Bat and the Bird

By GrayBat_OTP

42.4K 901 234

GrayBat FanFic More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chaoter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 (1/2)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
~Not a Chapter~
Chapter 32

Chapter 22

885 24 5
By GrayBat_OTP

" sure you want to do this?" I ask, holding Dick's hand. Or rather, not being able to get my hand out of his iron grip. "After the whole 'Court of Owls, turning you into a Talon, girlfriend cheats on you and is part of a plot to kill you, then is killed by the Joker' incident?"
"I had to eventually. Thanks for coming."
"I'm surprised Haly's even came back to Gotham."

"Yeah. Anyway, I have a surprise for you." Dick says mysteriously. I slap his arm.

"Tell me now."

"You have to wait."
"Richard John Grayson, you will tell me this instant!" I yell.

"That's not asking nicely."

"You're the nice one, Grayson. I'm the sarcastic one." I say.
"True. So you have to wait."

After the show, Dick leads me into a dressing room, and covers my eyes.

"What're you, oh my!" I yell, seeing the pink and blue acrobatic suits in front of me.
"Put it on." Dick commands. "Please." I walk into the bathroom, still baffled on why I'm doing this.
"So, now what?" I ask when I walk out, and see Dick in his blue suit.

"Now we fly."

Dick pulls me up the trapeze platform. Got to admit, he's got guts, considering what happened to his parents last time he was up here. Before I can object, he grabs my hand and pulls me off the platform, jumping on a trapeze.

"Haha!" I scream, grinning.
"Just don't fall." He whispers, then he gets a smile. "I'm not carrying you up here again."

"Trust me, Boy Wonder. I'm not going anywhere but up." I do a flip, and Dick catches me, pulling me onto his, before jumping onto mine. "So it's going to be like that now, is it?"

After a good hour, we land on the platform. I sink to the ground.

"That was freaking exhilarating!" I declare. I wrap my hand around his. "You know, we've always gotten through life, haven't we?"

"Yeah. Although, I was shot two months ago."

"Don't remind me! I am trying to forget that!" I whisper.

"Why? I can only remember bits and pieces. I remember you singing."

"Great. The most embarrassing part of the night."
"You're good at singing."

"You were dying. Of course you thought that. I-mmph?" Dick presses my lips to hiss, cupping my chin in one hand. We break away when we have to come up for air.

"Surprise." He whispers.
"In the ten years that I've known you, Grayson, I'm not surprised by your kisses." I reply. Dick grins.

"What about this?" He asks, grabbing my waist and leaping off the platform, holding onto the trapeze with only one hand, before I put one of mine on the bar.

"Ok, maybe."

GrayBat, reunite! Just wanted to put in a little Haly's in, to add to the feels.

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