
By MissMortality55

1.4M 40.6K 2.8K

"Aw, are you scared, petalo?" He said, walking towards me menacingly. I glared at him, positioned in a protec... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 6

60.3K 1.7K 142
By MissMortality55

He was sitting on the edge of the bed impatiently. His elbows on his knees, his chin rested on his hands. His eyes moved up and down my body, it felt like every inch of skin he looked at burned. 

"It's nice." He said, still raking my body.

"Little short, don't you think?" I tried to lighten the mood, smoothing down the end of the dress.

"I think its a little long," he smirked, eyes flashing up to mine.

I blushed and looked away, "So, do I need shoes...?" I left the question hang in the air.

He motioned towards the wardrobe with his wrist. I ground my teeth and opened the doors. He was watching me still. Moving the clothes out of the way, I discovered a black leather chest about 5 foot long. My shaky fingers had a hard time opening the buckle but soon enough the lid swung open and I assessed the contents. 

"These are all heels," I said, grimacing.

"Yes, they are," he seemed amused, "Now quickly choose a pair, we have to go."

I groaned, digging around until I found the shortest ones, which still weren't very short. He stood by the door handle, waiting as I thumped around trying to get them on my feet.

"I feel like a hooker" I said grumpily, with my arms crossed. 

"You look like one too, now get out." He smirked, I glared and stormed past him and out of the door. Forgetting I didn't know where I was.

He placed a hand on my waist and half pushed me down a long corridor with him. Everything looked old fashioned, oak tables, brass door knobs, a red carpet with tassels. He then bustled me into a lift. As the lift was moving down, I studied him with my back against the wall. He wasn't looking at me but directly at the metal doors. He was a lot taller than me, then again, everyone was these days. 

"Where are we going?" I demanded.

"Bottom floor. We are meeting a couple others."


He turned to me, with cold eyes. "To find out what we are going to do with you, petalo" He smirked wickedly. 

My words came out, choked. "Someones going to come for me! The police or- or Olivia, or - "

He suppressed a laugh, putting his arm against the wall, forcing me into the corner. I stared down, not wanting to look into those eyes. He grasped my chin, forcing me to look up at him. "Or who? Your parents?" I felt a stab in my heart. "Your parents don't care about you." He spat. 

"My parents- "

"Though I suppose they are the reason your still alive." He continued.

"My parents- My parents are dead." Obviously their information on me can't be that good.

He looked genuinely surprised. "Really? Is that what you think?"

"Thats what I know." I said strongly, but my voice shook.

An emotion flashed across his face. Pity, he was pitying me. Then he looked disgusted. "Quelli poco - la loro figlia" He said the words through gritted teeth, eyes burning down on me. "There are some things you need to know, petalo." He said, releasing me and stepping away, he looked murderous. He may even have looked a little guilty. "And we will discuss them now." He said, as the elevator doors opened and he yanked me along with him.

(Those little - their own daughter)

We were in, what looked like, a night club. There were blue flashing strobe lights and a bar but it was empty. He pulled me through the room towards two men in tuxedos standing in front of a steel door at the back of the room. As soon as they saw him, they rushed to pull the door open. Greeting him with a brisk "sir" as he walked through, ignoring them.

The room was dimly lit, it was small and had a snooker table in the middle. There were about eight men sitting around it, talking in hushed tones and smoking cigars. As soon as we entered, the atmosphere in the room shifted and all focus was on Marco. 

"Mr.Pacciello" One of the men greeted him with a nod. 

My arm was still in his steel grip, it seemed to get tighter as the men turned their eyes in our direction. 

"We meet again," a man with fairly long hair and a beard immersed from the crowd. I recognised him, he was the murderer from the club, Aldo. He stuck out his hand towards me with a smile, I flinched away behind Marco.

There was a few chuckles from the crowd and Marcos hand loosened from my arm slightly.

Aldo frowned and took a seat with the others. I saw a grin on Marcos face before he masked it and addressed the suited men.

"So?" He raised his arms and looked around the room, expectantly. I rubbed my finally free wrist where there were finger shaped marks wrapped around it. 

"We were right." A man with a scar from his eyebrow down to his chin spoke.

Marcos eyes focussed on him and then he turned and glanced at me. 

The man spoke again. "It was fake. They are still out there."

Marco turned back to him. "With my money."

I thought about the people brave enough to steal from Marco. He was terrifying.

The scarred man stood up, producing a folder from his suit jacket and handed it to Marco, "The Waters family  file".

My head snapped up and I saw Marcos eyes on me. Why do they have that? Information on me? My parents? How does that have anything to do with someone stealing money from them?

"You really don't know, do you?" He said, staring at me in wonder, "Rose, your parents are alive."


A/N: Hey guys, I've changed the trailer again, you should check it out, its on the chapter before 'Chapter 1'. Plus tell me what you think of this so far! :-)

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