Strike! ストライキ

Por Akira_Misaki

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Sole is a young boy who woke up in a small, farm town called Mineas. He is trying to understand who he is and... Mais

Strike! ストライク
Chapter 1: Macabre Soul!
Chapter 2: A Boy Named Sole!
Chapter 3: Karvella, The Violent Female Swordsman!
Chapter 4: Sole's First Caravala!
Chapter 5: Captured?!
Chapter 6: The Town of Haine! The Kiji Tournament!
Chapter 7: Fight to the Death?!
Chapter 8: Caravala Massacre!
Chapter 9: Twisted!
Chapter 11: The Truth About Haji?
Chapter 12: Blood, Sweat, And Tears! Battle At The Altar!
Chapter 13: To Key Kingdom! Keys the Prince!
Chapter 14: Guard Mitsa vs Karvella! The Long Awaited Battle?
Chapter 15: Key Kingdom Awaits!
Chapter 16: Grand Arrival And Intervention! Into Key Kingdom!
Chapter 17: Second Battle With Mitsa! Proclamation To The Stars!
Chapter 18: Keys' Tears!
Chapter 19: Long Live The King! Mourn The Queen!
Chapter 20: Goodbye Key Kingdom! The New Companion!
Chapter 21: Sole's Condition Worsens! Through the Kurai Forest!
Chapter 22: Ignia, The Young Apothecary!

Chapter 10: The Crimson King?!

552 25 15
Por Akira_Misaki

F I R S T A R C : B E G I N! [ Opening: Wonderful World by FUNKIST ]

Special OST: Holy Ground (Haine Shrine)

Chapter 10: The Crimson King?!

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Karvella stands in a defensive pose, cuts covering her body. The figure standing in front of her, blocking her path is tall and slender but hard to see in the darkness. It holds a bloodied katana but its hands are unseen.

"Move it or lose it," she growls.

The figure tilts its head slightly, an amused, disembodied chuckle coming from its lips. Karvella's scowl deepens, her temper quickly reaching its brink. She jumps at her opponent but they dodge swiftly. She hadn't even seen them move. Karvella curses beneath her breath as the figure appears behind her.

"You're as reckless as always."

The resonating, deep voice makes her grip the handle of her sword tighter, turning her knuckles white. She turns around and stands with her hand on her hip.

"What are you doing here?"

The figure steps into the slight sunlight streaming in through the trees. He's a tall man with blonde hair, tied into a ponytail that hangs to his shoulders. He is wearing a well made, deep red kimono that hangs loosely on his body, revealing his chest. On his feet are wooden Geta sandals, with red designs etched into them. His golden eyes shimmer with contempt and familiararity.

"Keeping you from dragging yourself down any longer. Your actions have been careless recently. He's noticed."

Karvella rolls her eyes.

"As if he cares. He's the one who sent me away in the first place. I wonder if He knew that my mother was dead before he made me leave."

"He didn't."

"You sound quite sure of that. You've always been His loyal guard dog, haven't you?"

He puts his hand over the opposite side of his heart and bows slightly.

"Til death, milady."

Karvella bites her lip and stares down the side of the mountain, the scent of blood growing stronger.

"I need to save my friend."

The blonde man smiles slightly as he puts his katana away.

"When did you make a so-called friend? Is this friend a male? Have you forgotten your duties?"

"Shuddup and leave me alone," she says roughly, "I hate my duties. So why don't you go fetch a stick or something, bastard."

He chuckles as Karvella pushes past him and continues her descent down the mountain-side. Ahead at the base of the mountain, she hears a whoosh of fabric and her head snaps up. Karvella watches in horror as Sole flies upwards into the sky. Her eyes open widely and she jumps to the top of the trees. She's so far off, catching him is impossible. Sole begins to fall downwards, doing flips in the sky.

Karvella can feel her heart racing as she runs as fast as her legs can carry her. The adrenaline rushing through her body makes it impossible for her to tire out. Sole's body disappears past the trees, his coat whipping through the air towards Karvella. She catches it without stopping and jumps down onto the floor. She hears the first agonizing cry; the sound hurts Karvella's ears as she finally reaches the open field. Another horrified scream hits her ears as she enters the clearing and she takes in the scene. Sole is withering on the ground while Michean and Annicia try desperately to attack a large snake-like Caravala.

Karvella can see that both are injured but each continue to fight. She pulls out her black handled sword and walks slowly towards the beast. Her eyes are full of fury and her sword begins to shine with an eerie black light.

"How dare you hurt Sole," she snarls, "I will show no mercy!"

The snake notices the girl coming towards it and sweeps the two fighting teens to the ground with its tail. With a grunt Michean goes down. Annicia is silent, too exhausted from battling.

"Oh ho ho! Who are you, girl? Did you come to help me?"

Karvella doesn't reply to the entertained Caravala. It twists its head and squirms slightly as if to do a dance. It looks Karvella up and down, inspecting her.

"He he! I can smell that you aren't an ordinary human! Why don't you stop suppressing your presence and show me what you really are?"

"Fine," she says, a roar ripping from her throat.


I gaze up at the sky. I know that it's the wrong time to be doing so but I cannot help it. The sky calms me somehow. Beyond the electrified fencing there is a clear, blue sky.

Wouldn't it be nice to fly up there?


I try to sit up but my body doesn't cooperate with me. The sound of feet rushing towards me is covered by the sound of my heartbeat pounding in my ears. Annicia's face comes into view, covered in scratches and blood. She bends to me and pulls me up to a sitting position. I scream out as my disturbingly limp arm drops and touches the ground. Annicia lets go in surprise as Michean runs up behind her.

"D-Don't touch him! He's obviously in alot of pain!"

"What do you want me to do? We can't leave him!"

I grunt in pain as my two friends try to make a plan. Michean finally hoists me up in his arms with my left arm pointed downwards.

"Don't worry, Sole. We're almost there and we won't quit now! I promise that we won't leave you, but we need to leave while Karvella is fighting that thing."


I glance around as frantically as I can for the Caravala. It's poised a few yards away, its giant hood opening up. I see the familiar violet haired girl standing across from it. The only thing between us is the Caravala.

"Karvella! She's alive," tears come to my eyes, "She's alive!"

"Yes. Now let's hurry!"

Michean takes off running towards the forest, flanked by Annicia.

I'm so glad that Karvella is alive that I don't care about anything else.


Haji stands at the edge of the finishing platform. The mood here is different from out there. It seems more calm and less dangerous. He puts his foot up on it when he hears a savage hiss come from behind him. He turns sharply and watches as the Caravala snake smashes into the ground. Karvella leaps upwards from the trees and brings her sword down on it's neck. A disturbing array of blood and black lights spray across the field. Even from afar he can tell that she is exhausted.

She turns and starts limping towards the opposite side of the forest. Haji notices that the snake moves slightly. He gives an eerie grin and sits on the edge of the platform waiting for it to strike. Karvella doesn't seem to notice it at all as she tries to stumble into the forest.

Haji smiles, 'That'll take care of her once and for all.'

The snake rises up, its tail has been severed from its body. It springs towards her and Haji leans forwards in anticipation. Something bursts from the forest and the snake Caravala goes down. Haji snarls beneath his breath and stands. Trance hovers over the snake before rushing to Karvella. She turns to him and smiles brightly which makes Haji livid.

"Damn him. He'll pay for that," he growled.


Trance helps Karvella up the mountain. She leans on him with an uncomfortable grin on her face. He watches her movements carefully. Karvella drives her nails into the flesh of her arm and grits her teeth as if she is experiencing a horrendous pain. Trance does not speak to her but he takes note of her erratic behavior.

He takes one last look at the dead snake Caravala before disappearing into the trees.


The sky above has darkened. I only know because it is the only thing I can see. Michean continues running with me towards what I assume is the finish. Annicia does not speak a word as the path opens out into a clearing. Dead Caravala birds lay scattered everywhere.

"At least we know we're close," Michean says, "Karvella must have killed them."

He takes off running again up the mountain trail. Even though I have never felt such excruciating pain, my friends are alive and we are almost done with this hell.

Can such a happy ending exist?


'Dammit,' Haji thought as he stood behind a nearby pillar. The three kids he had left to fend for themselves start to head towards the altar. He needs to buy time for himself and find a way to kill them without doing it directly. Haji looks to the forest but no Caravala seem to be in sight. He pulls out a tiny flute, fashioned with white steel and blows into it; A long, shrill note is produced. The three kids turn around quickly in confusion, ten minutes away from the altar's golden entrance.

"I promise that this time you will not survive."

Just as Haji wanted, two Caravala burst from the treeline. A four tailed rabbit-like one and another which is similar to the eyeball ones he had encountered earlier. He sits on the edge of the altar and smiles.


A noise erupts from the woods. It pierces my ears with its loud sound. We turn quickly as two Caravala explode from the forest. Michean and Annicia stand in a defensive position, but I can tell that both are two injured to fight. The thought of watching my friends die horrifies me.

"Just run!"

They both glance at me in confusion but turn and dash away up the mountain trail. The sound of the Caravala clamoring along behind us makes my heart thump louder in my chest. The trail is almost eerily silent except for the boisterous steps behind us, Michean and Annicia's hard breathing and the sound of trees crashing down behind us.

"Shit," I heard Annicia yell, "There's no way we can outrun them, Michean!"

Michean turns to her slightly but he keeps running. I can hear the beasts ravaging the forest behind us, closing the distance between us and them. The sudden drop in air, due to what I think is the elevation from being so high up the mountain, causes Annicia's breaths to become more strangled and Michean's chest to rise and fall almost violently. The path takes a sharp left, throwing off the pursuing beasts, but the curve causes us to slow down. The trail splits up ahead, separated by thick forest, and Michean gives me a conflicted look. I'm not sure which way leads to the finish either.

"Go right," Annicia yells.

Michean nods at her but I notice Annicia going left. She pulls out her whip blade and glances back at the beasts who are in pursuit of us again.

"What are you doing? Go right!"

She gives me a melancholy smile and disappears behind the trees. Why? All of my friends are sacrificing theirselves trying to protect me. Why? The monsters aren't as unintelligent as Annicia anticipated though. One goes left and the other clamors after us with huge clawed feet. Michean approaches a large, golden gate that is engraved with a strange pattern. It's beautiful and entricate patterns send a wash of calmness over my body; the pain seemingly subsiding.

Michean dashes into the gate, falling over himself and dropping me. Pain shoots up my arm as I hit the floor. Michean attempts to get up, knowing that the Caravala is right behind us but he's too tired. I use all of my upper body strength to pull myself up into a wobbly standing position. The monster rushes towards us, lunging with all of his might, saliva and blood dripping from its fangs.

I do my best to thrust my arm outwards, trying to make it activate but the only reaction that I get is sharp pain. I drop to my knees.

"Sorry I can't be stronger, Michean..."

He only looks at me, breathing too hard to speak. Blood splatters the ground beneath him, gushing from his open wound. I think of how short this journey has been and how I will never see Karvella again. I imagine her excited smile and my shoulders sag.

I will miss her.

"It has been good, Karvella," my eyes water, "Thanks."

The Caravala runs under the gate and lunges towards me. Michean reaches his hand out towards me, blood dripping from the side of his mouth.


A brilliant white light bursts from the spot in front of me and the beast stops suddenly. I have been saved again. How truly pathetic.

"Dorsum vestrum daemonium!"

The Caravala growls at the voice but doesn't proceed any closer. The light is too bright for me to see anything but I know that the voice is somewhat unfamiliar. The man's voice, which is deep and loud, resonates through beyond the gate. The beast backs away and takes off down the path. The light subsides suddenly and I blink quickly to try to get my sight back. The first thing I notice is Michean laying facedown on the floor in a pool of his own blood. I tumble forwards over to him, but I cannot pick him up because of the inability to use either of my arms.

"Michean? Michean!"

He doesn't move which sends a shiver rushing up my spine.

"No...Michean, please get up. You can't be dead! Not you!"

Someone puts a gentle hand on my shoulder and I look up, tears pouring down my face. My vision is blurry but i'm sure that it's the man in the red cloak.


A burst of light explodes from just ahead of Karvella and Trance. Karvella flinches away from it.

"Shit," she growls.

Trance does not question her; he only examines. The light disappears and a huge rabbit-like Caravala comes running down the path with its ears lain low to its head. It rushes straight past them and disappears into the trees. Trance drags Karvella up the hill, though her body seems to be weakening the closer they approach.

"What's wrong, Karvella?"

"Stupid exiles...," she whispers viciously.

Trance continues to pull her along, despite her physically trying to pull away from him. They reach a beautiful golden altar with large statues that he recognized as Haine. Trance steps into the gate but Karvella pulls away sharply.

"What the hell, Karvella!"

"I can't go in there."

He stares at her in confusion.


"I'm just not good around religion. I don't believe in it."

He narrows his eyes at her.

"You've been acting weird, Karvella. I've been wondering...why is that?"

She lifts her head slightly, her eyes piercing into his.

"What are you insinuating?"

"Nothing," he says, smirking, "I just don't think you are who you say you are."

Karvella stands up as straight as she can and gives him a cocky grin. Trance cracks his knuckles and she grabs the handle of her blue sword. The two face off, ready to battle it out for a reason unknown to either of them.

"Karvella! Trance!"

They both freeze and turn towards the path. Standing there is a beat up Annicia who is breathing heavily and dragging her whip-sword.

"What are you doing? The altar's right there!"

Trance puts his hands down and he and Karvella exchange heated glares. Annicia feels the tension in the air but does not question them anymore.

"Look, Trance," she says quietly, "I apologize for blaming you for what happened to Sole."

He looks at her for a moment and turns back to the golden altar.

"That's not needed."

"The least you could do is reassure me that it's okay, idiot! Here I am trying to be a lady and you're acting fickle!"

Karvella breaks out into her usual boisterous laughter and Annicia smiles. Trance steps onto the altar but not before a roar erupts loudly from the forest.

"What the hell?"

A large Caravala with two long tails and a horribly disfigured face explodes from the forest. The three all stand at the ready in their fighting positions but the cuts on its body are deep and blood pours from its body. The Caravala tumbles to the ground with an anguished cry and dies. Karvella's ears prick slightly at the cry and she takes a step backwards.

"What's wrong?"

"In all my years of being a bounty hunter," her voice says shakily, "I've never heard a Caravala scream like that."

Trance and Annicia both give each other anxious looks. Karvella grabs her blue handled sword from her sheath and points it at the forest behind the Caravala's body.

"Show yourself!"


"It's you!"

I wipe my eyes and smile at the man in the red cloak. He gives me a confused look and bent to my level.

"Oh you're that kid," he says, "I didn't expect to see you here."

I stand up and hug him for some reason. Maybe just seeing a familiar face makes me happy. He's so much taller than me; My face only reaches his tanned abs, which are adorned with gold and ripped down his midriff. I feel kind of inferior but he's probably much older than me. He stands there awkwardly before pushing me off gently.

"Sorry...I don't do very well with kids."

"Who are you? Why were you in jail?"

He narrows his eyes at me and yawns.

"You will know soon enough."

"Well, my name is Sole."

He nods and walks towards a large golden throne, sitting sideways so that his back is touching one armrest and his feet hang over the other one. Then, he picks up a bottle of what I assume is alcohol and drinks quietly.

"Um...are we at the right altar?"

"Yeah you are. I'm just really disappointed right now," he moans, " I mean...come on..."

"Wait! Why?"

He stands up suddenly, comes over to me and begins to shake my shoulders forward and back.

'Where are the women?"

"What? That's what you're disappointed about!"

"Of course! I need women and booze!"

I sneer at him playfully, shaking my head back and forth.

"So you're just a lecherous old man, huh? Figures..."

He turns abruptly and waves his arms furiously.

"What did you just say? Old? I'm only 21!"

"That's pretty old to me!"

"Shut your mouth, runt!"

I hear a groan next to me and twist towards it. Michean is halfway sitting up but he isn't well. His clothes are slick with blood and his breathing is rough. I run over to him while the red cloaked man rants about being young and the lack of women in our group. Michean tries to stand up but he can't.

"Don't move, Michean. We're safe."

He looks around and stares at the red cloaked man for a moment.

" that weird guy?"

"I am not quite sure myself who he is or what he is doing here," I mumble, "I didn't think he was a part of the Kiji Tournament."

The red cloaked man becomes silent and sits down crosslegged in the grass. I sit across from him with Michean using my shoulder as support.

"You weren't supposed to know," he says firmly, "I am Ryuga, The Crimson King."

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