No Ordinary Love

By OgNina

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His kisses brought life back to Zayra and it sparked a hunger she couldn't contain. She matched his rhythm un... More

Chapter 1: Daddy's Home
Chapter 2: Miles Away
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chpater 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104

Chapter 41

47 3 2
By OgNina

***Not Edited*****

Zayra had arrived a couple of nights before Roman's birthday. She was riding in the car with Mario on their way to the airport. He was talking happily. He was glad to have her back and glad that she was in good terms with Roman.

She smiled. She was glad to be back. She couldn't wait for his reaction. He thought he was going straight to his Godfathers house to discuss business, well technically he was.

He parked the car and told her to wait there while he went for Roman. He winked at her before leaving.

She was excited to see his reaction. She wanted to surprise him like he had surprised her in New York.

Less than 20 minutes later she heard Mario's animated voice, talking just a little louder than necessary. Zayra heard the trunk open and the door open.

He looked up, one foot in, a slow, sexy grin spreading his handsome face. His almond eyes curling at the ends.

Her heart stopped and she drooled.

He looked super attractive. He wore jeans, cuffed at the bottom with his sheepskin boots, a flannel shirt and suspenders, his sleeves rolled up exposing his forearms.

She melted.

He quickly jumped in and grabbed her onto his lap.

His breathing labored as he stared at her. He inhaled her scent before speaking.

She had caught him off guard. His surprise was priceless.

The car moved forward.

"This is definitely a pleasant surprise." He kissed her, slowly. Tasting her. His arms wrapping around her. He pulled away a bit holding her eyes captive.

Zayra felt the drumming of her heartbeat her nerves tickling. She looked at his eyes, they were full of desire.

"Does everyone know you're here?"


"So you planned this with them?"

"I did. Xavier is expecting you right now."

He shook his head. "Thank You."

"For what?" She frowned.

"For doing this, coming over."

"Roman, the surprise is not over."

His eyes went into slits, the corner of his mouth pulled into a side smile. His nose touched hers. "Really."

Zayra's breathing hitched. He kissed her again. Harder, hungrier. "Zayra your like water to my soul a thirsty thirsty soul." He placed her legs around him, she was straddling him now. Zayra felt him growing.

She didn't care that Mario could hear. She turned but noticed the partition had already been rolled up. She looked at Roman who smirked at her.

He looked at her hungrily. She knew that look. He began to unbutton her pants.

"Roman." Her eyes wide.

"Shhh." He said on her mouth. He raised her hips a bit to remove her pants. He glided his fingers down her waistband to her ass and legs. He smiled encouraging her, daring her to stop him.

She couldn't stop him she wanted him to continue.

She craved his touch, his mouth, everything.

He pulled her to the side so that he could remove her shoes and pants. He removed his suspenders and unzipped his jeans down. He removed his flannel and left his muscle shirt on.

She saw him spring to life. She looked up at him, he stared at her with a knowing smile.

She wanted him. He put her back on him. Slipping his fingers in first.

"You're always ready for me." He said nibbling on her chin. He moved his fingers magically. She wanted to moan. She bit his shoulder instead.

He hissed, removing his fingers and entered her. He kissed her moan.

His fingers, mouth and the rhythm he used was working like an incendiary device.

She felt herself burning from with in.

"Shhh." He whispered in her ear.

"You like this." His mouth moved to one of her breast. He had somehow removed her shirt. His thumb rubbing her tattoos one at a time.

"Nice. Sexy." He lowered his head to kiss it.

She arched her body, matching his slow agonizing thrusts. He was taking his sweet time.

"Do you like this." He licked her ear to her shoulders and then nibbled his way back.

"Yes-" he covered his mouth on hers again.

He breathed in. "Do you know what I'm going to do to you tonight?"

She wanted to explode. He worked his magical hands and talented mouth in a slow burning pattern.

The words he uttered only heightened her senses.

"Come Zayra." He kissed her hard, his tongue searching hers. She felt the explosion. His kiss deepened, suppressing her screams. She was panting, shaking trying to hold down the guttural sound that threatened to escape, feeling her body implode.

He smiled triumphantly at her.

He grabbed her face with both his hands. Moved her so that she laid on her back.

"My turn." He winked, wrapped her legs around him.

He thrust in deep.


He moved faster, urgently. He pulled her to him half of her body up. He continued his pace. Grabbing her ass and molding it to his body. She felt another organs coming.


"Roman." She said huskily. She felt the explosions come quick. Her body convulsing.

He groaned saying her name on her neck as a prayer. He was panting on her hair. "You got me like a dope fiend trying to get its next hit Zayra." He kissed her hair . "I just came and I want you again." He murmured on her neck after a while.

"Fucking condoms." He hadn't bothered bringing some because he hadn't expected any action. He removed his shirt and cleaned himself and Zayra.

Zayra was still panting. He leaned in to kiss her again. "You know Roman, I'm on the pill."

"Are you?"

"Yes, I thought it would be a bit easier for the both of us."

"I'm going to have to remember that."

She smiled and started putting her clothes back on. He put her back on his lap,

"Thank you. I needed that."

He hugged her tight, feeling her heartbeat slow down and her breathing return to normal. He saw her eyelashes fanning her cheek. She had fell asleep.

He grinned.

He moved her so that her head rested on his shoulder. He tucked his chin on her head, feeling her soft frame nestled on him.

This is where she belonged.

With him.

He wondered what else she had in store for him. She said there was more. He couldn't wait for more. With her more was never enough.


Roman rested his head on her stomach. His breathing starting to return to normal. He was feeling euphoric. She always made him feel this ways. His endorphin's were drowning him.

He was hooked.

Tomorrow was his birthday. He still didn't know about the party.

They had him a nice birthday dinner at his house earlier today. After his birthday he was to fly to Brazil with his father early morning. That was in two days.

Right now everything seemed in order, as if the stars were aligned just for them.

He didn't want to get out of this bubble. He watched her face. Her lips swollen, her cheeks stained. She had a few hickeys around her body. Strategically mapped out around her torso. His favorite was the one on the inside of her thigh. He liked the tattoos on her body. So feminine.

"Do you think we'll always feel this way?"

Her voice made him prop himself up on both elbows. "I would hope so. I mean, it feels like every time I see you I can't seem to get enough. I think about you a little more than what is considered normal. I think about when I'll  finally be able to wake up and fall asleep with your face on my mind as the beginning and ending of my day.

He grabbed her to him. "I'm not lying when I say I'm afflicted. Your love is a drug Zayra." She frowned. He traced her mouth with the pad of his thumb. He leaned in and nipped it.

"Zayra I want you, entirely. No half way shit, everything. I don't want to smother you but I'm sorry I will. I take your crazy and you'll take my obsession." He smiled slowly. "I love all your perfect imperfections Zayra. Don't you understand that we're perfect for each other?"

She could feel his heartbeat. It thumped fast like hers. His eyes morphed into dark pools. A look of confidence in his face. "You're mine Zayra. Remember that. So don't get any ideas."

"What ideas?" She didn't know what he was talking about.

He didn't even want to explore the subject of her being with someone else. Zayra saw his jaw tighten. His eyes turned dark with anger. She didn't understand the shift.

He shook his head, clearing his head.

"I need you Zayra."

"I need you too Roman."

"I'm nothing without you." He smiled sadly at her.

Where was this coming from, she wondered.

"Don't leave me Zayra, if you do I'll just come after you. Do you understand?"

She knew he was serious yet she wasn't scared. He wasn't threatening her. He said it with sorrow and resignation.

She nodded.

He hugged her tight.

"I need to go home Roman it's late."

"No you don't, you can stay with me the night Zayra. I asked my godfather-"

"You what!" She was mortified.

He chuckled. "Zayra they don't care, they know I'm going to make an honest woman out of you. "

She froze.

He smiled shyly. "Zayra did you honestly think I wasn't going to put a ring on it." He grinned. "I told you I want it all, nothing halfway with you. Besides I can't very well have my children being bastards. "

She fainted. Well swooned really. He had never talked about marriage let alone kids.

"Breath Zayra." She inhaled quick puffs.

He knew they never talked about marriage or kids because he didn't think it necessary. He was just waiting till she was old enough to get married, he had already planed how to propose.

But for him it was already a done deal.

He didn't even think about her answer because there was only one and that was yes.

"Say something." He leaned in, his body covering hers. His eyebrows furrowing. He hadn't expected her to hesitate.

Her eyes wide from all the information he had given her.

She sat up. She never thought about having kids and until recently she had implanted the idea of marriage to Roman.

"Roman, I've never pictured myself with kids. I always thought this world was to cruel to bring children into it. Besides, I've never expected to get married."

He cupped her face. "What about in all these months? You haven't thought of spending the rest of your life with me?" She heard his concern, saw the fear in his eyes. How can she explain to him what she felt.

She thought about it.

His breathing became labored as he watched Zayra's face change expressions like a strobe light.

"Roman, of course I've thought about spending the rest of my life with you, I want to be with you every nanosecond of my life. I don't think eternity would be enough time to have with you." Her jade eyes clear and sincere.

He stopped breathing.

He tangled his fingers on her hair. Brought her mouth to his roughly. Drinking her in, tasting her. He wanted more, he couldn't get enough. He wanted to be under her skin as she was in his.

He pulled away. "No I don't think eternity would be good enough."



I know this chapter is short but the next chapter is the P-A-R-T-Y!

Song for this chapter: John Legend- All of Me . Awe! I think it fits Zayra and Roman. He loves all her perfect imperfections.

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