A New Day A New Start

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Song:Dare To Believe

Artist:Boyce Avenue

I like the youngest brother from the band but they all aren't really cute but they have beautiful voices. I respect them and we would be friends though.


Chapter6: A New Day A New Start

(Niall's POV)

Me and the lads headed to the pick up Madelene. We all got in the car the driver going fast to our destination. Louis couldn't wait to have a new friend, Harry a girl living with us, Liam a girl to talk too, Zayn would just smile, and me... A piece of my old life. Before my mom left. Before dad was mean. My little sister I adored! We got along well and went to eat after school together. We just had fun.

"Niall?" Zayn shook my shoulder rapidly.

"What?" I snapped out of my thoughts turning to him.

"We're here." He motioned to outside the window.

"Sorry.." I sighed and got out of the car. Gabe let us inside.

"Where's Maddie?" I looked around.

"She should be in there.." Jesse pointed to a room with the door closed. I walked over to it and opened the door. Zayn walked up behind me scoffing as he saw my sister laying next to some freak. I was mad.

And he was too.

"Mmmph?"Maddie rubbed her eyes.

"Madelene let's go.. Now." I said angrily.

"No!" Her eyes opened and she frowned.

"Maddie love.. Please?" Zayn said beggingly.

"Carry me Zayn?" She pouted grabbing her phone from the night stand.

"Of course.. Maddie? Did you sleep with him?" he walked over to the bed.

"No! I don't like him like that!" she put her arms around Zayn's neck and he scooped her into his arms.

"Good... He's a creep!" he laughed.

"Shutup!" she hit him softly.

"Didn't hurt!" he grabbed her little hand and pushed it away.

'Ok no hitting missy! Let's go home.' I chuckled as they played even though I said NOT to hit. They didn't hurt eachother though.. Well Maddie hurt Zayn but he was so gentle with her.

'YOU CAN'T TAKE HER!' Jack screamed laying his head on her chest fake crying... I think.

'Jackjack! You can visit and so can I.' she petted his hair.

'Jack we should get back to the flat so could you move please?' Liam pulled Jack off of Maddie.

'Bye guys.' Maddie made a duck face and a peace sign.

'Peace!' they all chorused doing weird faces and peace signs. Except for the sleeping Justin and Jesse who was smiling widely and flipping us off, with the other hand pointing to the middle finger he held up... Jee.:0

'So.. Let's ask eachother questions shall we?' Louis smiled as we piled in the car.

'We shall!' Maddie mocked his accent.

'Alright.. What's your favorite color?' he shrugged.

'Blue considering my hair was that!' she giggled.

'WHAT!!?' I yelled shocked.

'Niall calm yo tits! I had piercings too but it's all gone now see?' Maddie motioned to her body, head to toes.

'My turn then.. What's your middle name Lou?' she stroked her imaginary beard.

'Please it's BooBear! And the middle names William ma'am.' he said in an American accent.

'Americans don't same ma'am bro.' she smiled giggling.

'Your American and you just did!' Harry screeched from the back seat.

'But I-!' she was cut off.

'KEVIN IS LOOSE!' Louis pointed frantically to a pigeon outside the window.

'That would be a pigeon Lou?' Maddie said slowly.

'No! It's Kevin! See!?? Wait no that's Kevina.. We're all good.' he wiped his brow and heaved loudly.

'Louis has a 'friend' pigeon named Kevin.'Liam explained.

'Ok....?' she furrowed her eyebrows at Louis.

The rest of the ride home was pretty much just getting to know Madelene and her getting to know us. We got back to the flat and Maddie was amazed at how big it was and all of the stuff it had like pools, hot tubs, movie room. But the thing she liked the most was the place she got to sleep.. The loft. It's basically a bedroom upstairs.

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