Who dares disturb Magnus Bane...

By barely_adulting

1M 31.1K 21K

Maaaalec babes!! I ship it hard so I decided to write a story about it. More

Im taking down this story.
Mister Cat Eyes
Do you have a belly button?
Will you go out with me?
I have a date with Mister Blue Eyes
The Date (Part 1)
The Date (Part 2)
The Aftermath
1 years later
Mario Cart
I love you Alexander
I think its going to rain
Take me back
Youre dating a warlock?!
Happy Birthday Magnus
Snow day
Mister Cat Eyes
Welcome Back
Authors note
What next?
Wine and babies
A Day with Magnus
The End

How may I grovel at the feet of your superior race?

55.2K 1.8K 840
By barely_adulting

Magnus's Pov

I woke up to a yowling. So Chairmen is back I thought groggily as the flying ball of fur hurled at me face begging for food. "Ok ok sheesh let me wake up!" I complained as the howling continued. Finally I got up and shook off the sleep. "Demanding" I grumbled to the meowing cat.

I padded out to the kitchen and rubbed my eyes as I turned on the radio. The music filled the room shattering the silence that hung. I hate silence.

Maybe because silence usually doesn't mean good things. I've seen just about every horror movie made and when the music stops you cover your eyes. When you call someone's name and there's silence they're usually dead.

I've experienced that first hand.

"Wow Magnus it's too early for this" I muttered to myself as I made Chairmen's food at the counter. The little cat was watching for pieces that dropped, hoping to get the scrapes, which he usually does. How that cat stays so tiny I have no idea. I set down the plate by his water tray when I heard a buzz from my room. Kissing the top of my cats head I went to investigate the culprit.

"Magnus Bane speaking how may I raise your hell" I said into the speaker of my phone. Probably a client hence my greeting.

"Ah-ha yes. This is Hodge from the New York institute. We have a situation that requires your immediate attention."

A phone call.

From the institute.

My heart fluttered at the thought of Mister Blue Eyes. It had been almost a week since Alexander and his gang had shown up at my front door. The aftermath of the party had long been clean and yet no phone call. Not even a text at least to let me down easy. Though I hadn't expected much, I had expected more than this. I knew I shouldn't have put myself so far out there when I would only break my own heart falling for someone who didn't feel the same.

Yet the way he'd leaned into me that night, his eyes searching, his cheeks blushing, told me all the usual signs were there. He had a crush. It was probably just that though: a crush.

I had to quickly remind myself that Alec hadn't called me. The institute did. Stuck up snobs. If you thought New Yorkers had an ego talk to a Nephelium New Yorkers.

"Ah yes. Let me rephrase that. Magnus Bane speaking how may I grovel at the feet of your superior race?" I snarled back scrubbing my face. Looking at my clock it was only 5 in the morning. Too early for this.

"Magnus Bane this is extremely important. One of my students is gravely hurt. We require your expertise."

"Funny how flatter comes hand in hand with begging Mister Hodge. Why should I help you?"

"Isabelle told me you were a friend of my student, the one that's hurt" he growled obviously disgusted by the very idea of his precious shadowhunters mingling with the likes of me. I almost laughed but his next words knocked the breath out of me. "Alexander Lightwood has been attacked by a greater demon."

Alexander Lightwood has been attacked by a greater demon. Alexander Lightwood couldn't use runes to heal himself. Alexander Lightwood, sweet innocent Alec who probably never even had his first kiss, who probably never will if I don't save him, because he's dying.

Alexander Lightwood needs me. And I sure as hell was going to help him.

"I'll be there in ten minutes" I said flatly hanging up instantly. I threw on black skinny jeans and a black disposable shirt, knowing this could get messy, and charged out the door leaving Chairmen to wonder what my hurry was in my quake.

As I said I arrived at 5:50 exactly on the dot charging in without an invitation. I didn't need one in this situation. "Isabelle" I said to the dark haired girl (who I was hoping was Isabelle) by the bed. "I have a list. Can you get me these things in a very timely fashion?"

Thankfully she didn't argue and ran out with a purpose and I instantly like this girl. "Can I help?" the blondie said looking at me with golden sun like eyes.

"No" I said bluntly watching his face fall. "I need space. Keep everyone out."

With the room now empty I went to Alec's side. He looked awful, sickly pale with feverish sweat and harsh labored breaths. I wish I could take it all away right that second but there was a lot of preparation to this process. And it wasn't a easy process. Isabelle came back in soon with a bag and a worried look.

"Can you help him?" I tried not to say something dramatic because this all was reminding me of a bad hospital soap opera

"I think so. I need space. Help Jace guard" I barked making her jump. I hadn't meant to come off as harsh I just hadn't been summoned for a wound this bad in a long while. She whirled around and was running yet again. I turned my attention to the dying boy at hand. "It's ok Alexander. I'll take the pain away" I whispered pushing his hair back reassuringly. With those most encouraging words I began.


It took hours, by the time I finished it was late afternoon, but yet by some miracle I managed to get the poison out of his system. I looked at Alec who was starting to return to his normal pale, not the sickly pale he had been. The long gash down his chest was already healing over.

My last thoughts before I passed out against the bed was that Alexander was safe. I had saved poor sweet Alexander.

The procedure was long and painful and tiring. For both of us. I just needed to rest my eyes... For five minutes... And then I was out.

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