Bre ~The Neko~

By kiwileaf

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~In the process of re-writing~ Stay Tuned! More

Bre ~The Neko~
Pure as Snow ~Chapter One~
Hazel Eyes ~Chapter Two~
Bestfriends & Chocolate Cake ~Chapter Three~
Whats a mate? ~Chapter Four~
The Russian Hatter ~Chapter Six~
Frost ~Chapter Seven~
The Amazing World Of The Imagination ~Chapter Eight~
Fantasy ~Chapter Nine~
Tick Tock ~Chapter Ten~

Strange Behavior ~Chapter Five~

563 9 8
By kiwileaf

                                                          ~Strange Behavior~

     "Okay, smile. One, two, three." I put up two peace signs, and threw on a goofy smile, with my tongue hanging out.

     She glared at me, clicking her tongue, "If you want to look like a fool, be my guest." She said, typing something on the computer. I just stuck my tongue out at her.

     She looked as if she was in her mid forties, short dark brown hair, forest green eyes, medium height. I would almost say she looked like an older version of me.

     "Here..." She shoved a piece of plastic at me, "Here's your retarded looking picture." She said, as she spun around in her chair, and continued to type angrily at her keyboard.

     "Oh, your right, it is retarded." I said, squinting at the picture, "I'm sorry, but you gave me your ID instead." I said, smirking.

     "Get.Out." She said, twitching, pointing to the door.

     I raised an eyebrow, "You don't enjoy my company Miss lady?" She just grumbled.

     I started to shake my head, "I'd like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass."

     "That's it! GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF HERE!"

     I smirked as I held up my hands in defeat, "Bye lady!" I said, waving when I walked into the hallway.

     I sighed as I leaned against some lockers, as I came back to my senses, "What just happened?"

     I held a hand up to my forehead, as I squeezed my eyes shut, "Whats going on with you Bre!"

     I've been acting like that all morning, like I had no care in the world what the adults or students thought of me, it was like I couldn't control my mouth or the way I thought. It started happening yesterday, when Jane told me she was a She Wolf.


     "You're a what?" I asked, on the verge of laughing.

     "Haven't you noticed there is an awful lot of wolves hanging around Flagstaff!?" She said, somewhat calming down.

     I sighed, she was right. There was a lot of wolves running around. I remembered when I was walking with Jane to school, I saw a brown blur that I swear had a tail.

     "Okay, but that still doesn't explain the reason that you've been acting like, well, a female dog. And about the whole 'stay away from my mate' thing." I mocked.

     Her eyes went back to the warm chocolate brown, okay, can't she just stick with a color? " I'm sorry Bre, it's just my wolf has been acting out lately. I'm not sure about cats but werewolves have two personalities, our human instincts, and our animal instincts."

     I was a bit confused, but I motioned for her to go on.

     "That's why i'v been acting like a," She had a half smile, " female dog. See, there's more things different about us, we can heal fast, have super human strength, and the list goes on."

     "So that's why you only had a broken arm from that wolf attack! To tell you the truth, I was a little suspicious."

     "Yes, and if I was a human, I would have died. Anyways," She said, shaking her head.

     "Aren't you suppose to be in a pack or something then? I read it in a book once, or are you a lone wolf?" I asked, as my curiosity took over me.

     "No, I don't have a pack. I'm a rouge, that is a lone wolf. Werewolves do not take kind to rouges, that's why I have to stay on the downlow, its a hard life." She said, sighing, "Anyways, we werewolves have something that is very important to us." She paused, looking at her hands.

     "Our mates." She continued, "Mates complete a werewolf, they are our other half, our soul mates." She went on and on.

     A soul mate? Why wasn't I believing any of this? I mean, there is no such thing as your 'other half' and all that crap.

     "So you see...that's why I've been acting crazy, because your messing around with my mate, Sebastian."

     My eye twitched in annoyance,"What? Your jealous because your so called mate is interested in me?" Okay, that outburst was not me, it was almost as if I was not controlling myself.

     Her eyes narrowed as they glared at me, "Don't act like your innocent Bre, I understand that you had no idea about my mate and all that, but now you know, so don't try flirting with him!" She said, as her anger was flaring.

     For some reason, I shifted in to my cat form, and pranced around Jane, acting as if I didin't hear her.

     What was wrong with me?

     "Bre! Shift back now! We are not done!" She yelled.

     "Merow!" I taunted, as I ran in to the forest.


     Then I came back to my senses, as I started to slow down. I had no idea why I just made Jane even angrier at me.

     I stopped, as I shifted back in to a human.

     I was aimlessly walking around the forest, I didn't care that I was lost, I had a lot to think about, such as, doesn't that make Sebastian a werewolf too? Why was he being so kind to me instead of Jane? And why was I now acting like a female dog!?

     I was to in to my thoughts that I didn't notice I walked straight in to someone.

     "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking were I was going." That was weird, someone randomly in the forest, but they were probably thinking the same thing.

     Then I looked up to see, Sebastian!? What was he doing here!? And why was he giving me a weird look.

     I quickly got up and frowned, "What?" Then I followed his gaze to were my clothes should have been.


     I let out a terrifying scream. I was in the nude! In front of a guy! Who was apparently Jane's guy!

     "Stop starring you perv!" I said, as I tried my best to cover myself up, which was a fail.

     He quickly snapped out of his so called trance, and threw me his jacket, "Thank you perv..." I grumbled, as i quickly pulled on the jacket.

     He just chuckled, as he averted his gaze somewhere else.

     It was huge on me, but I was just glade I was out of my birthday suit, but It was strange, his scent was intoxicating, like just his smell brought butterflies to my stomach, but i didn't like the way he was looking at me. His eyes only showed lust, it was creepy.

     As we started to walk, the silence was uncomfortable, especially when the guy saw your birthday suit, "So, why are you out here?" I asked, trying to break the silence.

     Why did i notice all of his muscles that rippled through his shirt as he shrugged, "Just out for a walk."


     He raised an eyebrow, " Why do I have the feeling you do not believe me?"

     "Because I don't." Well, I couldn't actually come out and say, 'I know your a werewolf, and I know because my friend is a she wolf, who is actually your mate, and your acting like a terd because you won't acknowledged the fact that she was practically made for you!' Yeah, that would work.

     "I have a question." I said, I knew it was probably the stupidest question that i could ask at the moment, but I was so curios if Sebastian was actually a werewolf. Could cats and wolves get along?

     "And what would that be?"

     "Can you grow fur?" I asked stupidly, he did something that startled me, he laughed?

     "Only if you want me to." He said, as if he was flirting with me.

     I just 'hmped', as we walked out the forest, wait, how did he know where he was going.

     "So I guess i'll see you tomorrow at school?" I asked, as he started to walk away.

     "I guess." He said, as he waved goodbye.

     I waved back and headed home, only to have it hit me, "Crap, Jane!"


     I have yet to find Jane, she didn't come back to the orphanage, I started to get worried.

     I looked down at my ID, and how stupid I looked. I needed answers to why I was acting strange, was it the fact that I could change in to a feline? And why was I having the urge to find Sebastian, and just curl up with him. Was it my teenage hormones?

     I looked up from my ID, and leaned against the lockers, Jane was a lone wolf or a rouge or whatever and she says it's a hard life, but she has answers.

     There are other werewolves, shes not alone, as for me, I've lived seventeen years knowing that there was no other cat shifters like me.

     So that's why I try to ignore that side of me, but it's getting harder everyday to ignore.

     "I need help..."


Jane <3 ====================>

Thanks for reading XD <3 So yeh :D

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