"Let's face it Roxanne, you've been waiting to get that out for weeks Doesn't it feel good to be angry? Just as angry as I was when you back stabbed me." He growled grabbing the glass of bourbon on the counter.

"Fine Damon, no more lying." I nodded. "Stef, can you give us a moment?"

"Don't do anything your gonna regret." Stefan said before starting to walk away. "I'm talking about both of you."

"So talk. What have you been lying about?" Damon asked taking a seat and sipping his bourbon. "Oh I'm sorry, do you need a personal invitation? Sit down and I'll buy you a drink."

"Don't pretend like everything's ok Damon." I shook my head. "Your leading Caroline on, why?"

"The heart wants, what the heart wants." He smiled sarcastically.

"Like you even have one." I smiled back swirling the straw around in the drink Damon ordered for me.

"The best kind of people are the ones who don't have one." He shrugged with a wink.

"But your specialty is breaking others.. Like Caroline's." I suggested looking at an angry Caroline.

"She's a distraction." He shrugged suggestively. "Because the one I really want, I can't really have."

"You'll get her though Damon." I nodded making Damon pop his head up. "Even if she is buried under the old Fell church."

"Yeah.. That's it." He nodded pulling some cash up from his pocket and slamming it on the table. "Thanks for the talk, but I think Caroline's jealous enough, careful she bites."

"And like you don't." I smiled tauntingly walking back to sit next to Stefan. "I take it you were listening?"

"Wouldn't miss it." He whispered back. "So who's ready for some football!"

"Let's kick some ass!" Matt smiled joining our table. We all started to walk out but Tyler pulled me aside.

"Hey, are you excited?" I smiled happily wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Roxanne, we need to talk... About us." He started. "I don't think we're working out that well. I mean you seem to be carried away with the Salvatore brothers and I... I kissed Vicki."

"You and Vicki..." I started. "You and Vicki Donavan! The girl my brother hangs out with in the stoner pit!!"

"Babe, calm down. Please. We've been falling a part ever since they got to town... And then there's Vicki." He sighed.

"Don't call me that. I don't want to see you any more.. Just leave me alone and don't ever talk to me again." I started to walk out of The Grill to Caroline's car, because I was not asking Damon for a ride again.

I wasn't going to let Tyler ruin this night for me. I was still going to the game and I was going to sit and watch like everything was fine. The only two people who bothered to stay back were Stefan and Elena. I didn't want to talk to either of them though. They were a happy couple, and I didn't want to ruin tonight for them, especially because Stefan needs to give Elena the necklace. I Caroline started the car and drove to the school. On the way there we got stuck in traffic, and Tyler didn't hesitate to find Vicki. I tried looking away but it was just to hard. The pain I was feeling was leading me to go crazy. I can't go crazy, because crazy would mean getting back at him, and I can't. Crazy leads me to doing crazy things, if you know what I'm saying.

Anyway, presently I'm standing outside of the football stadium. Tyler and Vicki are god knows where. Matt, Caroline, and Bonnie were talking in a group and Stefan and Elena were talking. I watched as he pulled out the vervain necklace he's been wanting to give her. She happily smiled and had him put it on her. Everyone was just waiting for Coach Tanner, aka Mr. Obsessed with history. I started walking to talk to Bonnie and Caroline when I saw Jeremy walking all alone. Poor Jer, him and Vicki were totally good friends and then Tyler butt in. He ignored everyone and started to go talk to his stoner buddies. I was still trying everything in my power to stop him.

"Hey Roxanne." A familiar male voice spoke from behind me.

"I told you to stay away from me Tyler." I growled turning to face him, but he wasn't alone. Attached to him was Vicki.

"We didn't really end well and I just want you to know how sorry I am. I just.. We didn't click anymore." He sighed.

"You didn't waste any time Ty, so maybe you should just forget about us, and stay the hell away from me." I muttered walking into the parking lot to Caroline's car to grab a jacket.

"That was pretty harsh Rox, what'd the little Lockwood do to you?" Damon sarcastic voice came from behind me.

"You know what Damon? Back off, nobody asked you to get into my business. You don't care about anybody but yourself." I hissed.

"Jeez, your in a bad mood." He rolled his eyes putting his hands up in surrender.

"Tyler broke up with me Damon. If you had to know so badly." I sighed shutting my trunk after pulling on my leather jacket.

"Poor Roxanne." He pouted sarcastically. "Lockwood was a bore anyway. His parents are snobby rich meaning he's snobby rich."

"Fine Damon. You were right, Tyler was a distraction like Caroline is for you. I just never wanted to admit it.." I shrugged leaning on my car.

"See what happens when you admit the truth? You feel better don't you?" He smiled trying to annoy me.

"I feel amazing Damon." I smiled a little. "I'm a free women, and Tyler Lockwood no longer controls what Salvatore brother I hang out with."

"Then why are you here? I remember what it was like with Katherine and Stefan. Wouldn't you rather be any where else but here?" He asked.

"It's the first game of the season, I promised I'd be here." I sighed as a breeze came in and blew my hair in front of my face.

"Here." Damon spoke moving the hair out of my face. "This is why guys have short hair."

"Yeah I guess." I nodded his hand still on my cheek keeping my hair from blowing in my face. "The wind just picked up out of no where."

"Just your luck huh?" He smiled softly leaning down getting close to my lips. There was a part of me that wanted to slap him and run away, but I've gone crazy.

"Roxanne? Damon?" A sweet girls voice asked which made me think it was Caroline.

"Caroline." I said pushing Damon away from me. "Shouldn't you be with Bonnie?"

"Shouldn't you be with Tyler?" She sassed me back looking angrily at Damon.

"Actually Caroline, Tyler broke up with me." I announced. "I've gotta go. Bye Damon... Caroline.."

"Roxanne wait." She ran up to catch up with me. "Please, I'm so sorry Roxy."

"I need to leave. I can't stand seeing Tyler with Vicki any more." I shook my head. "Call me later Care, if anything happens."

"I'll make sure and tell you everything Roxanne. I'm sorry I freaked like that. I thought Damon liked me." She sighed.

"I suggest you stop seeing Damon... Maybe until he changes?" I shrugged. "It could save you a lot."

"Thanks Roxanne." She smiled and let me continue walking home. "I'll talk to you later."

"Bye Care." I smiled letting her walk back to the group before leaving the football field.

I texted Elena that I was leaving and we'd talk later. I told Bonnie to keep Caroline away from Damon if he's still there and I told Stefan to make sure and keep Elena occupied. I started getting close to the house, but Jenna was there and she'd ask questions. Questions I wouldn't like to answer right now. So I walked back to The Grill and sat at a table by myself. I ordered some fries that came right away because it was almost completely dead. Everyone was at the game, everyone was having a great time and I'm just here being all depressed. When my fries came a familiar face walked inside. It was Damon.. He smiled and walked up to the bar glancing at me every so often. I almost kissed him tonight, I feel so stupid!

"You took my advice." Damon smiled sitting across from me. "But you missed a pretty good fight with Lockwood and your little brother."

"Tyler got in a fight with my brother!?" I exclaimed. "That's it, I'm gonna kick his ass. Nobody touches my brother."

"Don't worry, Stefan got in the middle of it, of course I would have, but I have no human emotions." He shrugged.

"Glad to know you care." I smiled sarcastically. "So if your done now, please leave me alone."

"Fine, I'll leave you to your loneliness." He groaned taking the last sip of bourbon before leaving The Grill.

A part of me wished Damon would stay. We're the only two people that don't give a damn about football. I never liked it, only because Tyler played. I'm starting to see the real Damon that Stefan has told me about. He's still snarky and rude, but he has a heart somewhere. Deep down, Damon has some humanity, he just hides it from everyone else. He's showed anger, hurt, care, and even love. I'm going to help Stefan get Damon's humanity back in the open. No matter hard we have to try, because I know that Damon would do the exact same thing for someone he cared about. I know Stefan and Damon don't act like they care about each other, but deep down, they do. I'll do everything in my power to make that visible again.

"Somebody killed Coach Tanner!" A random guy yelled running into The Grill.

I got up and set some money on the table and started to run out the door. I saw Jenna's car she left me at the grill which was easy to find because nobody was around. I got in the car and drove past the football field. Ambulance and police were every where. I kept on driving to see if I could see Elena, Stefan, or even Caroline, but the people were covered by cars. I spotted a figure go off into the distance and knew Damon had something to do with it. Stefan must of pushed him to hard. I started to drive again, but this time I was headed to the boarding house. I was delusional and stupid, I didn't know what I was doing.

I picked up the speed, driving way faster then the speed limit. I finally pulled into the driveway and quickly pulled the car over. I got out and ran up to the door. Dealing with an angry Damon wasn't the best idea, but I'm here and I'm not backing down. I didn't even bother to knock, I just bolted right in. I could either die or Damon would spare me again. I ran into the large living room to see nothing touched, it was perfectly composed. Either Damon wasn't in this room, or he's still not in the house. The front door opened and shut behind me. It was Stefan. He looked so surprised to see me there.

"Roxanne what are you doing? You shouldn't be here, not while Damon's on rage." He said coming closer to me.

"I say she's brave for even making an appearance." Damon's voice came from the stair case.

"What we're you trying to prove Damon? That you had no humanity? That you could go off at any second?" I asked staying close to Stefan in case.

"I did it for the fun." He smiled. "See, that's what I am Roxanne. A blood thirsty, egotistical, raging mad vampire."

"If you want to prove you don't care about anyone but yourself, show me." I spoke stepping forward. "Stefan get's thirsty around Elena, but he controls it because he loves her."

"Back talking an angry vampire. Bad idea Roxanne." Damon groaned angrily.

"Give it a shot Damon. If I make you so angry then try and hurt me. Give in or control it." I replied not thinking in my right mind.

"What are you trying to prove? That I care about you?" Damon asked using his vampire speed to get in my face.

"I'm trying to prove that you have some feeling left in you because I care Damon! I care about this town, and my friends and family, I care about Stefan, and I care about keeping this town safe. If you had some feeling in you, you'd show me... Because I care about you Damon." I said watching the emotion change in his eyes.

"You're lying Roxanne. You don't give a damn about me." He responded angrily.

"Ask me now." I sighed, slowly taking off my vervain necklace that Stefan had told me to keep on no matter what.

"Roxanne that's not a good idea." Stefan spoke up pulling me from Damon.

"It's the only way." I replied walking back over to Damon. I stood right in front of him.

"Do you really care about me?" Damon asked his eyes and my eyes locked tightly on to each others.

"Yes, Damon. I care." I replied not having a choice.

"Do you care about Stefan more?" He asked and I could hear Stefan in the background.

"No Damon, I don't." I spoke unwillingly. "I care about both of you equally.

"How do you feel about me?" He asked quieter then the other questions.

"I like you Damon. You're dangerous, ambitious, strong, fun, attractive, and you're not afraid." I sighed.

"How do you feel about Stefan?" He asked suspiciously.

"Stefan is a great friend. Sometimes I wish it were me that he loved and not Elena. He's caring, fun, mysterious, funny, attractive, and loving." I replied.

"Do you love Stefan?" He asked with a grin.

"Yes Damon, I love Stefan." I said quietly and then the compulsion wore off.

"Now that I know you weren't lying you're free to go." Damon smiled sarcastically.

"Stefan.." I looked behind me to see that he'd disappeared.

"Are you happy Damon? Did you get what you wanted? Stefan was right. You don't have any humanity in you, what so ever." I spoke before going to find Stefan.

"He's in his room." Damon said with a sigh. "He looked shocked, but I could be wrong.

"Thanks." I sighed walking up to Stefan's room, tapping on the door lightly. "Stefan, can we talk?"

"That was really stupid Roxanne." Stefan's voice was faint.

"I'm sorry ok. I didn't know he'd ask those questions!" I said raising my voice.

"Why haven't you told me how you feel?" He asked looking up at me with no emotion.

"Because you said you were here for Elena, and I left it alone." I shrugged sitting next to him on his bed.

"He never asked me if I loved him..." I spoke silently.

"Do you?" Stefan asked almost immediately.

"I'm not Katherine, Stefan. I can only love one person so much... So no, I don't love Damon." I replied.

"That's the thing about you Roxanne. You make everyone believe they have a place in your heart... No matter how bad they are." He sighed.

"I'll see you tomorrow Stefan." I sighed softly getting up from the bed. "Just forget this ever happened."

"I don't think I can. No matter how hard I try." He replied before I walked out the door.

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