The Power Couple (Cake; Cara...

By livingwithfun

86.1K 2.1K 362

In this cruel world where surviving is a struggle, Kendall and Cara have been lucky enough to find true love... More

Chapter 2 - Reality Rocks
Chapter 3 - Surprises
Chapter 4 - Annie Clark
Chapter 5 - Heated Competition
Chapter 6 - #FixedUp... or not
Chapter 7 - It Was Annie
Chapter 8 - What Happened In Paris...
Chapter 9 - What Heppened in Paris II
Chapter 10 - How It All Began
Chapter 11 - The First Time 'It' Happened..
Chapter 12 - How We Fell
Chapter 13 - I need you...
Chapter 14 - Final Chapter.You. Me. Us.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

12.8K 246 33
By livingwithfun

"Kendall! Look up here!"
"Pose kendall!"
"Let me see the face babe!"
"Over here! Over here!"
"Who are you wearing?"

The voices keep calling me as I try my best to walk into the restaurant among the huge crowd that surrounded me. Some are actual fans, asking for an autograph or selfie while others mostly include the paparazzi and journalists.


They are a regular and equally annoying part of my daily life. They actually get paid for following me around and detecting flaws or parts of my life others are unaware of. They get very excited to shame me, to publically leak anything embarrassing they can put their hands on, and spread rumors that could possibly never be farther away from reality.

Struggling with false rumors is a rather daily routine for anyone in my industry if we are to be honest. They're always flying around in the social media for every single person in show business. Some I myself tend to doubt about.

I don't think I have to even begin telling you about the amount of hate I get. Though it is much less than my sisters and parents, it's still dangerously high.

My friend, Taylor, puts this better than anyone else :
Haters gonna hate.

I guess haters are a fact of life. They have always been there and will always be there no matter how hard you try to please others, it's impossible to have everyone get to like you. It's just not going to happen. I decided to go down the Taylor road and shake it all off eventually.

I am Kendall Jenner. Welcome to my life.


"Kendall! Look over here please!"
"Make a sexy pose!"

I put my hand away from my face when I enter the restaurant. The restaurant is decorated with modern structure. A very adolescent likely atmosphere which is thoroughly designed to attract people my age. It's been successful so far, I might add.

"Miss Jenner!" A waiter calls for me as I take my glasses off. "Yes?" He's wearing a uniform with his name neatly tagged on it. "Let me guide you to your table." He smiles. I briefly nod as a response and let him lead me.

He walks me through the restaurant to the VIP room and opens the door for me to enter.

"Kendall!!!" My best friend, Gigi , exclaims as soon as I enter the room. She is wearing a plaid dress and matching shoes with her hair tied back to express her eyes' glamour.

"Hey bae!" I walk over to her and give her a bear hug. "No need to be all emotional! We were together only two days ago!" She jokes. "You're such a mood-wrecker." I giggle. "I came in like a wrecking ball, Kenki!" She winks and I smile.

"Bring us the usual, Bryan." Gigi tells the waiter. He nods once and leaves us alone in the room. "I really appreciate your asking me!" I use my fake offended tone. "I tried everything on their menu. My usual pick is the best. Trust me!" She explained. "I know. One would think you live here actually." I added sarcastically.

"Oh don't be that version of you." She pretends to have a remote control in her hand and aims it at me, trying desperately to change the channel. I giggle. "Let's change the channel to 'you'." I suggest. "How are things with Joe?" I ask with a smile on my face.

"It's all good." A huge smile makes its way to her lips the moment I mention his name. "Gigi Hadid! I officially demand inner information!" I use my stern tone. "Oh! And on what authority?" She raises an eyebrow suggestively. "I'm your best friend! Duh!" I shrug and wave my hands around my head as if its the most obvious fact ever.

The door openes and two waitresses bring us Gigi's 'usual'. "Thank you." We both thank them as they serve our menu. "Thanks girls." Gigi mentions as they exit the room.

"Try this! I first decided to give it a shot last week! It tastes AhMAYzing." Gigi tells me as quickly as she can before digging in. "Don't change the subject, Hadid!" She shruggs faking a shocked expression. "I'm not changing the subject." "Oh yes you are!" I grin accusingly. I take a bite from my food. "This is good." I admit. She beams proudly giving me that 'see I told you!' Look.

"You were saying..." I encourage her to continue the previous topic. "Well... We.." A blush made its way to her cheeks. This is a totally new expreciece as she rarely ever blushes. "We're pretty into it you know, I think... I think this'll work out." Gigi smiles softly. "Does this mean it's time for me to give the famous speech?" I grin. "Oh God no! That'd be way too embarrassing." .

"You absolutely embarrassed me with your speech after me and Cara's second date!" I defend. "That was a different matter!" Gigi giggles and soon erupts in laughter at the memory. "Oh god she handled it so good." I join in her laughter. "Yeah that night she was like, is Gigi always so protective? She was so scared! Every time you'd call she'd completely go pale!" Gigi held on to her stomach. "I didn't know that!" She hardly can speak through her laughing.

"So when do I do the speech and embarrass you ?" I ask once we calm down a little bit. "I'll let you know when it's time." She smiles thankfully.

Gigi and I have been best friends for so long. We were partners in so many ways since the very beginning. Partners of crime, partners of laughing, and now we still share that bond. She was the first person I came out to. Even before Kylie. Before my sisters. Before my parents. And I wish to keep my relation with her that way.

"So... Miss Jenner! How are things with you and Cara?" She asks me with enthusiasm.

Gigi has always been very supportive of my choices in life. She always would have my back and defend my opinions and my lifestyle whenever it is aimed at. I think this is the best thing about our friendship. We both love and respect each other's choices dearly.

"Going pretty good..." "When's she coming back though? It feels like she's been gone forever!" Gigi asks me. "She'll be here around 16 days later." "She's in London, right?" "No... She's in Paris. Still filming the movie." I sigh. She's been gone for three weeks. We constantly talk and face time but that doesn't make me miss her any less.

"Kendall you should chill a little! Like go out... Party.. Nick is having a party today and you're more than welcome to come!" Gigi suggests. "I'm really tired I just got out of the photoshoot. Maybe some other time." "You said that last time we hung out!" Gigi insists. "No GI, I really am tired." She sighs and nods her head. "Alright. But at least think about it."


I sigh and put my baggy shirt on. My eyelids are actually heavy from the hectic day. I decide to give Cara a call as I slip under the covers to her side. I had major struggle with insomnia the first week she left. Ever since, I have been sleeping on her side of bed. It smells like her and helps me fall asleep.

Her phone rings a few times until she picks up.

"Hello love." She speaks quietly. Her tone has me wondering if I am interrupting her on the set; so I decide to hint on leaving this conversation for another time.

"Hey baby! Is this a bad time?" I can feel her smiling on the phone.

"Oh nonononononono! It's always a good time... An amazing time when you call me!" I giggle at her cuteness. "So how was your day?" She asks slightly louder.

"It was okay..." I sigh.

"How was your Balmain shoot?" I love how she keeps up with every single thing I do.

"It was like... Really good I didn't expect it to turn out this well." I smiled. "How was your filming?"

"It's alright... Tiring as hell." She sighs.

"It's daytime there, right?" I question for a moment. I check the time again and notice it must be around noon there.

"Yeah. I'm on set right now actually." She lets me know.

"Then I should let you go and do your job brilliantly baby." I really don't want to hang up. But I think I should as she still sounds much below her average voice range. I'm quite certain I must be interrupting something.

"How did I get so lucky... Oh bloody..."

I hear a breaking from downstairs. "Oh gosh! There was a weird noise!" I gasp. It literally sounded like something broke down.

"What? Babe are you sure I don't think it's..." Cara states.

"I'll go check downstairs." I get out of bed and walk to the door. "No it's probably nothing! Why'd you even bother?"

"It doesn't hurt to just look, you know."
"Where are you now?" She sounds a little panicked.

"Just downstairs..." I go to check the living room.

Immediately after I enter I notice my favorite vase from Africa broken on the ground and there's someone standing beside it.

"Cara?" There was silence.

"Surprise...!" She clumsily raises her hands. I can not believe my eyes at the moment.

"Sorry I just broke your..." I don't let her finish her sentence as I throw my phone away and run over to give her a huge hug.


So this is the new story I noticed many people wanted 3 so... Here it is!

I really would like to know about your opinions for this chapter. Also this story is going to be in Kendall's POV all the while. If you would like to read otherwise, let me know.

I really would love your feedback and comments!

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