Book 1:The Damphyr Protector...

By DestinyAngel123

4.4K 131 34

Just an average teenager living threw one hell of a life but with my uncle by my side I have nothing to lose... More

Chapter 1:Bathory Middle
Chapter 3: Isaiah
Chapter 4: A Forgotten Family Member
Chapter 5:The Lies Of My Past
Chapter 6: Dinner With The Vampire
Chapter 7: Death Upon Louis
Chapter 8: Wicked's Destiny
Chapter 9: The Vampire's First True Love
Chapter 10: The Slave To The Vampire And The Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 11: Starting Today I Am Now The Damphyr's Protector And The New Enemy
Chapter 12: The Slayers
Chapter 13: My Secret Crush
Chapter 14: D'ablo
Chapter 15: The Slayers Headquarters
Chapter 16: An Enemy? Or Love?
Chapter 17: The Prince And The Pauper
Chapter 18: V+W Forever?
Chapter 19: Meeting The Prince And Queen Emily
Chapter 20: A Meeting With Vampires
Chapter 21: Trapped In The Vampire Jaws
Quick News 2
Chapter 22: A Forbidden Love
Chapter 23: Torn Apart
Chapter 24: Vampires vs Me?
Chapter 25:A Summer Day Ending
Book 2 IS OUT!

Chapter 2: Walking To The Party With Vlad and Henry

234 6 0
By DestinyAngel123

I was busy in my room writing in my journal like a mad man while all my items for my costume was flouting around my room, a lot has happen today and I didn't want to forget it, the boy that was name Vladimier started to get me thinking, I could feel something is very different about him, like he wasn't normal from the moment he touch my hand I could since it down my spine. I was completely lost in my thoughts as I kept on writing, writing, and writing, I then mange to stop and places it on my desk, "I'll just worry about that later....I mean he is friendly after all", I said to my self. I started controlling the items around with wave of my hand, within a few minutes I finish my creation and made off the items go back to there places, "it is done!", I said with joy, I picked up the lovely dress as I went into the bathroom to change, in 10 minutes I canes out with smoke showing me a path, I walked out with shadow eyes glowing in the dark, the dress was sparkly from what I could see as the sleeves hanged all the way down to my arms loosely, and it was all the way down to half of my hit, luckily I weared shorts that's was a perfect combination, the boots the uncle gave me that my mom used to wear was a perfect match as well, my ravin wavy multi color hair was glowing with style. This was the real me....A witch, and if there were more people like us, I would like to stay with them than here, I put on my witch hat that was good with the combo, I started to walk down stairs to the entrance where my uncle was standing smiling, " dear you grown to much, he said as he hugged me, I hugged back as I rest my head on his chest, "uncle Louis I haven't grown that much", I said a I laugh, he just let go of our embrace and kept smiling at me, "..well...I did promise your mother I would give this to you so....", he want to his secret chest as he open the lock with a snap of his fingers and pulled out a box, "....I've been waiting along time...but I think you could be ready....", he handed me the box as I gracefully grasped it in my hands, my eyes widen with excitement as I open the box, what I saw I couldn't believe if it was real or not. I pulled out a wand, the most beautiful wand I've ever seen in my life, It was crystal cut swirled around to the top and half way to the bottom, the bottle had different color stones attach to it, I grabbed the wand and picked it up as it started to glow in a rainbow color, it went to the wand to my arm and the rest of the body meaning I was connected with it, " this what I think it is?...", I asked as my gaze was fix onto the wand, "The Spiral Master Wand.....they are charecterised by focusing on energy flows. In addition to the powerful naturally flowing light energy of selenite, the carving of spirals further concentrates the energy, this has the effect of producing very powerful localised energy flows, which can be used in healing, meditation and manifestation work...these things are rare Wicked...this is the last of it kind.....use it well....and be on your guard.......", he said when he turn his tone serious, I smiled as I placed the wand in my boot, "thank you uncle...I will", I said to him as I hug him, he hugged back but like be was worried about me, I was a bit confuse but I didn't give it any mind, he let go but was holding my hands smiling but a year came down his cheek, "?...uncle i be fine really beside I think one of my friends will be at the party so it'll be ok", I said calmly, he wipe of his tear and nods as he tries to stay calm, "I know I know....but it is sometimes hard to let someone you love go at young age you know?", he said to me smiling still, "uncle I'm a witch I think I could take care of my self thank you...ill be back at eleven promise...", he nodded to my agreement and let me go as he goes open the door for me. I place the box on the table and left out of the house as I waved goodbye to him, "see ya!", I said as I started to run off, my uncle waved back who still had a worried face as he slowly closes the door.

I was walking down the street where I can see all the trick-or-treaters in all different ages, honestly even if in not human my self I kinda like what they do for Halloween, it makes my heart full with joy, I saw some of the kids that went pass me as they laugh with joy and trade their candy, I smiled as I watch them go.....I sometimes do wish I had an normal life like them...and if I did...would I had a chance to see my parents....or not?..., a lot of thoughts came and go threw my mind. I suddenly saw a filmier figure up ahead at one of the houses, it was Miss Nelly who was handing out candy to the trick-o-treaters, I smiled with joy and decided to walk over to say hi, "happy Halloween kids!", she said to the kids, I quickly run and jumps at the front steps fast, "TRICK-OR-TREAT!!!", I said with a yell, "?! Wo there sweetheart you almost scared me", she said as she looks up, "! Oh my your Wicked, it's so nice to see you again dear, and I love the costume", she said as she smiles brightly, "thank you Miss Nelly, I happen to see while I was crossing by so I just came here to say hi", I told her, "well it's nice of you to visit then, I don't see a bucket....are you heading to the grand party down the block?", she asked, I nodded to reply to her, "yeah", I said. "Oh well since your going why don't you go with my nephew he's heading there himself along with his friend", she said. At that point I forgot I've never got a chance to ask who he was but I nodded to her offer and said ok, "splendid! Please come in then", she said, I walked inside as I examine the room, and to my surprise the while living room was scaretastic, Nelly was bush passing out candy but I didn't know she was into scary things like this before, I smiled as I walked around towards the dinning hall, though that moment I step foot in the dinning room I smelled something very strong, almost like salt and iron, it got me disgusted as I hold my nose, "what is that smell?", I said to myself, I started to walk around the room until it led to the kitchen, I started to smell something stronger now, that smell shivered down my spine, I walk towards to kitchen which it came from the fridge, I walk towards it as I look around my surroundings, I manage to grad the handle of the fridge but before I could pull it open a voice yell from the other room,"Yo Vlad! Are you in the kitchen?!", the voice said, I jumped as I let go and turn towards the direction, the boy walked in all of a sudden, "look Vlad can you hurry up and drink before we're-?!", he stop talking froze staring at me, I looked back my eyes shining against the light, he was dressed in a superman outfit with the hair style for it as well, I would have start laughing if we didn't meet so suddenly, the next moment I've notice he started to have a nose bleed, my eyes widen until I broke out into laughter, "um superman? Your nose is bleeding", I said to him, he jumped and look into a mirror in the dinning room, "?!damn!", he said covering his nose, I walked over to him handing him a napkin, "here hero", I said with a small smile, stared at me and carefully take it from my hand, "um....thanks...", he said as her wipe his nose and holds it down, "um....w-who are you?", he asked, "Wicked....Wicked Jones....and you must be Henry the player in math class", I said teasing him. He blush as he looks away once more, "....Wicked huh? that why your dress as a witch this year?", he asked, "what do you think?", I replied as I cross my arms, "so must be Miss Nelly's nephew then?", "what? Oh! No no I'm not her nephew I'm just a friend of his and-!...wait you know Nelly?", he asked, "yeah I happen to "bump" into her am well..! Wait if your not her nephew then wh-", "Yo Herny!!!", the yelled from upstairs, that could I forget it?... I looked to my side as I saw the same person I met today, it was Vlad who was waering a vampire costume, "...Wicked?.....", he asked, "....Vlad?....", I asked as well, Henry was looking both ways at us confuse about what's going on, "You two know each other?", he asked, "'s a long story Henry but Wick how did you know where I live?", Vlad asked once more, I accidentally blushes as I looked away, "Um....I happen robe walking along and I saw Ms.Nelly which....she must be your aunt....Right?", I said, I felt so embarrassed and so red I just wanted to pop and disappear from this place, I had no idea that he would have been the nephew, Vlad and Henry was laughing as they smiled as well, "yeah I am...I'm amazed you know my aunt but welcome-", he nearly stop at his sentence till he notice my costume, luckily he didn't have a nose bleed he just simple blushes like a cherry red color, I didn't know what was the big deal about my costume it's just me, I let out a sigh and snap my fingers in front of his face to get his attention, "um hello Dracula you still there?", I said, he jumped as he rubs his eyes, "h-huh?", he said. Henry was just laughing away from what just happen, "are you ready to go?", I asked, Vlad raise an eyebrow in confusion, "go?", he asked again, I let out another sigh in frustration and crossed my arms, "to got to the party.....your thought I should go with you so I didn't mind...", I said, she guy who was creepy yet smart today he was really acting dumb at the moment, he snapped and nodded for an ok."Ok then you two come on", I said as I started to head out, this might be one if the weirdest night on Halloween I've ever had but I can make till midnight, after I said goodbye to Ms.Nelly the three of us started to walk down the sidewalk as we went by more trick-or-treaters, now you guys must know that some witches can mostly just cast spells, well your wrong on that, to tell you the truth some witches and warlocks like my uncle as well have some powers that we can use other than magic, one of mine is sonic hearing, it's a curse but I learn to cope with it, it'd really not that bad when you get used to it, but on this day I wish I was death, as we were walking Henry was talking about me in a....well "sassy" way if that's how I would say it, I started to get irritated just hearing what he says but I tried to ignore once we arrive at the party. We finally arrive at the entrance to Lucy's party, I love how they decorated with the door it's awesome and Vlad and Henry agreed as well, once Lucy's father let us in my eyes were shocked with the surprise and that....well how humans say it got my "wild" side out.

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