I will meet you in the past ~...

By JayIsRlyGay

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!!!!DISCONTINUED REWRITING AS A NEW NON FAN FICTION STORY!!!!!! As a stranger approaches Rebekah, she is stun... More

Chapter one - Time what?
Chapter Two - My Mission?
Chapter three - So this is Goodbye?
Chapter Four - Nearly blowing my cover!
Chapter 5 - With their brick phones and stuff!
Chapter 6 - Closer and closer and closer and...
Chapter 7 - That small kiss
Chapter 8 - Best friends or better enemies?
Chapter 9 - So this is it?
Chapter 10 - The opportunities we take...
Chapter 12 - Who am I?
Chapter 13 - The Future can not be changed

Chapter 11 - Do it for Baltimore

104 5 9
By JayIsRlyGay

I was looking shocked at Alex, who stood in front of me, with a small bouqet of roses.
"Alex, what are you doing here?" I asked shocked.
"I... I wanted to apologize to you, for doing everything I did, and for everything I said, it's just... I made a big deal out of something that didn't really matter and I have no idea how you could ever forgive me, but I really hope you can at least understand that... I never meant to make you sad or hurt you in any way" He said sadly.
I looked shocked at him.
Alex Gaskarth came all the way from Baltimore, just to apologize.
"It... It's okay Alex" I said, smiling at him.
"Really?" He asked shocked. I laughed and nodded.
After all, we were time-travel companians.
"Thank you so much" He said, hugging me tightly.
I laughed and hugged him back.
"Hey Loz, who's that?" I heard Mike ask from behind.
"Oh right, uh... This is Alex, an old friend from Baltimore. Alex, this is Mike and that dude who opened the door is Jaime" I smiled.
"Nice to meet you" Alex said to Mike. Mike nodded and smiled back at him.
"Could we maybe go for a walk? I would like to talk to you without anybody else around" Alex asked sheepishly.
I nodded and took a jacket with me, walking out of the house, side by side with Alex.
"So how did you find me?" I asked smiling.
"Well, it wasn't easy at all. Your aunt wouldn't say one thing and she would always just smile sadly at me and shake her head, and well nobody else knew where you've gone." He explained.
"But?" I asked, curiously. We sat down on a bench in a near by park.
"But, luckily you are a trimetraveler as well, and this meant I could feel what you felt, and sometimes I'd have dreams about things you were doing, I don't know if this happens to you as well" he explained, making me nod. "And well, a week ago I had this dream about you leaving, and it was all from your point of view. I could see where you arrived and which roads you took to get to this place... And well, it was all or nothing. So I decided to just do it, after all, what could I lose?" He asked, making me smile at him.
"You could have lost a few days but just traveling through the States" I laughed.
"That didn't matter, I had already lost you" he muttered, making me look stunned at him.
"What?" I asked surprised.
"Nothing..." He replied quickly, shaking his head and smiling at me.
"So... is there even the smallest chance of you coming home again?" He asked unsure.
"Alex I really don't know" I replied truthfully. I really didn't know.
I had just left and going back felt so wrong.
"Please, do it for your friends, your family..." He begged "Do it for Baltimore" He smiled, making me break out into laughter.
"What did I say now?" He asked chuckling.
"Just reminded me of a song" I said, still giggling.
"What song is sung about Baltimore" Alex asked, looking weirdly at me.
"It hasn't been written yet... I think" I smiled at him, making him look curiously at me.
"Really? And who wrote it?" He asked again.
"Let's just say by my favourite band ever" I replied.
"You're mean" he said, making me laugh.
"Well, I can't tell you about the future now, can I?" I asked him, smiling brightly.
"You haven't answered me anyway" He said, now gonig back to normal again.
"Alex I can't just go back to Baltimore after I have left only a month ago" I explained.
"Sure you can! Jules misses you, the guys miss you as well and to be honest band practise isn't the same without you" He replied.
I smiled at him and ran a hand through my hair.
"Alex I really don't know... I miss you guys as well" I said, but my train of thoughts, was interrupted by his.
'Please say you're coming back please. I need you, more than anything'
"Yeah?" Alex asked hopeful.
"I... Uh ... I miss you guys and everything but I have also made friends here" I said confused, now conflicted with myself. And Alex.
'I can't leave her here, not after what's going to happen'
"Alex what is going to happen?" I asked, my voice loud, yet scared.
Alex looked stunned at me.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"No, what do YOU mean? Why can't you leave me here?" I asked, a bit angry now.
"Loz I can't tell you, you wouldn't understand" he said, trying to take my hand.
"No, you either tell me or you can go back to Baltimore" I said, now standing up.
"You must promise me, not to freak out, no matter what happens, you can NOT freak out" He said. I couldn't hear his thoughts anymore. He was blocking them.
"Alright" I said, taking a deep breath.
"If I leave you here, and don't take you with me... I won't be able to..." He stuttered out, making me look confused at him.
"Yeah?" I asked, trying to assure him that it was okay.
"I won't be able to... to accomplish my mission" He brought up.
"And what else?" I asked, trying to dig further.
"And... uh... we... I mean... You and I" he began to stutter.
"You mean that we won't get together?" I asked quietly.
He nodded, making me sit back.
I loved Alex. I loved him a lot. But was I already in love with him? All I ever wanted was to be with him. And I knew that I was going to be with him. Until the day I left.
What if I was not meant to be with him? What if my fate was different from the Laura I met?
"Alex I... I don't know what to say" I said honestly.
"Say yes" he said, his voice quiet.
"Give me some time to think about it, please" I begged him.
"I'm leaving tomorrow, and if I leave without you, it's going to impact our whole future, I wish you had more time to think, I really do, but you don't have more time" He said sadly, making me nod.
"I love you Loz, I really do, but I don't want you to be unhappy by making me happy. Make your own decisions" He said, standing up and kissing my temple.
I was sitting there, and rain started pouring. Just as when I left the future. It was the same thing happening.
I wiped away my tears and looked at the sillouette of Alex, slowly fading into the rain.
I got up and made my way towards the house of the Preciado's.
Knocking on the door, Jaime opened it almost immediately and let me in.
"Loz what's wrong?" He asked shocked, once he saw me shiver and crying.
"No it's fine, really" I said, trying to force out a smile.
He hugged me tightly and tried to calm me down.
"It's just that... I'm going back to Baltimore tomorrow and I'm so sorry to leave you guys behind" I said sadly.
"You're what?" I heard his mother say shocked from the kitchen.
"I'm so sorry" I sobbed out, trying to contain my sadness.
I made my mind up. I loved Alex, and I knew we were meant to be, however it still hurt me, knowing I'd leave the guys from Pierce The Veil behind. Though they didn't even know yet they'd be Pierce The Veil.
"Oh darling" She said, hugging me tightly.
"Could you not tell my aunt? I would love to surprise her" I smiled.
"Of course darling, I promise I won't tell her anything" Miss Preciado smiled at me.
The day dragged on and on, and I was upstairs, packing up my bag. It wasn't too much, however I did buy a few things, some shirts, shoes and that kinda stuff.
It fit into the bag, but the bag looked more like a ball by now.
As I was about to put on my PJ there was a faint knock on my door.
I opened it, and sure enough it was Mike standing there, looking down at his feet.
Oh shit!
"Hey" I said, smiling.
"Hi..." He mumbled, not looking up.
"Do you want to come in?" I asked, moving away from the door.
He nodded shortly, stepping in and sitting down on my bed.
"Hey Mike, What's wrong?" I asked, touching his shoulder.
"Why are you leaving already?" He asked, making me look down sadly.
"I need to go back to my family, they need me and I still have a few things to do in Baltimore. I promise to visit you guys whenever I can" I replied, hoping to show him that I really was sorry.
"But you're not gonna be with us all the time" He argued. He sounded sad and frustrated.
"I'm so sorry Mike" I said sadly.
"Is it because of that Alex dude?" He asked, looking at me.
"I wish I could say no" I answered quietly.
"Promise to come back" He said quietly.
"I promise" I smiled and hugged me.
"Can I ask you for one more thing?" He said, making me nod. "Promise me one last kiss. Not today, nor tomorrow, but some time. Eventually" He explained, making me smile.
"I promise you one last kiss, some time" I smiled at him.
"Now let's go, we prepared something for you!" Mike smiled at me and reached for my hands as he stood up. I took his hands and followed him into the basement, where there were a few drinks, and the guys. I smiled at them and blushed.
"You didn't have to" I said smiling.
"But we wanted to" Vic smiled and hugged me tightly.
I must admit, it was weird. We were all quite grown up, if you can call 18-19 year olds grown up, but we still acted like 10year olds around each other. We messed around, played stupid games and laughed at dick jokes. Not like I didn't know that these guys were still children at heart, but it was still nice to see that they didn't put up an act on stage, and were the same children off stage.
"Loz you have to promise to visit us!" Tony said, a bit on the tipsy side.
"I promise Tony, only if you guys promise me to think about making a band of your own" I said, smiling at them all.
"You sound as if you know something we don't" Vic laughed at me, making me chuckle.
"Maybe I do" I said, biting my lip.
"I bet she saw the future, in which we as a band are so famous, that every girl wants to be with us and in which every boy wants to be us!" Jaime joked, making me laugh.
"That's exactly what happened" I laughed.
"And the name of that band would be..." Vic thought out loud. "Selfish Machines!" He exclaimed, raising his beer.
"Exactly what I thought of" I laughed, making him smile.
We laughed a lot that evening. Some cried. A lot... Okay yes maybe I cried a lot. But all in all it was a nice evening with the best friends I could ever ask for.

We fell asleep in the room and I got woken up by Jaime's mom, carefully nudging my shoulder.
"There's the same boy downstairs as yesterday, he wants you to come down" She smiled at me.
Rubbing my eyes, I got up and followed her into the living room.
"Hey" Alex said. He looked sad, as if he thought I was going to stay here. "Listen I'm sorry for what I said yesterday, you shouldn't have just one day to decide where you want to go, it's just I can't leave without you" He explained, making me nod.
"I'm coming with you,  Alex count me in" I told him, mentally laughing my ass off for that reference. Of course nobody else would understand, and I Swear to god it wasn't on purpose! Shit happens.

Alex suddenly broke into a big smile.
"Are you serious?" He asked, grinning widely at me. I smiled back at him and nodded, making him jump up and hug me. "I promise that I will make everything up to you, and that you won't regret going with me again" He said, hugging me closer than ever before.
"It's okay Lex, I would never let you go alone, not after you've taken up so much courrage and found me" I said, pulling away.
I got the bags from my room and said my goodbyes.
Well, only to the Parents of Jaime, since the boys were still asleep and I wasn't prepared for a new crying session.
Alex took me by my hand and we drove towards the central train station. He took out two tickets when we were asked to show them, and there we were back on our way to good old Baltimore.
Oh Baltimore, what am I doing for you? And what am I not doing for you?

A/N: OH MY GOD I AM SO FUCKING TRULY SORRY YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am feeling so bad, literally!! It's just that I had my final finals in school, had to get a job, started a job just recently and life's just been a whirlwind in the past year to be honest.
I'm extremely proud of what I have written, even if it's pure shit, but I actually got enough motivation to write a part for this FF
I don't expect many to read this, but if somebody does happen to read this, thank you so much for bearing with me :)
Loads of love, Jay xx

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