Bloodshot; A Michael Clifford...

Da uncool5SOS

137 2 0

Michael wasn't always like this. He wasn't always in such a horrible state, and his eyes weren't always blood... Altro

Chapter 1; Meet and Greet
Chapter 2; Chelsea
Chapter 3; Party Time
Chapter 4; She's Making It Hard To Leave
Chapter 5; Beaten
Chapter 7; Rebuild
Chapter 8; Unwanted Truth
Chapter 9; A Pile Of Lies
Chapter 10; Fun Friday Movie Night
Chapter 11; First Date
Chapter 12; Interruption
Chapter 13; Keeping Secrets
Chapter 14; Assistance
Chapter 15; Deep Part 1
Chapter 15; Deep Part 2
Chapter 16; Our Own Thoughts
Chapter 17; One Last Thing
Wonderful Morning, Horrible Night; Chapter 18
Chapter 19; All Gone
Chapter 20; Not Even a Goodbye
Chapter 21; Together
Chapter 22; It's All Over Now

Chapter 6; Confrontation

5 1 0
Da uncool5SOS

    "Let me join you." I hear Calum say as he jogs up behind me.

He slows down to my quick walking pace as I continue on my way to Luke's house.

"So uh. Where are we going exactly?" Calum asks, his voice shaking slightly from walking at my pace.

"Luke's." I grumble.

I feel Calum's gaze resting on me; but I just keep staring straight ahead.

"May I ask why?" He asks like he's stepping on sensitive grounds.

"I need to ask him what happened..." I trail off.

"Happened with... What?"

"It doesn't fucking matter, Calum! You invited yourself to join me, so the least you could do is shut up." I snap.

Although Calum's pace doesn't falter, he falls silent and stares ahead. We finally approach Luke's house. I walk up the driveway and up the two steps that lead to his front door. I don't even bother to knock as I twist the door handle tightly and barge right in.

"Luke! Where are you?" I shout.

I watch my language in case Liz is here. She hated it when we cursed- even when messing around.

"Living room." He says blankly.

I storm in and see him sitting lazily on his couch, holding the TV remote loosely in his hand as he flips through the channels. I stand in front of him and the TV and glare at him.

"Stand up." I order.

He looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Why? You alright bro?" He asks me, a smirk appearing on his lips.

"This isn't a fucking joke, Luke. I said stand up." I say, my anger rising.

"How about you sit down." He says teasingly.

I swoop down and grab him by his collar and shove him up against the wall.

"Why the fuck would you knock me out?!" I shout as I get in his face.

He looks at me, fear flashing in his eyes for only a second, then his confidence kicks in.

"I don't remember that-" he starts.

"Don't pull that bullshit-" I interrupt.

"Actually Michael, he was pretty wasted..." Calum interrupts from the doorway.

I glare darkly at Calum, hinting to him to stay out of my business.

"Fine then, here's a better question that you should have no problem remembering; what happened between you and Chelsea?" I whisper darkly to Luke, my eyes staring into his.

He looks at me with a slight frown, then a large smirk grows on his face.

"Oh wouldn't you like to know." He whispers back.

My anger bursts and I slam him against the wall again. Then I throw him to the floor and jump on top of him.

"Tell me Luke!" I feel tears threatening to fall.

Whenever I get so angry, I cry. I fucking hate it because people take it for weakness- and that's the last thing I needed Luke to think of me.

"Why do you care?" He hisses.

"Michael stop, this is none-sense just leave him alone. I'm sure they didn't do anything." Calum tries to soothe me as he walks closer.

I pull my arm back getting ready to bash Luke's face in when I hear a whimper from behind me. I turn my head slowly with the devilish glare still plastered on my face. Then I see her. Chelsea.

"M-Michael... W-what are you d-doing?" She whispers with tears rolling down her face.

I feel my face drop and I loosen my grip on Luke and my hand falls flat.

"Chelsea I can explain. Luke just-"

"It looks to me like Luke is the victim." She says weakly.

I turn my gaze to Luke, then back up to her.

"I-" she interrupt me again,

"Save it. I don't want to be friends with someone who would do this. I used to feel safe around you, Michael. Now I'm not so sure..." She says.

"Chels please listen to me-"

"No." She says flatly, then walks out of the house.

Then Luke shifts under my body and I feel his hot breath on the side of my face. He whispers in my ear darkly; "I didn't hear her say no at all the other night."

I turn and before I knew it, Luke's face was covered in blood. I felt like I couldn't control myself. My fists would keep going and going, smashing my best friend's face. I heard Calum screaming at me to stop, but I simply couldn't. Then I felt a great force pull on my back and then I stopped.

"Michael what the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Did you not fucking hear what he said, Calum?! He fucked Chelsea!" I scream at Calum.

He flinches as I say these words. I can't tell if he flinched because he imagined them having sex, or if he thought I was going to hurt him.

"Michael, you need to relax. But we also need to call a doctor." Calum says, obviously angry at me.

"For what?" I ask.

He gestures towards Like and that's only when I realize the damage I've done. His whole face was covered in blood, his mouth slightly agape, blood also in his teeth. His eyes were only open to little slits, probably swollen.

"Oh shit." I whisper to myself in disbelief.

"It doesn't matter what he said." Calum says. "He's your best friend, and you shouldn't have done that." He scolds. "Let's get him to the doctor before Liz get's here and sees this."

I nod in agreement and stand up to help Calum grab Luke. I feel shaky, my legs are wobbly and I feel like I'm going I collapse. I feel horrible. I didn't mean for this confrontation to turn out like this.

I help Calum get Luke in the back seat of my car, then Calum sits up front with me. We hear occasional groans from Luke, probably starting to feel the real pain I've caused him.

"It's alright buddy, it'll be alright." Calum says as he turns to look at Luke.

When he would turn his head back in my direction, he would give me a disappointed glare. I ignored it even though I could feel it burning into the side of my head.

We finally pull up to the ER (A/N: Emergency Room for those of you that don't know :P) and Calum and I drag Luke out of the car and carry him into the room. Some of the blood has dried up on his face, but there was also some seeping out of open wounds. We bring him into the sliding doors and the nurse's eyes widen at the sight. She grabs the phone and calls some doctors and other nurses who show up with a gurney and skillfully take Luke from our grasps, and roll him away to an unknown room. My hands are covered in blood, for I carried him around his upper body area. I walk down the empty hall and find the men's bathroom. I push my back against the door to open it an walk in the bathroom to wash the blood off my hands.

"Jesus, did you just murder somebody?" I man asks behind me and chuckles.

"I don't know." I mumble quietly to myself.

I glance at the man in the mirror and he looks at me with a scared expression.

I clear my throat, "no... I was helping a friend get here." I clarify.

"Yeah..." He says disbelievingly and scurries out of the room.

I sigh and look at myself in the mirror. I examine my face and close my eyes. I splash my face with water to try to calm myself down. I've seen people do it in the movies, but  it doesn't really work for me. I heave another sigh and turn back around to exit the bathroom.

I walk back down the dull hallway and see Calum talking to a man in a long white lab coat looking thing. It must be a doctor.  I slow my pace down, so hopefully neither of them would see me; I didn't want the doctor asking questions. I watch intently as they both nod and give small smiles and shake hands, then the doctor goes back to where I last saw Luke disappear.

Calum turns towards me and walks quickly up to me with an unreadable expression on his face.

"You're a fucking idiot, Michael!" He whisper-yells at me.

"What did the doctor say?" I ask, ignoring his comment that I was already aware of.

"He said you fucking broke his face. Dude you almost killed him. A few more punches and you would have cracked his skull!" He says, throwing his hands up in the air.

My eyes widen in disbelief. I didn't know I had that much power in me...

"He said he has a broken cheek bone, broken nose, his left cheek bone is cracked, and his jaw is dislocated. He'll have two fucking black eyes for a while." Calum rambles as he looks all around frantically.

I feel a sick feeling in my stomach.

I almost killed Luke, my best friend.

I shake my head slowly.

"Wow." Is all I can say.

"Wow? Wow?! Michael-"

"I don't know what to fucking say, okay? I didn't mean for this to happen! I wasn't thinking, I couldn't control myself!" I shout, getting some stares from the guests in the waiting room we were near.

"Shh!" Calum warns. "I know you weren't thinking. But you better fucking apologize  to Luke or it'll be bad for you when he gets well." Calum tells me.

He turns around on his heel and storms over to the small arm chairs where there was some coffee tables and a television. I follow behind and sit in a chair next to him. I stare at the TV blankly as my mind races with thoughts.

Am I going crazy?


"Calum Hood?" I man says throughout the lobby.

Calum pops up from his chair and walks quickly over to the doctor who said his name. I stand up and followed slowly behind.

"Are you here for Luke Hemmings?" The man asks as he looks down at his clipboard; then up at Calum again.

"Yes, we both are." He says.

"Okay follow me." He instructs as he turns around and walks us through a long hall of doors.

We walk in silence until he stops abruptly and gets a card out of his pocket. He slides it in the slot. The door makes a clicking sound and the doctor opens the door. Calum rushes in, while I walk slowly in, afraid to see the real damage.

I get full view of Luke to see him laying on the bed with tubes sticking out of him everywhere and IV's in his arms. I cringe at the sight. With the blood washed off, I could see the black and purple colors around his swollen eyes. His lips are even swollen. I see his cheek bones which are red and have stitches in the left one, the right one has a huge bruise on it.

"Holy shit." I breathe.

"You boys get about 20 minutes." The doctor says as he leaves the room.

"Hey bud." Calum says to Luke as he stands by his side.

We hear a slight mumble come from Luke. He opens his eyes- at least I think he does. His eyes are so swollen he can barely open them.

"Hey Cal." He says slowly and weakly.

Calum keeps talking to him, while I just watch in disbelief. I did this to him. I'm supposed to be his best friend. I'm supposed to do this to whoever messes with him, but instead I do it to him just for possibly doing things with a girl I like.

I shake away my thoughts as Calum brings me back to what's happening before me.

"Would you like to..." Calum asks, gesturing towards Luke.

I look up at Calum, then down at Luke. I nod slowly and approach the bed.

"Hey man." I say, getting choked up as I get closer, seing the wounds better.

Luke just looks at me. I can't tell if he's glaring, but I would expect him to.

"Can I just say I'm terribly sorry-" I start but get interrupted by him.

"I don't want to hear your apologies. I know that if I wasn't in this room, in this bed with all these... These things hooked up inside of me, you would still be angry. Now, you just feel pity." Luke says as he looks at me.

I look at him with sad eyes. I actually did feel horrible. Every time I got in a fight with one of my friends I would feel horrible afterwards. But this, this was worse.

"But I really am sorry..." I say quietly.

"Are you?" He asks me.

I nod at him and feel a tear roll down my cheek.

"Fuck you, Michael." He says.

Before I could answer him, the doctor barges in. "Alright your 20 minutes are up. Time for Luke to have a rest. You can come back tomorrow. The visitation times are from 9-6." (A/N: I have no idea what the ER visitation hours are so I literally pressed random numbers lol k)

Calum nods and smiles at the doctor, but I stare at Luke sadly.

"C'mon Mike." Calum says as he tugs at my shoulder.

I stumble out the door, and the most unexpected thing happens.

I start sobbing.

Calum stops abruptly in front of me when he hears my cries.

"Dude what's wrong?" He asks me with worry in his voice.

"Did you not hear what just happened?" I ask in between sobs. "Luke fucking hates me. I just lost one of my best friends. All over a girl." I sob even louder.

I haven't sobbed uncontrollably like this in... Well, forever.

"Michael. Look at me." Calum says as he grabs my shoulders and turns me to look at him.

"He's probably just still shocked from what happened, he'll come around." he assures me.

"He didn't seem too shocked." I sniffle.

"Well we'll visit him tomorrow and see how he's doing okay? It could just be the drugs he's on... But for now, try to forget about the incident, alright?"

I nod towards Calum as I walk to the car, still silently sobbing to myself.

{ Hello all! I felt like updating even though I now realize it was a horrible idea because I'll only get about 3 hours of sleep.... Oh well.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was a lot longer- at least I think it was- than my other chapters.

Please vote and/or comment so I know that someone on this earth is actually reading it lol. It's also very nice to get your feed back : )

Love you guys have a WONDERFUL LIFE.


xx }

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