|| Endless Love ||

By foREVerWiThMe

34.6K 531 102


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2K 29 2
By foREVerWiThMe

"So how long have you been with Sam?" I asked Emily, helping her cook dinner.

"Nine years." She said softly, a loving smile spreading across her face.

"Wow. Love is still strong right?" I asked her, hoping not to offend or upset her.

She stopped what she was doing and turned to me, for a second, I really did think I crossed a line.

But the biggest smile went across her face and it filled me with warmth.

I could feel the love practically rolling off her.

"I wake up every morning, and for a second, I think maybe, just maybe, our life together was just a happy dream and that I'll finally come back to reality. " Emily said, leaning against the counter.

I leaned towards her, eager to hear everything she had to say.

"But then I feel his warmth against me, his strong heart beat under my finger tips, and I know it's not a dream. Its real. And I have this unbelievable sense of happiness that just flows through my veins. I have my happily ever after. I never thought I'd get that." She said warmly.

I couldn't help but lean forward and rub her arm.

"I'm really happy for you. Im glad that you two found each other." I said.

She grinned and nodded.

"Yeah. It wasn't always that way." Emily said, looking down. 

I scrunched my eyebrows up in confusion.

"What do you mean? Have you guys had problems before?" I asked her with concern in my voice.

"I, uh, don't really know where to begin." She admitted.

I sat down on a bar stool and patted the one next to me.

"Just start from the beginning." I told her, watching as she took a seat.

She looked really hurt, and it pulled at the strings of my heart.

I already see Emily as a part of my family, and seeing her upset, upsets me.

"Well, I didn't always live on the reservation. I actually lived a few miles away and my cousin, Leah lived here. She was always telling me that this place was great. Had amazing beaches and great people, and she had a boyfriend, Sam, that she really wanted me to meet." Emily explained.

My eyes widened against my will.

Its not possible.

Emily would never steal someone else's boyfriend.

Thats just not her.

I tried to control my expression.

I didn't want to judge her because I'm sure there's a good explanation for what happened.

"Your cousins boyfriend? Sam? My cousin Sam?" I asked her.

She nodded, looking down at her hands.

"Yeah. I finally found the time to come down and visit her and we were attached at the hip when we met up. We went to the beach, stayed up all night watching movies, and then she introduced me to her boyfriend." She said.

She paused and I leaned forward and grasped her hand, letting her know it's okay.

"My whole world stopped. I took one look at him, those dark eyes, and he had me. I fell head over heels in love with him the second he looked at me." Emily said.

"What happened to your cousin? I thought Sam was in love with her." I said, clearly confused.

"He was in love with her, believe me. The way she talked about him, there was no denying his feelings for her. But when you imprint, it's a whole other story. Your imprint is your other half, the one your meant to be with. No one can keep imprints apart once they've found each other. And as much as I hate myself for hurting Leah the way that I did, I can't stay away from Sam. I just cant." She said, her eyes filling with tears.

I got up and higher Emily.

"I know you hate yourself for hurting your cousin. But that's not something you can control. You had no choice. Like you said, you two were meant to be. And whether it be your cousin or someone else Sam was with, you two would've still wound up together. So don't go adding guilt that isn't necessary. You're happy and so is Sam. That's all that matters." I told her reassuringly.

She smiled up at me in appreciation.

"Thank you Eliza. I forgot what it's like to have a girlfriend. Im always around these bone heads." She laughed.

I laughed as well because I felt the exact same way.

I looked down at my hands and Emily judged my foot.

"Ask me." She said.

I smiled.

"Paul, he, uh, he can't fall out of love with me right? Not even if he meets another girl?" I asked her, unsure.

"Oh honey. You have nothing to worry about. Your his imprint. He'll stand by you, comfort you, fight for you if he needs to. Which won't take much for Paul? He's fight over the last chicken wing." Emily laughed.

I grinned and she squeezed my hand.

"All joking aside, he's crazy for you. I wish you could see the way that he looks at you. Then you wouldn't have any doubts." Emily said.

"Doubts about what?" Sam's deep voice came from behind us.

I turned quickly and Sam was walking in with Paul and the rest of the guys behind him.

I tried to keep my eyes on Paul's beautiful face but he was shirtless and the sight was more than a little distracting.

I grinned when he came closer and wrapped his arms around me.

He lifted me out of my chair and sat down, pulling me back down on his lap.

I smiled and leaned into his chest.

His warm arms wrapped around me and he rested his head on my shoulder close to the crook of my neck.

I could feel his hot breath against my skin and I had to tell myself over and over again to calm down. 

Emily looked over at me and gave me a knowing smile.

Sam's arms were wrapped around her and he was kissing along her neck.

"Ewww." Quill and Embry laughed.

Sam looked up and growled.

"No ones forcing you to be here. Go home for a change." Sam said, going back to what he was doing.

I laughed as the guys shut up and went to situate themselves in front of the t.v.

"Do you want to watch too?" I asked him, starting to stand up.

But Paul pulled me back down and wrapped his arms tighter around me.

"No. I'm where I want to be." He murmured in my ear.

I grinned and turned my head, leaning forward for a kiss.

Paul happily obliged.

Me and Paul sat there talking amongst ourselves when I heard the hard pounding of feet.

I turned to see who was coming and Jacob came dancing in.

I turned to Paul, waiting for an explanation but he just shook his head and came into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"Hey guys." He said as he grabbed an apple.

"Hi Jake. What's got you grinning so big?" I asked him.

He turned and his smile grew even wider.

And then I knew.

Only a girl can make a guy smile that wide.

"Who is she?" I asked him.

He looked down and his shock and embarassment was showing all over his face.

"Her names Bella." He told me.

I grinned.

"How come I haven't met your imprint yet?" I asked him.

His head snapped up and Paul started to laugh.

I looked around, confused.

"Bella's not Jacob's imprint. She's his obsession." Paul laughed.

Jacob was obviously upset by Paul's words.

I stood up and punches Paul in the chest, probably hurting myself more than him, as I followed Jacob outside.

He was sitting on the hood of Sam's car, staring at the fruit in his hand.

I went and sat beside him, nudging him with my elbow.

"Don't listen to him. He's just jealous cause he doesn't have friends outside of the pack." I said.

Jake looked up and started to laugh.

It was a minute before he actually talked.

"Thanks." He murmured.

"Anytime Jake." I told him.

He stated out at the forest, a dreamy smile on his face.

"Want to tell me about her?" I asked him.

He looked over at me and grinned.

"You really want to hear about Bella?" He asked me excitedly.

"Of course. She's obviously important to you. I'd even like to meet her." I said.

The biggest smile went across his face and he swept me up into his arms and held me tight.

"Whoa! Jake! Can't breathe!" I gasped.

Jake laughed and set me back down on the hood.

"So?" I asked him, promoting him to continue.

"Bella, Bella, Bella. Where to start?" Jake said aloud.

"How about the beginning. Thats always a good place." I laughed.

He grinned and sat back down.

"I first met Bella when we were kids...."

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