Truth or Dare? (Teen Pregnanc...

By CrossingYou

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Truth or Dare? (Teen Pregnancy)
Truth or Dare - Chapter Two
Truth or Dare? - Chapter Three
Truth or Dare? - Chapter Four

Truth or Dare - Chapter One

7.5K 176 9
By CrossingYou

Truth or Dare - Chapter One

The lights flickered off for a second causing my eyes to refocus on the people surrounding the table.

"Well that was a tad peculiar." I noted.

"Well anyway, truth or dare Addison?" I though over the pro's and con's of each choice if I choose truth they could ask me anything they wanted and I would have to answer truthfully, but if I did choose truth I wouldn't have to do some stupid dare. Tonight I was feeling a little frisky and decided to surprise them.

I'm sure everyone was expecting me to choose truth and I was feeling a little rebellious so I answered what they would least expected, "Dare."

I was know almost ever time we played this game to say truth so this came as a shock to my peers surrounding me.

Brandon stared at me curiously thinking of some ridiculous task for me to do I'm sure.

"I dare you to have sex with.." He eyed everyone in the room and my heart sunk when he stared at Caleb. "Caleb."

Everyone here knew I was a virgin, I was the only 'pure' one left in our group.

"Can I change to truth?!" Brandon stared at me for a second and sighed.

"Go on get on with it you chose dare now live with the consequences." I gulped and turned to a smirking Caleb.

Standing up on shaky legs I nodded to Caleb before turning and heading up the wooden spiral stair case to the guest bedroom.

So this was how I would lose my virginity? To one of my best friends in a truth or dare game, how classy of me, but if I didn't follow through with it my friends would shun me.

Heading into the room I noted Caleb was right behind me locking the door.

The next hour was filled with nothing but shame and guilt on my part, and all I could think about while Caleb was having sex with me was why I didn't just say truth.

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