"I Lied"

By SimbaSnickers

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Lies are around every single corner, even the most flirtatious hotties can flaunt you to death by deceiving y... More

Trailer: Relationship Fakery
Prologue: Life Of A Killer
Level 1: Facebook Stalking
Level 2: Getting To Know Each Other
Level 3: Bonding With The Victims
Level 4: Acting All Amused
Level 6: Her First Kiss

Level 5: Making The Move

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By SimbaSnickers

     I was getting all so flirty at the moment, but at the same time... I was just... In love... I put my head voer my hands as I leaned closer towards Angeline. My eyes were weakly squinting as I glared into her eyes until I just gave way. I chuckled as her cute, innocent behavior made me giggle, then I just said it...

     "... Hihihihi... You little, pretty princess!..." My eyes widened after I said that, what's wrong with you brain? She looked up to me as her two sisters just continued chit-chatting. "W-What did you say???" She said in a somehow embarassed tone, and was trying to get her eyes off me, but she was just sitting there forzen.

     "N-N-Nothing... I was just... Ugghhh..." I said as I turned my head around in embarassment. I was in love, I wasn't ready, and it just came where I was supposed to lie. But no, I won't let that happen, I  will kill them...

     I turned back to Angie as I caught her head lying low, she was kinda depressed.  I sighed as I lowered my head to the ground like she did. I turned my head instead to Eunice as I interupter her talk with Caroline. I asked her if she really was in a relationship, but she just responded that she just wanted no boys to ask her out and be their man, for she stated that no one will ever stand a chance. Yes, I have the opportunity, she was single. I'm pretty sure she won't resist me, I have all the looks, the attitude, but is she really going to make me stand? Ugghhh... Guess I'd better try then.

     We were all set to leave, we were almost going to separate as we were almost set to go home. We stopped by for some shakes and we just went around the mall for some more bonding time. We sat by the mall's park benches as we enjoyed the sun outside with a refreshing milkshake in our hands. This was my opportunity, I just have to cross my hands over Eunice's shoulder and in anytime, she'll lean over me, and fall for me.

     I sighed even before I can make my move, Angie caught my eyes as it was somehow magnetically attracted to her. But I don't understand, if Angeline was a mere replica of her twin Caroline, why didn't I fall for her? But no, I have to make the move. Angeline sat by my right side as I crawled my hands toward Eunice. In just a flash, Caroline tripped over my stretched feet as it caused Angeline to spill her milkshake over my pants.

    "Oh shit!" I exclaimed as the fucking beverage spilled over my goddamn pants. I immediately stood up and embarassingly danced around the area whilst Angie hilariously panicked and began dancing with me as well. There was an awkward look on Caroline and Eunice's face, they left us without knowledge as the people around us were weirded out by what was happening.

    "This thing! Give me a tissue dude! It's damn cold!!!" I shouted while I continued my milkshake dance as Angeline was tap-dancing as she rushed to get me pieces of tissue.

    "Oh my god! Oh my god! H-Here! Here! I'm so sorry!!!" She continued panicking amidst the awkward moment as she began helping me clean the shake and the ice off my pants. As the coldness was quite tolerable, we both sat down and continued fixing myself. We finally finished with our milkshake dance session as Angie sighed.

     "... I'm so sorry..." She whispered in apology. She lowered her head into the ground with her face burried deeply. The shy lady was embarrased, but I was feeling giggled with her actions. Despite she was mature, she still has this "childish" ways which I loved about her.

     "That's fine..." I responded back in acceptance as I put my hand over her shoulder to comfort her about what happened. She slowly turned to my face as she nodded back with a smile. I brought her back to our concrete bench as the awkward moment seemed to have ceased.

     "... Thanks..." She softly whispered to me as she held my hand. Angeline leaned over me as she was beginning to feel comfortable with me. I sighed as I was feeling it, she was the one, she's, my partner...

     "... I love You..." She carelessly whispered to my ears after I leaned over her head. She was paralyzed by love until I made her move again by responding to her.

     "... I love you too..." I gently whispered back to her. She slowly turned to my face as we both gazed deeply in each other's eyes. Her hands clutched on mine tighter as our lips came closer inch  by inch. I was just a centimeter away from true love's kiss, and this is the first time I'm going to have a true relationship...



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