Anyme, or Any Anime,Oneshots...

By Nakiasha

491 13 12

This is an Anyme, an Any Anime oneshot story. (I was high off chocolate and still have no regrets with this... More

(APH) Poke, Poke Mat
(APH) Cookie time with a Spainard
(APH) 15 years Arthur
(AOT) Mosquitoes!
Normal (Part 1)
Preschool Life (APH)
(AOT) Tick-Tock Heart-Clock

(OHSHC) Sleep talking

99 5 8
By Nakiasha

This is dedicated to @standintherain4ever for convincing me to publish it and @crazymaka646 you two made my favorite Ouran High School Host Club story. :3

(This is based off the head cannon that he was talkative as a child, sleep talks, and was short as a kid. KAWAIIIII- *cough cough* Anyways~ Here's the oneshot of my favorite host.)


The three musketeers. That's what you've always been.   

You first meet them on the play ground your first year of elementary school. Being the rambunctious child you were, you thought it was a fantastic idea to dive down the slide headfirst. While you were trying to imitate Superman, two boys ran around chasing each other playing tag. The blond was 'it' while his friend was running away. Not paying attention the dark haired boy passed in front of the slides when you reached the end; causing the two of you to have a head on side collusion. Your momentum caused the both of you to smash into the ground. 

The results of that day? Meeting two amazing boys named Takashi and Honinozuka, and a broken arm on Takashi's part and a concussion on yours. 

After going off in the ambulance together you learnt that Mori and you were rather similar: talkative, liked bitter things (All though you liked sweets equally in your opinion), and were short. The next day Mori and Honey came to talk too you; you've been friends ever sense.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*(Time skip to your high school age)*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Over the years lots of things changed, but some stayed the same. Honey was still short, you were still crazy, and Mori still liked bitter things. But your third year of Middle school was the tipping point, over that summer and Mori grew almost 7 inches going from 5'4" to 6'0" and became rather shy (Honey told you he was self consciences of his height). It was that year you admitted you have developed feelings for the giant. 4 years passed and you have yet to confess to him. 

Now here you are again walking to Music Room #3 after hours, trying to find Mori while waiting for Honey to finish his martial arts practice so you three could drive home. You don't live in the same neighborhood, but Mori wants to make sure your safe; so they drive you the extra five minutes. Pushing open the Hosts' door, you are relived to see the tall man resting on his usual couch. 

Mori turns his head at the sound of the door opening, happy when he catches sight of your (H/C) head. Giving you one of his rare smiles reserved for special people, he watches you walk, almost bounce, over to the couch and sit next too him.

"Hey~a Takashi, How are you? I'm pretty good myself, and my day was pretty normal. Only a teacher got mad at me for answering every question with a ニャー at the end. (A/N It means meow, pronounced Knee-ya really fast) but other than that I'm good. How was your day?" :3 <~ Reader~chan's smiley face.

Mori silently laughed at your everyday craziness, watching you an your hands move wildly before you rested them on your lap waiting for him to answer your question. "I'm tired, but other wise good for the most part. That green tea I had made me exhausted." Mori punctuated his words with a yawn while stretching his arms over the back of the couch and across your shoulders.

Stunned you listened to Mori's amazing voice wonder why he was talking to you so much. A small memory surfaced of your first year of highschool. Honey had invited you over to his house for a study session with him and Mori to help you prepare for a (Least favorite subject) test you had; you gladly accepted and went over. Around 7pm Mori started talking noticeably more, and by 9 he was having a one sided conversation with a plant before passing out. Honey had apologized when you left saying Mori gets talkative when he's tired. The next day, Mori didn't make eye contact with you once.

You shake your head clear of the memory, before gesturing him to lay down. "You can lay down and rest Takashi, I'll be fine and Honey knows to meet us here after practice."

With a nod and yawn Mori lays down on the couch resting his head on your lap. Picking up your hand, Mori kisses the inside of your wrist before mumbling thank you against your (S/T) skin. You, now blushing red like Romano's tomatoes, grabbed your bag before pulling out a Library Wars manga book. "Y-your welcome." You rested your hand against his head, before slowly stroking it. The soothing motion put the man to sleep almost instantly, putting the room into complete silence only broken by the sound of you turning the pages of your story.

*^*^*^*^*^*(mini timeskip brought to you by Library Wars) *^*^*^*^*^

*^*^*^*^*^({It's awesome you should read it})^*^*^*^*^*

About half way through that book a small groan broke the quietness of the room. You look down, your (E/C) eyes watching Mori to see if he would wake up.

"Mhmmm, Can you stay a moment longer Kitten?" Mori mumbles. 

You blink at him, "What?"

"You know what I mean Kitten. Stay, please."

A few more noises from Mori before he turns his face into your stomach. "I love the way you smell Kitten." It was slightly muffled, due to his face being pressed into your belly; so you strained to hear the next part. "(F/s), chocolate, and green tea. I love the way smell Kitten, almost as much as I love you."

You jolt upon hearing that last part, accidentally shaking your legs and waking Mori; but you paid no mind. "He l-loves me?" You sat unblinking just staring out the window.

"I loved you since the day you smashed into me and told me it was my fault for getting in the way of you flying."

You look back down and see Mori staring up at you, his gaze never wavering as he finally confesses. He reaches up and presses his lips against you. Leaning back to break kiss, you reply. "I love you too."

Mori smiled again, giving you one last peck before standing up. "Let's go (Y/N), Honinozuka should be out of practice by now."

Grabbing his hand, you two walked out the host Club's doors and went to Honey.


Ok so I made this.

My first ever oneshot yay.

It was crappy.

I know that, you know that, everyone knows it. Yeah.

Leave your honest comments about how it was below, please.

WORD COUNT: 1,040 words (including all A/N's except the bottom.)


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