
De rifleshots

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[completed]. Adrianna Clanford doesn't like lipstick, lip-gloss or anything that goes on your face. Which may... Mai multe

Cast & Playlist
Zero - Lipstick
One - Mascara
Two - Flip-Flops
Three - Lip-Gloss
Four - Combats
Five - Eye-Shadow
Six - Nail Polish
Seven - Bracelets
Eight - Beanies
Nine - Converses
Eleven - Flannel
Twelve - Cross Hoops
Thirteen - Denim Jeans
Fourteen - Leather Jackets
Fifteen - Perfume
Sixteen - Customized Hoodies
Seventeen - Chapsticks
Eighteen - Silver Rings
Nineteen - Bronzer
Twenty - Complete Makeup Kit

Ten - Oversized Sweaters

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De rifleshots

Ten – Oversized Sweaters

[Beware: Taylor Swift's Blank Space was listened to on repeat whilst writing this chapter. Excuse anything that somehow relates to that song or the numerous mistakes because I was too busy lip synching c:]

"I won this round babe. I'm two rounds away from getting you for myself."

My eyes widened and my brows furrowed in confusion. What did that mean? Aiden didn't give me time to explain because he returned to his normal happy cherry self. I added another superstition to the list of things I thought Aiden Pine was. He was also seriously bipolar.

"Okay, so I personally love this round 'cause it just so happens that I'm starving so wolfing down a stack of only five pancakes which I love, won't be so hard after-all."Aiden popped up and did a little I-need-to-pee-dance excitedly. "So come on Adrian, let's go order," he pulled me up.

I was too busy thinking about what Aiden had said I totally forgot about the fact that I had just had a burger and was full. Damn it, I totally should've shared it with him – it'd be fair if we were both half-full. Sigh, Ms. Abyss has been of no help again for the second time in my life.

"Hey guys," Gill poked her now baseball cap covered head out the window and smiled at us. "How's your petition going? Congrats on beating him Adrianna," she gave me a thumbs up and I sighed.

"He beat me," I said with a roll of my eyes. Aiden leaned against the wall with a smug smile.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Adrianna," Gill gave me a sympathetic look.

I shrugged. "We still have a few rounds and I'm sure I could beat –"

Aiden snorted in between my words and I glared at him. "– I'm sure I could beat him in this round."

She lit up in seconds. "Great, what's this round about?"

"Well we're going to have an eating contest of some sort. So order two orders; a stack of pancakes for the idiot and waffles for me."

She dinged the dinner bell. "Coming right up,"


"Okay, you both have five minutes to finish your plates. First white plate wins," Gill announced as she placed a stack of waffles in front of me.

It was hot and she had sprinkled brown sugar on it just like I'd bribed her to. Yes, so I like a lot of sugar on my pastries, sue me. Aiden leaned over in his chair and poured syrup over his pancakes in a way that was mocking me. Lowly showoff.

I picked up my fork and took one gulp of my milk so it wouldn't have to drink another after eating just one.

Gill pulled out a stopwatch. "Okay you jobless teenagers, in five, four, three, two..."

I pushed my fork into my waffle and took another full-mouthed gulp of my milk. "And one!"

We started wolfing it down like we hadn't eaten in days. At least that's how I was eating, I had to stop myself from taking occasional glances at Aiden. That'd just slow me down. I had taken down three and half already and I paused to take a quick gulp of milk. I was choking.

I went down to continue eating my remaining one and a half when I heard coughing. Loud, serious, tuberculosis-like coughing. I focused on my food, as much as I wanted to look up at the source – 'cause it sounded so close to me, I continued eating my food.

I heard Gill come closer to our table and drop her stopwatch on the table carelessly giving me open access to the remaining time. Only fifty seconds left! Ah, I was a slow eater.

The cough still continued and I didn't hear Aiden's fork clanking rapidly across his plate the way it did when we had started; I was starting to get the thought that maybe he had finished? I ate my last waffle and jumped up in victory.

"Adrianna!" I heard Gill say my name in a shout kinda whisper. I turned to face her and my eyes widened.

She was patting Aiden on the back – ah, so he'd been the one coughing – and rubbing soothing circles on his chest. "Uh... what happened?"

Aiden lifted up his head to look at me; his eyes were a darkish-red tear stained colour and no longer the vibrant blue they usually were.

He gave me a weak smile. "You won pumpkin,"


Even after Aiden had had a near death choke during round two, I couldn't help but feel guiltily happy about it. I mean when I glanced at his plate, it was only a half piece that lay there. God knows if he didn't choke, he would've beaten me without even trying.

"What did you choke on?" I looked up at him as we walked out of the coffee shop.

He shrugged. "I don't know, Gill said something about brown sugar. I'm allergic."

I bit my lip and looked away. Oops. "So... um, I'm sorry, I kinda asked for the brown sugar."

His blue eyes flickered to mine. "What? You like brown sugar?"

"Well yeah," I shrugged easily. "I mean who doesn't like brown sugar?"

He looked appalled. "You almost killed me Adrian." He replied flatly.

"Hey! It's not like it was intentional. How the hell was I supposed to know that you were allergic?"

His mouth was agape and his eyes were squinted because of the sun. "Whatever," he said lowly and looked away, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Ugh! Was he really going to make me feel this guilty? Stupid conscience and guilt and whatnot. "Aiden..." I grabbed his arm softly.

He didn't look at me. Geez, it wasn't like I was asking him out or something. Why the hard-to-get put up? "Sorry, I really didn't know you were allergic and I really like brown sugar. Plus, I don't want to have to do what you want okay? You can't blame a girl for wanting to win."

"I said it was fine Adrian," his voice held no emotion.

My heart sank to my stomach and it wasn't a good feeling. As much as I hated idiot bipolar/bad advisor/wizard/flirty/player/cheerful/happy/cute Aiden, I preferred having that part of him around than his serious cold ignoring self.

"So, are you really going to be like this all through the next rounds? We have a draw now you know..." I waggled my brows and nudged him playfully.

"I don't think I can eat anything considering I just choked approximately ten minutes ago, so we'd have to pick something else to replace that prompt."

Okay it was getting annoying. I had never seen serious side of Aiden before. I didn't even know that part of him existed until today. And instead of being angry or sad or mad about the fact that he was pissed at me, I was busy observing the fact that his serious self was really attractive. He looked like one of those Abercrombie models that stay all serious and tight-jawed when they wanted to shoot an all suit and tie Christian Grey-esque kind of photo-shoot. It was frustrating that he could look good when he was all goofy and cute and when he was all manly and serious. Stupid Aiden Pine.

"You know what, fine! I don't care whether you're mad at me or not, you know I don't even know why I'm bothered with the fact that you're mad at me. Be mad all you want, I'm just going to stay here and not give a single fuck. Okay? Oh and by the way, your serious self really sucks." I stuck my tongue childishly at him and walked away with my arms folded.

I heard distant low laughing when I was about ten meters away before I heard steps coming towards me. Aiden slung an arm around me keeping me from walking further and placed his cheek on my hair. "Ah, I knew you'd miss me Adrian."

He walked in front of me with the usual cherry smile. "You know Jake was kinda right. You gotta show a little cockiness for the babes to want you," he smirked and leaned his forehead against mine; his face just inches away from mine, "Guess it worked huh?" he winked and grinned.

Wait what? So all this over dramatic serious personality shit was all just some fake ass façade? What the actual—? I bit my lip and gave Aiden the biggest glare I could muster before kicking him (hard) in the shin. "Idiot. Aiden. Pine."


"So, what do you think we should do for the last round?" I sat cross-legged on the grass. We had somehow ended up in front of the small lake that led to an open-field camp for RVs and old people.

Aiden plopped down next to me; his long legs stretched out. "I don't know, maybe we could go skinny dipping in that lake?" he threw me a wink.

I scrunched up my nose. "Ew, the lake's cold."

He turned his face and looked at me. "Really? That's all? You'd actually want to go skinny dipping with me? I could change the lake to a hot tub you know?"

I snorted. "I never said I'd go skinny dipping with you idiot."

"But you just said the only reason you wouldn't enter the lake is 'cause its cold. That's indirectly saying you'd actually go skinny dipping with me if –"

"Just tell me what you want us to do for the next round Aiden." I cut him off and rubbed my temples tiredly. I hadn't gotten my complete hours of sleep this morning... sigh, I was so going to be late for school tomorrow.

He smirked for a couple of seconds before looking at the lake; his eyebrow creased in thought. "Hm, rock paper scissors?"

"Wouldn't that be too... easy?"

"I nod in understanding," he replied, nodding in understanding.

I laughed silently and shook my head. Childish Aiden. "Hey, I got it, why don't we play 'Never have I'?"

I turned to him with a smile. That game brought both good and bad memories to mind. I use to play that all the time with Doris, and I always won her 'cause I was an – as she called it – inexperienced boy-tasted virgin. Aw, I missed my best friend.

Aiden frowned, "I don't know what that is, but I got a better idea. The guys and I used to play this all the time. We'd get a couple bottles of beer and then start throwing random questions at each other, once one person answers the question; they get to drink a can at once. First person to get drunk or finish their share of alcohol looses." He finished with a smile. "It's a college thing Adrian. We could use soda or juice if you like." He patted my leg in a fatherly way.

I placed a hand on my hips and swatted his hand away. "I'm seventeen not seven Aiden. I can hold alcohol" – no I couldn't – "and that sounds fun, let's do it."

Aiden smirked.


It was about 6:30 when Aiden bought ten cans of beer and lined them in between the both of us. The day was getting darker and a lot of old people had started lighting up their RVs in the open field a block away from where we were sitting.

"You sure you ready for this Adrian?" Aiden asked me, opening two cans of beer; setting one in front of him and one in front of me.

"I was born ready okay?" I raised my brow in a challenging way. "Now let's do this,"

"Okay, I'll start,"

I nodded and told myself repeatedly. Never answer any question.

"Was your hair always red?"

"Were you always this hyper?"

"Do you think I'm sexy?"

"Have you ever eaten snails?"

"Did you know water and oil don't mix?"

"How many girls have you banged?"

"Will you ever consider having sex with me?"

Uh, no. I bit my lip to myself from answering. "Have you ever stuffed five lollipops in your mouth?"

"Have you ever been kissed?" his eyes automatically flickered to my lips.

No. "Yes," I bit my lip and let out a huge sigh when I found out that I'd answered a question.

"Drink it all up pumpkin." Aiden leaned down with a triumphant smile.

I chugged the whole thing down, choosing to ignore the repulsive taste it left on my taste buds.

Aiden and I went on for hours until I had only one can left and Aiden had three left. I had caught him when I asked him if he'd consider teacher-student sex. I was starting to hiccup a little too much and my eyes were getting drowsy. I was getting drunk.

"So, think you could handle one more round pumpkin?" Adrian was as sober as though he hadn't even tasted beer. How could he do that?

I did a military salute. "I could take five rounds sir!" I said like some guy in the army.

Aiden let out a low sexy chuckle. "We'll see about that comrade."

"Do you know how sexy your laugh is?" I hiccupped.

"Do you know how pretty you are?"

Oh? Did the game start already? Okay then. "Have you ever had pumpkin and coke?" yuck, gross combo.

"Did you know I've never shoplifted?"

"Why is Ben downstairs always flirting with me?" I asked and laughed like a maniac.

Aiden's brows seemed to furrow suspiciously before he licked his lips. Ah... those lips, I wanna pinch them. "Why is the sky blue?"

"Why do lions eat people?"

"Who do you think would win in a fight between a snake and a croc?"

A croc of course. "Do you think Miley Cyrus's twerking is hot?"

"Have you ever lived with someone before?"

"Are my eyes green or blue?"

Aiden looked like he wanted to answer. "Do you have anyone you like?"

Ah, Trent. "I don't think you need to know that pumpkin." I laughed hysterically at my supposed joke.

"I've won pumpkin," Aiden smirked and picked up a can of beer leisurely.

Ah, potatoes.


I had pinched and kicked and poked – I even licked his cheek one time – Aiden all the way home.

Okay so I was the looser who'd gotten drunk on five cans of beer. God knows I couldn't handle a high school party. Aiden carried me all the way to my apartment while I sang loudly off-key to Taylor Swift's Shake it Off.

"I'll shake, shake, shake, shake it off!" I giggled and poked Aiden again. "You'd totally shake it off with me, won't you pumpkin?" it was funny, I was the one now calling him pumpkin.

Aiden led me to my door and scratched the back of his hair shyly. "Of course, pumpkin."

"Lookie, you and I are pumpkins!" I laughed hysterically.

"God you're cute,"

"Like Pusheen the cat!" I threw my hands up in the air before placing it on his neck like I wanted to slow dance. "So, what do I have to do for you all high and mighty one?"

Aiden's face was the colour of a tomato and I poked his cheek with my index finger. "Look, you're changing colours," I gasped dramatically. "Maybe you're an alien. From Mars space. You know my science teacher taught us that a small amount of life existed there."

Aiden chuckled. "I bet he did."

I tighten my arms around his neck. "I love your laugh," I drawled out. "It's such a sexy turn on."

Aiden's blue eyes widened and I felt his arms curl around my waist and pull me closer. "It is, isn't it?" his voice was low and his eyes were on my lips.

I was blushing and feeling sleepy at the same time. "Yes there are. I wanna sleep and you're so soft and you smell like coffee and vanilla." I pressed my nose into his shirt and took a whiff.

I could feel him go stiff. "Say you had to kiss a stranger or someone you know, I don't know," his blue eyes were still on my lips. "What are you going to do?"

My eyes widened and my arms were still on his neck and his on my waist, except this time he was making little circles with his fingers and I was getting squirmy. "I'd struggle and pound his chest and scream. Of course, it'd be wrong not to do that."

His eyes were still on my lips and my body was now so close to him his face was only a breadth away. "Hm. Is that right?"

"Totally! I mean, duh!"

"Then don't forget to struggle Adrian." And then he kissed me.


A/N : super, super long chap and then cliffhanger but trust me the next chapter would make up for it heheheh ;) (cruel me). keep reading, voting and pls, pls, pls, please donut be a silent reader and comment cause let's face it, everyone loves reading comments :D thanks xx | dedicated to kevinaoyatedor (wow, hope i got ur name right lol) cause she was the first to respond when i posted my new story: C.O.D.E ; which, if u haven't u should totally check out cause its going to be very amazing ;)

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