Dance moms: Amber Alert ( a P...

By olaftown

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We all get those amber alerts on our phone right? Well this one was different. Paige Hyland was just an avera... More

Chapter 1: Why me?
Chapter 2: Dealing with it
Chapter 3: Another Alert
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: A New Home?
Chapter 6: Back to the Girls
Chapter 7: In Here You Shall Die
Chapter 8: If I only knew
Chapter 9: Try to Stop me
Chapter 10: Survival
Chapter 11: Paranoid
Chapter 12: Back to Brooke
Nominated for DM awards!
Chapter 13: Fire
Chapter 14: Answers
Chapter 15: Band-aids Don't Fix Bullet Holes
Chapter 17: Josh Hyland and Emma Phillips
Chapter 18: Behind Bars

Chapter 16: Home

1K 41 36
By olaftown

The familiar garden; the white gated perimeter, it overjoyed me. The memories were starting to blur and when I knocked on the door I was never so happy to see my mother. She was on the phone and when she saw my smile she dropped it and grabbed me into the largest hug imaginable. Tears of joy overwhelmed us literally dropping off our faces.

After what it seemed an hour she picked up the phone and called Brooke. I knew everyone wanted to know everything and I wanted to know everything about what happened when I was gone.

"Paige... I thought... I thought I lost you," she sniffles.

"I missed you... so much... more," I bawled. She drive to my mom's house with Jordie and Nolan.

So that whole day was just a cry feast, a good one, but I didn't talk; I couldn't talk, because when I tried to open my mouth I got all choked up remembering it all; remembering especially what my father had said.

"Oh honey, it's far from over," and I truly thought that it wasn't.

The jubilance did come to an end as the  moon set and the sun rose. My mom served me breakfast in bed and Brooke and Jordie slept over. Nolan joined us and gave me another big ol' squeeze, but I knew what they were trying to do; they wanted me to talk.

I knew they wanted the best so they could find the guy or girl and get them where they belong, behind bars, but it was too tragic.

Later that day a detective arrived to our house. He was a very short man with dark brown hair and dark hazel eyes. He had a few wrinkles on his forehead, probably from all the cases he's done, he was probably in his late forties, and he was dressed in a slightly different traditional detective outfit that I expected.

"Hello Hyland family," he spoke with authority once my mother opened the door. "I'm Detective Albert Albrew and I'd like to speak to Paige if that's alright with you.

"Paige," she motioned me to him.

"If it's alright I'd like to talk to her...alone," he said as they backed away. My mom gave me a comforting gesture and left.

"If it's okay with you I'd like to talk about the past month," he talked softly as we sat down at a brown table in the living room.

I nodded my head slowly.

"Good, how did it all start?" He quieter taking out a pen and paper.

"It started in... in..." I started to shake my heart thumping loudly.

"It's okay! It's.. okay," he slowly got softer.

"... in the fall. I was at Maddie Ziegler's house. You know the rich one? Anyway, she was friends with this new girl, Emma, and she said she liked Josh, but he's dead... at least... that's what I thought until I saw him again... but then I thought he was shot... but then he was alive but hurt... and then,"

"Woah woah woah woah! SLOW down," he adjusted his pen and paper and I gave him a disapproving look.

"Okay but you have to stop writing this down it makes me... uncomfortable," I was so quiet that I was barely audible.


"Okay. So Emma told me to run around the streets yelling "I'm awesome" and it didn't turn out so well,"

"Wait so you're telling me that Emma, a person you just met, just told you to run across the streets, and you obeyed?" He gave a perplexed look. To be honest I didn't want to say I played truth or dare, because he would think of me in a... different way. It's not like we did or said anything bad! Well running across the streets was stupid, but it wasn't bad! It wasn't bad!

"Well we played truth or dare. Clean truth or dare," I said the last part a bit too rapidly.

"Okay and then what happened," he scribbled something in his notes afterward.

"There was a man. A guy that I could swear was a police officer, but he took me in his car and drove to this disgusting house. Later on I found out that it was Maddie Ziegler all along! I snuck out after being kidnapped and tried to navigate my way back to my house and then... and then," I had to take a break because I was talking so fast and my heart was pumping blood so hard that I thought it would just burst!

"Take a breath," he said. My mom came into the room with some refreshments but seeing me so stressed she told him to come back another day. He apologized if he caused any troubles and he left our house.
"Good night Paige," my mom kissed my forehead; she never did that before. I smiled lightly. It was the best feeling to be back in my house, in my own bed and with people who don't torture me.
I reached for my phone that I haven't checked since I couldn't risk getting tracked back then. Just as I turn it on I hear a beeping noise,

-Amber Alert
Paige Hyland
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Contact police if seen

This time I didn't wait to tell my mom, I went straight up and handed her the phone, but she was sitting down at the brown coffee table, late at night with her own phone in her hand. She was reading a text, but over and over again, and it was the same one. I gasped because I had thought she had received the amber alert, but her eyes were all red and teary in the worst way, and it wasn't an amber alert text, but one from my father.

-They're trying to take her back-

"Mom? Mom what's going on because quite frankly I'm learning all these things, and DON'T TELL ME IT'S NOT MY BUSINESS BECAUSE I WAS ALMOST KILLED! I was almost... killed," I wasn't angry just confused, and maybe I was just a little aggravated that no one bothered to tell me a thing!

"We were going to wait to tell you when you were little, but... then your father left. I'm sorry Paige you should of known sooner, but..."

"BUT WHAT?" She fell into the ground, like she was choking. It was so sudden I didn't know what was happening.

"Mom? MOM! WHAT'S HAPPENING?" My heart started to drop as she laid on the floor her hands spread out and her face white. Her arms trembling, her pale lips turning to ice, her green eyes dull.

"Honey I'm going to be okay. Just I started getting panic attacks once you were gone... ccccall the hhhhospital," she was stuttering out of control. It sounded almost like she was shivering but in pain and choked up. I reached for the home cell, since I was too afraid to get my own phone with that amber alert on it, and dialed 911.

The ambulance came quickly since we live close by. I saw as my mom was taken on a stretcher and she stuttered out one word as the tears on my face dripped on her cheek,

"I'm sorry Paige but you were given up and we took you back. I never told you," Her eyes closed up.

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"MOM!" I cried.

"She'll be fine she just needs some work done. She's not it critical condition.

Brooke was there holding me back so u wouldn't fling myself onto the moving ambulance car. She was trying to be brave for me, but I could see her tearing up. She comforted me in a big hug.

"I... I can't live like this Brooke. I... I thought I lllost Josh tttwice, I've seen people die and nnnow ttthis. I can't anymore,"

"I know," she started to sob with me, her voice becoming almost as quivered as my own. "You can tell me all about what happened when we get back,"

"Bbbbrrroke, Brooke, I was given up and then taken back," Brooke's comforting face halted. I could see her expression change.

"Did you know?"

"Yes..." But I turned away and started running back home.

"...I'm sorry she told me not to tell you! She said you would,"

"You kept it in for all these years! What else could you be hiding?" I was crying more than before. I could barely talk. The hot streaming tears poured like a waterfall going down to my shirt and making it all soggy.

I went to my room and locked myself up. I crawled up in a ball on my bed. I couldn't take this no more. I wasn't ever getting out of this room.

My phone beeped once more and it was from Emma. I was in total shock, but it read,

Welcome to home to Pittsburgh Paige


Omg I'm so sorry it took my like almost two months to update! I am so in love with this chapter I hope you like it too.

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