The alphas daughter

By Tia_McBrien

20.6K 841 35

Sequel to the alphas human daughter 14 years later Brooklynn is all grown up and doing the typical teen age... More



809 35 1
By Tia_McBrien

After that incident in the library Andy was beyond scared. I'm still mad at Alex for what he did, he had no right to do that. For all I know he could have been my true love and mate but because of Alex I will never know. Andy will never talk to me again..

"I can't believe you!" I said walking in the hall way. "I have no friends and when I get one you have to scare him away?! Your a jerk!" I said pushing him away. He would laugh every time I said something to him. The fact that he could laugh at a moment like this makes my blood boil. We are walking to 1st when I see Savannah and her crew. I put my head down and slow down so Alex was walking a head of me but of course he had to draw attention.

"Brooklynn!" He screamed and they turned to look at me. I glare at him. "What are you doing my beautiful girlfriend. " he said with a smirk.

"Girlfriend?" Savannah said with disgust.

"Ya, ya got a problem?" He said walking up to her with attitude.

"Uh ya! We were a thing!" She screamed.

"Ya were. As in the past. Brooklynn is my everything and nothing you or your pathetic group can do to change that. If you even think about touching a hair on her perfect body I will personally take care of you. Got it? Good. " and like that he pulled me close to him and walked away from them.


I stayed quiet for the rest of the day. I think Alex understood why I was so quiet, so he didn't bug me with it. I had a few more classes with Andy and Alex. Andy sat with Alex and I at lunch today, he wanted to go to the library but Alex would not let him. I think Alex starting to understand that Andy is just a friend to me.

Something I don't understand is my feelings...

Go figure, right?

I haven't been pushing Alex away like this morning. When he stood up to Savannah and her crew, it made me realize he really does like me.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy. I really like Alex, but I'd never admit it out loud.

"After you" Alex said going to the passenger side of the car and opening the door. I got in and remembered I left my coffee cup in my locker.

"I left my cup in my locker!" I told him trying to get out but he used his wolf speed to push me back.

"I'll get it." He said with a sweet smile.

"My code it -"

"7982A" he told me. He knew my code. " Be right back love" he said kissing my lips. I didn't want him to pull away. I was sitting in the car when I heard a knock on the window, I look up to see Savannah... I can't act like I don't see or hear her because we made eye contact. I roll down the window and she looks at me with an evil smile.

"Well, well, well.." She said sticking her hand in and unlocking the door. "Come on latent, get out of the car or are you to chicken to fight me?" I am to chicken to fight her?! She then pulls me out of the car by my hair and kicks me to the ground. It felt like everything was going in slow motion. I looked back to the school as I felt a pain in my left cheek, I see Alex running over to me. I put my arms up to cover the hits to my fave but then I hear a voice. 'Get up Brooklynn. Fight back.' It took me off guard but I listen to it. I take my hands and ram it into her stomach making her fall in shock. "You bitch!" She screamed and started to punch my face. Over and over and over again. I went to fight but she was lifted off of me and Alex came and pulled me up. I could feel the blood coming Aron my nose, head and mouth. Alex looked at me and the expression on his face made my heart melt.

"Savannah, once Alpha Jake hears about this you will be in serious trouble." Alex said. I watch as she stands up and fluffed her hair. She looked at me and back to Alex. " let's go." Alex said as we went into the car we started driving and Alex just looked so mad. I was scared he was going to break the car.

"So did you get the coffee cup?"

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