The Modern World or A Differe...

By TheGhostGirl15623

207 11 5

This is the second book to The Knight and The King. It will be based on the modern world. Leo meets modern Le... More

What I Found When I went Through The Portal
Cars.... Sports Cars.... And Trucks? And My Favorite One Is.....
The Alley


37 0 3
By TheGhostGirl15623

When I woke up all I could see was darkness and a little bit of light coming through a shattered window. I blinked a little trying to see better.

" Hello... Is anyone there?" My voice was soft and raspy. I couldn't speak very loud... at least It felt that way.

I heard something move and felt a strong gust of wind. I gotta admit, I was a little scared.

" I know there is someone in here... Look, why don't you untie me and we can both go our separate ways and pretend this never happened, okay?" I heard a quiet chuckle.

" Why don't you stay here and I'll squeeze some info outta ya like I was told to." I tried looking for this voice but I couldn't find it.

" Who are you?"

" Why don't you answer that question?"

" I'm Leo. Now you answer me." This person was quiet for awhile and then their voice got really quiet and deep.

" Where are you from?"

" W-Winchester?"

"Where's that?"

" It's a long story but it's not from around here."

" Well, you're going to tell me this long story or you aren't going anywhere anytime soon."

" ... I don't wanna tell and I'm not-" Before I finished this person was behind me with a long blade up to my throat. I took in a sharp breath.

" Tell me." This person whispered and even their whisper sent chills up my spine.

" Uh... If you kill me, you won't get any info."

" I'm cool with that." They pushed the blade further into my throat. I let out a little squeak.

" Fine. Winchester is a place in what you guys call the Medieval times and I lived there with my husband, the king. I was walking one day and found this portal and walked through it. Turns out it was inter-dimensional and it brought me here. I have some help on trying to get me back home but I'm not getting very far."

"... That's not a very long story and why do you have a husband if you are a dude?"

" Isn't it obvious?"

" I thought..." He sighed heavily, "Nevermind." Said person backed up and pulled the sword away.

The voice now sounded distant.

" Get up."

"... But I'm chained..." As I spoke I realized that the chains were gone and I slowly stood up. I saw some light come in as a garage door opened and my car was right outside this garage.

" You had me locked in a-"

" There's you car. Don't mention this to anyone or I will hunt you down."

"... Okay." I saw this persons silhouette as they walked away. They were in a very loose cloak so I couldn't tell if they were male or female. I saw their head turn to look at me and then it leaped up the side of a building and was gone.
It had been about a week since my encounter with the mysterious guy. I hadn't told anyone about this person but I've been trying to figure out who it was so I've been very unconcentrated and it's been driving people crazy.

There was a knock at my door and I was tempted to ignore it.

"...Yeah?" Raphael pushed open the door.

" I heard that you were in... a type of... situation where you... shared some information." I stared at my computer and crushed the mouse. He stared at me and let out a nervous chuckle.

" I was FORCED to give information."

" Yeah. I just tried putting it nicely. She was one of my... acquaintances."

" Good to know it was a she." I mumbled.

" She told me about the inter-dimensional portal thing." I growled quietly.

" So what are you gonna do? Try to send me back?"

" No. I'm going to get you modern Leo and you two are gonna figure this out together since you two should most definitely think alike." I just stared at my computer.

He left and I dropped my head on the keyboard. 

In about 45 minutes he came back with modern Leo.  He was skinnier than me and he looked tired.

" Oh Look who's back."

" Don't be snappy with me."

" Don't tell me what to do."

" I don't have to listen to you."  I threw my head back and groaned.

He mumbled something. I just growled at him and he turned around.

" I'm going back to bed." Raph mumbled something to him and Leo walked away. I started typing quickly.
Raph walked up to me.

" You didn't have to be so rude." I sighed.

" Please, just go Raph."  He stared at the ground and walked out slowly.

" I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I just grunted as he walked out.

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