The Reaper's Keeper (UNEDITED)

stefymay द्वारा

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I always thought that when you die that would be the end and you would see a bright light and the pearly gate... अधिक

Authors note...
The deads love Poem
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chpater 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 35

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stefymay द्वारा


“I didn’t.” D laughed when he saw Ethan pull out a sharp stick.

“What’s that supposed to do? You know you cannot harm Death.” Ethan said nothing and just threw the sharp stick at D like a javelin. D raised his arms as if inviting it, he looked amused, but when it struck him in the chest, making him tense and then fall to his knees. He seemed shocked and confused.

“The stick came from the tree. How?”

“A friend mentioned where I could find it, if ever I was in need.” Ethan said making D clench his jaw in anger.

“Once I am free of this I will find you and make you suffer as you have never know before.” D said, his eyes swirling.

I walked over to Ethan, still holding Van up and Ethan easily picked her up, and then ran for the back. He pushed me ahead of him directing me where to go.

I looked back at D just before I went through a concealed door and I heard D whisper in my mind, “Soon.”

I quickly turned back and ran as fast as I could into the dark.


Chapter 35

We had been running for awhile, thoughts still swirling around in my head. Thoughts of Vicky, thoughts of Lily, even thoughts of my mom. So many things had happened and I can’t help but feel that it’s my entire fault.

We were running through an alleyway, when we came across a deserted parking lot; it only had a few cars parked in it. Ethan set Van down, she was slowly coming too.

“Stay here and keep your head down.” Ethan said as he left us in the alleyway. I crouched down in front of Van; she had a really nasty head wound which would explain why she kept slipping in and out of consciousness.

“Van, Van can you hear me.” I whispered, when she didn’t say anything but just moan I said, “Everything’s going to be okay. We’re going to be safe.”

I sat down next to her, rubbing her hands in an effort to warm her up, because she looked kind of pale and her hands were freezing. I wasn’t sure if that was from the nights events or the actual night, I was starting to feel the chill too. The night felt as if it was the longest night of my life, the horizon was slowly lightening, a sign that it was almost over and that the sun was rising.

“Where are we?” Van suddenly asked as she rubbed her head and looked around.

“In some town, I wasn’t really paying attention. I just… kept running.”

“How did we get away?”

“Ethan threw D with a javelin like stick.”

“Seriously? And that stopped him?”

“Apparently it was a stick from some special tree or something.”

“What like a maple tree or something?” I looked over at her to see if she was serious but I saw a slight curve of her mouth and I smiled back at her.

“You really think a maple tree is special? What about the tree of Knowledge or the tree of …Life. He freaking got a piece of the tree of life.”

“Are you telling me that your boyfriend managed to get a hold of the tree of freaking Life. As in the one that makes you live forever to defeat Death?”

“I think so.” I said no real other explanation available.


“I know right.” I whispered back.

“Come on lets go.” Ethan shouted from the entrance of the alleyway, which startled us; he was in a car and hanging out of the window, waiting for us to climb in.

We rushed to the car and both of us climbed in the back seat and buckled up, learning that seat belts played a really important role since the last time I was in a car it didn’t end well.

Before we even had the door closed, Ethan was speeding away, running a red light.

“What the heck? Who’s car is this and slow down Ethan you going to get us pulled over.” I said hanging onto the seat belt for dear life.

“I don’t feel so good.” Van said, slurring her words a little, she wasn’t looking so well either, I think she had a concussion, she looked like she was about to throw up. I wasn’t sure if that was due to Ethan’s driving skills or the bump on the head but I’m guessing it was the concussion and Ethan’s driving wasn’t helping one bit.

“I’m sorry but we can’t, they could be right behind us and the cars stolen.” He said glancing back and then up at the sky.

“What you stole a car?” I asked shocked out of my mind and he was driving like a maniac. Did he want us to get caught?

“I had no choice, we couldn’t go anymore on foot and a car would get us out of here faster than what our feet would. I’ll return the car once we’re done with it.”

“Then can you at least slow down? The cops can pull us over and then we would be in more trouble.”

“But D will find us. D’s worse than the cops, so I’ll take my chances.”

“Ethan we had been running for nearly two hours straight. Do you really think that he would catch up so soon, especially after you staked him with a branch from the tree of life?”

“You know about the tree?” He asked turning slightly to look at me.

“It was a wild guess that you just confirmed. So where is it? How did you get a part of it?”

“I don’t know where the tree is. That piece was given to me.”

“Why? By who?”

“Violet why are you so interested in this?”

“Well, its not everyday that you see a piece of the tree of life getting shoved into Death. I was just wondering where it was that’s all.”

“Like I said, I don’t know where it is. It was moved from the great garden when D tried to cut it down.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa… back up a sec. The great garden… are you talking about the garden of Eden, like with Adam and Eve and the snake and what not? And D tried to cut down the TREE OF LIFE? Seriously, where do I start with the questions?”

“It’s a long story, all you need to know is that all the stories you read in the bible are true and the garden does exist, the rest isn’t important.”

“Isn’t important? You had just told me that Hell as well as Heaven and every creepy thing mentioned in the bible exists and you’re telling me it’s not important.”

“Violet I don’t know what to say to you. For most of my life I had been immerged into this, what you knew as stories or tales, but to me was a daily thing that I knew was true. I can’t explain the things I know, without having you experience it and that’s something I’m not willing to risk.”

He said with an unbending look on his face.

I kept quiet, questions floating through my mind, things that had happened over the last few weeks playing like a movie. The things all escalating with no end in sight, what does D want with me? Why is he doing this? How many more people have to suffer until he gets what he wants…which was me? Can I make him stop? Should I hand myself over to him?

All these questions and no answers but the biggest question yet was… why me? What is so special about me?

I glanced over at Van wondering how she was doing seen as she didn’t chirp in yet about the whole conversation about the tree and I noticed that she was quietly crying.

I covered her hand that was resting in her lap with mine and she turned to me, attempting to smile and I tried to smile back but failed miserably.

“How are you feeling? Still sick?” I asked her and she slowly shook her head no. She was quiet for a little while then she said in a quiet voice as she stared down at our hands,

“I don’t remember much of what happened at the church, in the end I mean, but I remember her standing outside the church and I remember her saying she was sorry and that he was making her do it.”

“Van… I’m sorry I…” I trailed feeling my own eyes filling with tears.

“The first day I had met her, I was sitting alone at lunch and she came over and handed me a slice of her bread, Peanut butter and Jelly, without saying a word and stared at me. I thought she was a little soft in the head.” I chuckled because I had thought that too the first time I had met her.

“I asked her if it was poisoned and she laughed saying that I looked sad and peanut better and jelly always cheered her up so she gave me a slice. We ended up chatting about the smurf’s and the rest as they say are history.” She smiled as she remembered Vicky,

“I remember the first time I met her. I was digging a whole in my front yard, helping my dad with his gardening; Vicky just so happened to walk past that day and asked me if I was looking for buried treasure. I said I wasn’t and she said it was a pity because if I was, she would have helped me look; we could buy an island and two parrots like the pirates had. She was going to get a blue one while I would got a red one. I would name mine Mr. Pepper and hers would be Mr. Salt and together they’ll be salt and pepper. The idea of owning a Parrot named Pepper seemed to be a really good idea and so I told her to pick up a shovel and help me look. I had never seen my dad so mad ever. We had dug up the entire front yard when he had finally come out to see why I was taking so long.” We both laughed at our first memory of her.

“I’m going to miss her.” Van had finally said after we reminisced.

“Me too.”

“I’m sorry for your loss. I didn’t know Vicky that well but I knew she was a good person and a good friend.” Ethan said looking back at us through the rear view mirror, I nodded but said nothing.

We saw a fast food drive through and my stomach rumbled, I realized that it had been a while since I last had eaten and all that running had done nothing but made me even hungrier.

“You guys must be hungry. Check the glove compartment for any money.” I nodded and leaned over the passenger seat and searched the glove compartment, giving a whoop of joy when I found a $100 bill.

“Found a $100.”

“Good, we’ll get something to eat and then eat on the way.”

“Where are we going?”

“Another secure location.”

We pulled over and ordered our meals, eating as we drove. Ethan didn’t order anything for himself saying that it wasn’t necessary for him to eat but only did so to make us feel comfortable. Now that he said something I remembered the dinner I had at D’s place and the reapers didn’t really eat, mostly pushed their food around and when they caught me watching them they would take an attentive bite.

When we were done I was feeling sleepy, the night’s adventures catching up and draining me of my energy.

“Why don’t you girls sleep, we’re still far from our next rendezvous point.”

“Okay… what about you? Aren’t you tired?”

“I’m a Reaper remember. I don’t sleep.”

“You don’t?” Ethan looked over at me with a really look.

“Well yeah, death comes at all times. Sleep is for the living and I’m… yeah you get what I’m saying.” He trailed and I just nodded my head.

I didn’t know that he didn’t sleep I just assumed he did, because well everyone does. I always fell asleep before him and when I woke up he was already awake.

“Get some sleep I’ll wake you when we get there.”

I nodded and soon drifted off to sleep…


I was breathing heavily, the trees flying past me; one slapped me right in the face. I vaguely watched the shadows of the moon creating eerie claws… they seemed to be reaching out to me, grabbing, snaring chunks of my clothes, my hair, slowing me down, for them.

I glanced back to see if they were chasing me. They had monsters obeying them, creatures that looked to be made of the shadows that I now had to run through. They didn’t see me at first but they had eventually.

He was talking to a man that kept tossing a fiery dagger up into the air. They were both really good looking. They were in the cemetery where I worked as the nights watch, the grave shift had become harder since the first appearance of ghosts, the cemetery had become desolated, people not even wanting to go near the place, most of the houses nearby had sold up and moved, and those that couldn’t sell just abandoned their places. I took this job a week ago because there wasn’t any other jobs left except to be the grounds keeper to the dead, not the best job but the money was good enough to keep food on the table and a warm roof over my head.

The light of that very dagger was what had drawn me to go and investigate, like a moth to a flame I followed that glow; merrily dancing in the night. When I had seen them, I was wondering, what are a couple of guys doing in the cemetery so late at night, especially since the first appearance of the ghosts? I had thought at first that they were smoking or drinking, maybe even vandalizing the head stones and when I wanted to come out and confront them; unease settled into my bones, racing through my body. Something was very, very wrong and my instincts were telling me to get the hell out, but the curiosity was what kept me there.

I could hear them clearly from where I stood and the feeling of dread kept me rooted to my spot.

“I’m not sure D… I’m all for war and fighting, but you’re talking about the end of days. You do realize that our usefulness after the big wipe out will cease and then what would happen to us?”

“I had thought about that my dear brother, but if I control the army we can rule, never fearing the end. We will reign righteous over humans, angels and demons alike.”

“You sound like a mad man little brother. The years have been hard on you. Do you know what you speak of? Releasing the forgotten army is no easy task, only the end can do that after the seals has been broken will the army rise and destroy demon and man alike and only the One true God can control them. What you say is not only madness but foolish. You need to cease this, forget of your silly plan and do as you are created to do.”

“I know of the prophecy that has been fore told, and the seals has been broken, only that which holds the army remains.”

“How have come to do this? Even if you can break the sacred seals you cannot control the power of the army.”

“I have my ways brother and I have a key to the army. I know of a way to not only release them but control them as well. They will obey me; look I have already control over the fallen ones.” Then these beautiful people stepped out of the nearby shadows and some dropped down next to the one named D.

“You control the Cecidit? Impossible! How have come to do this? How did you free them from the under realm?” Asked the other guy, he immediately stopped the dagger tossing, extinguishing the flames with his hand as he gripped the handle.

“I have my ways brother, Famine has join ranks with me and I have yet to speak with our sister. Are you in brother? Will you join me and rule by my side or will you follow as you have done for eons behind a God that has not shown himself in nearly as many years?”

“I-“ He was cut off when the one called D looked directly towards me and said

“Shh brother… it appears we have an unexpected guest. Isn’t that right John?” He knows my name.

I took a few steps back, the fear building in me as they all turned towards me. I turned and ran, I heard unholy howling, that of no creature that I had ever heard. The flapping of wings over head was no comfort to me at all.

I glanced back to see if I was being followed, the fear and panic making me clumsy in my efforts to get away.

Glancing back again I tripped and when I got up, I saw the one tossing the dagger in front of me. He was smiling cruelly and he pointed to me, I felt my body lift off from the ground, my legs standing on a will of their own. I tried to move but I couldn’t all I could do was watch with fear as these two men stared at me.

“John, John, John… didn’t anyone tell you its rude to ease drop on conversations? Now see where it has gotten you?” D said as he stepped out of the shadows, he looked to have wings that he was tucking away as he walked towards me. How is this even real? What are they?

“We can’t let him live.” Said the one called War.

“Curiosity did kill the cat.” D said with a smirk.

“Good-bye John.” Said the other guy; then I felt my whole body on fire, through my screams I head the other one shouting “No fool, what have you done?”


“WAKE UP! VIOLET WAKE UP.” I felt myself being shaken by the shoulders. I vaguely noticed that I was screaming and kicking in the middle of a wheat field. Above me was Ethan he looked very worried.

I could still feel the flames on my skin. My mind not processing where I was… who I was.

“T-they burnt me.” I said hyperventilating, checking myself for flames lapping at my skin.

“Who burnt you Violet.”

“A guy that could make fire.” I said my voice shaking.

“A guy that could make fire? You’re not making any sense Ducky. What did he look like?”

“He was D’s brother.” I vaguely noticed Ethan’s eyes widen before his grip around my arm slacked.

“Violet!” I turned and saw Van running towards me she looked worried.

“What the hell? You threw yourself out of the car. Thank God there was this soft bail of hay on the side of the road to cushion your fall. Then you took off screaming like a crazy. Shit look at your head it’s bleeding” She said as she sat down next to me, pulling out a tissue from nowhere and dabbing my forehead. I felt a sting when she touched it and sucked in a sharp breath. Then what she said registered,

“I-I threw myself out of the car?” I said slowly, my mind working slower than usual to catch up to the here and now.

“A freaking moving car.” Van said checking my head and my body for more injuries, but all there was, was scrapes and bruises.

“Moving car?” I repeated dumbly, blinking to try and let myself catch up, my brain slowly catching up.

The dreams where somehow progressing, making me sleep walk and talk, making it harder for me to remember where I was, making me think that I am the memory, the ghost.

“Violet, tell me what you saw. What was War doing?” Ethan said looking panicked.

“War?” Both Van and myself said together,

“War, the red rider. He likes to play with knives and fire, famine prefers killing flowers and watching it rot. Now tell me what did you see?” He said as a quick explanation.

So I told them everything, about the man in the cemetery and the talk that the two Horsemen had, about the army. That got Ethan’s attention,

“Wait he said the forgotten army? Did he say what kind of army?”

“No, they kept referring to it as the forgotten army and that only God himself can control them and that they’ll rise after the Apocalypse. Do you know what they were talking about?”

“No. I don’t, but I will find out.” He said with a determined look on his face.

“They sounded pretty powerful.”

“Hey isn’t there something in the bible about an army? At the end in Revelations, the Angel tells John about the army of 200 million breaking out of some river to kill the people of the earth.” Van asked, I just stared at her, my mouth hanging open. She no doubt felt me staring and said,

“What? I go to church, I read the bible.”

“I didn’t say anything.” I said once I composed myself. Turning to Ethan I asked,

“Do you think they were talking about this army?”

His eyebrows drew together in thought and he said, “I hope not…The army of 200 million is demonic horsemen, with breastplates of fire, jacinth and brimstone, that rides monsters that has the heads of lions which breathes fire smoke and brimstone. The tails of the monsters are serpents and the main objective of the army is to destroy mankind. The bible says that God will unleash them in the end of days. They are instructed to wage hellish war and destruction with those on earth and take out 1/3 of the population. They are guarded by four Angels and without the guidance of God they will kill more than that, they are an unstoppable force that must not be toyed with.”

“Shit… just got real. Please tell me this is a joke?” Van asked enunciating every word, disbelief clear in her face.

“Demonic Horsemen? Please tell me you’re just messing with us. This is not happening… this is just too… surreal.” I said as I started biting my bottom lip.

“I’m dead serious.” Ethan said

“Maybe it’s another army? They didn’t say what army.” I said hopefully

“The army of 200 million is the only one that I have ever heard being called the forgotten army, because all they’ve been doing was waiting by the River Euphrates. I’ll say that qualifies as forgotten… at least by man.”

“How do we stop this army?” Van asked

“You can’t… they cannot be destroyed by man.” Ethan said.

 So what are we all doomed, the end of the world is coming early all because of one deranged Horsemen?

“What the- What the hell Ethan? Why is all of this happening? What the hell does this have to do with me? Seriously and freaking demonic army? D is one thing but this?” I said, the pressure finally getting to me.

“I’ll figure something out.”

“And while you do, we have to keep running from a psychotic Horseman that has it in his soft brain that he can control a hellish army. This is just too fucking rich.” I screamed, fear and frustration hitting the boiling point.

“Violet I’m trying-“

“I had lost so many people I care about in this stupid spat or whatever you want to call it and I don’t think I can take anymore surprises Ethan.” I said, sounding hopeless even to my own ears.

“I’ll figure something out Violet. I’ll keep you safe.” Ethan said reaching out and holding me in his warm embrace. I knew he would, he went to hell for me for crying out loud, I knew he’ll do anything to keep me out of harms way. Does he even realize that he’s one of the people that would fall under the category of people I care about?

“I know you will, but who’s going to keep you safe?” I asked, but he said nothing except held me tighter and pulled me towards the car.

“Come on we need to keep going. It’s going to be night time soon.”

Van and I followed from behind; she nudged my shoulder with hers and walked a little faster. Her way of saying cheer up, we’ll get there…I know what you must be feeling. But at what cost?

We got back into the car and this time we never stopped only for a quick rest stop and supplies for Van and me, mostly food.

We drove for another day, Ethan stopping in the middle of the night steal another car and to fill up after stealing cash for gas about two stops back at the Quickie mart.

The sun was rising on a new day, with no sigh of D or that his creepy goons, when he had finally pulled up to this abandoned warehouse. Ethan drove around the warehouse three times, before pulling the car all the way into the warehouse. It looked dusty like it hadn’t been used in years; most of the windows were broken and caked with dust and dirt that it blocked most of the rising suns rays. 

“Where are we?” Van asked as we got out the car and stretched. It felt good to finally stretch out our legs.

“Our other hideout, you don’t live as long as we do without acquiring property.” Ethan said, as he made his was to the back. We silently followed looking around at his so called hideout, with was a warehouse at the docks. Classic right?

He bent down and pressed something and then there was a suction like sound when a door on the floor opened. It was very modern with hydraulics at the hinges of the door, so that there was no accidentally leaving the door open.

We walked through the well-lit stair well, surprised by how bright it was in there, there was no light seeping under or around the door, nothing to give away its position. As I walked I noticed symbols painted on the white walls and door, similar to the ones Ethan had done at the church.

As we descended lower into the building I heard voices talking, and as we neared I started to recognize some of them. I started to walk fast and when I heard the voice I had been dying to hear for so long I pushed Ethan out of the way and broke through the opening.

“LILY.” I shouted when I spotted her tiny frame sitting at a table munching on ice-cream. She looked up immediately as soon as she heard my voice and her face lit up.

“VIOLET.” She shouted back and jumped out of the chair and ran towards me, and I ran towards her. When we were near enough she jumped into my arms and I swung her up into the air, her little giggles echo throughout the space.

“Lily I missed you.”

“I missed you too Vi. Where were you?”

“I was hiding.”

“From those shadow monsters? I saw them Violet, they were big and scary. They made scary noises, and their eyes glowed. They were in the house and Connor and Jonathan came in and beat them up.” By that time I had put her down and she was in the process of re-enacting the whole scene out. Doing karate kicks and punching the air with the occasional hey-ya and take that.

“Violet? It’s really you.” I glanced up just in time to see my aunt flying towards me and swooping me up into a tight hug. “I didn’t know what to think. These, these things just came out of nowhere. I didn’t know where you were what was going on and no-one here is talking.” Aunt Carry said, pulling back and looking me over for injuries and then grabbing my face in her hands, her eyes landing on every scratch and bruise, she said, “I promised your mother I would look out for you girls and it hasn’t even been a month and…” She trailed as tears filled her eyes.

“It’s not your fault aunt Carry. There are things going on that even I don’t even fully understand.”

“As long as you’re safe.” She said and kissed my forehead, making me wince. “Sorry, but you’ll tell me what you can?” She asked and I wasn’t sure what to say, things weren’t clear for me either. Why was D after me? Why was I sleep-walking? What does he want other than getting control of a demonic army?

I nodded and looked around then, noticing that the place looked like a CIA headquarters. There were hi-tech computers with sophisticated security systems that showed the surrounding of the building not to mention the entrance and exits for two blocks.

There was an area that had been separated off, most likely the sleeping quarters as well as the bathroom. I noticed the others around, Connor, Jonathan as well as Marcus and Tatiana where all here. This must be the place to go if the shit hits the fan or maybe Ethan told them to meet him here.

“Where’s Brandon?” Tatiana asked peering at the door where we had emerged from,

“And Vicky?” Connor asked.

Van and I looked at each other and then at Ethan, he looked a little uncomfortable and took a huge breath.

“On our way here we ran into a bit of… trouble.”

“What kind of trouble?” Connor asked stepping closer to Ethan.

“We were attacked while crossing the bridge to get to North View. D cut the rope to the bridge, Vicky and Brandon fell into the river.” They were quiet for a while before Connor whispered,

“Could she have survived?” Ethan shook his head and said, “We saw her… ghost. D has her now.” Ethan said,

“Damn it Ethan.” Connor shouted and punched a metal table in half right before he grabbed Ethan by the neck. Ethan didn’t blink or even make a move to defend himself.

“She wasn’t supposed to die Ethan, the plan was to keep her safe, not just yer fooking Violet. Ye left her with D of all the fooking people. You fooking left her.”

“I had no choice Connor, I would have saved her if I could, and I would have dived in after her.” Ethan said without flinching, looking Connor straight in the eyes. I knew what that meant, Ethan was petrified of water and he couldn’t climb into a bathtub half full, let alone jump into a raging river at the height we were at. After what he went through during his death, this was a huge thing; he would have had to swallow his own fear to leap in after her and save her and Connor knew that because he released him, taking a few steps away from Ethan.

“Connor I’m-“ But Ethan didn’t get to finish, Connor cut him off with a raise of his hand and then disappeared in that reaper way that they have.

I heard my Aunt gasp, grabbing Lily and myself closer to her as if to protect us.

“What about Brandon?” Tatiana asked

Ethan shook his head and said, “I hadn’t seen him since he went over with Vicky.” I noticed her swallow and clench her hands into fists. She looked so lost and alone.

“Tatiana I-“ She turned to me so fast it was a blur,

“Don’t talk to me. This is all your fault, if you had just listened to me and stayed at home instead of going to the cemetery then none of this would have happened. Brandon would have been here with me, and your friend would have been alive.”

“Tatiana! Enough” Ethan shouted take an aggressive step towards her.

“No Ethan she needs to hear this. D is after you, why don’t you just save what’s left of your family and friends and hand yourself over to him.”

“Tatiana! Stop this, you’re angry and taking it out on Violet.” Ethan shouted

“You know as well as I do that all this is happening because of her. She can do us all a favor and just hand herself over or better yet go and kill herself. She’s supposed to be dead anyway.”  I heard my aunt gasp again this time out of rage,

“You take that back. No-one says that about my niece.”

“I will not, it is the truth. She died and she was supposed to stay that way and all this crap is her fault, she’s not supposed to be alive and that’s just the truth lady. It’s why all of this is happening in the first place.”

“Tatiana I said enough.” Ethan yelled, the shadows around him growing and swirling around him like a dark mist. She took a few steps back, away from Ethan, looking terrified and quickly composed herself and said,

“I’m done anyway.”, and then she disappeared as well into thin air, just as Connor did.

“Can you believe the nerve of that girl telling you to go kill yourself? Where does she get off saying something like that?” My aunt yelled, pacing back and forth from her anger. What kind of a person says something like that?

“She’s… right?” I said, in a small voice,

“What?” My Aunt asked stopping her pacing to look at me.

“I said, she’s right.” I said in a louder voice.

“Violet, no she’s not. She was-“

“She was telling the truth. I died five months ago when I was shot in that Quickie mart, Ethan and Connor brought me back. D is doing all of this to get me… maybe…” I swallowed hard, “Maybe I should just kill myself.”

“No you can’t … I won’t allow it.” Ethan said,

“I have to; it’s the only way to stop him. It’s that or hand myself over to him and I am not going to do that, I might as well damn the whole world.”

“Wise chose, and that’s exactly why Death seeks you out.” I turned toward the strained voice and saw a tanned man standing at the entrance, he was in bad shape; he looked like he was nearly beaten to death.

“Tommy?” Ethan whispered right before this Tommy guy collapsed.

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