Alone Forever?

By SydneyMalik1D

455 4 4

Maddie's story of abuse, hate, lies, and something unknown to her.. Love? One Direction/Sleepin... More

Alone Forever?
Angels With Tattoos
Nandos Brings Me Joy:)
I'm Leaving You
A New Day A New Start
Lofty Love<3
Show Off
Stary Eyed

Nurse Gabe;)

44 0 1
By SydneyMalik1D

Song: The Drug In Me Is You

Artist: Falling In Reverse

Love you Ryan<3 Ronnie you kick arse:)


Chapter3: Nurse Gabe;)

(Madds POV)

We drove silently, Jesse/right seat window, Kellin/left seat window, Gabe/driving, Justin/shotgun, and best for last! Jack in the middle of Kellin and Jesse, with me on his lap.

I sat there curled up, clinging to his neck. Now content and unafraid the pain started to wash over me. I looked down at my arms and legs, stomach. Blood crusted cuts covered every inch of my body. I tensed up.

'Hey, are you ok LilM?' Jack rubbed my back soothingly. 'LilM?!' I giggled covering my face with my hands as a blush crept across my face. 'You like that name?' his husky voice suggested he had been sleeping. He sounded cute.:) '.... Yea.' I smiled slowly.

'Then I'll keep that name for you...'

He stroked my hair slowly and we both fell asleep soon. As my eyes fluttered shut I noticed Justin glaring from the front seat. Soon Gabe and Justin were the only ones awake.

'Hey! Wake up!' Justin screamed loudly. 'Whaaaaaaaat?' I moaned shifting around on Jack's lap.

"The hospital was closed! Gabe will have to do.." Justin muttered angrily.

"That's fine.. It's nothing he can't fix." I shrugged down at the cuts I had.

"Jaack..." I cooed in his ear softly.

"mmmh." he pulled away.

"Just scream! Like this! JAAACK!!!!" Kellin belted out smiling proudly as angry Jack shot up.

"What do you guys want!?" Jack moaned like a child.

" We're at your guy's house.. Get up!" I caught on to the yelly bunches way of communication. I crawled sorely off of Jack's lap and to Justin who was standing at the open car door. "Carry me..?" I put on my best innocent face.

"Of course Maddie! I'll take you to the couch and Gabe is setting up the medical stuff." Justin smiled happily.. I don't get him yet he's weird.

We got inside and he gently sat me on the couch. Justin sat next to me as Kellin sat in the recliner playing X-Box, Jack went to what I assume to be his room and went to bed, Jesse made a sandwich and ate quietly at the counter with a beer, and Gabe rubbed alcohol on my cuts cleaning out infection and dried blood.

"Ow!!!!!!!!" I yelped as Gabe pushed a bit hard on a cut. I latched onto Justin's hand.

"So sorry Maddie!!!" Gabe apologized then continued softer.

"Is that a tattoo of a shark.. On your hand?" I giggled at Justin's free hand.(not in my hand)

" Yes! Don't judge it! It's bad-" he was about to swear. I glared at him for a second.

" It's bad butt.." Justin said as the once distracted by video games Kellin covered his mouth, laughter escaping his lips.

"B-b-bad! Butt! Hahahahahahaaaaaaa!!!" Kellin shouted as Jesse joined in laughing.

"Shutup!" Jack yelled throwing a pillow out the bedroom door. Gabe cracked a smile but held back a laugh so he wouldn't hurt my leg. Boy was this going to be fun living here.(Sarcasm)

"Ok, ok! Enough!" I giggled.

" How about we each tell each other something about our selves.?" I put my arms up questioningly.

"Me f-first!" Jesse coughed through a full mouth.

"I was born March 30th! And I love beer..." he smiled swallowing.

"Me now!" Kellin yelled again p*ing off Jack.

"I have a daughter named Copeland. And I can be crazy!" he crossed his eyes smiling almost drunkly.

" I'll go." Gabe shrugged.

"I'm 23 and mostly responsible." he smiled satisfied.

"So now me." Justin sat in thought.

"My middle name is Allen and I love my brother Kellin!" he fake cried at the last part as did Kellin and they hugged. They aren't actual brothers.

"My turn?" Jack questioned.

"Yoop!" I said nonchalantly.

"My last names Fowler and I love u!" he chimed. Ooo's and aww's filled the room.. Justin looked hurt as I smiled so I refrained and squeezed his hand. He gave me a questioning look, I just smiled. He returned the favor.

"Now me I guess!" I said dorkly then snorted fake laughing.

"My mom died when I was young so Dallas beat me... And luvs ya too Jackjack!! Your my BESTIE already!"

The boys all chuckled since they knew Jack liked me and I basically just put him in the friend zone! A boys worst nightmare. Justin just frowned and hugged me. A lump in my throat grew and my eyes glassed. He was thee only one who listened and cared about the first fact. He.. Cared? He cared! I began to cry.

"What's wrong!?" Jesse squealed.

"I'm fine it's just you guys care about me.. Only my mom cared for me. I forgot how it felt. It's the best feeling ever." I sobbed through a weak smile

"We don't just care!! We LOVE YOU MADELENE!!!!!!!" Kellin took me from Justin and brought me into a huge hug.

"I love you all already too!" I squeezed back tightly.

"Maddie... Will you please stay with us?" Jesse asked timidly unsure of my answer.

"Well. Atleast until I find my big brother!" I half smiled. I missed my brother. Before he left I was brunette, had a hair line, and was just basically normal. I want that again.

"Brother?" Gabe began.

"Guys? Can we get this dye out of my hair?" I ignored his question.

"Yea I have some stuff. In case one of the boys dye my hair as a joke. Come on i'll help you." Kellin helped me up and led me to his bathroom. I sat on the edge of the tub as he poored a clear liquid into my hair and rubbed it around. Soon blue started dripping into the tub. He rinsed water over my head and my brown hair was back.

"Kellin it worked!" I squealed in shock hugging him tightly.

"Now I need Jack. I'm getting my hair line back!" I dried my wet hair and ran to Jack's room.

"Jack!!!!" I star jumped onto him as he shuffled under the sheets.

"What sweetheart...?" he said groggily.

"Come help me!" I grabbed his hand, interlocked our fingers and pulled him into his bathroom.

"Maddie I'm not awake yet.." He rubbed sleep from his eyes.

"Well wake up and fix my hair." I kissed his cheek sweetly.

"I'm awake!" his eyes widened and he smiled.

"Good! Now see this? Fix." I pouted at his slowness.

"Woah.. I can't make that blue again." He scratched the back of his head.

"No brush it to a hair line. I can't see that far so I figured you could." I shrugged.

"Will you actually kiss me this time?" he cocked his head.

"Yea sure!" I lied.....:)

After about an hour of retraining and brushing my hair was back and I looked normal again. I took out piercings and anything else weird.

I only kept my ear piercings that weren't weird. I didn't have gages either so I'm good.

"Thanks Jack!." I hugged him and left.

"Hey!" he yelled. I ignored him and went to the living room.

"You look so different!" Gabe smiled approvingly.

"Thanks! I felt I needed to change.. Memory's.. I had good ones with my mother and brother when I looked like this so.. Wanna take me shopping for clothes?" I bit my lip.

"Ye-" Gabe was cut off.

"I WANT TO!!!!!" Kellin cheered.

"You helped me with hair! So did Jack! It's Jesse and Gabe's turn!" I shh'd him.

"Fine I guess." he pouted.

"Aww Kells! You made me pretty ok?" I hugged him.

"Am I pretty too?" he fake cried.

"Gorgeous!" I patted his soft hair.

I know we act like best friends but hey! They are nicer then Dallas! They are crazy yes but so sweet. I'm not scared of people.. Just Dallas so yes I am social. Just shy at first.

"Soo can we take you now?" Jesse yawned finishing his beer.

"Yeah I want to shop wiff you!" Gabe probably just wanted away from everyone besides Jesse.. Jesse isn't too bad so.

We left a couple minutes later for the mall. When we got there we went to Hollister, Aeropostale, Claires, and some other places. I got plenty of clothes and jewelry and such. The boys had alot of fun helping. They acted like children. We had fun and got pretty hungry as we finished shopping.

"I'm hungry!" Jesse whined.

"Me too! Are you ready to eat Maddie?" Gabe held his stomach.

"Yea let's go to Nandos!" I smiled remembering my big brother taking me there after school everyday. We ate like wolves! I wonder if he still does? If he's ok. I would eat like that but Dallas didn't feed me much.

"I love it there!" Gabe and Jesse chorused one grabbing my hand and the other my arm. They pulled me out the door and to the red car. Threw my bags in and pushed me inside. I had changed at the mall. A Black Hollister shirt with white lettering. White skinny jeans and sparkly silver toms. Gabe drove and Jesse sat in the back seat with me poking my cheek and smirking cheekily.

"Jess!" I groaned.

"Hehehehee!" he giggled.

"Jesse!" I grabbed his finger.

"Let go!" he chuckled tugging his hand.

"Don't poke ok?" I slowly let go.

"Sorry what?!" he started poking again. My cheek felt raw>:/

"We're here." Gabe said nonchalantly.

"FINALLY!!!" I ran out like a mad woman and into the restaurant.

I ordered spicy fries and a cheeseburger with ketchup and pickles. With a pepsi to drink I was in heaven! I looked around as I ate. Jesse and Gabe played around infront of me, a lady and her little girl and husband sat in the corner, and 3 boys sat in the corner. They caught my eye. Hoodies, dark clothes, sunglasses. They ate hunched over almost seeming to be hiding. 2 more boys looking the same as the 3 I already spotted came over to the table and sat down. One stared at me intently, like he knew me. I smiled and slightly waved. He stood up abruptly and interrupted the other boys conversation. He held his gaze as the others called to him and tugged his sleeve. I turned away a bit frightened.

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