My Teacher Wants Me!

By gymgirl425

74.3K 1K 388

Twelve year old, Elizabeth Wilson, gets kidnapped by her teacher. She was not prepared for what had happened... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

9K 123 27
By gymgirl425

We were in the car driving to the Kenton's house. The game with Trivia Crack was getting really intense because we were battling with a german person. I know. Weird, but it was really fun. We were getting so intense, but there was one question asking 'what is made up of everything?' a. Apples b. bananas c. Poop d. Dirt. We were both stumped we didn't know. I was putting my money on bananas, but Andrew said poop.

"No it can't be poop. That's just gross!"

"Oh come you know it's true! Everything is made of poop, not bananas."

"Uh-uh," I said shaking my head, "not everything is made of poop. I swear, it has to be bananas because nothing else make sense to answer the question."

We both looked down at the screen and we five seconds left to answer the question, so Andrew picked poop. WRONG! "Ha!" I screamed, "it was bananas. See, you should really listen to me more."

"Shut up," Andrew grumbled. I laughed at our child like behavior and he joined in.

We played a few more rounds with the German person and we ended up wining that round. After that, we ended there and just looked out the window to see the trees pass by. I have actually never been to this part of the town because my mom had never let me. I really don't know why because it looked very quiet and peaceful.

Then, a house came into view, and let me tell you, wow! This house was amazing! it wasn't too small, and it wasn't too big. Just perfect. The house was made of wood, so it had a cabin feel to it. The house looked to be a two story which was perfect for the Kenton's.

"This house is so beautiful!" I stared in awe through the car window. Mrs. Kenston looked through her rear view mirror and smiled. "Why thank you sweetie. it took a lot of persuading to get my husband to buy this house," Mrs. Kenston said. I looked at her in the mirror and laughed.

"Well I have to say, you have amazing taste Mrs. Kenston," I complemented.

We finally parked in front of a double garage door after driving on the long dirt road. The three of us got out of the car, and Andrew and I grabbed our bags from the trunk. Mrs. Kenton opened the garage door with a password on the pad.

We walked in past the garage and walked into the house which started at the kitchen. Wow! I thought. This house was like from a magazine. The kitchen had a nice island in the middle with nice steel appliances. Andrew went to grab something to eat as a snack and sat at the island. I walked into the family room where two comfortable looking chairs and a nice soft couch were at. The family room also had an x-box. Then came the dining room. It was spectacularly done eventhough the house carried the cabin look to it.

"Come here sweetie-pie," 'what's up with this woman calling me all these names?' I thought. I turn to see Mrs. Kenton wave me over. "I'll show you where you will be staying." I followed her up the stairs that had a long hallway. There were three doors on the right and two on the left. We stopped at the last door on the left.

"This is your room you'll sleep in for tonight, okay?" She asks me as she opens the door. My eyes widen a little as I walked in. The room was pretty big that had a queen size bed and a little night stand on the side. The room had a nice fresh paint of a light soft yellow that I could smell and a dresser on the side of the room.

"Thank you. I love it Mrs. Kenton, " I said to her as I smiled.

"Please, when we're outside of school, call me Lois."

I hesitated, "T-thank you, Lois. " Damn my stuttering!

She smiled back at me like she also wanted something else. I dont know. She pointed, "well, the bathroom is right across from you, the middle door, and on the first right is my husband's and my room. Right next to your room is Andrew's. "

"Alright, thank you for telling me. "

"Not a problem, " she said with a little smile.

"Well, we should go back down."

"Of course."

I placed my sleeping bag down gently, and I followed Mrs.- I mean Lois down the hallway and to the stairs.

We got to the kitchen and saw Andrew stuffing his mouth with food as I sat at the island with him. Lois scowled at Andrew, " Andrew! Stop eating so much. You're going to get sick and spoil your dinner!"

"Kfhhis mdbh, " Andrew said.

"What?" I asked.

"He said sorry mom, but all you hear is 'kfhhis mdbh'," she mocked. I laughed at her imitation, and Andrew glared at me.

Then we heard the front door open and close. "Honey I'm home!" A deep voice said that resonated throughout the house. It kind of scared me.

"In the kitchen sweetie!" Lois said.

I heard the padding of feet coming towards the kitchen, but it was more than one pair and saw a very large man come through the door way. He was built who had on a police officer uniform, and a big German Shepard was there too.

"Wilson!" Andrew exclaimed as he threw himself onto the floor with opened arms. The dog went over to Andrew and licked his face. A lot.

The man was next to Lois and they kissed. Awww! "How was work sweetie?" She asked. "It was fine, nothing big happened except for finding a teenager with fifty pounds of weed in his house." "What's going to happen to him?" "Well, we don't know yet, but he'll probably do jail for five years." "Poor boy," Lois said sadly.

Then the father turned his head and looked at me. I got really nervous so I looked at the counter top quickly. "Who's this we have here?" He asked nicely.

"This is Elizabeth Wilson, the girl I was talking about last night, Andrew's friend," she said,but with a secret message behind it I couldn't figure out.

I looked up to see the father and he looked straight at me. He was shocked when he saw me, quickly covered it and smiled nicely. His green eyes sparkled as he spoke. "My name is Jared Kenton. You can call me Jared." He stuck his hand out for me to shake and I did. He drew in a sharp breath and I didn't know why. Then I took my hand out of his quickly, but it was a struggle because of his firm grip on my hand. He looked at his wife, " honey, how about we go get the pizza now?" He suggested.

"Yeah sure, let me go get my wallet." Andrew came up to me and asked if I wanted to watch some t.v. and I agreed. I looked over at the father one last time, his eyes filled with joy, sadness, and happiness? I turned quickly and joined Andrew in the family room where we watched American Horror Story. Wtf. I don't even know this show, but I stay quiet.

"Alright guys," Lois said walking towards the front door. "We'll be back soon with the pizza."

I looked over at Andrew's parents as they looked like normal parents. Wait?! How did the father change so quickly? Oh well. I waved a goodbye to them and turned back to watching tv with Andrew as Wilson hopped up on the couch. I scratched his head and he layed down on my leg.


Jared's POV

" Lois what is going on?"I asked my wife in a stern voice when we finally got into the car.

"Andrew invited his friend over to sleepover and hang out with," she said innocently.

I paused and thought hard because I knew she was not telling the whole story. " so this is our daughter?" I asked, and I knew Lois's answer, but I wanted to make sure it was true.

"Of course she is!" She exclaimed. "Don't you think I would know my own child?"

"I dont know. Remember what happened last time, I warned her.

"I know, I know, but this is our daughter. I can feel it." She looked down at her hands."The way I touch her. .. it feels so right. I feel so connected to her like any mother would feel to her child. Jared," my eyes bounced from the road to hers as I drove, "I know this is our daughter. Even you felt it through the hand shake." True. "Plus, I saw a little birth mark behind the left ear. Just like our little Angela when she was born."

Tears began to well up in my eyes at remembering my wife's delivery. I knew that was my daughter. I just couldn't believe it, and now I could. I parked the car in front of the pizza place and looked at my wife. We hugged each other as she cried into my arms. "We found our daughter Jared. We found her and were not going to let her go, ever,"Lois whispered into my ear.

I felt like I was complete now. I had my wife, my son, and now my daughter. My perfect little family. But then it dawned on me, and I pulled back at arms length. "Wait, what about her parents?: Lois smiled.

"Don't worry honey. I have a friend I keep in touch with and I had him do a little search for her parents. Their names are Peter and Kristin Wilson. Right now, they're on a business trip and they have no other family. So, he said he would take care of it when I told him the green light." She smiled sweetly.

I knew what she meant. She was going to have them killed for kidnapping our daughter, and I knew it was wrong, but I would do anything to get my daughter back. I nodded at her and went to get the pizza.


Lois's POV

I wiped my tears as I smiled. Jared finally saw that this was our daughter. Yes, I know that I had done this before and I was wrong, but I knew this time she was mine. Now, all I need ed to do is to tell Andrew this is his sister. But he has to keep quiet because he will end up calling her Angela. I don't blame him though. That name Elizabeth Wilson is alright, but it doesn't suit her very well. Angela Kenton. Perfect.

Some how I have to find a way to get her to understand that she is ours, not her other"parents". If I had the chance, I would rip their heads off for ripping my baby away from me at the hospital. Missing almost thirteen years of my daughter's life. But, if she freaks out and tries to run, I will have to restrain her. I know it will hurt her, but she needs to know where she really belongs.

I take a deep breath as Jared comes back from the pizza place. He places the pizza into the car and gets in the driver's seat. He turns the car on and pulls out of the parking lot. Grabbing my hand, I entwine my hand with his as we drive back to our lovely children.


Ugh! Finally... im sorry... I don't know what happened to the huge amount of writing that went missing. .. but I got it all rewritten. ...

Goodnight guys gymnastics practice tomorrow. .. yay!

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