Something to GIF (Phan one sh...

By audaciousann

35 6 2

Sleepy Phil goes into Dan's room, wrestles him, straddles him, and kisses him. And yes, he is fully aware tha... More

Something to GIF

35 6 2
By audaciousann

Phil always looked a little bit like a kitten when he was waking up. He would open his eyes into a squint and then close them. A few moments later he would yawn in the cutest way possible, pat around for his glasses, shove them on his face, sit up, and open his eyes.

It was Dan's favorite thing to watch, but he didn't get to this time because he was in the other room doing a long overdue YouNow. As Phil stood up, he glanced around and didn't see his phone. I left it in Dan's room, he thought.

After stretching, and once again looking like a kitten, Phil padded down the hall into Dan's room. Phil only had a second to wonder who Dan was talking to before he realized he was on YouNow.

Phil knew that he probably looked terrible, (AN: just kidding that's not possible) his hair was all messy, his glasses had been slept in for a little bit before they fell off so they probably weren't entirely straight (AN: just like him, whoops!) on his face, and he was in his Cookie Monster pajama bottoms. But, he was tired and just didn't care.

Why not have a little fun, Phil thought. He made a shhh gesture to the camera before the chat could explode with warnings and snuck up behind Dan. He leaned in so that his head was right over Dan's shoulder and then right before he showed up in Dan's peripheral vision he whispered "Have you seen my phone?"

Dan squeaked and then turned around, "What the fuck, Phil?" Dan asked with his nose just inches from Phil's.

"Just getting you attention, and giving them something to gif," he nodded at the camera. "Have you you seen my phone?"

"Have you seen your toothbrush, I'd say you need that a bit more." Dan said laughing with half-faked disgusted face.

"Sorry," Phil said innocently before making an 'o' with his lips in the most mischievous way possible and inhaling deeply through his adorable witch nose.

Dan knew his boyfriend quite well so he covered his face and turned away before Phil could blow his nasty breath in his face.

Phil, however, knew Dan just as well. Phil whipped around so that he was sitting on Dan. His legs on were on either side of Dan, straddling him. He made to pry Dan's hands away from his face but he could barely function because he was laughing so damn hard.

"Get off, get off, get off!" Dan squeaked sounding like a four year old.

"Oh no, you know better than that Danny boy!"

Finally Phil managed pry Dan's hands away from his face and breath in his face.

"Groooossss" Dan whimpered as Phil started to get up.

"You know you love me," Phil said. "Now where's my phone?"

After staring at the camera, and thousands of fans who had most definitely not missed Phil's straddling Dan and casual use of the 'L' word, Dan slid Phil's phone from his pocket and handed it to him.

"Thanks babe," Phil said before glancing at the camera and swooping down to kiss his boyfriend on the mouth. Their lips stayed pressed together for a couple seconds, and then Phil stood up and left.

Dan, at a complete loss for words, just stared at the camera for a few moments. Then he glanced at the comments, which were just a disaster of happy keyboard smashing. It looked as though everyone's cat had just walked across their keyboard and pressed enter.

"Well, erm, the next person is about to come on." A pause, "We'll probably post like an explanation video or something... soon?"

He made what was probably the most awkward smile ever. Then he just laughed and closed YouNow.

At least they'll have something to gif.

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