Not So Bad (WWE)

By WWESpongefan

13.8K 332 12

Olivia Owens is a young woman running from an abusive relationship, but she only finds more trouble. She was... More

Not So Bad (Chapter One)
Not So Bad (Chapter Two)
Not So Bad (Chapter Three)
Not So Bad (Chapter Four)
Not So Bad (Chapter Five)
Not So Bad (Chapter Six)
Not So Bad (Chapter Seven)
Not So Bad (Chapter 8)
Not So Bad (Chapter 9)
Not So Bad (Chapter 11)
Not So Bad ( Chapter 12)
Not So Bad (Chapter 13)
Not So Bad (Chapter 14)
Not So Bad (Chapter 15)
Not So Bad (Chapter 16)
Not So Bad (Chapter 17)
Not So Bad (Chapter 18)
Not So Bad (Chapter 19)
Not So Bad (Chapter 20)
Not So Bad (Chapter 21)
Not So Bad (Chapter 22)
Not So Bad (Chapter 23)
Not So Bad (Chapter 24)Final Chapter

Not So Bad (Chapter 10)

543 14 0
By WWESpongefan

Olivia didn't know what happened, she found herself on the ground and a few seconds later gunshots filled the air. She turned around and noticed Ryan lying motionless on the ground with gunshots to his head. She also noticed that he had a knife in his hand and there was blood all over it. She looked around some more and saw Seth on the ground with his hands covered in blood over his ribs. She screamed and ran to his side.


His breathing was uneven and she could tell that he was in a lot of pain. She yelled for help.

"Someone please get help! Call an ambulance!"

Her eyes started to fill up with tears. Seth looked up at her and saw her crying.

"Olivia... please don't cry."

Olivia tried to stop, but the tears just kept coming. She tried to talk, but couldn't without crying.

"Please Seth... just hang in there. Help is on the way."

Another officer entered the room and went over to Ryan. He went to check for a pulse and there was none. The officer then told Olivia that Ryan was dead.

Olivia felt both anger and sadness. She absolutely hated him because it just now clicked in her head what happened. He tried to kill her and Seth pushed her out of the way. Seth was hurt because of her. She felt guilty and wished that it was her instead of Seth. She was yelling and crying at the same time.

"He got out of serving time in prison, well I hope his soul rots in hell for what he did to you. He deserves to be punished somehow."

Seth reached for her hand. Olivia didn't even care that it was covered in blood. She took it and wiped the tears from her eyes with her other hand.

"Olivia... it's over. He can't hurt you anymore."

Olivia didn't seem to agree. He couldn't hurt her physically anymore, but if he ended up taking Seth from her that would be a wound that would never heal. The ambulance finally arrived and they put Seth on a stretcher. There were still WWE cameras and news cameras outside everywhere and everyone was concerned when they saw Seth being stretched out. Olivia got in the ambulance with him, what else was she supposed to do? She had nowhere else to go and no way of getting to the hospital other than riding in the ambulance with him. The nurse in the ambulance was doing everything she could to stop or even slow down the bleeding. Seth had lost a lot blood, Olivia still thought it should have been her in his place. Seth didn't deserve this, Ryan did all of this to get back at her. She should be dead right now. While they were in the ambulance no one really said a word. When they finally got to the hospital Olivia was forced to wait in a waiting room while they put Seth in a room. The nurse told Olivia that while she was waiting that she could go wash the blood off her hands.

Olivia washed the blood off her hands and hoped that the doctors and nurses could take care of Seth. Olivia didn't know what she was going to do if they kept Seth overnight. They weren't going to let her stay overnight with him. They only let close family stay. Then she wondered how he was allowed to stay when she was in the hospital. Maybe he lied and told them that they were related, or maybe the people at the hospital she went to didn't do their job very well. She didn't want to leave Seth, not after all he's done for her. She had to make sure he was ok. She knew she had to wait for him to get checked into the room, but wasn't sure they were going to let her go back to see him since she wasn't his family. Of course no one really knew that she wasn't related to him so she hoped that she could pull off a believable lie. Lying wasn't something that she was good at, or something she felt good about doing. After thirty minutes of waiting in the waiting room Olivia went to a desk and asked the woman behind the desk if she could see Seth.

"How may I help you?"

"I was just wondering if maybe my brother was here? I heard her got hurt so I got here as soon as I could to see him."

"What is his name?"

"Seth Rollins."

"And you are?..."

"Olivia Rollins... his sister."

Olivia was worried, she wasn't sure if her lie was going to work. The woman looked at her for a moment and Olivia was wondering whether or not the woman was going to believe her. Then finally the woman told her what room he was in.

"He is on the third floor in room 351."

Olivia smiled at the woman and thanked her before looking for an elevator. Once Olivia got on the third floor she had a bit of trouble finding the room. There was a nurse nearby and she could tell Olivia wasn't sure where she was.

"Can I help you?"

"Um yeah... I'm looking for room 351."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Olivia Rollins... Seth's sister."

"Oh... ok. Follow me."

The nurse wasn't an idiot. There had been several people who already came up looking for Seth claiming to be related to him. There were several security guards outside his room to make sure crazy fans don't get in.

"So if you're really Seth's sister he'll tell us. If you aren't his sister, security will have you removed from his room."

Security followed her in and one of the security guards got his attention.

"Mr. Rollins, this woman claims to be your sister."

Seth smiles and is happy to see her. Seth knew Olivia had a hard time getting up to his room so he had to play along.

"Olivia come on in. It's ok guys, she is my sister. You guys keep up the good work outside. We need to catch up on family issues."

"Right. We apologize Ms. Rollins, we didn't mean to keep you from your brother. We were just doing our jobs to try to keep crazy fans out."

The security guards leave the room and continue to guard the outside. Seth and Olivia were completely alone. Olivia was the first one to speak. She actually found a way to laugh about the situation.

"Wow... you are a hard guy to see Mr. Rollins."

"Yeah well... once Stephanie and Triple H found out I was in the hospital, they wanted to make sure that no crazy fans tried to find me."

Olivia smiled, but the atmosphere in the room seemed to change instantly.

"So how bad was it Seth?"

Seth still tried to joke around since he could tell how concerned Olivia was.

"Well I'm not dying if that's what you're thinking."

The look on Olivia's face didn't seem to change.

"I'll be fine ok... they just want to keep me overnight just to be safe. They said Ryan was very sloppy with his knife work. He didn't hit any important organs. My only problem is the amount of blood I lost."

"What did they have to do?"

"They just had to put a few stitches in me and they told me not to move around too much. They gave me something for pain. Stephanie and Triple H are on their way to see me, they will be here in a few minutes."

Right after Seth said that Stephanie and Triple H entered the room. They noticed Olivia was there, but focused their attention on Seth. Stephanie was the first one to speak.

"How are you feeling Seth?"

"Sore, but I'll be ok."

Triple H cuts in.

"So lets see it."

Seth pulled down the blankets and showed the stitches. Once Olivia saw how bad it looked she put a hand over her mouth and almost started crying again. Triple H and Stephanie saw it and he spoke.

"That looks pretty bad Seth. The doctor already told us that it will probably be about a month before you're allowed to be in the ring again."

Olivia could tell that Seth looked upset and she still felt guilty that he was here because of her. Olivia couldn't stop herself anymore. She left his room as tears started falling from her eyes. Seth saw her crying as she was leaving. He called out for her, but she left the room anyway.


Triple H sent Stephanie after her to calm her down and to help them understand the situation better.

Stephanie left the room and followed Olivia. Triple H was still in the room with Seth.

"Don't worry... I sent Steph after her. She'll be back. You and I have some important business to discuss."

Olivia ran down the hallway to the women's bathroom, that was the only place where she thought she could be alone. A few seconds later she heard someone else enter the room and she looked over and saw Stephanie.

"Olivia... I know you don't know me very well, but I'm here to help you. Just like Seth is, will you tell me how all of this happened?"

Olivia wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded. She took a breath and told her everything she needed to know that happened at the courthouse.

"All you need to know is Seth and I had the court case won. Ryan is my ex... he is the guy that brought up the case in the first place. I don't think any of it was really to get back at WWE. He only did this to get back at me. The judge found Ryan guilty because... he's beat me and even attacked me with a knife. I showed you the scars before. I was so happy when the judge found him guilty. He was going to go to prison. I wanted to rub it in his face. I told him... have fun rotting in prison. Then when I turned to walk away the next thing I knew, I was on the ground and I heard gunshots fill the air. I didn't see what happened, but somehow I knew what happened. I turned around and I saw a knife in Ryan's hand. An officer shot him in the head. Seth had a stab wound at his ribs. He..."

A few tears ran down her face, but Stephanie seemed to understand.

"He took your place."

Olivia nodded.

"It should be me in that hospital bed, not Seth. Ever since I met Seth, I've been nothing but trouble, but he still wanted to stick around to protect me."

Stephanie interrupted.

"Did you ever think that maybe he's doing all of this because he has feelings for you?"

"How could he have feelings for me? We've only known each other for a little over two weeks. How could he be in love with me?"

"Do you love him?"

Olivia had to stop and think. She couldn't deny that she had feelings for him, but the last thing she wanted to happen was for her to completely open about how she feels and not have him feel the same way. Stephanie wanted an answer.

"Do you love him Olivia?"

After everything they've done together, they've gotten so close over the two weeks they've known each other. She didn't want to picture her life without him. She wiped away the last of her tears and a smile came to her face when she thought about him.

"Yes... I do love him."

Stephanie smiles and pats Olivia on the back.

"Ok... so whenever you feel the time is right, tell him how you feel."

In Seth's room Triple H and Seth were talking about what Seth will be doing when he returns to action.

"Seth... you do realize that because of this issue with Olivia and breaking your character that you're not exactly going to be a "bad guy" anymore right? I mean... it's kind of hard to play a bad guy on-screen when you broke character to save a girl in the crowd. The WWE Universe has been buzzing about you ever since you saved her that night. Most of it has been positive things. So when you return to action, you will return as a good guy. The crowd will go crazy when they see you again. How did Olivia get in here anyway? I thought only family was allowed in here. Family... and Stephanie and I of course."

"She told the nurse that her name was Olivia Rollins... that she was my sister."

Seth smiled at the last few words that left his mouth.

"Olivia Rollins... it has a nice ring to it don't you think?"

Triple H laughed a bit at this.

"You've got it bad for this girl don't you Seth?"

"Yeah... many would say I took a bullet for her, but it was a knife. I took a knife for her. I made her a promise... I promised her that I wasn't going to let anything happen to her."

"So far you've lived up to that promise, but are you regretting it now?"

"Absolutely not! I would do anything for Olivia."

"You love her don't you Seth?"

"Yeah, I do... and as corny as it may sound, I think it was love at first sight."

"Yeah well... why don't you tell her this?"

"I don't think she will believe me. She seems to think that I've only been doing the stuff I've done is because I feel sorry for her. Besides we've only known each other for about two weeks, she would think I'm crazy or that I'm lying if I tell her now. Also how do I even know if she feels the same way?"

"That's something you're going to have to figure out on your own Seth. Anyway I'm going to go and wait for Stephanie. I'm sure she's found Olivia and talked to her, it was kind of a woman problem so I let Steph take care of it."

Triple H walked out of the room and was waiting on Stephanie. Stephanie and Olivia were making their way back to Seth's room. Olivia wasn't sure if she wanted to go back in his room. Stephanie encouraged her to go in.

"Go on in Olivia. We're leaving now, we'll leave you two alone."

Olivia nodded and took a deep breath before going back in his room. Stephanie and Triple H left the hospital. They would discuss the subject later. Seth look over at Olivia as she came back in the room. One thing that Seth had just found out from someone in the hospital was that someone actually found Olivia's car. Once he tells her that, it would mean that she would move on and forget about him. He knew that once Olivia found out, she would want to go, and letting Olivia go would be the hardest thing he would have to do. Olivia gave him a small smile as she came back in his room.

"Hey Seth... it's me again."

"Why did you run off Olivia?"

"Because, I saw how frustrated you looked. Triple H told you that you weren't going to be able to be in the ring for about a month. I'm just... so sorry that all of this had to happen to you. You shouldn't even be here right now. I'm the one that should be in that hospital bed."

"No Olivia... I couldn't let that happen. I made you a promise. Remember? What was that promise?"

"You said you were not going to let anything happen to me."


"It's just that... we've only known each other for about two weeks, I can't believe you would do something like that for me."

Seth smiles at her and took her hand.

"I would do it again... in a heartbeat sweetheart."

Olivia has the biggest smile on her face, she slightly turned away as she blushed. Seth knew what he had to do.

"Also Olivia... I just found something out. Something that I think you will be very happy to hear."


"One of the guys out in the hallway said that he found your car and that all of your stuff is still in your car. The guy said there was not even a scratch is on your car. The guy that took your car is now in jail. It is one of the security guys. He can take you out to your car and then you can go and live your life."

Olivia could tell that there was pain in his voice. She wasn't sure if it was because he was hurt or if it was because she could finally leave. She was excited that she finally got back her car and all of her stuff, but she didn't want to leave Seth. Not after everything he's done for her.

"Wow, I can't believe it. It sounds too good to be true, but what about you Seth?"

"What about me? You don't have to worry about travelling with me everywhere I go anymore. You got all of your stuff back, all I'm doing now is slowing you down from the life you want to live."

"But you've done so much for me, you even risked your life for me. Are you really trying to push me away and tell me to forget about all you've done for me?"

"No, that's not what I'm saying at all. I just want you to be happy, and I just want what's best for you. I think it would be best for both of us if we go our separate ways."

It killed him to say that and it killed Olivia inside even if she didn't show it. They were both almost sure that if they started a relationship that it wouldn't last anyway.

"Maybe you're right. I can't thank you enough for all you've done for me, but maybe it would be best for both of us if we go our separate ways."

Seth gave her a smile even though it hurt him.

"Take care of yourself Olivia."

Olivia gave him the same smile even though she felt like crying.

"I will. Heal up soon and get back to WWE soon."

"I will. Goodbye... Olivia Owens."

"Goodbye, Seth Rollins."

Leaving his room was the hardest thing that Olivia had to force herself to do and seeing Olivia leave his room was the hardest thing Seth ever had to see. Seth knew he couldn't keep her with him forever, he had to let her know that her car and all of her stuff was outside so she can go on and live her life no matter how painful it was to see her leave. There was that old saying that if you love someone set them free. He even told her that he wanted her to be happy, but as she left she didn't seem very happy even though he told her good news. Why did it hurt so much to see her go? They've only known each other for two weeks, but already he knew he was in love with her. There is a chance that she could have loved him back, and he could have made the biggest mistake of his life by sending her away. He could have broken her heart, he loved her and he couldn't let her go. He couldn't believe he was doing this, but he got up out of his hospital bed and spotted his clothes over on a table, changed as fast as he could without hurting himself and snuck out of his room. He couldn't believe no nurses or anyone else stopped him and forced him to get back in his room. He made his way to the nearest elevator in search of the parking lot. Olivia told him that she didn't know where she was going to go, but that was when she was running from her ex. How could he be so foolish, how could he have let go of the best thing that had ever come into his life? He was in a lot of pain, but looked for her as fast as he could, he just hoped he wasn't too late.

Olivia just got to the parking lot when she saw her car. Just like Seth said, there was not a scratch on it, and everything she had was still there. She was excited to see her car and happy that she could move on without having to worry about Ryan coming after her, but as she was about to leave, she couldn't help but start to cry as she thought about Seth. He had done so much for her, but it was just like she thought, he was only doing those things because he felt sorry for her. There were a few moments where she thought maybe he had feelings for her, he would kiss her forehead, hug her, and now more recently, he started holding her hand, he made her a promise to protect her, and even calling her sweetheart. She did feel heartbroken because she thought that for the first time, someone actually loved her, and she was hurt because she actually loved him. She looked around and didn't see anyone in the parking lot with her. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she walked to her car as she was prepared to move on. Just as she was about to get into her car, she heard some one calling her name. He got to the parking lot just in time before Olivia drove out of his life. He yelled as loud as he could in hopes of getting her attention.


Olivia turned around and wiped the tears from her eyes. She was surprised to see him up and moving. She almost thought she was dreaming again.


(To be continued. Seth and Olivia finally realized that they have feelings for each other. Could they really go on without letting each other know how they feel? Seth tried to push her away because he was sure that she didn't want to travel with him anymore now that she had her stuff back, but neither of them really said how they felt so then he was left to wonder if he may have hurt her by pushing her away, and it hurt himself to see her go. Olivia wanted to believe that Seth could have loved her, but it seemed to her like he was just sending her off, giving her the idea that he didn't want anything else to do with her. After being through abusive relationships, but after meeting Seth she started to believe that she was truly in love with him and that someone actually would love her. She was about to give up on love completely and move on until she heard him calling her name. Review.)

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