Who dares disturb Magnus Bane...

By barely_adulting

1M 31.1K 21K

Maaaalec babes!! I ship it hard so I decided to write a story about it. More

Im taking down this story.
Do you have a belly button?
How may I grovel at the feet of your superior race?
Will you go out with me?
I have a date with Mister Blue Eyes
The Date (Part 1)
The Date (Part 2)
The Aftermath
1 years later
Mario Cart
I love you Alexander
I think its going to rain
Take me back
Youre dating a warlock?!
Happy Birthday Magnus
Snow day
Mister Cat Eyes
Welcome Back
Authors note
What next?
Wine and babies
A Day with Magnus
The End

Mister Cat Eyes

91.8K 2.3K 3.8K
By barely_adulting

Disclaimer I don't own any of these characters!! Cassandra Clare does soooo...


Alec's Pov

Oh of course. Just my luck probably. Izzy swore we were just going to Taki's. And now I was surrounded by downworlders, dancing, downworlders drinking, downworlders making out in corners. Basically a lot of downworlders. The room stank of sweat and felt hot and sticky. People laughed, music boomed, and my head pounded.

I wasn't even dressed for a party.

On top of that we were stopped at the entrance, our dark runes giving us away instantly. Jace beside me was giving Red Head flirty eyes as we waited for our host. Izzy was chatting with the Mundane about the different type of faeries. I was standing awkwardly picking at the hole in my sweater. See the pattern?

I didn't even know who this guy was. Apparently he was the High Warlock Of Brooklyn, though I'd never heard of him. Izzy mentioned a name but it was completely slipping my mind. Must have not been super important.

I let my gaze wander about the room as we waited hoping for some entertainment. Normally I was taught to treat these creatures as underlings but here I was seeing another side. They looked like normal people, well as normal as you could get with fangs and pointed ears. Even still I had been to a club once or twice and this seemed pretty similar. We had always made them out to be some sort of cult summoning beasts but in reality most of them didn't choose to be who they were.

And they definitely weren't summoning demons. They were just having a good time and I was struck at how wrong our prejudice towards them was yet again.

I was just about to say something to Jace when our host graced us with his presences.

Then the heavens descended in front of me.

In the light he seemed to glow with the coats of glitter and time stood still as he sauntered over to us. He had the most wonderfully tanned skin and spiked black hair with blues and purples twined in. And his eyes, oh his eyes. They were the perfect shade of amber with flecks of pure gold surrounding cat like pupils. I wish I could stare into them all day. His soft looking lips twitched into a smile and I realized I was staring. Quickly I trained my eyes on a plant off to my left as the others gapped at him.

Nice plant. I love what you've done around here. It's pretty. Like your face-I mean place!!

"Oh... I don't remember inviting you guys" the man said in a nice deep voice that sent shivers up my spine. I snuck a glance over to see him out a hand on his hip and raise an eyebrow at us. Mm... Nice hips-I mean lips-I MEAN CEILING!!

"I must have been drunk" he finished looking us up and down. I could feel his judging eyes fall on me and I force my head to stay down. I hated drawing attention to myself in front of such gorgeousness.

"You were" Isabelle said cheerfully. This was definitely her scene. She was decked out in a tight black dress that hugged her curves and made her look even taller, though that might be the heels now that I think about it. Her whip was coiled around her wrist like glittery golden bracelets and her hair tumbled down her back like a waterfall of ichor. All in all she looked good, like she could command an army good. Which to be honest she probably could.

"Hmm alright then. I might as well let you stay" Mister Cat Eyes continued. Then a smirk touched his lips that I instantly recognized as trouble. "But only because of the hot one"

There it was.

Of course he was head over heels for one of my sibling. They were both stunningly attractive with wit and charm that I greatly lacked. I mean even Red Head was cuter than me. I felt my throat tighten as I counted the squares on the tile floor trying to expel the disappointment.

"Thank you" both of my siblings said in unison. And humble too!

The man looked amused and he cocked his head back a little. I dared to glance up only to find his intense eyes bearing down on me. "I was talking about him"

It seem to ring out in the bustling crowd as four pairs of eyes trained on my face. Glance behind. No ones there.... He must be talking about me. If I had to describe this feeling I would probably say it was like running on the beach with some super hot models and finding out that the one you've been checking out is madly in love with you. It's pretty great. Then did I realize he was still talking.

"Black hair and blue eyes" he purred in almost a seductive tone. It made me shiver.

"You can have him!!" Izzy chimed in instantly going over and linking our arms. "He's single"

"Wh-what?!" I cried stumbling away from her only to bump into Jace's firm chest.

"Totally. He's super sweet too!" Oh great now he's getting in on this too!!

"Guys I don't need you to set me up!" I cried in vain. He was laughing. Mister Cat Eyes was laughing at me. Maybe it was all a joke. Maybe he just wanted to teach me a lesson for staring at him earlier. Crap Alec. Think fast.

Before I could react he stepped aside slightly extending his long tanned arm to the party. "Yes well foods on the left and drinks are on the right. Oh and please don't kill any of my guest" his gaze landed on Jace who, as sweet as he could be at times, did look like he could strangle someone with one hand. "It's quite a mess I do not want to clean up."

And with that I was lost in the crowd of swaying people, laughing, shouting, smiling, all while I was wallowing. I made a fool out of myself having my sibling stand up for me?! I was older!! The oldest in fact!! 18 years old I could legally vote if that was what we did in our world. I attend Clave meetings, I basically run the institute when my parents were away which was pretty much always. I mean Hodge was there but in all my years of living at the institute I had never seen him leave the library. If a demon attacked I was first response.

So why was I so scared of this boy. Maybe because I barely know him and he already has so much power over me. With three words he could make me. With three words he could break me. He could smile at me and make my heart sore or laugh at me and make me feel like garbage. I got myself into this I realize it now. I should never let myself fall so quickly. Now that I think about it I don't even know his name.

Screw you Mister Cat Eyes. I finally told myself. I'm not even out of the closet yet so ha.

Who am I kidding. I'm in love.

(Hey guys so this is my first story on here so go easy on me!! Comment and spelling errors or stuff and tell me what you think!! Next update will be between now and next Sunday if you're still interested.)

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