On Call

By LemonNavyBlue

512K 16.2K 595

"How could you break my heart?!" Alex screamed at Aaron. "I promised nothing" He snarled,he actually promised... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 22

12.8K 451 19
By LemonNavyBlue


-4 months later-

"Okay I've had enough." I sat down in a huff after climbing the stairs of Everett's loft for the past 2 hours.

"You're just making yourself tired" After the second trimester , Everett made me move in with him just until the baby is born. It was just because he was afraid I'd go into labour and nobody would be close enough to call. He has completed most of the renovations to the newspaper and by this time next year his newspaper would be (hopefully) well known and in production.

I did some paper work for him when I was on maternity leave but now I was just so tired always.

I've been walking up and down the stairs because I'm about a week overdue and little Isaac ( yes I finally named him, after my grandfather) didn't want to come out. Since then I've been eating chillies, walking around, ,doing anything just to get him to move along and come.

"Everett, this is hopeless." I felt grumpy, agitated and tired. Not to mention that I also felt very ,very hormonal and Everett was just safe because he's my friend, any other male would be jumped right now. 9 Months without sex has made me a mess.

"I'll make you some tea, maybe that helps."

"I need sex and for this baby to come already, not tea!" Everett has also been receiving the grunt of my moods.

"Well I can't help you with that...okay well I can...oh dear lord this conversation is awkward, I'm going to make tea" He rushed away. I think after Isaac is born that I'm going to have a whole lot of saying sorry to do , he must be scarred for life by our now very more random than they were conversations.

There was a knock on the door, I was so huge that I didn't think I could move.

"Everett! There's someone here!" He walked into the living room and to the door.

"Uhm you should go." He said to whoever was behind the door.

"No, it's time we talk."

"No it's not, you need to leave, you can't upset her now." He commanded in a hushed tone. The person pushed past Everett . Aaron.

"What are you doing here?" I thought he would've moved on a long time ago since I was after all just a good screw.

His eyes landed on my very big belly, he studied me and stepped closer. Everett stood by cautiously.

Aaron had bloodshot eyes and looked thinner, the spark in his blue eyes were gone now.

"Wow, when is your due date?" He asked slowly, he probably thought I'd yell at him, which I was thinking about doing but I was just too tired to care if he was here or not.

"He's overdue by a week." I looked down at my fingers that were entwined in my lap.

"He?" He sat down beside me, after 9 months of not seeing him, I still get butterflies in my stomach, my heart still speeds up. My eyes shifted over his string jaw line for a moment, damn these hormones.

"Yes, Isaac William Wright" Sadness settled on his shoulders as he slumped down.

"What happened between us was my fault, I'm not asking you to forgive me I just want to be a part of his life. I know you hate me but these past few months were the worst I've ever had. Not knowing if you're okay, if the baby is okay. I just want to be there for both of you."

"I love you still even if you've hurt me badly, but we broke up for a reason. You have right to know him, I won't take that from you ."

I stood up, well wobbled upwards and headed to the kitchen where Everett was making tea.

"You okay?" He hugged me, I felt like my knees would give in.

"I'm okay, it's just overwhelming after everything that has happened." For a moment I remembered all the good things that we had, the love we shared, and I missed it.

After Aaron left Everett and I went shopping. My nursery at my apartment was done , there was like a mini nursery set up at his loft too so that he could help me for the first few months ( he offered)

I got a few new clothes for Isaac and while we were headed home I felt the strong contractions starting. Then just a few minutes later my water broke.

"Everett, go to the hospital." He didn't look at me

"Why? Don't tell me you want to go talk to that sorry sack of a loser-again" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Everett, look at me." He turned to me and then realized what I meant.

"He's a coming!" Everett stepped on the gas, he cursed a few times .

"Calm down we have a few more hours to go now, hallelujah! He decided it's time" Maybe walking up and down the staircase worked after all. He took a few breaths and looked at me.

"We didn't read all those baby books for nothing, any contractions now?" I nodded, they weren't so bad and were very far apart. At the hospital they checked me in quickly enough and he left since he had to get my bag.

Shortly after that Daniel rushed in.

"Oh my goodness, my nephew is coming." He laughed and sat down beside me in his scrubs.

"You're working tonight?"He nodded.

"Double shifts, Aaron too. I let dad and mom know but they are both in surgery now, Thomas is on his way . He'll be here if I can't, I have a surgery in an hour." I smiled, he seemed much happier now after my parents found out he was gay. He moved out and is staying with Thomas now.

Another contraction came, I grunted and clutched my stomach.

"Haven't you gotten an epidural yet?" he looked worried.

"I don't want any."

"That's what you say now but in an hour or so you'll have that epidural and be singing 'Mary had a little lamb' all the way through labour." I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Thomas appeared,scolding Daniel because he was wrong about the time and needed to be in surgery now.

He got me an ice pack and some water.

"How are you feeling?"

"Okay, the pain is becoming worse and this gown isn't very comfortable, at all." He chuckled, since he and Daniel were together , he became like another brother to me.

"In my first year when I was working in the maternity ward I heard that a lot-that and highly pregnant woman flirting with me." He gave me his hand to help me up.

"Walking around helps a lot " Paced back and forth, it actually did help. Everett got back and Thomas left.

-7 hours later-

After lots of hours walking around it was show time.

The doctor came in, my parents were done with their operations so my mom was by my side. Everett, Daniel and Thomas were waiting outside. I think Aaron too.

"Okay darling, Isaac is crowning, time to push." I pushed hard.

"Just a bit more, you can do it."
I pushed a few more times, my mother encouraging me the whole way, squeezing my hand.

After a while it was hard to push, I was getting tired.

"One more" With one last push the nurse got Isaac and cut the cord. He didn't cry at first which made me very scared. I waited anxiously, my view obscured by the doctors. I closed my eyes, praying that he was alright, tears rolled down my cheeks.

Finally, I heard his cry.

The nurse brought him over.

I held him against me as he peered around looking at me, still red from his fit of crying. I kissed his wrinkled little head, holding him against my chest. After everything that I and Aaron went through, this may be the silver lining to my heartbreak.

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