The Thief (Descendants/Jay Fa...

By MarenaxoxoLOL

286K 6.3K 1.6K


Don't Look Back At The Past Because You'll Be Missing The Future
The Meet & Greet
The Prince and Me
Cupid For a Day
(Almost) Midnight Cravings 101
I'm Done
The Musical Game
Family Day a.k.a. Goodbye Day: Part 1
Family Day a.k.a. Goodbye Day: Part 2
The Start of Something New
Everyones Confessions
Welcome Home
If Only
The Playlist!
Coronation Day
My Choice
Which Cover?
Breakaway: Part 1
Breakaway: Part 2
Breakaway: Part 3
The Emergency
Q & A???
The Coronation
BONUS CHAPTER: On This Cold December Night
Q & A #1
Surprises are just popping out of nowhere
The After Party: Part 2
Long time, no see
Back to the Rotten Roots (Sequel)

The After Party: Part 1

5.5K 128 28
By MarenaxoxoLOL

(A/N: All the songs that are in this chapter (Parts 1 and 2) are on The Thief's playlist on Spotify. My user is m_rocks. Go check it out if you haven't already!!!! Gonna be a long chapter.....#noregrets. )

Ariana, Tamera, Merissa, Jassie, Cindy, and I have been practicing for the after party ever since the coronation. We were now the entertainment, and I am kinda freaking out. Mom said that after saving Auradon that I deserved to treat myself. By treating myself I guess that means going to the after party. I'm really, really nervous. I'm not a performer, barely even a singer. I don't know how I was gonna pull this off.

Ariana said that when the party first starts she's gonna perform with everyone because apparently almost the entire school has been working on a performance for the last couple of weeks called 'Set It Off'. I'm okay with it. It gives me time to prepare myself before I go up. I heard even Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos were gonna do it too. Me and the girls are gonna do a couple of performances together and then we each do solo acts to keep the stage occupied. We didn't learn dance routines or any of that stuff because there wasn't enough time.

Evie helped make me a dress which I was lucky for with such short notice. I actually liked it to be honest. It's the kind you'd see in a fairy tale. I was gonna fight with Evie about the sparkles she put on it, but overall I thought it was cute. I also borrowed some black heels of hers to match (a/n: the outfit she is wearing is at the top).

The after party starts late at night, like at around 10. So it was gonna be very festive and everything. I think I am ready. I am in my dorm with Cindy, Jassie, Merissa, and Tamera. Ariana is downstairs making sure the decorations and everything are on point for when the people arrive. All the girls were getting their dresses ready. They all looked very pretty. I felt intimidated to have them as best friends.

Jassie was wearing a two piece outfit. The top was a cropped flower-printed overall shirt. Then at the bottom was a shimmery skirt with a black and white checkered belt that was also shimmery. Her makeup was also on point which wasn't surprising considering she did my makeup also which looks flawless.

Cindy was wearing a simple blue dress with blue heels and barely any makeup other than mascara and lip gloss. She didn't really have to do anything to make herself look pretty. She's Ms.Perfect, remember?

Tamera kept it simple with a slinky black dress that fit her body perfectly. The dress had a ruffly outskirt around the waist that made it just a bit more unique. Her nails were painted black, and she had a cute stone necklace around her neck. And lastly, she had golden spiked black shoes that put the outfit all together.

I don't know what Merissa is wearing because she still in the bathroom trying to put her outfit together. I know she had to borrow it from Jassie because she had no dresses in her wardrobe. She didn't like them at all. I didn't like dresses either to be honest, but I'd try them on every once in awhile.

"Do you guys think these shoes go with my outfit?", Jassie asked us.

I looked down at her shoes. They were simple hot pink heels. They weren't too flashy or anything, and since her nails were painted pink I guess it all goes together. Then again, whatever do I know about fashion?

"You look fabulous.", Cindy complimented.

Jassie smiled at her. "Thanks. I'm just a little worried about the party."

I let out a breath of relief. "Glad I'm not the only one."

"Guys, we've been practicing for the whole day, I think we're good. Besides, how bad could it be? The party is only gonna last till midnight. Fairy Godmother's rules, remember?" Tamera reassured us the best she could, and it actually kinda worked.

"Yeah, you're right. I guess it's just-" I got interrupted by something in the bathroom.

"OW!", Merissa squealed.

We all rushed around the bathroom door wondering what was going on.

"Is everything okay in there?", Cindy asked, with her face pressed against the door.

"Yeah, I just fell into the tub trying to put these heels on."

We all sighed in relief and then started laughing. It's a typical Merissa thing to do.

"Well, hurry up. We need to get down to the party so we can do a soundcheck.", Tamera yelled.

We all left the bathroom door and continued getting ready. Soon enough Merissa came out of the bathroom in a beautiful dress. The top was totally black with no sleeves and the fabric was made out of velvet. The bottom part-the skirt was ruffled in a white, sparkly fabric. And then her waist was wrapped around in a bedazzled golden belt that made the whole outfit pop. We were all standing in awe at Merissa. She looked amazing.

While we looked googly-eyed at her she just stood there holding a pair of gold heels in her hand looking very agitated. When she saw us staring at her she just rolled her eyes and threw the shoes on the ground.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road.", she murmured.

We all got out of our trance and nodded our heads. Jassie went up to Merissa and started doing her hair and makeup like she did mine. I sighed and went into the mini fridge to get the chocolate chips I still had in there. I got one out of the glass bowl and passed it around to the girls asking if they wanted one. They all took the bowl and got a handful of chocolate chips leaving probably around fifteen left in it.

I put the bowl back in the fridge and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?", Merissa asked, looking confused along with the other girls.

"I just need some fresh air. I'll be down at the party in time for soundcheck, I promise.", I said, before walking out of the dormitory.

I just need to walk around and think. After everything that happened I just need to take a breather. A really long one at that. I haven't talked to Jay since the incident at the coronation, and I'm kinda scared to if I'm being completely. honest. What am I supposed to say to him? Are things still awkward between us or are we fine again?


I guess I can understand if he doesn't wanna be my friend, but I can't let him go without telling him how I feel. It's just inevitable. I'll tell him sometime tonight. I'm not sure now though. I don't think I'm ready. In my train of thought I felt myself bump into something-someone.

"Oh, I am so sorry, dear."

I looked up to see the queen in front of me. I looked back down and curtseyed to show my apologies.

"I am so sorry, Queen Belle.", I said sincerely.

She put her hand on my shoulder which made me look up in surprise. She had a gentle smile on her face that basically told me to stop looking like an idiot. She was dressed in a golden gown that had somewhat of a cape behind dragged on the floor as she walked. Her face barely had any makeup on it, and her hair was pressed straight with it ending at her shoulders. She looked beautiful.

"It's okay, Ellie. I was just on my way to see you."

I slowly stood up straight again and had a smile on my face. "Oh."

"Yes, I just wanted to thank you for what happened at the coronation. You were very brave to go up against Maleficent. And for that I give you my thanks and apologies."

"Apologies?", I questioned.

"The king and I thought you were gonna be a threat because of what happened on Family Day,", she laughed at herself before saying, "if anything you're the real hero along with your friends. So I am deeply sorry."

I looked down and put my hair behind my left shoulder. "It's okay, really. If I were in your shoes I would've thought the same thing." She nodded her head in agreement.

"You look very lovely.", she said.

I felt my cheeks heat up and looked down to the ground. "Thank you, and so do you."

Her smile was a way of showing thanks to my compliment. "Your mother talked to me about you wanting to get help from Ms. Periwinkle to help with your powers."

I raised my eyebrows and my eyes looked like they were probably bugging out of my head. I didn't expect my mom to actually let Counselor Periwinkle teach me how to use my powers. What I really expected was for her to take me back to the castle and lock me up.

"Um yeah. I feel like I should learn at school where I have my friends and people who could actually help me. I think that would be best. I've actually been meaning to talk to you about it all day."

"Well, I talked to Counselor Periwinkle and she says that she doesn't have a problem with it at all. She just wants to make sure that while you're learning your ways around your powers that you also make sure you keep your grades up and continue to do good in school."

I smiled to myself. This is actually happening. I'm staying at Auradon Prep with my friends. But even after this I still need one more thing. I need them to open the barrier to the island so I can see Hades-my father. I'm just not so sure they'll let me get away with this one.

"Queen Belle." I look up to see her walking down the hall of the dormitory in a rush.

She turned around and said, "Sorry dear, I have to make sure Ben is ready for the party tonight. You can ask me whatever to want at the party, yeah?"

I sighed and just nodded. I walked the same way the Queen was walking in except I went down the staircase leading to the main floor of the building. I walked out of the building and to the main building of the campus where the party is being held at.

It was only a short walk that took a couple minutes. By the time I got there I saw balloons all around and party tables. I see people setting up fireworks behind the trees while other people are setting up the equipment on stage. The stage is set in between the two staircases near the balcony of the building. There are disco lights lighting up the stage making it pop. I can already tell this is gonna be a fun night.

I see the girls on stage ready for soundcheck and Ariana talking to someone through the microphone headset. She looks so professional that it's kind of scary to think she is one of my best friends. Jassie spots me walking over to them and waves me over. I do as she wants and go up to the stage and she hands me a microphone.

"Hey, Ellie.", Ariana greeted me solemnly. She looked really annoyed.

"Hey, what's wrong?", I asked.

She shook her head in frustration. "People just can't do their jobs right." She laughed to take off the tension. "But anyway, are you guys ready to sing?"

"Yes.", we all said in unison.

She nodded at our enthusiasm. "Great! Let's start soundcheck then, shall we? We have one hour until people arrive, so let's get this party started."

~~~~45 minutes later~~~~

We were finally done with soundcheck and all of us we tired. It took longer than it needed because the microphones kept bugging out and Shawn was late to it so we did our duet last. We agreed to do Irresistable by Demi Lovato and Fall Out Boy just because it was a song we both knew and it was easy for us to sing. We also got the school orchestra to be available for the background instruments.

Once the school is done doing their routine to 'Set It Off' me and the girls were gonna sing Black Magic by Little Mix. After that we all do our solos- or in my case a duet and a solo. Jassie is singing YOUTH by Troye Sivan, Cindy is singing Love Song by Sara Bareilles, Tamera is singing Trainwreck by Demi Lovato, Merissa is singing Smile by Avril Lavigne, Shawn is singing Believe a song he wrote himself, and I'm singing a song that is not really a song but something I made into a song. I know Jay is gonna be surprised when I sing it that's for sure.

We have a couple of minutes left until people start arriving so I decided to get some water and to just relax. I go over to the party table and see a bowl of punch and then see at least 30 cups filled with water. I take one of them and instantly start drinking it in big gulps. I take my phone off of the table that Ari put there when we did our soundcheck. It's 8:49 pm. I look up at the sky to realize that the moon is fully out and the stars are starting to come shining brightly in the sky.

I see some of the students come into the area where the party is held. They head to the stage gathering around Ariana. I'm guessing they're the kids who are in the 'Set It Off' performance. I sigh and put my cup in the trash. I take my phone with me as I head on the left staircase by the stage and sit down on it.

I hear footsteps come behind me and see someone bend down to sit next to me. Shawn.

"Hello.", Shawn says getting comfortable on the stair he was sitting on.

"Hey, Shawn.", I breathed out. "Watcha doing?"

He laughed. "Talking to you, duh."

"Well yeah, but-"

"But I just saw you over here and figured I should sit and talk to you.", he said cooly. "Can't leave a pretty girl sitting all alone now can I?"

I smiled to myself trying to hide it by biting my lip. "Thank you."

"Are you ready to get on stage?", he asked, quickly changing the subject.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess. I mean, I kinda hate that Ariana told us so last minute. We barely got time to practice."

"Hey," He nudged my shoulder playfully. "you'll do fine. All of us will do good. Besides, it's only a couple of songs. Nothing major that we can't get through."

I rubbed my temples and sighed. "Yeah, you're right. I'm just overthinking this. It's gonna go smoothly and I have nothing to worry about."

"Exactly. Plus, how can a girl who fought off a dragon be afraid to sing a few songs?"

I laughed at his comment lightly. "Right."

We sat in silence for moment. I forgot what it was like to have Shawn as a friend. He was and still is always there for me when I need him. I don't know why I was so worried when Ariana told me he was gonna do a duet with me. It's not like anything has changed between other than we're not dating, but that obviously hasn't affected us. We're still good friends.

"The song that you're singing, it's really good. Did you right that?", Shawn asked.

"Uh no, not exactly."

Shawn was about to continue the conversation until Ben walked up. He had on his regular attire except this time with a crown on his head. He looked happy like always, but in a brighter mood. Like he was actually ready to have fun.

"Hey, Ellie,", he said. I waved. He looked over to Shawn. "and Shawn. What're you guys doing over here? Get into the party mood."

I just laughed at his excitement, not responding to it. Shawn on the other hand decided to get up from his spot and pat Ben on the shoulder.

"Come on Ellie, we have to do what the king says or else he might banish us to the dungeon.", Shawn said.

Ben nods his head. "He is right. I command you both to have fun."

I shrugged and got up. Why not have a little fun? It is a party after all.

"As you wish, my king." I bowed down playfully making Ben and Shawn laugh.

"Now that's more like it.", Ben cheered.

I stood back up straight looking at Ben. I was gonna talk to his mom about going back on the island during Spring Break, but since Ben is the new king and he is right here I might as well should ask him. It would be the perfect time considering I can't see the Queen anywhere.

"Hey Ben, I actually need to talk to you about something."

He raised his eyebrows making it look like he was interested in what I was about to say

"I'll leave you two to it. See you around, Ben.", Shawn said, before walking.

Ben waved at him, but he didn't notice since he already walked off. He turned back around towards me looking down at me since I was like a foot shorter than him.

"What is it?", he asked, looking very curious.

I bit my lip hoping for what I'm about to say to not sound like something stupid. "I was just wondering if you would, you know, open the barrier to the island for me?", I said rather quickly.

He furrowed his eyebrows looking confused, but then just started laughing. I bit my lip again to stop looking so embarrassed.

"You're funny, Ellie. But seriously what did you want to ask me?", he asked, after dying down his laughter. I didn't respond and kept biting my lip and messing with my hands. I could feel Ben stare at me intently, but then heard him take in a deep breath.

"Ellie.", he said sternly. I glanced up at him and was right. He was staring at me. "You were kidding, right?"

"Nope.", I answered. "But I promise it's for a very good reason."

He scoffed. "Ellie, after everything we just went through today you seriously want me to open the barrier?", he questioned like he still didn't believe me.

"Yes, I just figured that you would since you were the king now and you're my best friend that you'd-"

"That I'd risk one of my best friends going there. Really?"

I rolled my eyes at him. He was totally over exaggerating this. "It's not like I don't know the place, I grew up there. I would be totally fine!"

He sighed and just scratched his head. "Why do you even want to go back there?"

"I....It's just something I have to do."

"Ellie, how do you expect me to just let you go if you don't give me a simple explanation?"

"It's not as simple as you'd think.", I muttered under my breath.

"Try me.", he said, confidently.

I looked up at him in his eyes. "I have to go visit my father, Hades."

Dun dun dun. I decided to split this into two parts because I didn't want this chapter to be too long that you'd get bored of it. Yes, it's a cliffhanger. DON'T HATE ME! The part 2 will be coming soon. You never know. I'll catch you awesome people around. Remember to vote, share, comment your feedback and questions for the Q & A #2.

Bye lovelies! <3

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