Dom and Letty

By Bexiwilko

87.1K 907 187

this is my first Dom and Letty Fanfic they are my absolute faves <3 please read it would mean alot x More

Miss Ortiz and Mr Toretto
The Party
I love you<3
Dominican Republic
it feels so wrong but i know it is right
Untitled Part 6
She did it for you!
Its Impossible
I have to go
Home sweet Home
Goodbye Dom
Cars Don't Fly
It's about Time
True Family
RIP Paul Walker
Dom I just want to go home!
This is my fault
Early Stages
still writing!
Not an update
New book

it was Letty Toretto

2.6K 30 4
By Bexiwilko

The team took Ramsey to a hideout and waited for her to wake up. They stood around for awhile, Dom was looking out onto the river just thinking, Ramsey began waking up.

"Hello Kitty's awake!" Letty said, they all turned to her Brian walked up to her,

"head ache, dizzyness you feeling sick?" He asked,

"no," Ramsey said, "wheres my shoe?" She said looking at her foot,

"you must have lost it in the fall," Brian said,

"well I don't know whether to thank you for saving me or kick your ass for throwing me down a cliff!" Ramsey said,

"kick our ass huh? How about you tell us where the device is?" Dom said walking closer to her,

"I mailed it to a friend, in Abu Dhabi!"

"that's easy enough, that other team would have torchered you for that information!" Brian said,

"I didn't trust them, I trust you!"

"why would you trust us, you bearly know us?" Letty said,

"I know enough," she turned to Brian, "ex cop, military something like that, the way you took out them guys shows training," Letty turned to Brian with a strange expression, "Tech guy, effended by the hacker remark," she said to Tej, "Alpha!" she said to Dom, "Mrs Alpha!" she turned to Letty and she chuckled, "joker," she said to Roman,

"wrong, double Alpha, man candy, know what im sayin'!" Roman said laughing,

"man sit your candy ass down," Tej said,

"the disrespect is unreal around here!" Roman said,

"life is binary, only one thing keeps a group like this together, Fear or Loyalty, And I don't see a drop of fear among you guys!"

"pretty good, only one thing their not married!" Tej said looking at Dom and Letty,

"right, Lets go!" Dom said,

"where we goin?" Roman asked,

"its time to go to the middle east!"

Mr Nobody gave the team transport and they were on their way, they were in fancy sports cars, Dom and Ramsey in front, Brian behind, then Letty, then Tej, and Roman in the back. Ramsey and Dom hadn't spoke a lot since they saved her and through the whole hour and still another to go Ramsey decided to speak up,

"so.. Dom whats your story?" Ramsey asked as she turned to him,

"my story, huh? I think you already know what im gonna say," he said knowing her intelligence,

"yeah, daddys boy big tough guy only ever loved one girl his whole life and im not talking about your mum, you know who im talking about," Ramsey said, Dom was impressed

"with me and Letty its complicated," Dom said looking in his rear mirror making sure everyone was still behind him,

"it sure is, Letty surviving that crash and coming back into your life just like that must have been a shock Dom, I see it every time you look at her Toretto and I see it in her to she is just abit lost, its amazing seeing you two the way you and her connect with each other its like no matter how much she tries pushing away your not letting go are you?" Ramsey said,

"you know why I won't let go!" Dom said and the rest of the journey was silent. Dom began speeding up and watching his team try and catch up its like they were having a race Dom ahead for the full thing, Letty behind only just, Brian and Tej and Roman neck and neck behind. They came to a stop parking in a line of the order the race ended, Dom, Letty, Brian, Tej, and Roman. They all got out their cars and stood together,

"I contacted Saphar, he will meet us on the beach in 30 minutes. He has an open beach hut in the middle of the beach we can go to while we wait," Ramsey said,

"great, lets hit it!" Dom said and the whole team walked own to the open hut on the beach, The boys sat in the hut, Ramsey went for a swim and Letty went to get a drink. its getting hot!" Roman said,

"of course its gettin hot you idiot we in the desert!" Tej said,

"I aint talking about the weather bro!" Roman said staring at Ramsey, they both lifted their glasses and stared,

"dibs!" Roman said,

"man what are you, we cant just be callin dibs man!" Tej said, "rock paper sissors for her! Best of 3!"

"your on!" they began their competition of rock, paper sissors,

"wow, she got stalkerised!" Letty said sneaking up on them, they all laughed. Dom stood up looking at Letty and remembering the last time he was on a beach with her before he left, it was the night he left sitting on the cliff, he still felt like he was in a dream as if he was going to wake up without her in his life and that thought scared the death out of him.

"I called dibs on Ramsey 3 years ago," a man said everyone was confused he had just appeared,


"Ramsey, nice to see you!" he said hugging her,

"I see you've brought your friends,"

"temporary friends, I need the device I sent you," Saphar's eyes widened,

"I havent got it,"

"why havent you got it I gave it to you to keep it safe,"

"well I have good and bad news, good news it is safe,"

"and the bad news?" Ramsey asked,

"it is very safe!" he said, the whole team were confused, "follow me!" they all walked to come opposite 3 tall buildings,

"That is the Prince's three building home, I sold him the device and he chipped it into his super car which is in the penthouse of building one!"

"how do we get in there?" Brian asked,

"well its just your luck, the prince holds a party for the longest day of the year and that is tomorrow!"

"can you get us in there?" Brian said,

"yes, the prince owes me a favour just try and keep it low key so I don't get killed!" Saphar said,

"low key huh? We always keep it low key!" Dom said making them all chuckle but Ramsey and Saphar because they had no idea what they put themselves in for, "Lets do it!"

"hang on, you cant get in there dressed like that!" they all looked at what they were wearing and looked a Saphar with a strange look. 

Saphar took them all to his desginer and they were all dressed up in suits and dresses, Letty had a long red dress that looked like her wedding dress she looked herself in the mirror and another flashback came to her mind. She saw her and Dom staring deaply into each others eyes, but snapped out of it when the woman asked her if the dress felt ok. They all grabbed their new suits/dresses and walked out of the shop to their cars, Letty felt sick she just got in her car and drove away not telling anyone where she was going they just watched her drive away and Dom got worried. But he left her because he knew she needed time, Dom booked a hotel so they all went to the hotel and ate.

Letty drove and drove, she didn't know what was going on with herself never mind others knowing and it killed her that she couldn't scream all her emotions from the roof tops just to let it all out. She herd her phone ring as she was on her way back to the hotel, it was an unknown contact so she picked up incase it was something important,

"Hello?" Letty said,

"Hello Letty, its Nurse Santos we spoke a couple of weeks ago when you came into the hospital"

"did you find anything?" Letty asked,


"I think I was able to find your records, but you filed it under a different name it wasn't Letty Ortiz it was Letty Toretto!" Letty froze, "Letty, are you still there?" Letty just hung up the phone and she hated this she was more confused then ever. She drove to the hotel and went up to Dom's room, She knocked on the door and within seconds the door was opened. Letty was trying to stay strong in front of Dom but she could feel the creation of tears pileing up in her eyes, Dom grabbed her arm and pulled her in his room and they just sat on the bed in silence. Letty fell asleep in Dom's arms, he lay her on the bed and stroked her hair softly before she turned over and pulled herself tightly into his chest. He pulled her even closer so she felt comforted and he drifted off to sleep.

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