Roommates (A Maximum Ride Fan...

By itchyforirwin

155K 4.3K 3.7K

Lissa and Max despise each other. They can barely stand in the same room as the other. Unfortunately, they ar... More



4.8K 132 66
By itchyforirwin

Disclaimer: I own only the plot.


The Flock was spread throughout my room like a maze of bodies. Fang slept in the bed with me. The moon shined bright through the teal curtains and cast shadows on my walls. The digital clock on my nightstand glared at me in the darkness. My eyes stayed open. I couldn't sleep; a sinking feeling like a rock in my stomach. The steady even breathing of my friends filled the noiseless air. Fang's breath blew onto my ear and his arm was around my waist from behind. I lay on my side, facing the window. Maneuvering so that I didn't wake anyone I got up from my bed and found my way through the maze to my door.

My bare feet made little slapping sounds on the tile of the kitchen. I walked to the cupboard to grab a glass before heading to the sink and filling it with water. The cool liquid slid down my throat and settled around the rock in my stomach. I couldn't tell what was bothering me. The last time I had this feeling, Fang was in trouble. I hated it. Knowing something was wrong yet not knowing what it was. It was like I was Helen Keller and the world was a silent, black place. I padded my way back to the room and crawled under the covers with Fang again, trying not to wake him. He stirred in his sleep and his arm that I had placed back over my waist, tightened.

"You okay?" He asked in a sleepy voice.

"Fine, go back to sleep." I told him and turned to snuggle deeper into his chest. He hesitated but soon his arm loosened and his breathing evened out again.

The morning sun peeked past the buildings of the outside world and scowled at me through my window. It burned the back of my eyelids and made me see red. My eyes fluttered open to see that the Flock was also slowly rising from their sleepy dazes. I glanced up to see Fang's eyes open and alert. He seemed to have already been awake for hours. His gaze locked with mine and his face visibly softened. I smiled up at him before sitting up on the bed. I rubbed my eyes and threw my legs over the side. Everyone was awake now.

"Good morning, everyone," Iggy said cheerfully from his place on the ground. He was answered with a bunch of tired grumbles and mutters.

"Can you cook breakfast, Iggy?" I asked.

"Of course," He said and got up to walk to the kitchen.

Nudge stretched and yawned before getting up and walking out the door to join Iggy. Ella was next followed by Angel, then Gazzy. I got up from my seated position on the bed and walked over to my dresser. I grabbed a black T-shirt I had stolen from Fang and some jeans along with a fresh pair of panties and a bra. One quick shower later I was walking out of my bathroom to see Fang still in my room. He was laid down on my bed with his hands behind his head and his feet stretched so far that they hung off of the edge.

"Why aren't you with everyone else?" I asked as I put my dirty clothes in my hamper. His eyes opened and flicked to me when I spoke. His shoulders lifted and fell in a shrug as answer. I sat next to him on my bed. My hand found his hair and I combed my fingers through. The silky feeling of the strands between my fingers made me feel safe and warm inside. His eyes closed in pleasure at the feeling and his hand came up to grasp mine. I smiled at the gesture before getting up to walk to my door. Strong arms came to wrap around my waist before I could grab the handle and they pulled me back towards them. I laughed at Fang before trying to grab the handle again. He tugged me away and his lips gently kissed my neck. I tried for the handle again but was turned around by Fang and his lips were on mine. I smiled under his kiss and pulled on his hair. I broke the kiss and he frowned down at me. He went for another but I ducked before he could reach me and held my finger to his mouth.

"Not right now." I said and you could hear the laugh underneath the words. Before he could protest I was out the door.

Nudge sat on the couch with Ella on one side and Gazzy on the other. Angel sat on the ground in front of them. They were watching TV. Iggy banged around in the kitchen. I sat on the loveseat and tried to get the knot in my stomach to go away. Fang came from down the hallway a few minutes later and even with his hair wet and limp he was gorgeous. He had obviously just taken a shower. I looked away and he came to sit next to me on the loveseat. I leaned on him and his arm came around my shoulders. I closed my eyes to bask in the feeling of this moment; the secure feeling that I had people who I loved and they loved me and nothing was wrong.

"Breakfast!" Iggy sang.

Everyone gathered in the kitchen and filled their plates with bacon, sausage, and pancakes. At the table we chowed down on the delicious food and nobody said much. It was peaceful. After we had all filled our stomachs, we settled down in the living room.

"So, what's going on with everyone today?" I asked in the silence.

"I'm heading to interview for a job at Macy's." Nudge said.

"Nothing," Angel said along with Iggy and Gazzy.

"I'm going shopping for your birthday present." Ella said and I shook my head vigorously at her.

"It's your birthday soon and you didn't even tell your own boyfriend?" Fang accused me with mock hurt.

"I didn't want you to know." I muttered, "I don't really celebrate it." I admitted.

"Well, we are this year." He said confidently.

"Please, don't," I asked him and gave him a pleading look.

"Oh, please, Max? It would be so much fun to celebrate your birthday! We've never really had a party for you and we could invite all of our friends! They could meet Fang. You'll get presents and we could have a cake and everything! Please, please, please, Max? Pleeeaaassseeee?" Nudge whined and gave me bambi eyes. I grudgingly nodded my head and they all erupted in cheers as I glared at Fang. He smirked at me.

"Bye!" I said and waved at everyone. I closed the door behind me and went to my room to change into my work clothes. I had asked mom if I could take a few days off and she had said okay but it was time to get back to work. She didn't know about Fang yet and I didn't plan to tell her until the time was right. I walked out from the bedroom and into the kitchen to grab a water bottle. I jumped when I turned and Fang stood leaning into the doorway.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Work," I said simply and pushed past him to get my keys. He grabbed my hand to stop me and I turned to face him.

"At least let me drive you,"

"Okay," I said after careful thought.

The drive to my mom's office was quiet but not awkward. Fang focused on the road and followed my directions from the passenger seat. We pulled up to the curve and I turned to give him a kiss.

"What time should I pick you up?" He asked when I got out of my door.

"Seven," I answered.

"Okay, I love you." Fang said.

"I love you, too." I said before closing my door.

My mom stood in the lobby when I entered. She smirked at me as I put my water down on the desk and I gave her a questioning glance.

"I saw that," She said and my eyebrow rose as if to say "Saw, what?"

"I saw you kiss that boy outside in the car." She elaborated and my eyes widened.

"Uh…" I struggled to find words.

"Max, why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend? He was quite handsome, if you ask me. I would want to boast if I were you." She said matter-of-factly.

"Mom! Gross!" I said and wrinkled my nose.

"Just saying," She said with her hands in the air. "Why don't you and him come for dinner at Jeb and I's house tomorrow?"

"I don't know…."

"Oh, come on, Max. Include your mom. Things seem pretty serious between you two."

"Oh, fine. I don't know how I'm going to explain this to Fang."

"Fang? Is that his name? That's quite unusual, but I'm not one to talk. I mean I named you Maximum for crying out loud."

"No, his name is Nick, he goes by Fang, though."

"I see. Well, this Nick better not break my little girl's heart."

"Trust me, he'd rather die." I said and sat in my chair.

"I'm leaving, mom!" I called back to her office.

"Wait! Max! Have Fang come inside so I can meet him." She emerged from her office with a smile on her face.

"Fine," I finally answered and went out to Fang's car which was idling by the curb. I knocked on the window and he rolled it down with an eyebrow raised.

"My mom wants to meet you. Just park and come inside real quick." He nodded and drove away to park the car. I walked into the lobby and waited with my mom. Fang walked in a few minutes later wearing his usual all black attire.

"Hello, Mrs. Martinez. It's nice to meet you." Fang said and I swear my mouth almost dropped open. "You have raised a beautiful and caring daughter. My name is Nick."

"Why, hello to you too, Nick. Or do you prefer Fang? It's actually Mrs. Batchelder by the way." My mother took his outstretched hand and smiled at him. I stood and watched the charade almost too scared to say anything.

"Fang, thank you for asking, and my apologies." Fang smiled at my mother.

"Max didn't tell me what a gentleman you were." My mom said giving me a look.

"She didn't?" Fang glanced at me and I swear that he gave me a small smirk before my mom noticed.

"Well, I'm kind of in shock myself." I said and Fang glared at me. I snickered and took his hand. "Kidding,"

"As I told Max earlier, it would be a pleasure to have you two for dinner tomorrow. How does that sound?"

"Well, actually, I was planning on taking Max on a date tomorrow. Would it be okay if we joined you after?" Fang asked and I looked at him questioningly.

"That would be just fine," My mom smiled at me, which was her way of saying that she liked him. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Fang."

"The pleasure is mine." Fang said while wrapping his arm around my waist and walking us to the door but not before giving one last winning smile to my mom.

"What was that?" I asked Fang a few minutes later, in the car.

"What?" He questioned without taking his eyes off of the road.

"You know what! That!" I gestured behind us to symbolize what he just did with my mom.

"Most of my past girlfriends' parents didn't seem to like me that much and seeing that you and your mom have a close relationship, I didn't want to take the chance of losing you. I usually act somewhat of that sort around parents but I added a little more to my 'parent act' so that she would without a doubt like me." He said and I blinked.

"She would have liked you without the 'parent act', just like I do." I assured him.

"Thanks," A small smile escaped him, "but I doubt that. I'm not exactly the type of person a mom wants their daughter to date. Silent and dark."

"My mom isn't like that."

"Whatever, you say."

"I love you, Fang. There's no way I would leave you just because my mom doesn't think highly of you." I told him.

"You don't know that." He glanced at me and his attention went back to the road.

"Yes, I do." I said and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

I changed into a black tank top and sweats when we got home. The tank top showed parts of my lime green bra but it was only Fang, so I didn't bother finding a T-shirt to cover them up. I walked out of the bedroom and plopped onto the couch next to Fang. I leaned into his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around me.

"Did you say something about taking me on a date tomorrow?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I still haven't taken you out on a first date and I thought I should." He answered.

"That's sweet," I told him and pecked him on the lips. "I can go into work early tomorrow."

"What time? I can drive you again." He offered.

"I'd like that." I said and smiled. "Be ready by seven thirty in the morning."

"Okay," He answered and kissed my temple.

"I'm gonna have to get up early tomorrow so I better be going to bed." I got up and started to walk to my bedroom.

"I'll come with you," Fang said and got off the couch.

"You don't have to; I can go to sleep on my own." I really actually was hoping he would come with me but I wanted to make sure he knew he didn't have to.

"Nah, I want to."

We curled up in bed and I smiled when Fang put his arms around me like it was a natural movement. I buried my face in his neck and that sinking rock in my stomach lifted the slightest bit.

A/N I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. I was listening to music while writing it and I was babysitting so if it sucks, I'm sorry.

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