The Only Honor (Based on Call...

By brontideandsough

30.1K 941 571

I continued to stare down at the message, tears threatening to spill onto it. It wasn't, it had... More

Chapter 1- The Funeral
Chapter 2- Girl Power
Chapter 3- Opening Up
Chapter 4- A Chance With Awkwardness
Chapter 5- First Mission
Chapter 6- Bad News
Chapter 7- The Thought of Being Alone
Chapter 8- Dramatic Changes
Chapter 9- Escape
Chapter 10- Again?!
Chapter 11- Who to Trust
Chapter 12- So Close, Yet So Far
Chapter 13- Weakling Turned Bad Ass
Chapter 14- NOT a Date...TOTALLY a Date
Chapter 15- Terrible Decision
Chapter 16- Party
Chapter 17- My Home
Chapter 18- I'm Not Your Protector
Chapter 19- A Skull and Crossbones
Chapter 20- Out
Chapter 21- Wake Up, My Darling
Chapter 22- Burgers
Chapter 23- Surprise!
Chapter 24- Lining the Beach
Chapter 25- Temptation
Chapter 27- Dirty Tricks
Chapter 28- Preparation
Chapter 29- Truth
Chapter 30- The Only Honor

Chapter 26- Sore Attacks

682 25 13
By brontideandsough

The rush of the ocean awoke me. I allowed my eyes to flutter open gently and gaze around. The covers wrapped around me were messy, showing off last evening's dances.

Sitting up, I ran my hand through my hair and felt myself blush thinking about the night before. It'd been close to a year since things like that had happened to me, and even then they weren't as amazing as last night.

I changed into dark blue jeans shorts and a regular blue tank top. My hair was pulled back as I walked out of the bathroom. As much as I wanted to stay and rest longer, I forced myself go downstairs, the small soreness between my legs making me walk funny.

"Good morning, love," Gideon met me by the stairs.

I smiled a response and rubbed my arm. Gideon kissed my forehead with a chuckle.


"A little," I muttered.

Gideon kissed my forehead again and went to go tend to breakfast. I looked to the laptop shut on the table and then to Gideon, who stirred what looked like eggs.

"I haven't had a night like that in a while," I blinked sleepily, making my way to the island-bar. "Maybe forever."

Gideon only smiled and shook his head. I laughed, making him let out a small chuckle moments within. My hands were clasped together as I sat on the stool.

"What are we doing today, our last day?" I chirped up.

"Most likely a walk on the beach and then a fancy lunch," Gideon shrugged. "Whatever you want really."

"I want the hot tub," I grumbled.

Gideon glanced out to the faint figure of the hot tub in the early dawn light. "What's an early soak going to do? Go ahead, if you want."

I smiled and then kissed Gideon's cheek happily. Bounding outside, I stripped to my bikini and then turned on the jets. The hot tub faced the calm ocean and the rising sun.

A sigh escaped me as I sunk into the hot water. I closed my eyes, only to open them when another break in the water happened. Gideon was setting our breakfast on the side and sinking into the hot water.

"This feels nice," a breath escaped him.

"Sore?" I taunted.

"A little," Gideon smirked and I giggled.

I felt Gideon's arms snake around my waist, pulling me to meet him in the middle of the hot tub. His lips teased mine and then pulled away. Blue eyes meeting blue eyes, we looked at each other in silence. I loved the tingling feeling that went through me as Gideon caressed my sides with his thumbs.

"Why are you spending all of this money on me?" I questioned. "I'm not worth it."

"Not worth it?" Gideon raised an eyebrow, his hand cupping my cheek. "I think you're pretty worth it. Mitchell and Ilona do too."

"But all of this," I looked to the villa and the ocean, "is for what? A distraction?"

Gideon opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted from the front door slamming. The house keepers for the villa had arrived for a cleaning.

"Hello," one of the women spoke as she came out.

"You must be the housekeepers," Gideon dipped his head. "We'll leave you to your business."

The woman looked us both over before smiling and disappearing back into the house. Gideon faced me once again.

"I'll be back. I have to make sure they don't steal anything," Gideon had a smirk.

"You do that," I smirked and shook my head.

His lips pressed against mine and I couldn't help but wrap my legs around his waist. I felt Gideon smirk more into the kiss and then pull away gently.

"Not now, my love," his voice was soft as he moved my legs out from around him.

I felt his lips touch mine once more and then he lifted himself out of the hot tub, his arm muscles showing.

Those muscles that had me choking last night.

I giggled to my thoughts and then moved to my breakfast.


"Shut-up," I growled at the laptop, blushing.

"Hmm," Mitchell rubbed his chin on the screen. "Yep, I approve."

"We aren't a thing," I grumbled. "Gideon has treated me nicely while we've been here, but not in that way." Except for last night. "Besides, I'm not able to do that with my healing side."

"Uh-huh," Mitchell didn't seem convinced.

"Let the lad think what he wants," Gideon spoke from the kitchen behind me. "He's wrong either way."

"We have new information on the att-"

Mitchell covered the screen suddenly and pressed mute. I moved to try and see past him, but couldn't because it was on a screen. I felt tension rise in the room around me.

"Mitchell?" I demanded, leaning forwards.

"Sorry about that," Mitchell opened the screen back up.

"What was that man talking about?" I questioned sharply.

"Nothing," Mitchell looked like he gazed at Gideon.

"Nothing?" I demanded. "What attacks was that man talking about?"

"There haven't been any attacks," Mitchell was a terrible liar.

"Oh my God," I stood up, the screen tilting with my movement. "You've been attacking Irons this whole time haven't you?"

"No, Keona," Mitchell started, but I stopped him.

"You knew about this and didn't tell me?" I faced Gideon.

"Yes," Gideon didn't lie this time.

"Keona it was for your own safety!" Mitchell argued from behind me.

"I can't believe you'd keep this from me," I turned to the laptop. "Some best friend you are."

Mitchell's face went pale as I said such harsh words. Slamming the laptop shut, I let out a loud groan. Gideon was silent.

"You thought you'd protect me by keeping this from me, by creating a distraction?" I demanded, facing and walking towards Gideon.

"Not exactly," Gideon started.

"You put everyone else in danger!" I shouted. "Those attacks will draw Irons right to them. Do you have any idea of how much power he has? He'll destroy them!"

"That won't happen K-"

"I want to go home," I stomped my foot. "NOW!"

"It's not safe," Gideon commented, throwing my emotions over the edge.

"Not safe?" I cried out. "Irons won't attack them if I'm there. Why? Because he cares about me! I'll be protecting them, Gideon!"

"You won't be able to do anything anyways," Gideon motioned to my side.

My gaze lowered and I quieted down only slightly. "I don't care. I can't let anyone else die because of me," I looked up.

Will had been my fault. Truly, it was. We'd had an argument before he'd left. Before, Will had been hesitant to go to Korea. He'd been worried about me and had been planning a trip with just us two. During the argument I had screamed at him to just go and fight because it seemed more important than I was at the time.

He did.

Cormack was also my fault. If it hadn't been for me getting them into that mess, he'd still be alive. I led them to the prison, to that room, and to that desperate escape. I caused another innocent death that didn't need to happen. There couldn't be anymore.

"There isn't enough time," Gideon growled.

"We're wasting time now," I stated flatly, crossing my arms.

Gideon glared at me, but began walking upstairs. I looked down and shook my head multiple times.

"Why? Why? Why?" I grumbled, pacing.

A red flash caught my attention from the porch. Stopping where I stood, I stepped forwards to see what it had been. There was a small box by the doorway and I tilted my head carefully at it.

"Keona!" Gideon yelled out. "Get back!"

A loud squealing noise made me cringe. The flash happened again, but much bigger this time. I was blown back in the air from the charge within seconds of the large explosion.

Gideon's arms wrapped around me while I floated through the air and I felt us land hardly onto the tiled floors. His arms felt different as I turned to face him. It didn't take me long to realize he had put on an Exo suit.

"Are you okay?" Gideon yelled over the commotion happening outside.

"Yes," I nodded.

Standing us both up, Gideon went for the door. Another loud explosion sounded by the door and I felt myself being blown back again. I hit the glass picture frame on the wall, making glass go everywhere, as I did so.

Splayed out onto my stomach, I noticed out of a blurry vision that Gideon was shaken up across the way too. His gaze met mine and softened instantly. I let out a painful grumble when I pushed myself up to run to him.

"Gideon!" I called out over the sounds of breached doors.

"Keona," Gideon replied.

Almost reaching him, I was pushed back by his strong hands. Falling onto my butt, I looked up to see the ceiling falling in. There wouldn't have been enough time for me to get somewhere safely.

"Gideon?" I cried out.

"I'm alright!" Gideon shouted. "Grab the pistol in the drawer and fight your way out!"

Looking to the porch, I noticed men rappelling down from helicopters. My eyes widened and I quickly scrambled to grab the pistol Gideon had spoken about. I held it tightly in my hands as I ran for the porch.

"There!" a deep voice rang out.

Shots fired towards where I slid behind rubbish blown from the explosions. I narrowed my eyes and clicked the safety off of the pistol. Gripping it rather tightly, I peeked around the pile to see more men with shields coming to search the villa.

Kill the easiest ones first. Gideon's lessons echoed through my head. The ones that take the least ammo.

I breathed out and stood up from behind the barricade. Firing off multiple shots, I dropped three of the dozen men nearby. When shots came back at me, I ducked behind the cover.

"Shit, you can't get out of this one," I grumbled.

Glancing over to where the bushes lined the edge of the villa, I narrowed my eyes. There was a gap just wide enough for me to slide through and roll into the bushes. If I did that, it was a free sprint to wherever Gideon was.

Following my mental plan, I crawled for the gap. I slid myself through it with ease, my side throbbing from the sudden work it had to go through. I felt the bushes poke me as I exited, jumping the gap to the sandy ground below.

"Keona?" Gideon was calling out. "Come on!"

I pushed myself up and held my side as I ran to where his voice was out front. The small limp was starting to find it's way back to me.

"Gideon," I shouted, catching myself as I tripped. "I'm here!"

"Jesus fucking Christ, Keona!" Gideon ran to me, tucking his pistol away. "Look what you've done to yourself!"

I didn't realize how scratched up I was until Gideon helped me up. Blood oozed from the edge of my shoulder- a bullet wound- and the bushes had not only made me filthy, but bloody from small stinging scratches too.

"Come on," Gideon urged me on. "We have to reach the car!"

I held my side tightly as we ran for our lives. Shots sounded from the villa and I glanced back to see soldiers breaking down the door.

"They're after us," I grumbled as Gideon reached the car.

"Come on, Keona!" Gideon urged gently. "Try to push through it!"

I jumped into the open car door as Gideon started rolling forwards. Shutting the door painfully, I gasped for air. Gideon began speeding away from the villa, a chopper hot on our heels.

"Where do you expect to go? We're on an island!" I looked to Gideon who focused solely on the road.

"He's coming for us," Gideon glanced to me. "By the time we're at the end of this island."

"Mitchell?" I whispered.

Gideon swerved violently as an enemy SUV pulled out to try and block us. "Dammit!"

"Do we have anything?" I demanded, turning in my seat to look for weapons in the back.

"Under the seats!" Gideon spoke loudly as he swerved again.

Feeling under the seats, I widened my gaze. "You put two grenades, a grenade launcher and a fully automatic weapon underneath my seat?"

Gideon smirked and let out a laugh as I pulled out the items.

"I'll aim the grenades for the SUV," I said. "The rest will go into that chopper."

"Don't hurt yourself," Gideon commanded, holding my arm.

"I won't," I looked at him sharply, meeting his gaze. "Trust me."

Gideon seemed hesitant but nodded slowly. "Okay."

Turning in my seat, I attached the launcher onto my wrist as it was supposed to go and then aimed it out the window. Shooting the grenade at the two vehicles behind us, I cringed to the loud boom that sounded shortly after, destroying one and stopping the other.

"Hell yeah!" Gideon shouted and turned sharply to start crossing the island.

"Shit," I fell back into the car when the chopper fired.

"Careful!" Gideon pushed me upright and then shifted the car.

"I can't get the shot," I moved to try and see the helicopter. "Avoid being seen until we reach Mitchell!"

"Yes ma'am," Gideon taunted and I glared at him.


My legs stumbled, but continued to carry me towards the landing chopper. Gideon was ahead of me by a few steps. Mitchell was shooting from the chopper, seeming to try and protect our backsides.

"Come on Keona!" Gideon jumped up into the chopper and then turned to help me.

As the chopper lifted off, I jumped up into it. My hands clutched onto Gideon and I hugged him tightly. Mitchell shot a few more times and then slid the door shut.

"Are you two alright?" his gaze traveled to me and I nodded.

"We need to get back to base," Gideon stated, releasing my waist.

"And get her somewhere safe," Mitchell agreed.

"I want to help," I spoke up.

"You can't," Gideon commented.

"You're underestimating me again!"

"Keona," Mitchell's stern voice caught my attention. "I will not allow you to do such a thing. You've almost died three times since you've tried to help us. After this war is over, you will not be doing these things anymore."

I was hurt by his sudden harshness. Never since I'd known him had Mitchell snapped at me like that. "Then while I still can do this, I should be able to fight."

"You'll be looking over us in the control room at base," Mitchell growled and walked towards the pilot of the chopper.

I sighed and looked down in defeat. Gideon's hand touched my arm. I glanced up to see his calm blue gaze.

"Mitchell's right. I couldn't live without you if you managed to get hurt again. The next time you do will be death, Keona." Gideon's intertwined his fingers with my and kissed my forehead. "Please trust us on this."

I rested my head against Gideon's chest and sighed again. Out of the window, I could see nothing but clouds and a blue sky.

"I trust you."


Oh's been a month and I completely apologize! Literally everything except last few paragraphs has been written since the last update. I think it's my laziness acting up more on this one guys and gals!

The next update will be much faster annnnd it'll be way cooler! I didn't manage to edit all of this, so I also apologize for any major (or minor) mistakes.

Thank you all so much for the amount of support/reads/votes on this! You are the only reason I continue to finish this! By the way, if you are also a fan of COD: Ghosts, I have three books (that people say are the bomb-digity). I'd love more reads on the third and final book, but please read the first two or you might just become slightly lost! :)


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