His Hidden Wife (A Justin Bie...

By juliethirteen

3.8M 107K 50.1K

How do you make someone fall in love with you when he's in love with somebody else? You don't. You can't. You... More

BLURB + Prologue
Chapter One (Andrea)
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty (.5)
Chapter Twenty One (Justin)
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six (Jacques)
Chapter Twenty Seven (Justin)
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty (.5)
Chapter Thirty One (Selena)
Chapter Thirty Two (Andrea)
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Eight (.5)
Chapter Thirty Nine (Justin)
Chapter Forty (Selena)
Chapter Forty One (Justin)
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three (Andrea)
Chapter Forty Four (Justin)
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six (Andrea)
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Ending Chapter (Part 1)
Ending Chapter (Part 2)
Epilogue (Justin)
A Short Chap: That time when Justin told Elise

Chapter Two

128K 2.7K 569
By juliethirteen

2 - The Other Person

'Have you ever loved someone so much that you settled for being friends just to keep them in your life? - Anon

When is the right time to marry someone? Is it when both of you have stable jobs, knowing you can finally build a family and provide for your future endeavors as husband and wife? Is it when you love each other too much that you can't live without seeing them? Is it having someone to go home to - and - with at the end of a cruel, tiresome day?


I skipped everything.

"Give me my phone Scarlet!" He shouted, bringing me out of my deep thoughts.

"Tell Veronica ,'No' first!" She shouted back.

"WHY?!" He burst.

"BECAUSE!" She burst.

"Because what?!"

"I'll text you later Ronaldo." I stated, squinting my eyes as I saw two teenagers, making a scene while sharing the same brain of a five year old.

"Good luck with those two Miss Andi."

Smiling at Ronaldo's familiarity with my friends, I nodded and closed the car door gently. I then faced the kids who are now standing at least a meter away from one another while folding their arms across their chests.

"So..." I began.

"SHE STARTED IT!" "HE STARTED IT!" Both of them synchronized that I sigh. It's like they're competing on who is the worst kid possible.

"Scar, give Stephen his phone." I said. Her ocean – like eyes widened, caught off guard that I was actually siding with Stephen. She shifted her gaze towards the jet black haired guy who was now grinning like he just won the lottery. Rolling my eyes at Stephen's idiocity, I continued. "Until, he decided to tell Veronica to back off."

"WHAT?!" Stephen boomed, looking this time, as the one who's taken aback. Scarlet's eyes now swimming with joy and victory.

Kids I tell ya.

"Ha!" She shrieked as she flipped her blonde locks.

I wasn't picking any sides, it's just that I've witnessed Veronica's true colors in front seat. I wouldn't say that so simply though if I hadn't seen her with different guys all the time and no, they weren't just talking.


"No." I said as I made my way inside the building's perimeter. Their steps following me closely behind until they finally reached both of my sides.

"But Andi..." He whined.


"I like her!" He reasoned, as if it was more than enough to justify all his actions.

From my peripheral vision, I saw Scarlet's shoulders slumped. It's not exactly a fun ride to be close with someone you like. It's painful. Because there's always the distance... the line, one that separates her and him --- the friendship.

And it's not something you could easily cross —- for things will always be so easy to break yet too difficult to fix.

That's what happened between them.

Scarlet traverse the borderline and it broke her. And I do understand Stephen, no matter how hypocrite I sound like, its not something you can force. It's what I'm still coping... trying to learn but never really understand how it works.

My stubbornness amazes me sometimes.

Gazing at his side, I saw how his eyes pleaded for understanding. "You like her front and back." I bluntly pointed out.

"Fine. Yes." And he didn't even deny it. Not that it's bad or anything, but I don't see love as something as superficial as that. "But you know what I mean. I liked her ever since we were kids." Right, I forgot. Veronica was and still is Stephen's first love. "Alright, I basically don't like her Andi. I'm in love with her."

Scarlet's head hung low, the floor suddenly became the most interesting piece of art in existence. I sighed.

"Stephen, I'm sorry to say this but she's not exactly the most primitive person that I know. She's the exact opposite. And I don't know if you actually see this, but she's not staying with a guy for a month, much more a week." I stated as we stood in front of our lockers. Stephen on my right side whilst Scarlet on my left one.

"She's not a slut Andi." His voice filled with anger. "She's just heartbroken from your husband." He hissed; I can hear the bitterness in it.

Ah. Arguments from the past always ruins the now.

Clenching my jaw at the statement and the memory --- Veronica being one of those girls who took Justin's attention away and Stephen who betrayed me for the first time; I didn't talk to him for a year and it almost cost our friendship away.

I took my Physics' book out before I slammed my locker shut and stared at him. When our eyes collided, his frustration slowly wilted away as it was replaced with apology and guilt. "Andi I'm s---"

"I'd appreciate if you'd lower your voice down Stephen." I was trying to control my temper and he knew that. "I don't need recaps from the past." I spat as he pursed his lips.

Giving him one last glance, I turned my back and saw Scarlet looking at me with concern. I shook my head. "I'll see you guys later."

"Andi." I heard both of them whispered softly --- telling me that Stephen did not mean it. And I know that. But still, I pretended I never heard them as I continued to walk my way through the busy hallway, maybe then the buzzing noise can cloud a bad memory that almost drove me to the edge of a cliff.


Slumping on my seat, I buried my face into my folded arms from the top of my chair. I sighed heavily, committing to memory the misunderstanding that just surpassed a few minutes ago. I knew Stephen was sincere on his apology but I was too mad to begin with —Justin infuriated me this morning!

I mean, could this day get any worse?

Veronica never really was a competition, she was just one of those flings Justin had — no matter how low that sounds like. But even then, I had to step in. I was already his wife.

Those hard times were crucial, losing Justin is one thing but Stephen failing our friendship scarred me. He helped bridging a connection between Veronica and Justin. Him, who knew how and why and when and where did my affection for Justin started.

Everything went into spiral because my boy best friend self-imposed to voluntarily suffer on his own — helping the one he loves to be with the one she lusts over. I mean if he really wanted to inflict pain on himself, he could have asked me or Scarlet to do it for him. My feet was aching to kick him the moment he introduced Veronica to Justin.

Sighing, I closed my eyes as I steadied my heartbeat.

I knew Justin didn't love those girls; he was just using them as a rebellion against me.

Through the years, I watched him with countless females — all done behind our parents' backs. Never did once I told the adults about it, I handled everything on my own. I knew Justin would surfeit anyway... he wasn't going to do any serious relationship when everything looked too complicated. And his music was his life... there was no room for unnecessary troubles... until Selena came.

The relationship — with consents from our parents, especially myself — was a public stunt at first. It was only to increase the popularity of their names; to cause gossip around Hollywood. It was only a business venture... like acting. Only the reel turned real.

Our parents, naive as they are, think it was all by play but I knew better. Being with Justin almost half of my life, something about him glowed when she came. His ambiance was suddenly happy, even though I haven't seen him laugh nor smile but whenever I see him sending messages or overhearing their exchanged calls, he looked contented and also agitated to get rid off me.

He's a bastard, really. But then again, no matter how much of a bastard he is, I really am still in love with that bastard.

Stupid, annoying, weak heart.

"Good morning class."

My thoughts cut off short when I heard our teacher entered with a greeting. Sitting down properly, I saw a brown – haired guy with Mr. Allan Baterbonia, our Physics' mentor, as they both stopped at the center aisle. The guy's light brown eyes wandered off, seeming as if he was looking for someone.

He was tall, well too tall for me that is. I think he reached more than 5 inches of my 5'4 height. He had a lean body, not too muscular nor lanky... never lanky, especially when his biceps flexed a bit with his movement as he roamed around the room. His warm eyes continued to search around until he stopped; he was staring towards the direction of the girl who was seated at the back of the room, just near the window.

And what do you know?

I was that girl.

As soon as our sight collided, he grinned as if he knew who I was. My eyes twisted into slits, returning his gaze. He seems rather familiar.

"This is Mr. Jacques Adam Wagner, your new classmate." My eyes widened in shock at the last name. Wagner was Erin's maiden name, Justin's step – mom and Jeremy's current wife.

It's just coincidence though right?

I mean, even though he looked like he came straight right through the Wagner's line he still couldn't be related to them, right? He's not the one who used to torture me to death just because he likes me, riiiigghhhht?

He smirked when he saw my reaction.

Huh so it is you, you son of a bit—-

"Mr. Wagner you can sit beside..." Not here. Not here. Not here.  "Ms. Price." Cliche. What a cliche thing that's ever happened to me.

I was having a mental panic attack when he was strutting his way towards me, well towards his chair. I stared blankly ahead, ignoring his whole existence.

Ignore him. Ignore him. Ignore him.

From my peripheral vision, I saw him shuffling on his seat 'till he was faced unto my side.

I waited for him to move.

But he wouldn't budge.

"Staring is rude."

He chuckled.

"It's good to see you again Ms. Price."  He whispered. I posed I didn't hear him as I watched Mr. Baterbonia started teaching the class. "Or do you prefer Mrs. Bieber?"

Catching now my whole attention I looked at him, wanting to keep his mouth shut but then I stopped.

He wasn't staring at me, not directly atleast. Instead, he was gazing at my neck where my wedding ring slipped. I never wore it on my finger. I didn't want rumours spreading around.

Mine's and Justin's wedding ring is placed in a plain white golden chain — making it our very own personal necklace.

I always wore mine, hidden inside my clothes wherever I go. I don't know if Justin is wearing his though. After all Selena doesn't know about our marriage, in fact she doesn't know that I exist.

"Shut up." I hissed at him as I placed my necklace back inside my shirt. Good thing everyone was listening at Mr. Baterbonia that they didn't notice our little banter, though I could see some who were trying to peer some gossip — wondering why the new guy and I are talking to each other.

He smirked, "Even though you married him. I still have your first kiss."

The audacity!

Glaring at him, I almost want to punch him right on his face. I cursed the day I met him! He stole what was supposed to be only and exclusively for Justin! 

"And you know what they say," he continued, "... you believe in this too right — that whomever had your first kiss will be the one you're going to spend forever with."

Urgh. Yeah, I always believed in that one. Curse me for reading books who give me ideas that fairytales can actually come true!

"I don't believe in that cra---" He cut me off.

"Nine months to go and finally you're free." He sighed contently as he leaned on his chair, looking at me with a lopsided grin.

"Dam---" He cut me off. AGAIN.

"I'm not going to give up Princess. It's time for me to steal you away from my dearest step-cousin. I just hope he won't regret giving away something worth having. It's no fun if your rival isn't fighting back." He smiled playfully. I just looked at him, confused and annoyed at the same time.

What steal?

Its not as if I'm not married that he could just whisk me away. And it's not as if I like him! Bold of this guy to assume these things.

And Justin regretting?

Ha. Hmp. He'd regret the day if he didn't give me the chance to sign the papers that is!

Well this day just keeps on getting better and better.


End notes: Did not edit much here. Tho I admit it's so cliche how Jacques appeared into the picture. I mean what better way than to introduce him the day our girl is having a heart crisis.

Also, I just want to leave something my past self plotted. It's nice to see some parts of it.

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