My badboy

By xox30xox

448K 8.9K 1.2K

COMPLETED. Find out what happens with this crazy love story!!! Does she fall for the badboy? More

Prologue (EDITED*)
Authors note
Chapter one (EDITED*)
Authors note
Chapter two (EDITED*)
Chapter 3
Authors note
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Authors Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Dallas to Florida
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Florida to Dallas
Authors note
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 9

13.1K 354 63
By xox30xox

Vanessa's POV

Finally today's Friday which means today I have a date with Jack. School flew by quick today. It consisted of a hard Math test and me getting dirty looks from Tyler. I'm assuming that he found out that I was going on a date with Jack. It's his own fault he was too late. But you never know what will happen between Jack and I.

Claire wanted to take me to the mall today to help me pick out an outfit for my date, but I already had an idea of what I wanted to wear in my head. So I
simply declined her tempting offer. Because let's be honest who doesn't like going to the mall.

I was pretty excited about my date today. But also I was nervous because I felt like something was holding me back. Maybe it was my feelings for Tyler or maybe it was that I don't want to ruin the friendship that me and Jack have but we'll see what happens on the date.

It's 6:00 now and Jack said that he was going to pick me up at 8:00. So I have two hours. Jake has been asking me questions all day about Jake. Things like is he nice or he better not hurt you because if he does, there's going to be a problem. I kept telling him to relax and there's nothing for him to worry about.

So for my outfit I went with what I had in my head. I picked out my new romper that I just bought. It's a maroon romper with roses on it. And I added a cute black leather jacket on top.

I lightly recurled my hair. I curled it this morning so I just wanted to touch it up a little. Then all of a sudden I got a text. From Tyler, figures.

Tyler~ you know that your stupid for going on a date with Jack.

Me~ gee thanks... and whys that.

Tyler~ I think that you can answer that question yourself... Your a smart girl.

After reading the last message I didn't feel like responding because I just wanted to think about what he said. I guess I can't get it through my head that I can trust him. That's what's holding me back. But whatever.

Finally I stopped thinking about Tyler and started to do my makeup. Which didn't take long because I do my makeup pretty quick. I stuck with a natural look.

When I looked at the clock it was 7:45. So I figured that I should go wait downstairs. Before I left my room I slipped my tan sandles that went well with my outfit.

I got a knock on my door 5 minutes after I came downstairs. Before I could even open the door Jake came running from the living room and opened it for me. The protective brother is coming out...great. He's always been there to protect me since our dad has never been in the picture.

"Well hello Jack, I see that your taking my sister out on a date, you better be respectful... got it." Jake said with the most serious face on I've ever seen. And I bet my face is super red.

"Of course Jake." Putting his hand out to shake it with.

"Shall with go Vanessa." Said Jack.


We walked over to his car and he opened the door for me. What a gentlemen. Nothing that Tyler can't do.stop...

The car ride was pretty awkward until I broke the silence. "So where are we going." I asked.

"I figured that we can go to the movies and then walk around the mall for a little." Jack replied.

"Sounds good." I replied with a smile.
Skip to the after the movie
(Still Vanessa's POV)

We saw the movie the Secret in their eyes. It was pretty good. And it just came out so the movie theater was crowded.

"So do you wanna walk around the mall." Asked Jack.
"Yeah sure." I replied.

As we started walking around he slowly grabbed my hand and intertwined out fingers. Which I wasn't fully comfortable with, but the effort was cute. Again nothing that Tyler couldn't do... stop.

After another hour we decided that we should go home. When we pulled up to my house the car was pretty silent until I spoke. 

"I had a great time tonight." I said with a smile.

"Yeah me too." Jack replied with a smile.

"But Jack I think that we should just remain friends because I don't want to ruin our friendship." I said shyly.

"It's okay i totally understand, friends it is." Jack said.

" okay bye Jack thank you for tonight." And with that I walked in the house.

To be greeted by Jake and Tyler.
Great just my luck.

"So sis how was the date with Jack." Jake said with a smirk. While Tyler kept quiet, staring at me. But I couldn't look away from Tyler, it's like our eyes with locked together.

"It was good but I decided that we should just stay friends... Thanks for asking." I said with a smile still looking at Tyler.

"Oh it that right, well I figured that would happen since you and Tyler clearly have something going on."  Jake said with a smirk.

Me and Tyler just looked at eachother and blushed not denying it.

"Well night boys I'm going to bed." I said before walking up the stairs.

Tyler's POV

"So why don't you just tell her how you feel about her already." Jake said while smirking at me.

"Because she can't trust me, she even said it herself." I said sadly.

"Well I think you should go talk to her." Jake said.

"Yeah your right." I said nervous.

God what is this girl doing to me, she's making me nervous.

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