Riptide (A One Direction Fan...

By skeeter1212

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All Alice Greene wants is a normal summer before she heads off to college. But when she saves a mysterious bo... More

Riptide (A One Direction Fan Fiction)
Chapter 3: Hanging out with the Boys
Chapter 4: I Have a Date with Harry Styles?
Chapter 5: The Real Date
Chapter 6: Rock Climbing
Chapter 7: Moving on
Chapter 8: Bonding with Kat
Chapter 9: Life Goes in One Direction
Chapter 10: Starting over?
Chapter 11: Does anyone else see him shirtless?
Chapter 12: Are We Getting Back Togethor?

Chapter 2: Sunshine and Mystery Boys

147 4 1
By skeeter1212

I open my eyes and see sunshine peeking through my blinds in my room. I think to myself, trying to remember if I had gone to bed by myself. I flush when I relaize that Tanner must have carried me to my room and tucked me in when I had fallen asleep. Man the feels...

{Five Days Later}

The past week has been hectic from getting ready to leave High School to preparing for summer i have had little free time to get out and enjoy the sunny weather. Its now Saturday June 15th, the first offical day of the summer before college, and I plan to make the most of it.

Sun beating down on me and the music blasting I pull up at Kat's house and her and my other four friends run out of the house excited for the day ahead. We have decided to go to the beach and enjoy what California has to offer before we head our sepereate ways for college and I drown in the Washington rain.

They all tumble into the car and I speed off. Once we get to the beach we set up on towels and start tanning, well they tan and I lather myself in sunscreen and sit under the shade of the umbrella. I do not need to get sunburnt, again. After about a half and hour of just relaxing I decide I have had enough and head to the water for a cool down. I slowly wade into the water and it relaxs me right way. As I am floating in the water peacefully I hear some one in the distance screaming for help. I jolt out of my calm state and my life guarding instincts take effect, I have worked at the community pool as a lifegaurd every summer since sophomore year so I respond instantly.

I am swimming as fast as I can to reach the struggling swimmer, most likely a tourist of some sort those people dont know what the ocean is capable of. Once I have reached the yelling the realization hits me that the swimmer, who happens to be a teenage boy about my age, is caught in a strong tide that could kill him. He keeps on dunking both of  us under water "Stop resisting me I am only trying to help you" I yell. Then, suddenly his body goes limp and  I wrap my arms around his waist and begin to swim. I exit the tide and swim back to where my friends are still tanning. Realizing that Jasmine, Grace, and Kat are all asleep I call for Lizzy to come and help me drag him to shore. She looks up at me and sees the boy in my arms and sprints to the water. Once on the other side of him she grabs his arm and places it around her shoulder and we drag him to my towel on the beach. After multiple attempts at trying to wake him up I decide to initiate CPR. Because I was a life gaurd for so many years I have had my fare share of mouth to mouth experiences, and lets just say some of them are nasty. But as soon as I breathed into his mouth, after ten chest compressions, I feel an automatic connection. After multiple cycles and attempts and resusitaction I hear a coughing and he spits up sea water and I sit him up slighty so he doesnt choke. "Hey are you okay, I was swimming and I heard you yelling for help so I dragged you here and did CPR" I told the boy.

He still seemed to be in shock so I wrapped him in the towel and woke up all the other girls telling them what had happened and that I was going to take him to the hospital.

"I am going to take you to the hospital so they can see if you hit your head or anything, okay?" I ask the mystery boy.

He then speaks up and I notice his thick English accent right away "There is no need for that love I am fine and thank you for saving my life" He then thinks it is a marvelous idea to try and stand but his legs are like noodles and he instantly collapses on top of me.

"Uff, yeah you are not okay, at least let me take you back to where you are staying." I say pushing him of me.

He looks at me with a strange glance and opens his mouth to speak"Sure that would really help me out because I walked here from my beach house down that way and I dont think I could make it all the way back to it in this condition."

"Alrighty it is settled lets wrap things up so that we can get going" I tell him and the rest of the girls. Although the girls are sad that we have to leave I am their only ride home so they dont complain. We reach the car and we all pile in and the boy laying in the very back row of the car. I ask him where to go and he tells me that it is just down the way and on the right. As I drive i tell all the girls to be quite so that we dont disturb him and we slowly pull up to a huge, I mean huge beach house. It looks as if it would have cost millions of dollars. I think to myself wondering how in the world he could afford such an expensive place to stay on vacation.

We all pile out of the car and I help him out into the courtyard. He walks up to the door and rings the doorbell because he must have not had a key. I assume that he is staying with his family from England or something but to my suprise a handsome boy about the same age as us opens the door widely and jumps to hug the boy I was supporting. He screams"Hazza we have missed you so much!! Where were you? The boys and I thought you had drowned or got kidnapped by young teenage girls" I think to myself, What a strange name, Hazza, and why would he get kidnapped becasue the drowning wasnt that illogical, I did save him.

Hazza then speaks up " Louis stop calling me that you need to call me Harry, becasue thats my real name and I can call you Boo Bear" He says this with a smirk and I decide that his name is not Hazza but Harry and that this hyper boy in front of me in named Louis.

I speak up and tell Louis the story and how I saved him and Louis hugs me and the rest of the girls, Lizzy a little bit to long. If you know what I mean. He invites us in and I am blown away by the vast beach house that is layed out in front of us. Louis motions for me to lay Harry on the couch and we all stand there awkwardly until Louis tells us to sit down.

"So I feel like it is rude to intrude but I wanted to deliver him in one piece and we will be getting out of your way"  I say rushing and the girls and I get up to leave but, Louis has other ideas as I feel a someone grab my wrist. He turns me around quickly" You saved my best friends life the least I could do for you is invite all of you to dinner and we can watch a movie with the boys" He rushes. I think to myself and I am confused on how just friends could afford this place and just assume that they are some rich kids of a English CEO in a far away land.

"That sounds like great fun, we'd love to" Lizzy spurts. She slightly blushes too.

"I agree, sounds amazing" Jasmine says. I guess I dont have a choice and we awkwardly make our way to sit back down next to Harry who is now sitting up. I sit right next to him as Louis calls upstairs to his other friends. "Hey boys come downstairs we have company!!!' Louis yells.

Then suddenly three tall, handsome teenagers tumble down the stairs and make their way to the living room with Louis.

"Hi, I'm Liam" A tall boy with a sandy brown quiff says, offering his hand to shake. I take it and he moves on to the others to greet. This continues with the other two who I learn are Niall, the blonde one with a beautiful simle and thick Irish accent, and Zayn, a Persian looking boy with tattoos and a jet balck quiff. I hadnt realized till now but they all seem to have tattoos except for Niall... Hmmph oh well.

We all sit in the living room and then Niall speaks up "I am starved, we should all order Nandos" Then Liam tells him in a fatherly tone "Niall, remember that we are in America and they dont have Nandos here" Niall then huffs and leans back on the couch frowning.

I pipe up and tell them that I know this really delicious chinese take out place that we can order from. Everyone agrees and Harry takes out his phone and I looks it up, walking into another room to place the order. He seems to have made a full recovery and I am glad that I was able to help him because him and his friends seem to be a nice crew.

Once Harry leaves I ask them some questions "So how is your vacation and where are you from?" I ask out of curiousity.

All the boys look at me doumbfounded and Liam speaks up "Not to sound conceded or anything, but dont you five young ladies know who we are?"

We all look at him puzzled and Kat says" Nope I dont think so, should we?"

I am suddenly jerked from my place on the couch and dragged into a room with a computer along with the other girls who have been guided here by the guys. There Louis types in What Makes you Beautiful into youtube ane presses play. I then see all five of them running around on the beach and singing a song that I cant seem to place. All of a sudden Grace says

"Ohhhhh so you are that boy band that all the squealing teenage girls are drooling over...I think Alice might have played one of your songs in her car one time on the way to school. RIght Girls?"

There is a chorus of "oh yeahs" and "oh you guys" and then it all clicks into place. How they can afford this beach house and why they are all so well groomed and *cough* attractive *cough*. Right as it all clicks Harry walks in and tells us that he ordered enough food to feed a small country or just us and Niall.

"The girls didnt know who we were so we showed them a video and now they seem to recognize us a little" Louis tells Harry.

"Ohhh so you guys arent fans?" Harry asks us.

"Its not that we arent, we just havent heard much about you." Lizzy says

"Oh okay fare enough. Do you want to come into the living room again and we can chill until the food comes? Zayn asks

"Of course that sounds great" Jasmine says with a slight tint of rose on her cheeks.

We all sit in the living room until we decide to watch a movie. We bicker until we settle on Paranormal Activity 4. And lets just say that I do not do scary movies at all.

"Oh come on we can protect you, dont be scared." Harry comforts me.

I blush and decide its okay we all make our way to the huge wide screen and I hadnt even realized that It had gotten dark out and its about seven o'clock. I shrug to myself and just sit next to Harry and wait for the movie to start. I scream and yelp and get most scared when a doorbell goes off and everyone laughs at me until I realize that its just the Chinese food. Harry gets up to pay and I go with him. I insist on paying but he beats me to it and we take the food to all the others.

Once the movie had finished there was empty containers sprawled everywhere and Kat and Liam were snuggled togethor asleep along with Zayn and Jasmine. Lizzy was sitting on the couch on her phone and Louis was asleep next to her upside down. Then I look for Niall and find him and Grace passed out on the floor. I rest my head on what I thought was the couch but to my suprise was Harry and I jump back awkwardly trying not to make a scene. I check my phone and realize it is getting really late and that Tanner had texted me

*Goodnight beautiful!!! I hope you and  the girls had fun at the beach, call me if you need company now that your parents are on their buisness trip.*

I had totally forgot that they had left this morning and I had to go back and stay with my brother. I wake all of the sleeping girls and we say goodbye to the guys, promising that we will see them again soon and exchange phone numbers.

Once I had dropped everyong off I get home and crawl into bed and think about my day. I cant help but think about Harry and then Tanners lovely text. Urghhhh life... Oh well I fall asleep next to Skeeter and dream peacefully.

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